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The grumpy thread


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Used to get twat neighbours whinging and moaning at me over parking when I drove for ASDA DD, but I have to say that not once did any of my customers stick up for me. So kudos to you for doing that. It was a simple fact that in many places there just wasn't anywhere to park the van, so for five minutes or so, while making a delivery it was left in a communal parking area, across a driveway or basically whichever bit of road was closest to the front door.


Reminds me of one of my former colleagues who had worked for the local council driving dustcarts in a previous life. He was a top bloke, but was large and somewhat intimidating if you didn't know him. He told me once about how he was working one day, driving the wagon slowly while the loaders worked behind. It was a busy road with parked cars at the sides, so a queue had built up. Some bloke in a BMW convertible started shouting and leaning on his horn. Colin continued at his normal pace until he was able to pull over. BMW twat pulls alongside and the car has four young lads on board. Trendy haircuts and Hugo Boss shirts, you know the type.


"Oi mate, do you want to go any fucking slower? You've made me late! What's your name, I'm gonna report you"


"I've got a job to do, so I suggest you fuck off sharpish before I get my guys to chuck one of the rubbish bags into yer car"


Unsurprisingly, they did indeed fuck off sharpish. I really admired him, he genuinely didn't give a fuck about people hassling him over parking, threatening to report him etc.

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Honestly, Lady Grumpius and I have both considered a change of career because it would seem that the requirements to work in conveyance seem to be fuck all, given our experiences and they seem to get paid rather well.


On the other hand, we like our school holidays...

My lot are in Thame, I reckon beko needs to drive a Laguna through their front window

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I don't get in a huff if anyone starts blaring their horn or shouts at us. Being a big bloke myself I just turn round to them and say "you chose to follow me up here". It normally puts them in their place.

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Had an Asda shopping delivery about an hour ago. Waynetta came out to have a go at the driver for parking in the parking area.


Then had a go at me for having a delivery man park in the parking area.


I finally snapped at her about her general shitty behaviour towards us, the neighbours and that it's ok for HER friends to park in the parking spaces but woe betide any other household having a guest park in them lest they fear her.


The rotten old cow has only rung our letting agents and complained. Just had a 20 minute ear bashing from them before I even had a chance to put my side of the story and the absolute misery this woman and her dirty plastic pikey other half has put me, my family and the neighbours since we moved here 3 months ago.


I really am considering an anti-social behaviour report about her to the council. Might tell my mates at work to forget to empty her bin or mark as 'not out' on the cab computer for the time being.

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I'll see what the lads can do. Worst they can do is put stickers on it, and the lorries have CCTV on them in the event of a missed bin. She leaves both her bins out all week at the end of her rear access way, as do all the student houses in the area. Shame I don't live in Kent any more as I'd take home a sackful of the rejects from the dildo factory I collected from on the trade round there (search: creative mouldings gravesend) and put them in her recycling bin. I suppose I could always try and find a dildo factory near Chichester.


More annoying than this is I went to the bother of cooking something special this evening as guests were due and they didn't show up. No call or anything. Not the first time the airhead sister-in-law hasn't bothered turning up. Probably forgot about dinner and got stoned/drunk with her other half.

Urgh I can’t stand people leaving their bins out - everyone does that at my BTL but I made a point of putting mine where they should be in the hope the tenant follows suit

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sick of those damm flying things , so with the cheapo fly zapper dying ,


I thought I would raid its kill grid , which fitted nicely around a very attractive to flying things bulb  , powered by a 3.5 K volt flux capacitor ...


it would send the dam flying things into another place ...not near me ....  evil laughter  " neeeaahaaaa hhhhhhaaaa ha ha "


looking good ...




and the big switch on !!   




o shit O SHIT ..... 


lets just see that again  ( with out the bulb )




back to the drawing board .....  :-(  the little flying bar stewards can live another day   ......


Brother in law is Fucking mental !!!  :shock:  To think I suggested he'd be at home here.  :-P  

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Train line = cheating bastards. Ticket is refundable, so you would think you can get a refund, yes? Only if you book another ticket of the same or greater value. That’s not refundable that’s transferable, and they charge you there and then for the replacement but you wait 14 days for the refund. I know BR wasn’t perfect, but you turned up, bought a ticket, took a train. It just fucking worked.


Why use Trainline ? 


Work out where and when you want to go :




Check if it's worth a ticket split. 




Go to train company's own website and book tickets. 


Don't FUCKING Pay a middle man. 

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Honestly, Lady Grumpius and I have both considered a change of career because it would seem that the requirements to work in conveyance seem to be fuck all, given our experiences and they seem to get paid rather well.


On the other hand, we like our school holidays...


On the other hand why do you think it takes so long to buy a house in the School Holidays. Oh yes the Conveyancer is off at his/her spanish villa with the kids. 

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Why use Trainline ?


Work out where and when you want to go :




Check if it's worth a ticket split.




Go to train company's own website and book tickets.


Don't FUCKING Pay a middle man.


