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Fuck that .. I will take my bus pass and somebody else can drive the mini bus at work , if that's what the new drivers are learning ...

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On 18 May 2019 at 2:04 PM, richardthestag said:

....22 long hard years of happy marriage ...

I think they call it "wedded blitz".

10 hours ago, 5speedracer said:


Womenopause, surely?

10 hours ago, colnerov said:

Or just the position of the moon?

Works better if done out of the back window of a coach going down the motorway.

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On 5/18/2019 at 2:04 PM, richardthestag said:

my fucking whinge for the day.

Yesterday mrs managed to break the dishwasher again. bottom tray overflow float activated. means that diswasher needs tilting back to drain water from under tray. which I did.

Then it came up with a blocked pump message. ffs

had a look at it after my supper was was pulling lumps of plastic n shite out of it.

Some how my fault that mrs loads mugs and plates into dishwasher with plastic food wrapping on them.

Cleared it but then message E01 = call the Bosch engineer because machine has shut down. ffs

I suggested that we need an engineer. Mrs launches into a "don't spoil my evening" rant which culminated in me doing absolutely nothing right. ;) 

Then she tells me that I need to field phone calls from her dad this morning because sky engineer is visiting to finally fix their sky tv. Invaluable to the poor old 87 year old who has been without it since his house move. Mrs has done all the chat and negotiation over the last 3 weeks. 

So why do I need to be on hand? Because Mrs is going for a fucking run and coffee with her friends this morning. gah

I pointed out that I need to work to get RR finished to get it sold to bring in money.

Her fuckwitted response is "yeah I know you have your greedy eyes on my parents inheritance" 

I tipped a glass of red wine onto the carpet, called her a poisonous vile old bag* (or words similar that are unprintable) and retired to my computer.

An hour later she extended an olive branch and said sorry.

BUT shit sticks, I am still angry with her, 3rd time she has come up with this shit and it could not be further from the truth. Low mood means that I just cannot shake it

She is still irritated that I cannot fix the dishwasher that she fucked up in the first place.

22 long hard years of happy marriage delivers new challenges every day :D

Oh and my blood pressure is stratospheric and I am dizzy as fuck which means that I have an inner ear infection and I am still busy.

Am I doing the washing up? nah


I will do when she finishes her coffee and we can do it together.

Sons have A-levels this week so are deep in revisions

You got a fucking APOLOGY ?

29 years of Marriage, and I've NEVER had an apology. EVER


Apart from her occasionally saying "I'm sorry, that I have ME, and a Frozen shoulder and am so useless" 

to which I say "You can't apolgise unless it's your fault. It would be like me apologising for the US invasion of Iraq or Donald Trump's continued existence on the earth" 


But for the arguments that she started? Never. Obviously I'm to blame for getting her a new phone, and her not being able to access voice mail. (which took 3 minutes to sort) 

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8 hours ago, MikeR said:

Quiz complete

You scored 87%
You passed! (passing requires 86%)
Now try the most difficult questions


Fuck that .. I will take my bus pass and somebody else can drive the mini bus at work , if that's what the new drivers are learning ...

If you'd failed would they sack you or promote you? 

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Found out today that I will be out of a job in around 3 months.

I know to many this sort of thing will have happened before however this is a first for me.

Unpleasant times now and ahead.

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3 minutes ago, Split_Pin said:

Found out today that I will be out of a job in around 3 months.

I know to many this sort of thing will have happened before however this is a first for me.

Unpleasant times now and ahead.

Sorry to hear that. Happened to me last year and, though it may well present an opportunity and path to better things in the end, it can be very unsettling and stressful.

Best of luck.

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5 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Found out today that I will be out of a job in around 3 months.

I know to many this sort of thing will have happened before however this is a first for me.

Unpleasant times now and ahead.

Is this definite, or is there an appeal process?  If so go through the appeal.

I've had it twice, first time I walked straight into a job, but less money, second time I was out of work 6 months. I've also volunteered a couple of times when it suited me.

It's not a nice feeling, gets worse as time drags by, there's loads of applicants for every job and they never pick you, although you know your work ethic is better than most.

Can only suggest you start looking at once, many hang on to the folorn hope it wont happen.

Consider self employment in whatever skills you have, there may be grants available.

Best of luck.

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8 hours ago, MikeR said:

Promote me .... I am the only one who can actually drive ...!

One day, i'll drive you to work and you can fake a broken arm. 

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If you fake a broken arm don't forget to say that a Swan did it, well either a swan or Wayne Sleep, bloody dangerous those ballet dancers, they'll break your arm you know

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1 hour ago, New POD said:

One day, i'll drive you to work and you can fake a broken arm. 

at he moment I am not having to pretend to have a wrecked left knee   ...  my next car might an auto ..

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9 minutes ago, ruffgeezer said:

Once again...

As a wise man (the Owd Giffer, in fact) once said: "you can choose your friends, but you're stuck with family."

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4 minutes ago, MikeR said:

at he moment I am not having to pretend to have a wrecked left knee   ...  my next car might an auto ..


If you NEED to borrow the omega

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15 minutes ago, SiC said:


I once brought a Perfect Z500 off MikeR before he was my brother in law, and to be honest I ragged it to near death before swapping it for an RD350LC that I blew up (and rebuilt to 375) .

I can't imagine selling him a car. 

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10 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Found out today that I will be out of a job in around 3 months.

