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The grumpy thread


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“Thank you for your application and your interest in our firm.  Unfortunately we feel you don’t have enough relevant experience for the role and will not be inviting you for interview”

For a role I have been successfully fulfilling for the last two decades.  I wish they would just say “We promised it to Colin in the admin team but have to be seen to be scanning the market first so it doesn’t look like favouritism”

One place even called me up first thing Saturday morning to tell me they didn’t want a Brit.  I might alter my name to Parkinnen so they think I am a Finn, or Van Der Park so they think I am Dutch.  See if that has any effect.

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5 minutes ago, brownnova said:

Sorry I teach RE... I don’t know shit... 

In our immediate family, we have me ( chemistry graduate), my dad who taught biology for forty years, my sister a PhD from imperial, and my brother in law with a DPhil  from oxford, plus my mum with fifty years in the nhs radiology depts. none of us have heard of this. It’s not in my old “ first aid in English” book I’ve had for forty years.

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42 minutes ago, Parky said:

For a role I have been successfully fulfilling for the last two decades.  I wish they would just say “We promised it to Colin in the admin team but have to be seen to be scanning the market first so it doesn’t look like favouritism”

Been on the receiving end of this in the past, boiled my piss and then got pulled in a few weeks later "We've noticed you've got an attitude, and are all negative" ... NO SHIT.

Anyway -keep your head down and something will turn up.

What field of expertise do you currently work in / looking for ?

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7 hours ago, Minimad5 said:

Been on the receiving end of this in the past, boiled my piss and then got pulled in a few weeks later "We've noticed you've got an attitude, and are all negative" ... NO SHIT.

Anyway -keep your head down and something will turn up.

What field of expertise do you currently work in / looking for ?

Financial Adviser.  Was largely a sales guy cum consultant but don’t want that sales pressure any longer.  Have UK qualifications and am self funding my NZ ones at considerable personal expense.  Don’t need a mega salary, just want a job in a bank or finance company office advising clients re options.  

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54 minutes ago, Parky said:

Financial Adviser.  Was largely a sales guy cum consultant but don’t want that sales pressure any longer.  Have UK qualifications and am self funding my NZ ones at considerable personal expense.  Don’t need a mega salary, just want a job in a bank or finance company office advising clients re options.  

Stupid question alert; is it possible/viable to self-employ at this?

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13 hours ago, dave j said:

I hate those clips! I haven't got the right tool for them so  have struggled a few times. A few times my  neighbour who is an RAC man has come over and done it in 2 seconds! 

In the late 90s I worked for Garrett as a assembly engineer.  I think our standard time for fitting a hose to a waste gate including 2 of those clips was about 15 seconds.  I was too honest and in those days didn't forget I had tools in my pocket. 

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Political ranting on threads that were intended as simple fun.  Thanks.


Garythesnail, I'm sorry, I didn't see the last thing you typed in "Uninventing" as the notification appeared the moment I deleted the thread.  If it was in the original spirit of the thread, please feel free to PM me with it.  If you want to.

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35 minutes ago, eddyramrod said:

Political ranting on threads that were intended as simple fun.  Thanks.


Garythesnail, I'm sorry, I didn't see the last thing you typed in "Uninventing" as the notification appeared the moment I deleted the thread.  If it was in the original spirit of the thread, please feel free to PM me with it.  If you want to.

Ah. That explains where that's gone. Shame the usual idiots can't keep politics out of it...bearing in mind it's 'them' that got what 'they' wanted.  Double standards much.


Supermarket fuel stations. Remove them all. ,Back to real 'filling/service' stations..😁

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46 minutes ago, eddyramrod said:

feel free to PM me with it

Thanks for the offer, sorry if I've played a part in your decision to delete the thread.

Tried to PM but "cannot receive messages".

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22 hours ago, Garythesnail said:

Thanks for the offer, sorry if I've played a part in your decision to delete the thread.

Tried to PM but "cannot receive messages".

I don't know if you have or not!  But thank you for the consideration.

Inbox?  Must be full, I suppose.  I'll go and make some space.

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just driven too may miles to Eurocarparts Warrington to get a coil spring on a Sunday, that in itself was bad enough, said coilspring was brought out with a suspicious oily fingerprint on the box and when checked was obviously the completely wrong spring but in the right box, imagine the rage that wouod have ensued should I have returned home and stripped the car down to find this mistake,. Staff were less than bothered by this and took a good half hour to sort the right spring out 

Absolute fucktards 

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4 hours ago, eddyramrod said:

Political ranting on threads that were intended as simple fun.  Thanks.


