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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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I saw a 2002 Saab 9-3 for sale here for $800...and was looking up mechanical fixes on them because starter turns, no start, no compression...an here's 2 actual questions owners asked:

1. "How far will my Saab go with a full tank?" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2.  "Engine stops...light comes on that has A PICTURE OF A SHOE. What does that mean?" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


did cars like that wind up in the UK?....................please fill in good answers

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22 hours ago, wuvvum said:

Waiting at a red light this morning on the pushbike on the way in to work, and another cyclist on a fancy road bike went steaming past me straight through the light.  Normally this would have been a grump, but the cyclist in question was young, female and wearing an extremely tight pair of black leather leggings.  The light went green shortly thereafter, and I caught her up - normally I would have overtaken but for some reason this morning I decided that she was actually going quick enough and stayed behind for the rest of the way in.

was she eastern european , in the summer my car boot sale mornings have been improved dramatically by young eastern european women in lycra running clothes, though I have noticed once they've been here a while the McDonalds effect kicks in and they go from walnut cracker cheeks to slightly more padding.

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16 hours ago, myglaren said:

A bit more severe!

I thought the last bit of that was quite informative to watch. Tells you a lot about the physics and trajectory of the human body being tossed into the air.

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22 hours ago, myglaren said:

A bit more severe!


I've got no problem with that. We were successfully doing something similar here recently:




until some bright spark decided that the officers using this tactic could be prosecuted, that is ?  So we're back to square one, and the bike thieving scum are free to do as they please again.





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24 minutes ago, strangeangel said:


I've got no problem with that. We were successfully doing something similar here recently:




until some bright spark decided that the officers using this tactic could be prosecuted, that is ?  So we're back to square one, and the bike thieving scum are free to do as they please again.





Are you serious , I really couldn't care less if scum like that even in this country end up in a wheelchair made out of pallets and old pram wheels 

Something needs to change in this country 

But Labour has raised concerns about the approach, which shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said was "potentially very dangerous".

potentialy very dangerous for theiving scumbags , who gives a shit , what about the innocent pedestrians when they take to the pavement trying to escape 

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2 minutes ago, Wack said:

Something needs to change in this country 



Nicking someone's bike (especially in London) is effectively regarded as a victimless crime; all you'll get from the police is given a crime number and told to crack on with your insurance claim. If this human refuse thought there was a danger of getting turned into pizza by a 2 ton cop car, instead of the current "pursuit too dangerous because scum not wearing helmet" the bike theft statistics would tumble within weeks.


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Liked for warehouse picker and packer giving precisely zero f*cks, like the use of a single piece of waxed paper.

This is the second one after Asda lost / destroyed the first..

Sent from my Moto G (5) using Tapatalk

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Asda? Really? A bit like the smartwatch I received from Amazon this week in one of their sturdy, cardboard carriers with a well stuck down flap. Pity the ends were both wide open though, I don't know how it didn't just slide out.

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1 hour ago, strangeangel said:


Nicking someone's bike (especially in London) is effectively regarded as a victimless crime; all you'll get from the police is given a crime number and told to crack on with your insurance claim. If this human refuse thought there was a danger of getting turned into pizza by a 2 ton cop car, instead of the current "pursuit too dangerous because scum not wearing helmet" the bike theft statistics would tumble within weeks.


always said - uk cop cars need bumpers like us crown vics aussie holdens etc

once they know they hurt and theres no damage to the feds and the likely is theyll be hamburger - like above itll decrease

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3 hours ago, Wack said:

Are you serious , I really couldn't care less if scum like that even in this country end up in a wheelchair made out of pallets and old pram wheels 

Something needs to change in this country 

But Labour has raised concerns about the approach, which shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said was "potentially very dangerous".

potentialy very dangerous for theiving scumbags , who gives a shit , what about the innocent pedestrians when they take to the pavement trying to escape 

The bit of river where I walk my dogs was plagued with neds on stolen  bikes screaming about the place. They were responsible for at least one dogs death, Also one of them decided to sit in front of my immaculate A209 and wheelspin stones over the whole thing causing considerable damage to the paint. In fairness to our local plod, they did what they could. I remember having a conversation with a crowd of them one evening a couple  of summers ago, right after I witnessed one of the scrotes on bikes trying to run an  officer down. They were as frustrated as I was. They simply weren't allowed to follow said scrotes off road as, if they did AND one of the scrotes hurt himself, then the police would be culpable. This country is fecked up in so many ways these days.

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1 hour ago, myglaren said:

Fashionably ripped!

Ha! I bought these 2nd hand on ebay about 10yrs ago. Plus the fact I'm wearing them makes them immeasurably unfashionable. ;)

Anyway even if the rips were fashionable back in 'nam they have since multiplied into non fashion, just poor person rips on the knee :(



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Are you serious , I really couldn't care less if scum like that even in this country end up in a wheelchair made out of pallets and old pram wheels 
Something needs to change in this country 
But Labour has raised concerns about the approach, which shadow home secretary Diane Abbott said was "potentially very dangerous".
potentialy very dangerous for theiving scumbags , who gives a shit , what about the innocent pedestrians when they take to the pavement trying to escape 
Actually we should murder criminals rather than improve society somewhat.
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Diane Abbott doesn't have enough grey matter to half fill a teaspoon.

Anyway, enough about that gormless cow.

Just sent in my entry form for the Club Triumph  2020 Round Britain Reliability Run. 

We are: Team Are We There Yet.


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sod it ,

went for the less healthy option this morning . complete with unrinsed mug and chipped plate ...


no doubt some this and that hugger will have an epi over it

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3 hours ago, hairnet said:

You want how much now?



they have clearly made a mistake

I don't see my AC designed 2 door convertible anywhere on that front cover! :mrgreen:

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