I don’t use them enough these days to know what to use. Part of the problem of the complexity. I attempted to go direct to the train companies - but trying to decipher what route went where and when to link up with what was a bloody nightmare (your first website would have been ideal for that). Needless to say I won’t be using them again.
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I don’t use them enough these days to know what to use. Part of the problem of the complexity. I attempted to go direct to the train companies - but trying to decipher what route went where and when to link up with what was a bloody nightmare (your first website would have been ideal for that). Needless to say I won’t be using them again.

I book trains a lot for work - always go via national rail and then book direct with GWR. Fuck TheTrainLine.

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The rotten old cow has only rung our letting agents and complained. Just had a 20 minute ear bashing from them 


I really am considering an anti-social behaviour report about her to the council. 


Remind YOUR letting agent that you are entitled to quiet enjoyment and you do not have to take phone calls from them.  If they want to communicate something to you, you'll be happy to have it in writing as per the contract, so that you can discuss it's contents with a qualified legal advisor.  You will only take phone calls in an emergency. Otherwise in future you will consider this type of phone call to be harrassment.   

You could also point out via the written word that unsubstantiated allegations are something you are prepared to take to a court if defamation of your character is the result. 


How the FUCK does the neighbour know who your letting agent is?  Do you have the name and address of the Landlord?  

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Remind YOUR letting agent that you are entitled to quiet enjoyment and you do not have to take phone calls from them. If they want to communicate something to you, you'll be happy to have it in writing as per the contract, so that you can discuss it's contents with a qualified legal advisor. You will only take phone calls in an emergency. Otherwise in future you will consider this type of phone call to be harrassment.

You could also point out via the written word that unsubstantiated allegations are something you are prepared to take to a court if defamation of your character is the result.


How the FUCK does the neighbour know who your letting agent is? Do you have the name and address of the Landlord?

If my tenant has the name and address of their landlord it wouldn’t do them many favours tbh.....


They probably know who the agent is because a to let sign went up

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You can use ANY trains company website to book tickets ANYWHERE and they're always the same price.


I use Virgin Trains for everything because there's no booking fee, the website is simple to use (including printing out journeys to claim back from work), and they do Nectar points with frequent offers like 800 points when you book with them if you enable the offer on the Nectar app. Still gives a choice of Virgin or London Northwestern for example if I want to go Rugby to London, same options as if I went to LNW's site.


Also saves having accounts with twenty different Train Operators with associated passwords etc.


I've had refunds before, aside from an admin fee of £10 which I think is standard it went through fine, and I got a cheque.

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How the FUCK does the neighbour know who your letting agent is?  Do you have the name and address of the Landlord?  



Board outside for first 3 months of tenancy contract. They (Wayne & Waynetta) complained to them on the day we moved in, because we had a pantechnicon in the parking area. They complained because we put the wheelie bins in the front garden instead of leaving them out in the alleys and access ways around the road like they do. Complained to letting agent about me shooing their cat out my front garden as I caught it taking a dump.


I did explain to the letting agent that they should take any complaints from that wretched pair of depraved shitcunts with a pinch of salt, as they're continually annoying us and the neighbours. Hence contemplating making a formal complaint of anti-social behaviour to the proper channels.


I did not use the term shitcunts when conversing with the letting agent.

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Just been upstairs to close the windows for the evening and noticed a car park up outside the house behind my van. Unusual this time of the evening so for some reason decided to see what they were up to.


Car pulls up, lights on as it’s getting dark. Some woman gets out wonders round the front of the car and throws a bag of rubbish over the fence into the land next door (owned and used by the school next to/behind our house). She then must have spotted me up in the window so she quickly jumps back into the car, switches the headlights off so I can’t see her number plate and speeds off up the road.


Inconsiderate filthy bitch! I’d love to go round her house and dump a few bin fulls of rubbish into her garden, see how she likes it. Regular problems here with rats too! No bloody wonder why really is there!?

There was most likely a bin at wherever the stupid cow was going anyway.

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Board outside for first 3 months of tenancy contract. They (Wayne & Waynetta) complained to them on the day we moved in, because we had a pantechnicon in the parking area. They complained because we put the wheelie bins in the front garden instead of leaving them out in the alleys and access ways around the road like they do. Complained to letting agent about me shooing their cat out my front garden as I caught it taking a dump.


I did explain to the letting agent that they should take any complaints from that wretched pair of depraved shitcunts with a pinch of salt, as they're continually annoying us and the neighbours. Hence contemplating making a formal complaint of anti-social behaviour to the proper channels.


I did not use the term shitcunts when conversing with the letting agent.

If you get any real complaints from your agent please PM me - I’m well versed in landlord / tenant law being a (responsible!) landlord myself and would be very happy to help you.

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Board outside for first 3 months of tenancy contract. They (Wayne & Waynetta) complained to them on the day we moved in, because we had a pantechnicon in the parking area. They complained because we put the wheelie bins in the front garden instead of leaving them out in the alleys and access ways around the road like they do. Complained to letting agent about me shooing their cat out my front garden as I caught it taking a dump.


I did explain to the letting agent that they should take any complaints from that wretched pair of depraved shitcunts with a pinch of salt, as they're continually annoying us and the neighbours. Hence contemplating making a formal complaint of anti-social behaviour to the proper channels.


