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The grumpy thread


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They have an automated service.  It is a 0300 number.  I called it then realised I had the V5 for the Renault 6 in front of me... and then couldn't find the Xantia V5.


I have now found the Xantia V5 and I'm loathe to call that number again because it'll cost MONEY.  I'm also loathe to spend an HOUR refreshing the DVLA website to do my legal requirement.


I'd be grumpier, but to be fair we all saw this coming didn't we?

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03xx numbers should be included with your bundle minutes on a mobile.


In fact, a lot of 08xx numbers can be swapped with the same 03xx to stop it costing a fortune from a mobile.

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Re the Somerset,you have no spark at plugs,yes? Check the carbon brush in the cap,also check the screw holding the points/leccy unit into the baseplate,I've had this earth out due to being too long before.also the black earth lead.

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Vodafone..... For fucks sake sort out your website/customer interface.

What a load of crap.

Website just sends you into a loop. Online advisors 'may' answer, but if they do, it will be along the lines of " Hello, my name is Olangodoo, how may I help you today?"

After 20 minutes trying to tell Olangodoo that I have been trying to register my phone on the website to access my account the web chat thing crashes....

Breathe, try again.

"Hello, you are speaking to Serendipity, how may I help you"?

"Oh, hello, I have just.....


Sorry, we are just making a few tweaks to our website, please try again later.


Sometimes technology needs a massive kick up the arse!

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Never call phone companies / electricity companies / insurance firms / or any call centres in the evening after 6pm because that is when 99% of the great unwashed decide its a good time to call EON/Vodafone/BT/Admiral/TalkTalk etc etc....The same probably goes for the web assistance.


If you can call em about 10am midweek, guarantee you'll go straight through and be dealt with within a few mins.

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Never call phone companies / electricity companies / insurance firms / or any call centres in the evening after 6pm because that is when 99% of the great unwashed decide its a good time to call EON/Vodafone/BT/Admiral/TalkTalk etc etc....The same probably goes for the web assistance.


If you can call em about 10am midweek, guarantee you'll go straight through and be dealt with within a few mins.

I am going to call them at 10am on Wednesday, then use the ringback option. When they ring me back I wont answer. That will show 'em.

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Did the new electronic setup require any new connections being made, re-terminating cables or anything, 'dicky? Is it worth fiddling with anything there?


I fitted electronic ignition (2nd hand unit) to the 2cv and it stopped with a bang one day while we were on holiday, followed by no spark. We were recovered from Buxton to mom and Dad's as I knew there'd be a points box lying round somewhere in the garden. Fitted that, and sure enough, no spark! Traced it back to a broken LT lead at the coil by wiggling all the wires in the ignition circuit as a last desperate attempt after running out of any logical ideas!

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Tried a different rotor arm Seth, and there's no spark at the points . It did run - badly, and only for a few seconds - earlier, then it cut out, I swapped back to the points and condenser, and now I can't get anything out of it. It would help if I had a multimeter.


You can get multimeters for about £4. Obviously they aren't very good but they are fine for most stuff on the car. The biggest annoyance with the really cheap ones is the lack of a buzzer on the continuity test.

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I've taken it out to experience driving about without one! Feels odd removing something that I've known to be a legal requirement since forever!


No more having to forge a valid insurance cert on a Friday night so my mate can get a disc from the post office Saturday morning so we could drive down to Bournemouth to go clubbing sat night. Happy days!

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I could be wrong but because they no longer issue tax discs from today doesn't mean you can whip your current one out the screen i,e. if your car was taxed under the old regime and the tax disc is still valid beyond 1st October then it has to stay in the screen.....its the new regime where a disc is not required to be on show, not the old one.


I could have that completely wrong of course.

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Yup. Failure to display is no longer an offence, regardless of when the disc expires. 


This thread also reminds me that I need to buy a new multimeter. My previous cheap, shitty one did not respond well to me changing the batteries. It didn't seem to be designed to come apart! That's cheap shit for you. Maybe I'll spend a bit more this time. Any recommendations?

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Buy an old avo meter. Bomb proof (well me proof) got a needle to show variations of voltages clearer than digital, repairable so can be made to last for ever, able to cope with silly high voltages and they're pretty cool! Last one cost me £15 from the bay. You can get "tropicalised" ones that cope with very high humidity/wetness so ideal for Welsh winters!