Garythesnail, I'm sorry, I didn't see the last thing you typed in "Uninventing" as the notification appeared the moment I deleted the thread.  If it was in the original spirit of the thread, please feel free to PM me with it.  If you want to.

It was a bit dispiriting but that's not your fault. 

A thread full of rugged individualists who don't want anyone who doesn't think exactly as they do to exist.

Let it be on record that I agree with the anti-dmf brigade.

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Are the people who drive round with the car heaters permanently facing towards their feet/stomach even surprised when they cannot see anything out of the windscreen? The same windscreen that's covered in greasy hand marks.

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Oooh no hot water or heating! 


Off then on again. It tried to fire many times and said it reached 98/99 degrees briefly... The heating pump made a racket in the airing cupboard too. 



And no heating. I poured a kettle of water over the condensate pipe (water never usually comes out of it, or I say didn't, it got repiped in 1/2inch straight into the drain last year so I can't tell anyway. Left it a bit and


Its like trying to work out what's up with a fucking vauxhall, different fault codes every time you do something. Called the emergency number, no answer. Can't imagine how quickly someone would come out and sort it at 8pm on a fucking cold Sunday, I'll keep trying just to say I have then call the main number tomorrow (which is the same number...) 

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Is the central heating pump running? reset the boiler, run to the location of the pump (probably airing cupboard) and see if you can hear it making any noise. Noise = good. 

If no noise, tap it gently with something like a small hammer in case its stuck. Otherwise its new pump time.

We had this a bit before Christmas. Ring the landlord/agents emergency OOH line and ask them what they're going to do about it, and how soon. 

Ours needed a new pump at ~£200 supply and fit.


EDIT - also, remove the front cowling and see if you can see a flexible 1/2" pipe coming out the bottom of the boiler - thats the condensate pipe. Put a bucket underneath and pull it off (it'll only be push fit) and see if lots of water floods out (like >a few hundred ml and <2 litres) - if so, the pipe or drain is blocked downstream.

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36 minutes ago, Stanky said:

Is the central heating pump running? reset the boiler, run to the location of the pump (probably airing cupboard) and see if you can hear it making any noise. Noise = good. 

If no noise, tap it gently with something like a small hammer in case its stuck. Otherwise its new pump time.

We had this a bit before Christmas. Ring the landlord/agents emergency OOH line and ask them what they're going to do about it, and how soon. 

Ours needed a new pump at ~£200 supply and fit.


EDIT - also, remove the front cowling and see if you can see a flexible 1/2" pipe coming out the bottom of the boiler - thats the condensate pipe. Put a bucket underneath and pull it off (it'll only be push fit) and see if lots of water floods out (like >a few hundred ml and <2 litres) - if so, the pipe or drain is blocked downstream.

I was getting noises in the airing cupboard from the heater pump, it didn't sound happy but then it probably wasn't! 

When it flashed f11 it stopped everything though, and turning the power off and on again didn't solve it. 

The internal bit of the pipe is glued I think, it had a drip a year or so ago and a man came and fixed it... (ill have a quick go in a sec). 

Done one kettle over the pipe, might go and do another one though and see

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11 minutes ago, red5 said:

F22 is low pressure iirc. Does it cycle faults or? Any bar readings?

Yea it cycled a few, with the airing cupboard pump making low pressure type noises, and a the big electrovalve clicking madly. Turned the water and heating off and 'gave it 5 mins'. F25 came up. Ffs. 

Off at rhe wall, back on again and I turned just the heating on (kids had a shower, that's electric so warm) and the boiler tried to fire and climbed to 99 degrees then back down, did that twice then threw f22. 

I rebooted it again, left the heating and water turned off and it sat saying 40 degrees which is bullshit, it's cold temp is 28 in this weather. Then it threw f11 and that soft killed it, no matter what the power cycle it stills ays that. 

Got through to the emergency number, it's logged, no surprise no one answered her at 8.20pm, so it's gonna be a chilly morning! Could go for a 40 mile drive to warm up before dropping the kids off at school 900 yards from my house

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16495E50-C8F2-47D5-B424-2E8C46FF06AB.thumb.jpeg.911e51cd3370b4da7265a172ab73a8ab.jpegToday is the last day of my 4 days away testing ignorant fuckwit members of the public ,  if another of those cunts calls me “bruv” and tells me Covid isn’t real anyway but if they don’t get their  little angels tested they might have to look after them themselves for a few days ,  I’m likely to shove the test complete with vial and bags down their stupid fake Cockney  throats.

But, I digress. After 8 hours standing in the snow in Barking , I’m going home for 4 days.. Except I’m not , one of my daughters tested positive for Covid yesterday , so I’m not going home and I’ve booked into another hotel a few miles from home. On the way back my car went into limp mode and put on the eml, when I got to the hotel I got stuck halfway up the slope into the car park, almost hit a post when it slid into the kerb.

