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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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1 hour ago, meggersdog said:

It's  a car guy thing.

Just had a customer in who moved 35 miles away a couple of years ago. About six years ago he restored a Peugeot 205 GTi and has brought the car here for it's MoT ever since.

His wife  questioned why he would go all this way for an MoT. "because he is the only other person that has driven my car"  he told her.

Same reason why I take the CX (and the 635 before that) to the same Aussie MoT tester every year, even though he works for Kwik-Fit. He just understands old cars.

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11 hours ago, Heidel_Kakao said:

_118077784_hi066783443.thumb.jpg.197b0c36daa86782873decaa25ed2352.jpgSay what you want about Prince Philip but you can't deny this is a cool hearse.

I was about comment about this. What a beast! 

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I posted earlier that I am taking the fuel tank out of my Westie so that I can treat if with POR to stop it rusting. Well as per Hubnut, things are not going to plan. However, I did find  metal badge under the tank of a Dutch garage. The car was originally registered in The Netherlands. That company is still in business and is family owned.

I wrote an email later last night asking id they were ever Austin dealers back in the year the car was registered, 1963.  Received an email in less then 24 hours saying that they were although they have no records from that time. That was nice of them to respond so quickly.

I do like it when you can find some history on the car. I actually purchased the car from a town near to the dealership, around 30 miles away. Looks as if it did not move far during it's life.  Well until I moved  to Spain with it.


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5 hours ago, omegod said:

Looks like Bentley chucked their whole fleet at the royals for the occasion

Those are all cars in the royal garages. I did wonder who had the cheap modern one.

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18 hours ago, Heidel_Kakao said:

_118077784_hi066783443.thumb.jpg.197b0c36daa86782873decaa25ed2352.jpgSay what you want about Prince Philip but you can't deny this is a cool hearse.

I wonder if it will ever be used again?

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That’s the way I’d want to be transported to the cemetery. For sure. There’s no denying the man had some seriously cool taste in that respect.

Slightly O/T but managed to catch a few minutes of Radio 2 on Friday morning and they were playing Gary Kemp’s new song. I’ve pretty much had it on repeat all weekend. He’s not everyone’s cup of tea but he can write some bloody good songs.


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Yeah lets disconnect this fuel line about 6 inches from my face, great idea, IN YOUR FACE , HIGH OCTANE EYEBATH !!! 

I'm so stupid I make myself laugh sometimes :) 

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20 minutes ago, omegod said:

Yeah lets disconnect this fuel line about 6 inches from my face, great idea, IN YOUR FACE , HIGH OCTANE EYEBATH !!! 

I'm so stupid I make myself laugh sometimes :) 

Did the same replacing the fuel lines on the 944 the other week. 

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As the race for London Mayor hots* up, I'm surprised the satirists aren't making hay with the idea of voting for a Gammon(s).


To be fair, he's not the only loony. There are 19 others....


My vote's going to Count Binface on the basis that all the others are some way beyond the pale....

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9 minutes ago, Dave_Q said:

Wish count binface or similar was standing for mayor round here (West Yorkshire) as I genuinely can't decide which of the candidates are least shit.

Max Fosh is doing some good stuff on YouTube, love that the kipper is called Gammon tho!

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When we lived in Paphos we would often go to see an Elvis tribute called Chris King.  He's very good, and since we left he's opened his own bar where he can host live music.  He is also on the radio at weekends and MrsR has worked out how to pick up his show on her tablet, through Facebook.  We like his Sunday morning show and almost always listen.

So this morning I was busily painting the yard wall and MrsR came out with the tablet, to sit and listen to Chris.  ...And then Chris read out a request, for Ed for his birthday, from Lynne!  Not only that, he found the song she asked for too!

What a lovely morning!

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spent the day clearing out some more of the shed .

as said before , I am getting rid of shite no questions asked ...

why is that going ? , the mice have touched it  , oh ok then ...

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What is missing from new cars.


There are also a few other suggestions in the comments.

Maybe there should be a twin to this article asking what Classics should have and found on newer cars.

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6 hours ago, Dave_Q said:

Wish count binface or similar was standing for mayor round here (West Yorkshire) as I genuinely can't decide which of the candidates are least shit.

Count Binface has been careful not to publish a wishlist manifesto, unlike the other loonies. 

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had a day tinkering again.

got the exhaust all sealed up onto the manifold, well it is nice and quiet at the moment, but lets face it, that won't last! 

then with the aid of the big book of BL words, have adjusted up the front brakes. now last time i did this, i just adjusted 1 of the adjusters, fogetting that there are in fact 2 of the litte sods, with the second one hiding up behind the bit where the steering trackrod fastens to the hub.



a little grease in the suspension nipples, just cos well, we were there, so lets get some more un just because. and some fresh paint on the cylinder head, tightening up the thermostat casting the other day has it seems done the trick at stopping the water leak, and as the ht leads were grotty, they got a clean up too, just to lift the engine bay a little bit.


then on too the intermittent function of the indicators, fiddling with them pointed too a bad earth somewhere, to be honest i was thinking the column switch, but i did have a look at the tell-tail into the speedo clocks, and then the relay itself. that was warm to the touch, so i have found in the big box of bits the NOS genuine Unipart one and put that in the car. and guess what? they work perfectly.....



boyed along by this small victory, i have squirted a drop of WD40 in the seatbelt mechanisms, and then gave the seatbelt webbing a clean with some warm water. its brought them up lovely. i have also found that one of the belt mechanisms does adjust slightly as the book of words said it would, and the other one does not. ammusingly, its the n/s that has the adjustment on it, while the o/s belt does not! the belts do not appear to be handed, so i am thinking (hoping?) that one of them is older than the other. just cos i got them as a pair it don't follow that they were always a matched pair!


so then the car got a wash,  and a wipe of polish, with it sat out at the moment, putting as much polish on as i can will, i hope seal the paintwork and protect the metalwork as much as possible! and that wraps it up, as i had had enough buggering about by!!






only disaster i have had today was tearing a hole in the jeans i like the best. i only have a couple of pairs, the other been skinny ones, which frankly i do not care for one bit, been fatter the belly than i am in the arse, so i did the only think possible, and effect an truly invisible* repair. that will have to do until i get chance, or can be arsed to got ant try to buy some more.


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a new AA battery . a flick of the switch and the sweet smell of fresh 3in1 oil from the nasal clippers ..

thats me done from top to toes , hair , shower and shave ....

all ready to shift a car full of shit on Monday :-(

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Two good(car related) things happened today.

Firstly, the Ibiza sold to the first person who viewed it.

Secondly, the Range Rover and I covered 200 miles today with no issues. The previous slight coolant loss seems to have been cured and the oil leak seems a lot better. Still got a rocker gasket to change though.

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Travelled by train for the first time since lockdown started last year. Four trains, Perth-Waverley-Peterborough-Norwich-Great Yarmouth. Every single train on schedule to the minute, every train waiting on time, plenty of space, not many people and ALL wearing masks. Could not have been better.

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