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The grumpy thread


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1 hour ago, MarvinsMom said:

things fucking up - and driving me mad.

mother has a k13? micra, one of them from Pune in India.

had it from new, its what, 7 years old now and the fucker keeps flattening its battery. the battery on the car is only a couple of months old, but this morning she went out to it, and put keyin. nothing.



and it had been fine earlier in the day. but no, now she's going out, it won't work.

now jump start it, its fine, for a bit. 

except i aint got my car, kerry has it so i cannot get it going just now, and me dad he's off out in his car, so that won't work either.

googling suggests that the immobiliser on these goes tits up, but,remember i am not a mechanic, or electrician either for that matter. so it  could be that, or  it could be something else that is completely different.

so trying to explain this to a 70 year old, that the indian (nee renner, and no doubt cheap chinese) electric gubbins buried up under the dashboard is playing up and that i cannot do anything about it, well that has been hard going!

oddly the battery on the car is TINY! its half the size of the battery tray, and looks like a motorbike battery its that wee. it is though, i'm told the right one for the car?? and its not in a box, just a tray with a clamp. i thought all new cars had to have the battery in a box with a lid? well me mam's micra, and the old mans new-ish x-trail both don't have their batteries in a box.....

plus our 20 year old telly has been playing up, switching itself off, and the picture has also gone either VERY red or very GREEN briefly.

so the tube is going on it guess, and i'm going to have to have a new telly, irritatingly the bloody thing is fine at the moment.

just what i want to have to do, go into Middlesbrough when the chinese disease is still doing the rounds.

though to be honest,i dunno what i'm more pissed off about, a dying telly, having to spend some money to go and buy a new telly,or the inevitable fuck about that going to friggin' currys to buy this new telly will be. i even got kerry to bring the Rover back home this evening , an not the Mini 1000 as planned so we can go for this new telly.  You won't get a telly in the back of a mini. especially as some of these new ones are bigger than the car is!

we could have,i supposed tied it to the roof of the mini, mr bean style?

oh and apparently kerry's equally elderly laptop-a-ma-bob is fucking up too.

i wonder what else can go wrong?

place bets now........

Ok, so flat battery, maybe wrong one fitted but it worked for how long? Best tv deals are online, no need to go anywhere. JohnL, amazisin or neother will oblige. Plenty of laptop help on here.

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I re-stained the fence between my neighbour’s garden and mine about a month ago a normal shade of brown. The fence is entirely on my property. Today I noticed the fuckwit neighbour has stained his side of it the new trendy grey and has also painted the posts and the top of the fence the same colour. The post caps were brown plastic but he’s painted these as well. 

I’m now not sure if I should just live with it or re-stain it my colour. 

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2 hours ago, MarvinsMom said:

plus our 20 year old telly has been playing up, switching itself off, and the picture has also gone either VERY red or very GREEN briefly.

depending how handy you are with a soldering iron this might be pretty easy to fix, sounds like its simply an issue of dry/broken solder joints which is a pretty easy fix by just simply reflowing them with a bit of fresh solder and a soldering iron :) 

this issue is not unheard of in old CRT's because they run quite warm and lots of thermal cycling slowly over time can crack the less well done solder joints etc

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2 hours ago, Borsuq said:

Obviously not, but that doesn't change the fact that this set of bearings has a specific type of grease they're supposed to work with, which definitely doesn't look like any moly grease I've ever seen. Unless the whole "don't use moly for needle bearings" thing is a myth, I'd rather get hold of either what Honda recommend or a proper replacement.

What does the grease look like? Is it runnier or a funny colour?

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One of our first batch of hens has been unwell for a week now. She was obviously in a lot of pain, and hadn't eaten today.  


Columbine.  She outlived lots of her younger relations, laid marvellous blue/green eggs, and has always been top of the pecking order.  The kids called her the beast.  A proper character.  She was five.

That's two I've "dispatched" in just a couple of months.  We now have four left, having given away some of our most healthy ones and younger ones to an old neighbour before we moved.  Only one is still laying, and she's an egg eater.  So I probably have to cull the lot and start again.


Apologies if I've been a twat to folk tonight.

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Every twunt in the world appears to want to attempt to bully me when I drive the C1.

I was driving in Leeds today. I've only just got thru a set of (green) traffic lights in the middle lane of 3 lanes, and stopped as it's solid cars in front of me to the next set of lights. Some twat in an SUV is behind me, giving me some serious horn action 'cos he can't get thru the junction as I (and everyone in front of me) is blocking HRH's path. Traffic moves a bit, he narrowly squeezes past me into the empty left hand lane with more horn, and zooms to the front, where he then realises left lane is going, er, left, and not going to work when he wants to go right, so a force across the middle lane into the right hand lane.

