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On 5/13/2019 at 5:34 PM, TheDoctor said:

Fucking fed up with my total lack of talent or even staying power with anything. 

I spend my whole life either bodging and making do, or giving up and moving on to the next mess. This usually applies to cars, jobs, furniture, relationships and probably more.


Dude, what you have just described there is LIFE. Don't be so hard on yourself for just getting on with it.

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1 hour ago, ProgRocker said:


I'm getting right royally pissed off with driving at the mo. Fecking traffic left right and centre. I may decide to sell my car and go without.

Time for a motorbike surely? Especially in this weather. Even if you don't ever filter in moving traffic just rolling past the stationary queues will make you feel more relaxed than buddah on his hols to Amsterdam. 


But on a serious note yes traffic can get to fuck, rush hour is now 7am till 9:30am with a minor low spot around 10 am. Before it starts ramping up around lunch which rolls into school run then office traffic. 

Weekends are usually worse as every moron decides they really need to spend a nice day driving around various car parks shopping at the same places with the same stock as last week. Once the shops close the post pub lunch traffic is dicey at best. Sunday morning before the shops open is about the only time you can actually enjoy being on the road. 

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Madness on the roads this morning. Is it a full moon? Riding in at 8am I hear a small motorbike engine coming behind then a. Crash, horn and shouting. I stopped and turned round and a Saab turning right has hit a motorbike overtaking sending him over the bonnet. He gets up though.  It’s recorded on my rear camera and does show the Saab stationary and indicating before turning into the side road. If a yellow police sign goes up I’ll contact them with the footage. Not entirely sure it’s all the car driver’s fault but they should have used their mirrors I suppose before the manoeuvre, then the biker shouldn’t have been overtaking indicating traffic at a junction.


On the way home just now, it’s gone six and quiet, until someone passing ( didn’t even slow down i wasn’t holding them up), shouts something out of an open window. Before turning without indicating cutting the corner and nearly hitting a car coming the other way.

Finally I turn right in Bagshot at the mini roundabout, with no traffic front, rear or side. A second or two later hear a large engined something roaring up behind, there’s no room to pass because of a zebra crossing with traffic island in the middle. This is no problem to Porsche 4x4 driver with penis number plate though who drives on the wrong side of the road , island and keep left arrows forcing the oncoming car to swerve to a halt. But he then has to stop 20m further on as the lights are red. As I pull up behind, he’s on the phone. I’m very tempted to send this footage into the police. 


All this is doing nothing to help stop mid-week alcohol!

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On 5/13/2019 at 5:34 PM, TheDoctor said:

Fucking fed up with my total lack of talent or even staying power with anything. 

I spend my whole life either bodging and making do, or giving up and moving on to the next mess. This usually applies to cars, jobs, furniture, relationships and probably more. 

Just that. I'm a fucking joke. 


Ah man. 

I promise you that having everything new, and everything perfect does not lead to complete happiness. Nirvana doesn’t lie beyond a big bank balance and a lass with big jugs and a small waist. 

As others have said, it’s life. It’s not equal, but it is what you make it. (I’ve had to learn this). And your life? Well it’s described brilliantly by Carole King and the song I’ll have played at my funeral. 

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the ever-changing view
A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold”


Keep buggering on, man. 

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2 hours ago, ProgRocker said:

Fecking traffic, caused by some roadworks near my area

I'm getting right royally pissed off with driving at the mo. Fecking traffic left right and centre. I may decide to sell my car and go without.


The Bikeshite thread is over here - JOIN US!

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The sister saga continues....

We go over to her flat last night to sort out:

A. washing mc cold water feed - purchased and fitted 2.5m hose. Done.

B. free sat box not working. Last worked fine when I plugged it in. No idea. Bodged on terrestrial aerial so DTV available.

C. Boiler controls infathomable to a technophobe. All seemed logical to me but calor gas bottles have run out and landlord ordering replacements so unable to test.

