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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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I'm sure I have mentioned before that I'm a sucker for charity shops, endlessly filling my life with other people's discarded crap.

Today I couldn't resist this


A nice, boxed pewter tankard, why the grin? Imagine draining your beer to be greeted by this



I'm assuming it's a promotional item, possibly given to people to drown their sorrows having purchased a Vauxhall

It's like draining your beer and finding the King's shilling at the bottom; the horror! :D This requires recording for posterity on the giffer trinket and general tat thread.

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Having to lie to children, in a nice way.


Neighbour's kid, about 4 or 5 yrs old, has often come and spraffed to me when I'm working on me chod. He took a liking to the 45. Observant kid noticed it wasn't around any more. His Dad was with him.


Kid : "Where's the red one gone ?"

Me (looks at Dad) : "Er, it's, er, gone to the farm"

(Dad nods his understanding)

Kid : "Why's it gone to the farm ?"

Me (looks at Dad for moral support): "Er..."

Dad : "I think he means it's gone to the hospital"

Kid: "Ah, okay then"


I'm dreading the next conversation. 

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obviously now you have to go out and buy another Red Rover 45 and hope the kid doesn't notice  :mrgreen:


on a more serious note I would of prolly been honest with the poor kid no point setting up false expectations that will only be dashed


(unless you do get another Rover 45 :) )

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Browsing Facebook brought up a Mail article showing that Katie Price is so broke she's driving round in a 51 plate Suzuki Vitara. How the mighty have fallen!

Of course, she couldn't help but have it wrapped pink.

Just had a look. Mot expired on it October  :-o

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Having to lie to children, in a nice way.




Ha, that's an easy one.  Wait till they start asking 'well, how exactly does the sperm get in the mummy's tummy?'...

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Ha, that's an easy one.  Wait till they start asking 'well, how exactly does the sperm get in the mummy's tummy?'...

Can remember sitting watching Casualty at my Grans house, my wee brother turns round and utters "Gran, how does the baby fit out of the ladies bum?"



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Just saw this rock up outside the office. A chap in his late 30s/early 40s was in it. I gave him a thumbs up and he repeated the gesture.





What made my day was seeing this on the side.




This is no show queen and looks very much to be a daily driver. A very rare thing for old air cooled Porsches. Usually they're stashed away in a humidity controlled garage, rarely to go outside to preserve an "investment". So to be parked up on the side of a street in 2018 Bristol is a very unusual and rare thing.

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Being ill and staying at home so as not to infect colleagues (I detest 'martyrs' who go in when they feel shit then spread their lurgy onto all and sundry) - not the grin.


The grin is being able to spend some time under the bonnet of a car to take my mind off my 'swallowing razor blades' sore throat, cough and snuffles (see also 'man flu'), and continue my acquaintance with the new chodder.

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Glad to see the eBay algorithms believe £24k worth of Skoda is worthy of filling the void left in my heart by missing out on a £600 Tata Safari







Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I love eBay's algorithms.


Because I bought an offside front Yaris doorhandle last year, its adbots reckon I'm some sort of offside front doorhandle collector and are constantly trying to tempt me with further purchases that might be of interest.


An offside front doorhandle for a BMW E36, sir?


How about an offside front doorhandle for a Skoda Octavia? No?


Come on then, an offside front doorhandle for a Mazda 6, surely?





It's impressively stupid, since if they were to dangle some Yaris spark plugs or air filters in my eyeline, I'd probably order them up there and then.

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Sorry, that's my fault.


A few years ago I bought internal grab handles for a range of different cars, because I needed two about the right size to use to replace the armrests in my MX5. XJ40 was right.,

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Having to lie to children, in a nice way.


Neighbour's kid, about 4 or 5 yrs old, has often come and spraffed to me when I'm working on me chod. He took a liking to the 45. Observant kid noticed it wasn't around any more. His Dad was with him.


Kid : "Where's the red one gone ?"

Me (looks at Dad) : "Er, it's, er, gone to the farm"

(Dad nods his understanding)

Kid : "Why's it gone to the farm ?"

Me (looks at Dad for moral support): "Er..."

Dad : "I think he means it's gone to the hospital"

Kid: "Ah, okay then"


I'm dreading the next conversation.

Why not tell the truth?

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Ha, that's an easy one. Wait till they start asking 'well, how exactly does the sperm get in the mummy's tummy?'...

Tell them the truth using the correct technical terms.

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Can remember sitting watching Casualty at my Grans house, my wee brother turns round and utters "Gran, how does the baby fit out of the ladies bum?"



Again I say. Explain where it t comes out of, and that often there is tearing of flesh.

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Ha, that's an easy one.  Wait till they start asking 'well, how exactly does the sperm get in the mummy's tummy?'...


If it's in her tummy - it's one of the reasons she's a keeper! In her womb……. another story (sorry - not sorry)



/\ - that is fantastic in a scary - hope the wind is having a day off kind of way..... would - of course - rock it while a mate was sleeping!

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