I need a dashcam. And this: 



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6 hours ago, somewhatfoolish said:

Honda don't make CV joints, nor do they make grease; get some moly grease in it and get on with your life.

There will be some extreme failure event that caused some sort of warranty issue, which was solved by a tweak to the spec of the grease.  This will probably be use in a part of the world where it's so hot the normal grease turns to melted jelly and sets fire to itself, or so cold it falls to be grease and is actually solid and brittle as glass.  

So worth the risk of using normal grease in our climate. Probably. 

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11 hours ago, Zelandeth said:

I'm usually pretty careful with stuff.  It doesn't get babied, but having grown up in a family where we were never quite sure if we'd have enough money to feed ourselves from one week to the next, expensive possessions are instinctively treated with care.  So a chunky case always goes with my phones.  Didn't help this time though...

At least I did a good job of it...



Need to check later if I was due an upgrade anyway... though I wasn't really planning on it this year as I was still absolutely happy with the phone.


In answer to the obvious question: Left the thing sitting on the rear bumper of the car when working on the exhaust (because the pockets in these trousers are useless) and drove off with it still sitting there.

It stayed there for about 3/4 of a mile before dropping off and landing in the middle of a 70mph dual carriageway.

A couple of years ago I was late for my youngest son’s sing n sign class, and rushing to get him there ran to the truck, put my phone and wallet on the bed cover as I strapped him in, and then buggered off.

It was only half an hour into the session that i remember thinking “Where’s my phone?” and getting a sinking feeling. 

I retraced my steps the best i could with a two year old in the back but...nothing.

Anyway i Got home and phoned my wife who was out - she tracked the phone about an hour later using the “Find iphone” app. It was at the side of a motorway bridge around half a mile from home and looked absolutely mangled and run over. However, the damage was largely limited to the case (Spigen Tough Armour). Hairline crack on the phone screen and the rear glass section of the case is chipped, but perfect otherwise. I’m typing this on it now - new Spigen case and screen protector and it’s been fine ever since!

And the wallet? Well I wrote that off. Cards cancelled, better luck next time. Except that...literally ten minutes after my wife found my phone and handed it to me I got a call. It was a bus driver, who had spotted my wallet in the middle of the road about a mile and a half from my place. He’d looked inside and found an invoice for a tumble drier I bought the night before which had my phone number on it. He told me to meet him at the airport bus stand at 3pm, when he finished his shift. And so I did. He handed me back my wallet, complete with the 100 odd quid that was in it.  I was made up, and it restored my faith in humanity. I’m pretty sure in the UK i’d never have seen it again.




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6 hours ago, somewhatfoolish said:

What does the grease look like? Is it runnier or a funny colour?

Brand new it's bright yellow. After working for a bit it turns s bit greyer and becomes rather runny. Seems like it might be polyurea grease.

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I found a purse in the middle of a busy roundabout at Morrisons in North Shields. I went round the roundabout again in the bini, stopped the traffic, lent out of the door and picked it up.

Partner found the lasses license in it and tracked her down via facebook and messaged her. Young lass in her early 20's only just the manageress of a pub in Cullercoats called the quarry inn.

She's gifted a free meal and drinks the next time we're over there. She didn't even know her purse was missing and had left it on the roof of her car.


I pleased I've remembered. I forgot all about it.

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7 hours ago, jakebullet said:

Every twunt in the world appears to want to attempt to bully me when I drive the C1.

I was driving in Leeds today. I've only just got thru a set of (green) traffic lights in the middle lane of 3 lanes, and stopped as it's solid cars in front of me to the next set of lights. Some twat in an SUV is behind me, giving me some serious horn action 'cos he can't get thru the junction as I (and everyone in front of me) is blocking HRH's path. Traffic moves a bit, he narrowly squeezes past me into the empty left hand lane with more horn, and zooms to the front, where he then realises left lane is going, er, left, and not going to work when he wants to go right, so a force across the middle lane into the right hand lane.

I need a dashcam. And this: 



Leeds - the arsehole of the universe, nothing more to be said.

i've turned down a couple of jobs in Leeds because its Leeds......

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3 hours ago, Rod/b said:

A couple of years ago I was late for my youngest son’s sing n sign class, and rushing to get him there ran to the truck, put my phone and wallet on the bed cover as I strapped him in, and then buggered off.

It was only half an hour into the session that i remember thinking “Where’s my phone?” and getting a sinking feeling. 

I retraced my steps the best i could with a two year old in the back but...nothing.

Anyway i Got home and phoned my wife who was out - she tracked the phone about an hour later using the “Find iphone” app. It was at the side of a motorway bridge around half a mile from home and looked absolutely mangled and run over. However, the damage was largely limited to the case (Spigen Tough Armour). Hairline crack on the phone screen and the rear glass section of the case is chipped, but perfect otherwise. I’m typing this on it now - new Spigen case and screen protector and it’s been fine ever since!