I know to many this sort of thing will have happened before however this is a first for me.

Unpleasant times now and ahead.

Sorry to hear this, ace.  Hopefully your age and experience will help you find something new, and that you get a good enough package to tide you over.

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1 hour ago, ruffgeezer said:

Once again I'm feeling like the cunt that could.

My Sister in Law and her husband have bought a caravan, which in itself is absolutely fine and fair enough, well it would be...

For the past 3 years, I have been servicing and repairing their car that they had to have (a written off 1.5dci Qashcow) and have been telling them to get the cambelt replaced, this is always met with "we can't afford it, can't you do it for a few beers etc."

I've told them no on several occasions, last year saw a crack appear in my marriage, the result of which I sold off almost all of my cars, including my beloved Datsun, I won't go into details here but a lot of it was based (correctly) around how selfish I could be with my time. This is common knowledge within the family, but it never stops them asking for my time to do their shit.

Part of this moody is bound to be down to a hint of jealousy I'm sure, because I'd love to be that carefree about money, and I'd have liked a caravan too. What annoys me is there is very rarely any help in the other direction when I ask, from any quarters.

Knowing your way around cars is a blessing when it’s saving other people’s money, until they want to do other things, and then it’s just a stupid expensive hobby.

I know where you’re coming from.

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19 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

Found out today that I will be out of a job in around 3 months.

I know to many this sort of thing will have happened before however this is a first for me.

Unpleasant times now and ahead.

I don't know how old you are or what you do, but I found that the buzz words had changed, and once I started using them on my CV and understood how what I'd been doing for 20 years was basically the same as the new buzz word, I was okay. 

Value stream mapping. Was one that had passed me by, but turns out I've been doing them for 20 years. 

I have a few tricks to get Recruitment Consultants to put your CV at the top of their priority list. Let me know how you get on. 

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Mike got the pistons out of the Princess calipers and while that's good news for the rebuild, it's bad news for my wallet.  All of the pistons are pitted to varying degrees and need replacing, which is probably why some of them were sticking.  This would be fine, if they were just simple single pot calipers.  Unfortunately, I need 8 pots and if I'm replacing them it might as well be with stainless steel and that means £££££ that I wasn't planning on spending.  Princess is going to sit in the corner for a bit until I've saved up the cash needed.  Oh, and one of the bleed nipple threads in the caliper stripped when Mike was applying the pressure to unstick the pots, so that's had to be retapped and a slightly different thread bleed nipple ordered to refit, which we hope won't leak.

It was all going so well.

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Had a lovely couple of days away in Kent doing things I do and visiting my family. Got home about half an hour ago, wife in tears (sent home from work). Mother in law has lung cancer, the type caused by exposure to asbestos. No other info at the moment, how aggressive, how set in etc.


What an shit end to a nice couple of days and weekend.

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How'd you handle it? Looking forward to some time away, get home and missis gets a call from the school. Stepson 1 has offered a tictac to another pupil. Only it's an ibuprofen. I have my views believe me, but this kid is pushing some boundries recently, like for the last two years. We've done the talks, saw things from his perspective, tried to understand... And then this stunt. Step parenting is hard. If he was my kid I'd be winning the super champion arse kicking competition in approximately 20 minutes but I have to back seat it and support the missis. The thing is, he's a good, loving kid but goes out of his way to fuck his 14 year old life up. His old man is a useless twat as well, living some faux gangster lifestyle abroad, never financially supporting the kids he has. Now, he is a cunt. There's something in that I reckon and it's making stepson 1 be like this...even though he knows what his old man is like. I just can't figure out what. Step son 2 is a pure football and maths genius. Maybe some jealousy there eh? I'm out of ideas.

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3 hours ago, dozeydustman said:

Mother in law has lung cancer, the type caused by exposure to asbestos. No other info at the moment, how aggressive, how set in etc.

Mesothelioma (asbestos triggered lung cancer) is a horrible form of lung cancer. I hope things get better for you. Honestly, I do.

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12 minutes ago, Fumbler said:

Mesothelioma (asbestos triggered lung cancer) is a horrible form of lung cancer. I hope things get better for you. Honestly, I do.

SWMBOs ex >> brother has Meso... Man & Boy worked at Blyth Power Station [... like, what are all the turbine/pipes/boilerwork lagged with?] :(

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Blue Asbestos mainly. This is because miracle mineral had the best insulation properties known to man back then.

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Thank you @Fumbler. I've not heard anything as to how advanced it is but MiLaw has been recommended to go for chemo as they *think* it's treatable at the moment. Knowing my in-laws they are not letting on the whole situation. Just got to support my wife and stepdaughter as much as possible and take some of the pressure off father in law - he's 78 and still as active as he can be with bad hips and bad knees.  I'm hoping my nearby nieces and nephews pick up the baton from time to time as well.

I have 2 sister in laws, one on the Isle of Wight who I know will try and get over most if not every weekend to see her, the other is totally hopeless at supporting others in times of need and is the sort that would normally claim she's had the same condition as someone but 9 times worse and survived it, because she lives in her own little bubble.

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5 hours ago, BoggyMires said:

...Now, he is a cunt. There's something in that I reckon and it's making stepson 1 be like this...even though he knows what his old man is like. I just can't figure out what. ...

We are made that way. 'tis in the genes, and as to which characteristics become more prominent is surely in the lap of the gods.

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