On way back at exuberant speeds in the Multipla, pigeon or owl decides kamikaze is the order of the day. £75 on my insurance.



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This uk loan is apparently the best way. I would have thought a french loan for a french house makes more sense but apparently #BecauseFrance goverment didn't like that foreigners were buying property, getting bored and buggering off without paying the loan.  No it has to be over a certain amount like €125k or something.
However yes your statement about self employed jumping through hoops is almoast certainly the case.
Got round to asking ina round about way when she was planning on sleeping at her flat - might be on for Wedesday or Thursday once I've figured out how the boiler works, fixed the washing m/c and set up the freesat.
Oh and the gloss ceiling she did yesterday looks fucking awful. The emulsion is going to have a hard time covering it. How do you make such am obvious mistake? It smells of oil, it's called satinwood, it's so much thicker as it goes on FFS!
If you need to cover gloss, varnish etc. use Zinsser B-I-N. Not cheap but it works.

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

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Another grump about inconsiderate and selfish parking.

Dropped Mrs Beard off at a school where she was working for the day. Small ish car park with parking spaces in the middle and around the edges, vivid yellow hatchings and NO PARKING writ large on the ground to allow cars to enter and exit the (fenced off rectangular) car park through two gates. In and out. Goes in, Mrs B wanders off and I go to leave. Large black new Audi parked on the yellow hatchings blocking 70% of the exit route.. Hmmm. Left my car, went into reception to ask if they know who owns it, can they move it etc. No joy.

Had to reverse out three sides of the (small) rectangular car park, avoiding all the properly parked cars and attempt to exit through the entrance. 

Whilst faffing about doing this another car had parked badly, but just about in a space, meaning I had to reverse through a gap just about* large enough. It wasn't. Four foot long scrape down passenger side of the car on the stone wall ensued. I was livid. Partly because I had hit the wall, but mainly fuming at the driver of the Audi. As usual they were fine and got away with it, I raked a wall with my newly and recently smartened up old Honda FFS. 

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20 hours ago, ProgRocker said:

Fecking traffic, caused by some roadworks near my area.

It took me 30 minutes to drive home from work - around 1.8 to 2 miles. This is just over what it would have taken me to walk. Once the roadworks are complete it should reduce my drive home by a bit. Drive to work at 7:35am = 5 minutes. 10 minutes at the

I end up catching the end of the school rush hour traffic as I now start and leave work a little earlier in the day.

I'm getting right royally pissed off with driving at the mo. Fecking traffic left right and centre. I may decide to sell my car and go without.

You could walk it in 30 minutes and work off pies at the same time, plus walking will work up an appetite for more pies. Winning. Or use a bicycle, even a fat knacker like me could do 2 miles in 12 minutes or so.

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18 hours ago, GrumpiusMaximus said:

Dob him in.  He'll kill someone before too long.

Not particularly wanting to argue here - but who will kill someone?  The biker?

Car driver is sitting and waiting to turn, gap opens up - he takes it...…. he's indicated his intent to other users. Biker - I feel for him - but I would NEVER go around a car indicating! You have no fucking clue when they will 'go for it'. That is completely and utterly the bikers fault - I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but he gambled and lost. Hope he is OK and can walk away and learn from it all.

I'm sure there's no-one to 'dob in' - it was a crash, the biker, by the sounds of it, isn't exactly pootling off into the sunset. Old bill will already be in the know………

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Apologies fella - my work laptop - the browser hadn't refreshed properly (think they're tightening up the firewalls again!) ……….. I'm getting a REALLY slow load rate so it was a blank entry above. Do apologise! 

I've just seen the Cayenne comment……….. 

I'll let the page load a LOT longer before reading next time. Sorry fella


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6 hours ago, somewhatfoolish said:

You could walk it in 30 minutes and work off pies at the same time, plus walking will work up an appetite for more pies. Winning. Or use a bicycle, even a fat knacker like me could do 2 miles in 12 minutes or so.

