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The grumpy thread

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I wouldn't worry about having 'a plan' (or not) tbh.


I'd be surprised if many people who set out with a plan of how their career will work out actually see the plan through. A lot of stuff changes over time and you have to adapt I suppose.


I started in the motor trade and worked my way up to a reasonable level then realised it was all really a load of shit and that I had a job rather than a career with a company that give less than two fifths of a fuck about me.


I've been self employed about three years now and its loads better. I'll never be a millionaire mind but quality of life is loads better.


Have a think about what you want to do and how much you actually need to earn and take it from there. Don't stress yourself about getting a career or that you have to have some big title or whatever, just do what leaves you satisfied and everyone else can cock off.




First lesson in life is don't care what other people think. The only person that matters is you and you're big enough and ugly enough not to be bother about it. Sometimes we all need a kick up the bum but only you can do the changing and only if you want to. Lots of us don't have plans and life works out in the end. If you're happy what does it matter.


+1. I can't disagree with the foregoing, in fact I'm living validation of it. 54 in a few weeks, nothing even slightly resembling a plan, history of numerous "dead-end" minimum-wage jobs, history of dozens of cheap old shite cars, and you know what? The one time I tried to have an actual "career" it blew up in my face and set me back at least 15 years. As long as you can pay the bills, and preferably have some shitey treats now and then, stuff the lot of 'em. Your life is your life, not theirs. They can do what they want and so can you.


I was about five or six years older than you when I learned this, and came to terms with it. And as we all know, I'm still totally capable of mucking things up! Learn to laugh at yourself, I've found that enormously helpful. Take as much pleasure as you possibly can in small things, such as a stroll along the canal, or sitting down in front of QI with a Yorkie bar. Neither is much to ask, nor is it expensive, but both will cheer you up, guaranteed. Don't bother chasing the big stuff. If it's got your name on it, it'll come to you; if not, you don't want it anyway. Unless it's a LHD Argenta for the summer! :wink:


"Plans" are over-rated.

My "plan" or initally my parent's plan was that as a precocious child, showing signs of academic ability from an early age, i would go to university, become an accountant, or a teacher, or something "worthwhile". Get married, produce sprogs, live happily ever after with an estate car and a dog.

Instead I ran out of brains come O level time, scraped through a few, onto 6th form, and failed two A levels.

Went to work for Halifax, spent 12 miserable years there, got endlessly lied to and shat upon, left, now in current job (debt recovery) for 12 years, going nowhere, no prospects except an early fag and bacon induced death.

Yes, i've got married (failing), got a house (going to need to be sold when divorce happens) but I have got an estate car! No dog.


Plans have caused me no end of grief. If they don't happen, you either feel like a failure yourself, or are made to feel like one by those who imposed them on you in the first place. Family_Sterling need to realise that your happiness is moar important than targets, goals and plans. Yeah, i'm sure, deep down that they want whats best for you, as all families do, but at the end of the day, you've got to make the best of it. Ma & Pa_outlaw are probably disappointed in my "progress" but i'm not bothered any more.


Good luck with the job hunting, and don't let anyone tell you you're a failure.


It could be worse. You could be me. :wink:


What's for you won't go by you.........


Typical. Bought a Ford Puma from a car trader mate yesterday.Seeing as the exhaust was in three pieces I took his word that there was nothing wrong with it (apart from the exhaust) and everything worked.He took me for a spin in it, done deal.I gave him a lift home in my car.Today,after welding the exhaust back together, I took the car for a drive.The electronic speedo is very erratic so when I got home thought I'd just look at the connections.My arm only brushed by the heater hose and kersplosh hot anti-freeze running down my arm.

Are Ford heater control valves made out of carrots ?


Are Ford heater control valves made out of carrots ?


Yep, exact same thing happened to me the other week on a Ka, only the car was boiling hot and my arm was wedged down the back of the intake manifold at the time!


New part is only £12 though.


Going back to jobs and all that, I haven't always 'got' the need for good exam marks/O levels/degrees etc. I'm not knocking education and admire people who've been to uni and slogged their knackers off, but you can still get a decent job despite not having a massive exam pass list.

I did pretty shit at school (two B grade CSEs in English being the best results) and have done ok on the job front, plus I've worked under foremen/bosses who were dyslexic yet still had good jobs. I also know shit loads of people who've been to uni, got a good degree then either couldn't find or didn't want a job in whatever subject they studied. Like I say not knocking those who've go on to further education, just saying you don't have to be Einstein to get on in the world.