Stupid cow in reception told me I can’t leave it there, I suggested she clear the car park then I can move it, otherwise it’s staying there until it thaws. That’s when she smiled and told me there was no Chef so no food!
Luckily I’ve got a Kit Kat and an apple I found in the car.

Since had a 45 minute phone call from my Mrs, whose having a meltdown because she’s convinced she’s going to get the Virus and die, even though she had a test and has had her first vaccine jab, still won’t let me come home in case I get it, not that I can because the car’s stuck.

Aaaaaaarrrrgh !!!!!!


Sorry, just had to vent.


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18 minutes ago, beko1987 said:

Yea it cycled a few, with the airing cupboard pump making low pressure type noises, and a the big electrovalve clicking madly. Turned the water and heating off and 'gave it 5 mins'. F25 came up. Ffs. 

Off at rhe wall, back on again and I turned just the heating on (kids had a shower, that's electric so warm) and the boiler tried to fire and climbed to 99 degrees then back down, did that twice then threw f22. 

I rebooted it again, left the heating and water turned off and it sat saying 40 degrees which is bullshit, it's cold temp is 28 in this weather. Then it threw f11 and that soft killed it, no matter what the power cycle it stills ays that. 

Got through to the emergency number, it's logged, no surprise no one answered her at 8.20pm, so it's gonna be a chilly morning! Could go for a 40 mile drive to warm up before dropping the kids off at school 900 yards from my house

If it is like our boiler (it looks very similar) then it will fire, heat the water inside the boiler mega quick then shut down because cold water is not being pumped through. The boiler is fine, its just the pump thats conked/conking out. Its actually a much cheaper job. Put the oven on with the door open for a bit and sleep in the kitchen!

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If it has a fill valve you could try that- topping up low level may work temp until proper attention. I have no idea what yours is like mind, ours had a slow leak so needed topping off once a week or so until it was sorted. 

Obviously check, and check again.  

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1 hour ago, beko1987 said:

Yea it cycled a few, with the airing cupboard pump making low pressure type noises, and a the big electrovalve clicking madly. Turned the water and heating off and 'gave it 5 mins'. F25 came up. Ffs. 

Off at rhe wall, back on again and I turned just the heating on (kids had a shower, that's electric so warm) and the boiler tried to fire and climbed to 99 degrees then back down, did that twice then threw f22. 

I rebooted it again, left the heating and water turned off and it sat saying 40 degrees which is bullshit, it's cold temp is 28 in this weather. Then it threw f11 and that soft killed it, no matter what the power cycle it stills ays that. 

Got through to the emergency number, it's logged, no surprise no one answered her at 8.20pm, so it's gonna be a chilly morning! Could go for a 40 mile drive to warm up before dropping the kids off at school 900 yards from my house

If the boiler is firing up and then going up to 99degrees then the water is not circulating.

That points to the pump not working. Or lack of water in the system.

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17 hours ago, somewhatfoolish said:

Stupid question alert; is it possible/viable to self-employ at this?

Totally.  Problem being that not having a network here will mean starting from absolute zero and it won’t help with mortgage applications.  Ideally being an adviser for someone else allows me to get a salary on the board and build from there.  Ultimately yes, going it alone is the ideal future approach but I need the experience of doing this in NZ.

Its like any industry really.  Because you are a builder in the UK doesn’t mean you can come here and set up a firm without knowing the relevant codes and qualifications, authorised materials and local health and safety stuff.  It’s not mega different but there are subtleties you need to know in order to do things legally.  So I really need a couple of years with someone else to get to know the little vagaries of the system.  Otherwise I qualify, put ads on social media and a card at the local shop and hope lots of people call...

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On 1/23/2021 at 10:11 PM, Minimad5 said:

What field of expertise do you currently work in / looking for ?


19 hours ago, Parky said:

Financial Adviser.  Was largely a sales guy cum consultant but don’t want that sales pressure any longer. 

Well look on the bright side, if the financial adviser / sales gig doesn't work out, at least you've got the cum consultant option to fall back on.

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11 hours ago, NorfolkNWeigh said:

Today is the last day of my 4 days away testing ignorant fuckwit members of the public

I'd like to just thank all those who are doing this right now. Sorry aboutyour problems and that you can't go home, but hopefully you'll have had a cooked breakfast by now and feel ready to dig the ungrateful Merc out of the snow.

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Shame you didn’t actually have a “special” vaccine full of microchips for the PITA clients.  Yes, it would have proved they were right after all but HA HA!  YOU’RE BILL GATES WIFE NOW DAVE!”

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