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The grumpy thread


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9 minutes ago, goosey said:

Sat in my Hotel room and for some reason there is a really overwhelming smell of shit drifting in through the window

You hope. I'd take a quick look under the bed.

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1 hour ago, omegod said:

I had a similar issue as a buyer, I paid for a spares car and on the hour the transporter was due to pick it up the sellers account disappeared from ebay. I'd stupidly paid by bank transfer too so was somewhat surprised/relieved that the car turned up as described an hour later , it had been left for collection in a field with the keys in apparently 

Crikey, I bet that was stressful, especially as there was a third party transporter involved! 

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1 hour ago, High Jetter said:

TV presenters* who smile and nod... before the interviewee has finished their answer. 

or do that hissing thing to punctuate things!

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1 hour ago, High Jetter said:

TV presenters* who smile and nod... before the interviewee has finished their answer. 

There's a reason for that (especially in things like news interviews), It's called (rather rudely) doing a noddy. 'ooh err' etc etc.

It's for editing purposes, so if there are bits of an answer they don't want to use in a recording of an interview, they have some footage to cut to on camera 2 whilst the bit they do want to use is being said. They can then cut back to whatever they want to use on another camera much less obviously than a hard cut would be mid answer.

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6 hours ago, Mrcento said:

There's a reason for that (especially in things like news interviews), It's called (rather rudely) doing a noddy. 'ooh err' etc etc.

It's for editing purposes, so if there are bits of an answer they don't want to use in a recording of an interview, they have some footage to cut to on camera 2 whilst the bit they do want to use is being said. They can then cut back to whatever they want to use on another camera much less obviously than a hard cut would be mid answer.

Thanks, and I can appreciate that for live work, but not when it's a documentary when 2 who know each other are informing us rather than themselves.

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'Find another' at the end of a for sale advert ( in this case a very overpriced Vectra B).

Rarity does not equal value you potless cretin.


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Not so much grumpy but sad (and pissed).  Best mate's mother died this morning and also my neighbour's beautiful huge black German shepherd. 

Now In Wetherspoons toasting both losses. 

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10 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

'Find another' at the end of a for sale advert ( in this case a very overpriced Vectra B).

Rarity does not equal value you potless cretin.


Rarity of a once ubiquitous vehicle is usually an indication of their overall desirability, rather lack thereof 😄

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Fscking Autodoc...

Not even so much their existence or anything, I do use them often enough.  My particular grump here is that they have popped up now under so many different names and web domains that about the first 3000 matches for anything you search for on Google in terms of car parts winds up redirecting to them...which is fine if they have what you need - but if they don't it just gets absolutely maddening to keep coming back to the same damned page over and over and over and over again just with a slightly different graphic in the header.

It's a really horrible practice on their part as it's clearly intended to simply wipe any other providers off the search results so they can pocket all the customers.

Searching for apparently completely extinct consumable parts is frustrating enough as it is.

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11 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

Fscking Autodoc...

Not even so much their existence or anything, I do use them often enough.  My particular grump here is that they have popped up now under so many different names and web domains that about the first 3000 matches for anything you search for on Google in terms of car parts winds up redirecting to them...which is fine if they have what you need - but if they don't it just gets absolutely maddening to keep coming back to the same damned page over and over and over and over again just with a slightly different graphic in the header.

It's a really horrible practice on their part as it's clearly intended to simply wipe any other providers off the search results so they can pocket all the customers.

Searching for apparently completely extinct consumable parts is frustrating enough as it is.

Add to that substituting their own brand vs your chosen brand and taking weeks to process the refund..

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Mrs 206 needed some welding for the MOT. The garage did a good solid job, but it wasn't pretty.

Over the last couple of weekends I've filled and flattened the area, a bit of high build primer and all that.

Today it is dry and sunny here so I took the opportunity to get a top coat on it. 

(No photos because I never think of that until half way through).

Well the colour match is pretty good. But something has reacted with the paint and it looks like a fucking map of the moon.


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I feel old, just got back from taking my daughter into town for pads... On Facebook it's showing me a memory from when she was 2 months old and asleep in her rocker whilst I watched minder 🤣

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A local pub which has been in the news a lot recently, local and national, spontaneously  burst into flames last night,  built in 1765. 

I remember standing in the grounds with my arms around my now wife asking if she’d be my girlfriend under the fireworks on bonfire night when we were 16.  And more recently our daughter working behind the bar and having a pint on a Sunday lunch. 






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1 hour ago, stephen01 said:

A local pub which has been in the news a lot recently, local and national, spontaneously  burst into flames last night,  built in 1765. 

I remember standing in the grounds with my arms around my now wife asking if she’d be my girlfriend under the fireworks on bonfire night when we were 16.  And more recently our daughter working behind the bar and having a pint on a Sunday lunch. 






Wasn’t it for sale ?  Worth more money for housing now it’s “gone on fire”.

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Apparently it was, and had been sold 6 days ago to a private buyer who  had an alternate use for it. I hope he had his insurance in place.....

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16 minutes ago, richardmorris said:

Wasn’t it for sale ?  Worth more money for housing now it’s “gone on fire”.

Yeah, sold to a private buyer, much speculation as to who it has been sold to,  no one actually knows. 

This happed to another local pub, the one my wife and I had our wedding reception in ironically, less than a mile from this place, it’s recently been knocked down and planning has been approved. 

At least they made it look less suspicious than this and screwed it over, over the course of a few years. 

The crocked house is not only a local icon but an international one. Brilliant pub in the wrong area sadly. 

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If it's anything like in Glasgow, the demolition crews will be on the scene as soon as the fire engines leave. Funny* how they're always available at short notice in these situations. Check your local councillors' back gardens next summer  for suspicious looking new swimming pools...

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I read about the Crooked House this morning. Very sad end. Haven't been for years admittedly but it was something interesting and different


As soon as I read it, I did wonder about the new buyer and the alternate use that was planned 

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That is just a little bit suspicious!

I wonder if it was an inside job to ensure it could become a building plot, or the work of a bitter 3rd party, unhappy at the change of ownership?

Reminds me of a story I was told about a backstreet car dealer who would engage the services of a mysterious figure known as "The Dragon" who ensured that troublesome cars no longer required any warranty work once they had been brought back more than a couple of times.

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Marvellous, just what you want to find stuffed around heating pipes when you're pulling off old plasterboard.



They weren't still putting asbestos into new builds by 1985, surely?

I'm sure* my pandemic-grade blue fabric mask will be super-effective at offering protection, if so...


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3 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Marvellous, just what you want to find stuffed around heating pipes when you're pulling off old plasterboard.



They weren't still putting asbestos into new builds by 1985, surely?

I'm sure* my pandemic-grade blue fabric mask will be super-effective at offering protection, if so...


Sadly they were.  Use in building work wasn't outright banned until well into the late 90s as I recall.

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