^ Agreed. I don't really buy into the idea that you HAVE to go to university if you want to get on in life.


Degrees are great if you want a very specialised job but to it does seem that a lot of students are shoved to university and end up doing some generic degree that is worth fuck all in the real world when they'd be far better off getting a job and experience and getting what they want that way.


Not knocking those that have done it - I haven't - but successive governments do seem to want virtually all students to go to university and surely that devalues the qualification itself?


I had a plan that I called 'the big plan' since I was 20 (it wasn't a 'big plan', it's just what I called it), which I've stuck to, it's faltered a few times thanks to others, but it's done me well and it's good if you set your timescale fairly, don't plan to change your life over a few weeks, set it longer, but if you want to change something, do it now, don't sit on it for months. Unless you've created some kind of new chair invention you're going to market.


Saw my first 13 reg car today. The downside is though it said MR 13ETZ (Mr Betz) so I think now we're about to be plagued with hundreds of tragic new numberplate manipulations. It was a Vauxhall Combo too... fail


Bollocks, caught red handed.




Am making Mrs Imp pay as it was her that said turn right and we were in town to get her a new mattress. Admittedly, I was the one who said bollocks to it, lets go for it but she has not remembered that line of defence yet.


TBH, being in Bradford is like being in the 1980's. The dirty closed buildings, empty spaces, the dank shopping centre and the clothes and hairstyles of the slack jawed yokels who live there made me mistakenly assume that technology such as CCTV had not yet made it that far. Sadly that assumption has cost me (well her) £30.

I thought it was £60 and three points?

nah some of these things are byelaw related, rather than a criminal offence!


Scamming council gits with their crappy signs deliberately designed to cause you to get stung!


The NatWest Visa server is f*cked (again). Just been to Tescos and had the embarrassment of having my card declined at the till - fortunately I had enough cash in my pocket to cover the bill. My debit card won't work in cashpoints either though so I can't get any more cash out now. What a PITA. :roll:

I thought it was £60 and three points?

nah some of these things are byelaw related, rather than a criminal offence!


Scamming council gits with their crappy signs deliberately designed to cause you to get stung!


Aye, its a bus lane thang. There were no signs as we turned to say you cant go that way. By googling it I see that people on Pepipoodooo get off from this one but despite what people think I do have a life and could not be arsed disputing £30.

TBH, being in Bradford is like being in the 1980's. The dirty closed buildings, empty spaces, the dank shopping centre and the clothes and hairstyles of the slack jawed yokels who live there made me mistakenly assume that technology such as CCTV had not yet made it that far.


If you do decided to fight it, that's your defence right there. Should go well*.


It might, considering Bradford's tourist slogan is "Bradford is like being in the 1980's. The dirty closed buildings, empty spaces, the dank shopping centre and the clothes and hairstyles of the slack jawed yokels".

TBH, being in Bradford is like being in the 1980's. The dirty closed buildings, empty spaces, the dank shopping centre and the clothes and hairstyles of the slack jawed yokels who live there


Don't tell me that! :shock: Guess where I'm going on Friday to pick up my ebay bargain kitchen?


To everyone who had replied to my post of desperation, thank you for all the advice and words of wisdom. I think this certain 'family member' doesnt really appreciate the difficulties I face. I am not educated to thier standard so cannot walk into so-called "permanent" job as easily as they can.


I spoke to Fatha_Sterling this evening, he is more down to earth and understands my position better than anyone as he is in a similar position work-wise, he understands more and is always willing to give proper, concise and detailed advice when needed (and not needed), his advice is a lot more realistic than the other sides. However, I do understand the other members concerns, I guess more that they cannot communicate in such an effective and more down to earth way.


Anyhow, unfortunately, more grumps from me I'm afraid.....


The longer commute job I talked about in my other post did not come up, its night shift only, I cannot do those hours due to looking after sis_Sterling whilst Ma is away working. It was perfect too, 12 hour shifts over 4 days, just like I had a few years ago.


I had a very half-arsed bout flu a couple of weeks ago and I was just getting over it, the coughs usually take longer to clear up, where I work doesnt help as its quite dusty, the backs of the trailers can be exteremly dusty and dirty.


