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The grumpy thread


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Isn't one of the points of autoshite that you own a car where dings don't matter.


Sometimes they even add symmetry and improve the looks of a car. Or you can fix it yourself.


Or have I just missed a turn and I'm on Pistonheads.


I'm firmly in this camp. A dent or 2 just adds to the patina.


Once you hit a critical mass of dents, scratchs, paint, mud and other tasteful adornments then oddly you don't seem to attract any more.


Can make "merge in turn" moments a bit more civilised as well.

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It's like these shootings and stuff in Tunisia and France. People will talk about it being bad and stuff but they'll do sod all to change or stop it happening again

And what am I supposed to do about that exactly?

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Ffs, got up early on sunday to go to the car boot and its just started raining

It's Glastonbury weekend. WTF did you expect? Glorious sunshine all weekend?!!!

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Off for an early walk this morning. Parked the fiat at newlands corner miles from anyone at 8.30. Came back two hours ( and 7.5miles) later and someone had parked on my left side about 6 inches away from the door- that's about a foot inside my white lines.


Then coming back through Woking ( I hate working) some fat chav in a ford something people carrier drifts across the lane markings on a roundabout as I am on their offside. I toot the horn ( not a long blast, just a toot of the Italian twin tone clamshells) and this tattooed arm appears out of the window with a gesture that winston Churchill would not approve. Oh this was a woman by the way with children in the back( so much for the future of civilisation).


On the plus side there was a nice ford cortina just leaving newlands as I was puttin my boots on. Very gene hunt looking in colour and spec.

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Shit, forgot, left a skylight open all night and of course it rained as it was sunny all day





You did a wee on the sofa, didn't you?


A fly buzzing round my room drove me mental last night. I opened the window as far as I could to let it out, but the stupid thing kept smacking into the pane of glass above it.

This went on for at least an hour and I ended up thrashing around in a semi-conscious state trying to whip it out of the air with a sock. I very nearly missed and knocked my round Ecko off the chest of drawers. Had it been one of those candid camera programmes, I'd have probably ended up an internet celebrity.


Apparently it sounded like a war was going on downstairs; my housemates kept hearing thumps and bangs punctuated by my shouts of "Fuck off out of the window, you stupid fucker!"

Eventually, it landed on the desk and I splattered the bastard with my fist.

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i'm gonna grump about the weather here too.


it's lovely, bright sun, no breeze and the pavement slabs are cracking in the heat.


so what's the problem.


the mini is sat in his garage at the temple of doom (the inlaws) as the forecast was for rain, thunder, rain and a bit more rain for today.


given that information it was decided by SWMBO that the tiny car was better off stopping where he was in his garage.



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Having been stripping my 1300L today, I think my time of driving a mk2 Cavalier on a regular basis are in the past. This is is also a relief, as I won't be able to rust any more out. It goes for scrap tomorrow.


Still, sad times for someone who has had at least one Cav in his life for the last 16 and a half years. :(

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Ma is watching a shit dvd she's borrowed off idiot sister. It's about an hour in at a guess. I've been in the garage, have no idea what's going on and even less interest in finding out. (idiot sister wouldn't know a good film if somebody rammed one up her fat arse sideways).


Ma is giving me the director's commentary. "Oh, it's the dragon!" I don't care. If I wanted to know what was happening I could look at the fish tank with my own mk1 eyeball.

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Just spent two hours in fucking 90 odd degree heat taking the back seat of the wife's minivan apart as it wouldn't unfold properly.   Pissed around checking all the cables inside were working, adjusted them etc etc, still no joy.   Turns out that it won't open fully unless the latches on the floor are fully engaged, a bit of slamming it on the floor to get them working and the bloody thing works perfectly now.   


I'm now like Ben Kingsley in Sexy Beast, a very grumpy, sweaty and sweary man,.

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It's a bit warm, I am home alone, the internet is on, I have a few quid and I am bored. This may not end well. 

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The Spacy broke down on the way to work today, just after filling it up with petrol.  No idea what's happened.  I put it up on the stand to try and have a look and the stand mount broke off.  So I pushed it the mile or so home and resurrected the Chinese bike, which apart from sending my feet to sleep with its vibrations got me to work without drama (albeit 40 minutes late).


So instead of a nice relaxing evening watching Big Bang Theory I'm going to be out in the garden pissing about with the scooter.  FFS.

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Annoyed with myself for not reading the sort of small print that nobody ever reads. 


Arranged to send a gearbox with TNT through P2G. However, I didn't read the prohibited items list, which contains gearboxes as a DO NOT SHIP OMG item.



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Well pxssed off. Trying to book a cheapo sunshine holiday in October. Greece is about to go bust so all those islands are out. Tunisia. Fxck right off! Same goes for Egypt and the other Arab states. The ball and chain doesn't like Turkey and Tenegrief/Lanzagrote too expensive. Suggestions please! 

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Well pxssed off. Trying to book a cheapo sunshine holiday in October. Greece is about to go bust so all those islands are out. Tunisia. Fxck right off! Same goes for Egypt and the other Arab states. The ball and chain doesn't like Turkey and Tenegrief/Lanzagrote too expensive. Suggestions please!

Why would Greece be out?


We went to Egypt just after mubrak was kicked out and they rioted. Was dirt cheap and no one around :-)

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Well pxssed off. Trying to book a cheapo sunshine holiday in October. Greece is about to go bust so all those islands are out. Tunisia. Fxck right off! Same goes for Egypt and the other Arab states. The ball and chain doesn't like Turkey and Tenegrief/Lanzagrote too expensive. Suggestions please! 

Try Malta cheap and they mostly speak English. It is also great for tat spotting.

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South Africa. 20 rand to the pound just now, which is ludicrous. Just back from there on a Turkish Airways flight that cost £348 return to Gatwick. Go to Cape Town. So amazing that I have no idea where Cape Tonians go on holiday. Everywhere else in the world must be such a disappointment. Rio comes in second place.


PS. Usually you can't ship gearboxes or engines because of fluids leaking on other parcels. Just had that issue too trying to ship an engine from...errr... Cape Town

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Why would Greece be out?


We went to Egypt just after mubrak was kicked out and they rioted. Was dirt cheap and no one around :-)


Greece are about to go bankrupt so I would have thought there would be a run on the banks, wages wouldn't be paid etc etc. OMGENDOFTHEWORLD!


FCO website says Egypt O.Kish but would rather not risk it!

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South Africa. 20 rand to the pound just now, which is ludicrous. Just back on a Turkish Airways flight that cost £348 return to Gatwick. Go to Cape Town. So amazing that I have no idea where Cape Tonians go on holiday. Everywhere else in the world must be such a disappointment. Rio comes in second place.




Just looked on Teletext nothing available for the dates we've got.Fucksticks!!

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