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1 hour ago, Kiltox said:

If it’s tested it’s tested unless the insurer is declining to cover it - unless you can find a direct DVSA source that says otherwise 

I'll have to see what happens then. It's complicated by it being through my work insurance rather than my own

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6 minutes ago, reb said:

I'll have to see what happens then. It's complicated by it being through my work insurance rather than my own

Ah. That might complicate matters. They could pull the health and safety card *rolls eyes*

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3 hours ago, reb said:

Big grump time!

850 is a Cat N, so needs an MOT early, very likely needs the top spring seats renewed before this can happen. I can neither afford nor be arsed with that right now. My current plan is bung it into the same kwikshit as last time and hope they don't notice. I wonder if the half tank of veg it's got in will help or hinder the emmissions test...

Veg will help the emissions. My Mot man reckons 30% less.

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3  soft bar stewards chasing the clown with a  crown  who clearly owns the race  , but wont see the sense to realise the crown is as much value as the one out of a cracker

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11 minutes ago, New POD said:

Been drinking Mike? 

as always , wife is away at the tin box !

found some out of date Old speckled hen ....

politics ..a load of waffle  , snake eyes and lost promises

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Just talked myself out of a free tenner.. 

Had an old guys dyson v6 over the weekend as it 'kept cutting out'. I used it every day and nope, it's fine. Dropped it back on my way home from work and refused to take any money as I'd not done anything to it,and don't like to take money for not doing anything. 

Morally I'm happy, my head says I'm an idiot. Ah well, I'm sure it'll pass

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Princess has had the driver's door mirror snapped off.  The only way this can have happened is because someone put a good amount of effort in to do it, on purpose, because of where it's parked, it's not like it could happen when someone drove past.  It is repairable, which is something, but I'm pretty annoyed that someone went to the trouble of breaking it for me.  It's one of the issues with the yard at Mike's place, some people can't seem to look with their eyes and insist on trying to open doors and all sorts and the only way I can see someone having broke that mirror is by squeezing between the Princess and the car it's parked next to and then bending the mirror forwards, which has broken the weld repair I had to do to replace the old threaded portion.  They must have used a good amount of force to break it too, that mirror has stood up to being accidentally bashed and pushed on and all sorts with no bother, so someone must have been adamant that it was a folding mirror.

Oh well, we've got all the stuff to do the brakes and the floor paint in the unit is dry enough now so the Princess should be coming home this weekend since it'll have brakes again and then I shan't have to worry about idiots tampering with my stuff.

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A sorry (and lengthy) tale of main dealer customer service follows (happy for the mods to delete it if is deemed inappropriate). My Subaru received a recall for a fuel pump harness connector, so I booked it in to a main dealer in Stoke on Trent. On Wednesday morning I took the car in and waited for the work to be done as I live 20 miles away. Following the recall, I got into the car, and there was a strong fuel smell.  I drove home with the ventilation on and windows open. When I got home I had a headache for three hours – I don’t usually have headaches.

I contacted the dealer and informed them the car was undriveable in its current state. The manager  eventually asked whether I had RAC or AA cover, in order for the car to be delivered to them. No was the answer, so the manager finally agreed to have the car collected (Wednesday late afternoon).

First email on Thursday lunchtime from the manager to say they had tried to contact me. No-one had called either my mobile or fixed line since the previous evening. I informed them of this, then received a reply to say they must have the wrong number. I pointed out that they had called me on my mobile number the previous day, and provided my number again. My contact details were also on the recall form I had previously completed.

Finally received a call four and a half hour later to say there was no fuel smell they could detect, and no fault was found, but that they had de-odourised the car, as a goodwill gesture had replaced the cabin filter, and my car was now available for collection. I pointed out that either the car needed to be returned to my house or someone collect me from home so I can drive it back. Following a further 15 minutes discussion, the manager than said he’d call me back. He agreed to return the car today Friday. I asked what time  - he wouldn’t commit to one. Here I wait - Friday afternoon, and still no car.

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I can understand you feeling a bit peeved regarding the fuel smell.  Without knowing any of the facts, I would suspect that a problem was found and fixed when they had the car back the second time but they were not inclined to admit to anything being wrong, hence the 'goodwill gesture.'  I doubt that they would risk returning the car to you without a thorough check and a test drive.  The 'we tried to contact you' thing is a common ploy in business when they have forgotten or were too busy to contact you. In view of the fuel smell problem, they probably felt obliged to assist with collection and delivery.  Usually, recalls only cover the work required and getting the car to and from the dealer is your responsibility.  I hope you get the car back soon and that it does not cause further headaches.  

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My hands now look like I put them in a lucky dip box that was full of scissors.  That'll be changing the bulbs on the BX dashboard then.  Hateful job.

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On 6/20/2019 at 4:12 PM, angle said:

This has made me lose all hope for the future of humanity. And I drive a fucking Laguna 2, I have to reset each individual electric window after I disconnect the battery. 