Ma comes home last week with flu like symptoms, coughing a lot and feeling rather bad, then of course I have to catch it, resulting in Monday at work feeling very shit, Tuesday off work as I feel very shit, then last night, from midnight until 5am this morning, almost constant coughing. Thankfully its eased right off and hopefully I can actually sleep tonight.


Hey ho, such is life.....


The longer commute job I talked about in my other post did not come up, its night shift only, I cannot do those hours due to looking after sis_Sterling whilst Ma is away working. It was perfect too, 12 hour shifts over 4 days, just like I had a few years ago.


Hold on, you're making employment decisions based on family care duties?


And someone in your family is having a go at you for a perceived lack of career progression?




And it isn't you who needs to be drinking that.




I know, it did come across how selfish thier attitude was when other points came up.


Never mind, I shan't stay in this position forever, changes do need to be made.


can't see tayne's pic but i tend to agree with his words.


you are never going to win an argument with your mum, but you can feel better inside if you have the moral high ground.


just never tell her why you win the game, or she will find something else to have a go about :lol:


Phoned up this morning to see how my Granada's done with its very first UK MoT.

It failed. :(

Brake servo isn't up to scratch apparently, and there's a leak where the steering column goes into the PAS rack. At least now I know where the PAS fluid was going! It's been "consuming" it for months. I'm on good terms with (this will amaze you; it amazes me!) a local banger racer, so I'm going to have a word and see if he has any spares stock that will help.


Mo -


The 'better educated' person saying these things to you has no right to do so. There's someone in my family like that. Educated up to the gunwales, despised by everyone else. That my aunt [2 CSEs, 1 A-Level, Haircut 100 album] can run rings around him in a conversation says a great deal.


In other news, today's grump.


Next door to my folks lives a retired couple. As expected, they're miserable old farts. They're the ones who think I have a drinking problem because I got out of my car once shouting at someone on my mobile phone. I'm not sure how you equate one with the other, but there you go. I didn't plant a scrawny fir tree bang off centre in my front lawn and declare it a masterpiece. Must be the alcohol abuse.




They've decided to go away while their house is painted. Decorator decides to jump over our fence 'to get a better angle on it'. Apparently this is fine and FATHA_WATANABE doesn't mind. Like fuck they'd let us do the same thing if the situation were reversed.


Then the clincher. 'Any chance of a cup of tea?' asks the bloke.


Me: 'Do I look like a fucking transport cafe?'




No doubt I'll get some half-arsed rebuke when they come back telling me I'm miserable and my attitude is wrong and that how could my parents have brought up such a drunken wretch, etc, etc.





Not knocking those that have done it - I haven't - but successive governments do seem to want virtually all students to go to university and surely that devalues the qualification itself?


In my home town ( Burnley) there used to be several large manufacturing companies that provided employment and training for folk of all abilities. Lucas Automotive, Michelin Tyres etc... Lucas alone employed thousands. Not everyone wants to work in management, many young people just want a job, which used to be plentiful. Sadly, not much manufacturing goes on here anymore, hence no skilled/semi skilled work opportunities. The government idea of sending everyone to university to study spurious and often useless subjects is a no brainer. WTF are the thousands of 'newly qualified' media/hairdressing/business study young folk actually meant to do once out of uni? Ok, they spent four years off the unemployment statistics, what next?

Am in a similar position to Lord Sterling TBH. Am 52, used to have 'a plan', but that turned to shite once this green and pleasant land actually stopped manufacturing anything.




Not knocking those that have done it - I haven't - but successive governments do seem to want virtually all students to go to university and surely that devalues the qualification itself?


In my home town ( Burnley) there used to be several large manufacturing companies Lucas Automotive, Michelin Tyres etc




Anyway, Lucas is still there albeit not employing the same numbers and not called Lucas but they still knock out automotive stuff. Michelin long since gone but the site is now some French aerospace company which is apparently Burnleys biggest employer. Who knew?


Same story across the country sadly not just here.


The cunt who owns next door is trying to boot out the current, nice quiet tenants out, in favour of letting each room separately, effectively making the place a fucking doss house, so now that I've got the garage built, we are looking to move instead!


There's laws against that*, isn't there, or is that just up here? :?


*Multiple occupancy - You can't have more than two non-related people living in one house if they have to share a bathroom.

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