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I've got a Laser 1574, which has lasted well although is not a quality item like those of old. Main plus point for me is that it has shutters on the sockets so you can't accidentally try and measure voltage whilst plugged into the current socket... Plus it does dwell and rpm, which is useful for car stuff.

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WTactualF? Is today international "Act like a bastard" day or some similar event that I and about six other people have not heard about because we dont use facebook?


Seriously, if I had easy access to firearms you would be hearing about me on the news this evening....Scottish man goes on killing spree in French city centre....


So I go to the hardware store which has eight parking spaces outside. Four of which are taken up by a Porsche Panamera.


Then I go to the supermarket and some guy is wandering around in a daze, bumping into people and getting in everyones way due to him holding his iphone horizontally eight inches in front of his face and talking to someone over the speakerphone. As if it wasnt bad enough hearing one side of someone elses tedious phone conversation this prick needs to make everyone listen to both sides! The temptation to slap it out of his hand was almost too great.


Then I get to the tills and as I am putting my stuff on the conveyor the woman in front exclaims that she has forgotten to get washing powder and just wanders off. The till dude kept ringing her stuff through and then had to sit and wait, while I stood waiting too until this woman eventually sauntered back with a box of Daz. She then has a huffy, stompy-foot temper tantrum because her shopping was all piled up at the end of the till.


I go to the pez station which is really busy with long queues for the pumps and everyone is too stupid to realise that the hoses are long enough to reach round to the other side of their car so they are all queueing up for a pump with the nozzle on the same side as their filler. I see an empty pump and drive past everyone and start filling up only to get an earfull from some fud for skipping the queue. Fuck you, man - its not complicated.


And there is a bit of dual carriageway which is busy because its lunchtime and French people are genetically programmed to spontaneously combust if they are not sitting down to eat at the stroke of midday and while everyone is rushing, one prick who is obviously more important than everyone else in his Porsche Cayenne was bullying his way past everyone, weaving in and out, overtaking and undertaking like a fucking video game.


I finally get home and my fucking neighbour is blocking my gates with his car again. 




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I'm feeling guilty as fook. Just had a text then a phonecall from someone who used to be a really good friend but I've barely seen for the past year,  to ask to borrow a large sum of money. I know I shouldn't but I just feel so bad....  I've tried to keep in touch this last year but he never picks up the phone or replies to texts when I've contacted him. Now he wants to borrow dosh.

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Not to be a b*stard or anything, and it's obviously your decision, but be very careful and think hard about lending money.   Have seen a few friendships and family relations fall apart over the years due to this.   Maybe you could find another way to help starting with finding out what the problem is and investigating ways to help.   Citizens advice can be very helpful sometimes with dept repayment options etc.  


Christ, I sound like my Dad....

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Aye, I'd tell him to FRO personally, Explain that you short yourself at the moment and haven't get any spare money, It's a cheek to ask in the first place if you haven't seen them for ages and they have been ignoring you.

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Some years ago, a good friend of mine lent another (ex-) good friend ten large "to save his business".  Friend B promptly emigrated to Australia leaving Friend A holding the debt, which he is still struggling to repay.


Just saying, like.



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As Tim says, only lend it if you can afford to not see it again.


I wouldn't but then i am quite a tight fooker and prefer my money to be in my pocket etc.

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Just no.


I lent a mate 500 quid back in 2000. Despite assurances I would get it, I never did and gave up asking in 2004.


A few weeks back he asked for another loan.......to say that my refusal of credit was considered offensive is an understatement.


If it was 20 quid, then fine. If its several hundred or even thousands and you can't afford to lose it, then avoid

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I did say 'No!' but made an excuse as he knows I have got some dosh. I know he's been borrowing off everybody and I know I'd never get it back.  If someone had asked my advice on this subject I would have said 'do not do it as you'll never see the money again and lose the friend' but following my own advice is hard....


If he'd been a better friend this last year or so while I REALLY needed a mate, I probably would have, even knowing that I'd never see it again.  It's not easy this 'life' lark is it?

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I'm feeling guilty as fook. Just had a text then a phonecall from someone who used to be a really good friend but I've barely seen for the past year,  to ask to borrow a large sum of money. I know I shouldn't but I just feel so bad....  I've tried to keep in touch this last year but he never picks up the phone or replies to texts when I've contacted him. Now he wants to borrow dosh.

Never let money ruin a friendship.


Explain that you cannot help him, and that it would be nice to hear from him now and again.

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