That is just insane.

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I have a ( 2cv engraved) ashtray that I keep all my keys in.  That way any key will be in the same place. Sometimes doesn’t work if I leave car keys in a jacket pocket though.

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On 6/20/2019 at 4:12 PM, angle said:

This has made me lose all hope for the future of humanity. And I drive a fucking Laguna 2, I have to reset each individual electric window after I disconnect the battery. 


would one of those lightbulbs have an existential crisis if you stuck it into a Belisha beacon? :mrgreen:

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On 6/19/2019 at 12:29 PM, Split_Pin said:

Cheers chap.

A trusted shiter has done just that and my CV now looks loads better.

My weakness is covering letters and interviews i.e. positioning things, thankfully I'm getting some help with that too :)

It's just a bit shit when the arseholes who work around you can walk straight into a new job!

Bit late to this one, but bear with me.

1: I've decided that being successful in a job application is about 20% ability, and 80% chance. It's the only possible explanation for why complete twats are actually in work.

2: I used to get properly stomach-ruiningly anxious about interviews. I had some absolute horrors, like one where I had to ask to see my own CV because I could not remember a single thing I'd done. Go me! Didn't get that job funnily enough.

3: With that in mind, and accepting its difficult if you're keen to get another job, it pays not to place too much importance on an interview. If it goes well, then yay! If it doesn't, you need to be able to shrug it off with a gentle I DIDN'T WANT YOUR STINKING JOB ANYWAY approach. But more gentle than that.

Frankly, I think the most important thing to be in an interview is friendly. Pretty convinced that what kick-started my entire IT Project Administrator spell was the fact that the interviewer used to own a 2CV. We had a nice chat and frankly I think he'd decided to give me the job before we even got down to business. If you've got a load of boring CVs in front of you, sometimes just a friendly moment can be enough to tip the balance. I'm glad it was 2CVs though. I'm shit at small talk.

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Had an interview last week.  I immediately decided I wouldn’t gel with him, he said much the same.  I had the feeling he wanted the moon on a stick in a gilt plated presentation box, which was largely confirmed to me when I heard the 12 folk he saw were all rejected.

He basically wanted another clone of himself.  Fair enough, it’s his business so his call.

Apparently as part of my feedback he stated that “I found it odd that Parky said his biggest motivation was doing his utmost to help his children get the best start, Good salespeople wouldn’t say something like that”

So there you have it.  

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Don’t normally do stuff like this but Athens is a lonely place when in a hospital by a bed side.

All went well last week and we had a great week on Santorini  as a holiday. That was until the day we were due to leave.

My wife tripped on a small step in the airport and smashed into the wall. Result was one smashed face and 4 numb limbs. Feelings in the legs soon returned but not in the arms.

Immediately taken to local hospital for X-ray and CT. They spotted something and we were then transferred early on Friday by air ambulance to Athens. Had MRI and spotted ACDF - ask Mr Google  but which meant an operation on the spine.

All went well but post op only one operative was used to transfer her from trolley to bed. She then started complaining of lower back pain. Not sure if two are related but hopefully not.

Now the long road to recovery 


TLDR NHS is good when compared with other countries. Make sure you have medical insurance when visiting Johnnie foreigner.

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Cheers chase racer. I think I have had about 8 hrs sleep since Tuesday morning. Chairs are very adaptable things.

Mrs H now asleep and AS my companion for the night vigil.

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1 hour ago, hennabm said:

TLDR NHS is good when compared with other countries. Make sure you have medical insurance when visiting Johnnie foreigner.

By and large, the people on the front line in the NHS are great people who do great things. There is thankfully enough money going in that the equipment, tools and resources are generally top notch too - even if in short supply in some places. 

It's when you go up the tree and those nearer or at the top is where the rot sets in. It's the usual story like most places I guess. 

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44 minutes ago, hennabm said:

one good thing in Greece - the hospital cafe sells beer. Mr Amstel is my friend tonight.

For contrast, in some hospitals in the UK, the alcohol hand cleaner has had to be removed from the public areas. The alcoholics/drunks/etc keep drinking it! 


Old article, but a doctor mate said it was common policy in a lot of the larger cities A&Es he has worked in. 

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Quarter past three in the morning... finally just about got my mind settled enough that sleep is vaguely on the cards.




Smoke alarm in full on alarm mode.  Cue frantic scramble around to try to work out A: which one it is and B: what's on fire. 

Eventually found it, and no signs of smoke or anything.  This is the fourth alarm we've had go faulty like this in the last year.  Not the low battery pip noise...full scale panic mode just randomly triggering.

Of course I'm now jumping at shadows and have made five trips in the last ten minutes back in there to make sure there's no smoke present.

Great big shot of adrenaline... that's just what I needed at this time of night. 


Currently showing a heart rate of 230bpm according to my fitbit... it's going to be a while before sleep is on the cards again isn't it...

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