Oh absolutely! In fact I walked to work and back today. Will likely do so again tomorrow. :)

Re: bicycle - the roads are not much fun for cyclists for the most part. I get overtaken by ADULTS on their bikes illegally using the pavement.

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9 hours ago, 5speedracer said:

If you need to cover gloss, varnish etc. use Zinsser B-I-N. Not cheap but it works.

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

Yep, this stuff is amazing . Plus it's Methylated Spirit for cleanup, relive your youth, Mamod and pyromania.  Or is that just me?

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3 minutes ago, TheDoctor said:

I don't like the BMW. There, I said it. 

Problem is, my girlfriend and my son love it. 

I want a Suzuki Wagon R. I think I'm broken. 

Wagon R's are great little cars, much funkier than a BMW.

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2 hours ago, loserone said:

How? Heavy load?

No idea. Got out the lorry earlier today (first round I've driven since getting my license back), moved a bin and felt a twitch.

Was in absolute agony earlier. Seems to have subsided.

2 hours ago, richardmorris said:

Just the one?

Yes. Thankfully.

I may have a small hernia which is causing this so off to see the quack. Again.

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Drove out to a local classic car meet this afternoon.

Realised when I got there that I'd got the date totally round my neck and it's actually tomorrow.

No real problem - but doing stuff like that doesn't half make me feel a complete idiot.

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17 minutes ago, dozeydustman said:

No idea. Got out the lorry earlier today (first round I've driven since getting my license back), moved a bin and felt a twitch.

Was in absolute agony earlier. Seems to have subsided.

Yes. Thankfully.

I may have a small hernia which is causing this so off to see the quack. Again.

My inguinal hernia ( not small at about orange sized) did impact in testes pain on occasion. It was pressing on the nerve to the scrotum. Lived with it for years until it partially strangulated which left me with severe intestinal pain. Since I had surgery I’ve not had the pain down there ( although I do feel the mesh on occasion ).

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18 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

Drove out to a local classic car meet this afternoon.

Realised when I got there that I'd got the date totally round my neck and it's actually tomorrow.

No real problem - but doing stuff like that doesn't half make me feel a complete idiot.

Welcome to my world

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32 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

Drove out to a local classic car meet this afternoon.

Realised when I got there that I'd got the date totally round my neck and it's actually tomorrow.

No real problem - but doing stuff like that doesn't half make me feel a complete idiot.

I hope you where in the Invacar so at least you confused a few more random motorists :mrgreen:

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40 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

Drove out to a local classic car meet this afternoon.

Realised when I got there that I'd got the date totally round my neck and it's actually tomorrow.

No real problem - but doing stuff like that doesn't half make me feel a complete idiot.

Easily done. At least 'tis not an indication of early-onset dementia.

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Fucking Parking Eye. 

I stayed at a Hotel in Newcastle Under Lyme. Not far from Junction 15.

It's a fucking dive. Seen better days. But it's clean and it's only 32 quid a night. 

For some reason they have got these twats managing their car park. Why? There's no reason to.

I made 100% sure that I put my details into the tablet in reception

1st of May I stayed and This week On Monday and Tuesday. Got home today to find a demand for £100. 

Fuck Off 

I'm fucking livid that I am forced to ring the hotel and explain that I'm not happy.

They sent the twats an email, but I'm fucking livid. 


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2 hours ago, LightBulbFun said:

I hope you where in the Invacar so at least you confused a few more random motorists :mrgreen:

Yes, of course I was.  Also took the long, roundabout way back home.  In rush hour, so as to confuse the maximum number of onlookers possible.

Will do the same tomorrow - hopefully actually with a car show in there this time.

Forgot to mention in the last post that I'd already turned around halfway there once because I'd forgotten my wallet!  Managed to turn a 5 mile round trip into 20.

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