And the wallet? Well I wrote that off. Cards cancelled, better luck next time. Except that...literally ten minutes after my wife found my phone and handed it to me I got a call. It was a bus driver, who had spotted my wallet in the middle of the road about a mile and a half from my place. He’d looked inside and found an invoice for a tumble drier I bought the night before which had my phone number on it. He told me to meet him at the airport bus stand at 3pm, when he finished his shift. And so I did. He handed me back my wallet, complete with the 100 odd quid that was in it.  I was made up, and it restored my faith in humanity. I’m pretty sure in the UK i’d never have seen it again.




I lad at school found a wallet, with bank cards, a tenner and condoms. He returned it without the tenner, and with pin holes in the condoms. 

I remember thinking "Twat" 

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14 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

....picture of this temporary traffic light when walking home from a driving lesson yesterday...


That's one of Pike Signals' standard temporary heads. Ugly beast. The individual LED inserts are Swarco FuturLED units, I think, operating on a 12v supply.

Another temp supplier is SRL, which provides much neater signals.

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16 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

Bloody hell thats shattered impressively! first photo actually looks quite pretty with the colour gradient across it , at least its physically in one piece does it still power up so you can get your stuff off of it?

if it makes you feel better I almost dropped my phone taking a picture of this temporary traffic light when walking home from a driving lesson yesterday 

was the first time id actually seen one up close on foot (ie not just passing in a vehicle) so grabbed a photo LOL


I wonder if its just set to cycle on a set timer, or if there is some wireless communication/intelligence going on... (there does seem to besome sort of sensor above the red light)



(as a side note I dont see anything holding it down, wonder what would stop someone just walking away with it/lobbing it in the back of their van LOL, like the next level up from taking one of those yellow flashing beacons LOL)

I could have sooooo much fun with a pair of them ?

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just put 2 new tyres on the C1   and at the same time checked my trusty tyre pressure gauge with the garage ..

it was about 7 psi under !!!   , my new one I never used was spot on ...

so thats the 10 tyres on 2 cars now at the right pressure ...

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and then today we have heard that our favourite, and cheap,tame mechanic has lost his premises.

he has been working out of a shed on a small holding, 

but with the chinese disease he has been given notice to quit.

he will still come and work off the drive, but that is going to be a pain instead of working on a big set of ramps and a pit, in the dry.

so i don't see that really been a solutions thats going to fly.


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2 hours ago, captain_70s said:

Bought paint for the Doloshite, it appears to be the wrong shade...


No worries, just get some rose tinted glasses. ?

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I've been using my sensible head, and as game of thrones kept telling us, winter is coming. With the year so far I can Nostradamus that it's going to be a bad winter. I'm seriously down on wood as my supplier shut at the start of covid.

Contacted Eric the shed wood supplier. Yes they're back working, no I can't have any wood. No public allowed until there's a vaccine. Bugger.

Went on evilbay, firewood, sort nearest first. Place 15 miles away, offcuts from manufacture of furniture for God damned hipsters. £5 builder's bag. This could be a winner, I'll go get 1 bag in the disco, then if any good get idiot sister to fetch me a horsebollox van full.

Fail! Bloody big chunks for off cuts. Had to axe most in half so they would fit the chop saw. Managed a glancing axe blow to my head by failing to remember washing lines. Way too much work, and they look substantial timber but are pretty light weight. I think it's going to be wear 2 coats indoors :(


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28 minutes ago, loserone said:

Half of that looks like treated wood, fuck that!

There's a charlatan attempting to sell plywood as ideal for firewood. Ruin your house for only £15 a time!

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Right, I appreciate it's an unpopular opinion, but I fucking hate this hot weather. I have a 3 hour drive in the BMW later which, normally, is a pleasure - aircon on, Radio6, cruise control and maybe a poncy coffee on the go. But the aircon is weak, despite being regassed a couple of months ago,  so instead of singing along to Slaves at 15C, I'll be boiling like a bastard lobster. 

Roll on autumn. There. I said it. Fight me.

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Summer can absolutely fuck right off. It brings all the amateurs out to otherwise nice places, and turns them into horrible places. Pubs full of dickheads, Pleasant countryside places full of dickheads. These people seem to stay at home for 361 days a year and as soon as the sun comes out they all swarm out to HAVE A NICE DAY OUT AT ALL COSTS and destroy everyones chance of any enjoyment. Thankfully they have a shit day and go home until the next time it is very sunny.

People who aren't ordinarily dickheads are driven to dickheadery by the weather and the fact that they are surrounded by dickheads.

And to top it off, it's uncomfortably hot and means I can't sleep.

I would be very happy for it to rain 6 days a week, year round.

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