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The grumpy thread

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That's excellent news Dean, thanks for keeping us informed.


+1, great news.


Good stuff Dean. Fingers crossed for you both.


Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery.


What everyone else said!


The very best of British to the lady :)


yep, great news and fingers crossed for a swift recovery. We often forget how luck we are when we are healthy.


Left a Facebook page about scrapyard finds tonight due to it being used as an EDL recruitment tool.

Left a Facebook page about scrapyard finds tonight due to it being used as an EDL recruitment tool.



I left after someone was on there boasting about how he was going to banger an E Type


I want to leave but the odd car pops up once in a while that interests me..


thats faecebuck for you


full of wankers, and 2/3 of them are racist wankers


The number of people who complain about Facebook but continue to use it.


Does not compute!


Well it's full of wankers but it is a useful took for keeping in touch with some people. Even if you have a wanker-free Facebook you still get to see wanker stories, posts etc by other people commenting on them etc.


Dear Mr Astra,

I'm wellying it down a lane with a bike on my roof and you won't (or can't) keep up with me on the bends. I come across a slow moving car in front of me, it's impossible to overtake (twisty and narrow lanes) so I keep my distance.

I was really impressed* with how you then sat on my rear bumper and sort of kept veering across to the right to show me you wanted to pass. THAT'S why I braked so hard at the junction and you appeared to be shitting yourself as you only just managed to stop in time.

I AM a wanker, but you are a coward, aren't you?

Just to let you know, they removed all of the tumour successfully. However she now has no sight out of her left eye, this might be bruising to the optic nerve as the tumour was under this. But, if she hadn't had the op, she would have lost her sight anyway. She now has an impressive scar in her hairline, various pipes coming out of her, but she's totally with it, and seems the same person I loved before the op. Now transferred into intensive care, and fingers crossed some vision might return in her left eye. Thanks for all your well wishes, Dean.


Well done, don't worry too much, she will be fine. ;)


Facebook's good for only two things; the old car groups and stalking people.


Went to go to work this morning to find this,




Only just got the bastard thing too. Nothing taken but all of the Daughters stuff over the pavement which was upsetting to see. CSI Stoke on Trent will be here in 20 mins to take some prints and hopefully even catch the crims, If I find out who it was the police won't have much left to catch.


Oh FFS. horrible nasty bastards. Someone broke into one of my cars and stole my CD player years ago, the feeling you get when seeing your car like that is sickening.


Scenes of crime bod has been (v impressed with the speed of the police on this one) and because it had rained overnight they couldn't get any prints. I hope the perpetrator(s) die of acne.


We could supply a door, but not in the correct colour unfortunately. Pm me if you need it.


Soz to hear that, Tim. The sort of pond life who do this can only be controlled by a copious amount of FAB*.


Fist and boot.


Cunting bastards! I'd do time for the revenge I'd wreak on anyone who did that to my car. :evil:

It never fails to amaze me how much damage these mongs do to a car to liberate a few quid's worth of loot.


that's crap Tim, what tossers these people are giving no regard to anyone elses life or hardships.


Did they actually get a door open? Billy said I should get an alarm for the Cav but it has deadlocks so I thought even if they bent the door like that they still can't open the door?


As for just chucking your daughters belongings/seat etc on the floor they deserve to have their fingers removed.


Just back from a few days away to find the front door open . My dozy mrs had locked the door while it was open an inch or so when we left. Fuck knows how we've not been robbed blind.


That 605 is a right shed. Its CZ registered, full of dents, doors rammed with wob at the bottom. The headlining dropped out of it last week too. Still nice to have something unusual on the street though.


Sorry to see that Tim. Little bastard robbers like them need a real good kicking. Some little bastard did the same thing to my long departed White Rover Sterling a couple of years ago, thanfully, it had a f*king LOUD early 90s alarm on it that happily scared off the little twat. I bent the door back but it was never the same, wind noise was much more prevalent.


On a brighter note i've been offered a door in the correct colour! Only problem is it's in Anglesey.


Tim sorry about your horrendous luck I hope the bastards end up impaled on something blunt and rusty :evil:

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