I did not use the term shitcunts when conversing with the letting agent.

. Why? Sounds appropriate in the circumstances.
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sick of those damm flying things , so with the cheapo fly zapper dying ,


I thought I would raid its kill grid , which fitted nicely around a very attractive to flying things bulb , powered by a 3.5 K volt flux capacitor ...


it would send the dam flying things into another place ...not near me .... evil laughter " neeeaahaaaa hhhhhhaaaa ha ha "


looking good ...




and the big switch on !!




o shit O SHIT .....


lets just see that again ( with out the bulb )




back to the drawing board ..... :-( the little flying bar stewards can live another day ......

That's amazing!

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Had an Asda shopping delivery about an hour ago. Waynetta came out to have a go at the driver for parking in the parking area.


Then had a go at me for having a delivery man park in the parking area..

There is sometimes a bit of confusion over our address for delivery drivers.

The house we get mistaken for is a grand 6 bed detached house with recent new owners.


When our Asda order went there, the owner apparently looked down his nose at the driver and his van and said ...


"Do I LOOK like I shop at ASDA?!"


I'd love to have been there...

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they do Nectar points with frequent offers like 800 points when you book with them if you enable the offer on the Nectar app.

Peak neoliberalism.


I've been priced off the trains now a vacant expression doesn't deter the keener conductors when they pass me.


What is the point of privatising a natural monopoly? The privatisation hawks claim to hate bureaucracy but the free market adds layers of bureaucracy and middle men that were never there before. Of course the real aim is to funnel money to corporations and capitalist pigs.


Go to gulag Porky!



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There is sometimes a bit of confusion over our address for delivery drivers.

The house we get mistaken for is a grand 6 bed detached house with recent new owners.


When our Asda order went there, the owner apparently looked down his nose at the driver and his van and said ...


"Do I LOOK like I shop at ASDA?!"


I'd love to have been there...


I'm not sure he was looking down his nose. 


Well it's kind of POSH to have one's Grocer deliver one's essentials isn't it ?  

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You can use ANY trains company website to book tickets ANYWHERE and they're always the same price.


I use Virgin Trains for everything because there's no booking fee, the website is simple to use (including printing out journeys to claim back from work), and they do Nectar points with frequent offers like 800 points when you book with them if you enable the offer on the Nectar app. Still gives a choice of Virgin or London Northwestern for example if I want to go Rugby to London, same options as if I went to LNW's site.


Also saves having accounts with twenty different Train Operators with associated passwords etc.


I've had refunds before, aside from an admin fee of £10 which I think is standard it went through fine, and I got a cheque.

The admin fee is a rip off but I knew that was there so no issue with that, its the description of refundable when in reality it was only refundable against a ticket of the same cost, so not refundable at all.
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If you get any real complaints from your agent please PM me - I’m well versed in landlord / tenant law being a (responsible!) landlord myself and would be very happy to help you.



I have politely told the letting agent that I will only acknowledge formal written complaints about breaches in tenancy (ie noise at unsociable hours, letting the place go to rack and ruin etc) and petty matters such as a shopping delivery be ignored.


It's just 2 sad individuals with nothing better to do than complain about people who don't live as they do. The grief they give the greek fella 2 doors up is unbelievable.

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On the other hand why do you think it takes so long to buy a house in the School Holidays. Oh yes the Conveyancer is off at his/her spanish villa with the kids.

Most conveyancers are paralegals on £15k a year. The only spanish villa they'll see this summer is on love island.
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Just been upstairs to close the windows for the evening and noticed a car park up outside the house behind my van. Unusual this time of the evening so for some reason decided to see what they were up to.


Car pulls up, lights on as it’s getting dark. Some woman gets out wonders round the front of the car and throws a bag of rubbish over the fence into the land next door (owned and used by the school next to/behind our house). She then must have spotted me up in the window so she quickly jumps back into the car, switches the headlights off so I can’t see her number plate and speeds off up the road.


Inconsiderate filthy bitch! I’d love to go round her house and dump a few bin fulls of rubbish into her garden, see how she likes it. Regular problems here with rats too! No bloody wonder why really is there!?

There was most likely a bin at wherever the stupid cow was going anyway.


Look through the rubbish for an address and return it.

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Look through the rubbish for an address and return it.

I’ve looked over the fence and there’s a good chance it’s a used nappy. People really are filthy selfish pricks. I bet she’d be the first to complain if someone did what she’s just outside her house.

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There is sometimes a bit of confusion over our address for delivery drivers.

The house we get mistaken for is a grand 6 bed detached house with recent new owners.


When our Asda order went there, the owner apparently looked down his nose at the driver and his van and said ...


"Do I LOOK like I shop at ASDA?!"


I'd love to have been there...



"actually sir now you mention it you're not the sort we would let in our store!"

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Maybe just mis-spelled Alton?


Radio silence in the 5 hours since I messaged them back suggests otherwise!


Thankfully the second highest bidder already messaged me to say they'll have it if the winner is a time waster.

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