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My mate wants me to change his front brakes. He thinks it'll take about 10 minutes and cost sod all.


Does he not know me at all?? It'll take me hours, I'll break something or it'll all go tits up :-)

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in ur pocket with house key would be better

He may already have a spare set of keys made up! I appreciate that sometimes it's easier said than done but I would echo the suggestions of getting to the point where you can move out. I could never go back to living with my mother permanently but I don't mind stopping over for a few days occasionally.

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Ref Dart Charge, don't forget to remove cars from your account when you sell them.

I got an email telling me my balance was low a couple of weeks ago, funny thinks I, haven't been over for ages.

So I check my account, sure enough DU61TYP has crossed 3 times in August and September. Pity I sold the fecker in March!!!

Needless to say,I've updated my account.

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when it takes 20 mins of cussing and "what do I do now " with the set top box ......to find somat to watch



I have come to the conclusion that TV technology and her indoors don't mix , its only taken 30 years

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Funny thing about being a dad, your young ones will always be your young ones, you'd take a bullet for them without a moments hesitation, even when they have grown kids of their own they are still your young ones, dad doesn't mean anything by it, he's just doing what he's always done, looking after his lad and helping out.


My dad's been dead nigh on 30 years now, there isn't a day goes by that i don't wish i could rest my old eyes on his kind face nor hear his words of encouragement or advice just once more, there were no shades of grey with my dad, black was black and right was right.

Yes its time to move on, you'll miss him more than you know.

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He may already have a spare set of keys made up! I appreciate that sometimes it's easier said than done but I would echo the suggestions of getting to the point where you can move out. I could never go back to living with my mother permanently but I don't mind stopping over for a few days occasionally.


I'm thinking about it. 'move out' is currently a can of worms, though. I have a degree I need to finish first, and I'm not doing that for this year at least.

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Job application forms, again.  Finally managed to cobble together some sort of answer to the smeg-awful questions they ask.  Then wanted to go back to the first page of the form to check one of the fields - which was fine, except it then subsequently "forgot" everything I'd filled in on the following pages.  Clicked out of it then logged back in, but that didn't bring my previous answers back, so started filling everything back in again, clicking through the pages, and it turned out the application form was now completely different to when I first started filling it in. :?


Eventually got to the end, clicked "submit", and got the page I'd seen before saying "Your application has been saved, click here to return to it".  So I thought "FFS, has it submitted or not?".  Clicked on the "return to application" button and it took me to a blank page in the form, which the numbering informed me was page 9 of 8.  Clicked "next" and landed on page 10 of 9. 


Also there was a superfluous apostrophe in the job title.


It's a large, well-known and reputable company, so I'm putting the application glitches down to "Because HR".  And hoping the form has submitted OK...



EDIT:  FFS again - just been to my profile page on the company's website and it says I have one partially completed application, which is 160% complete. :roll:

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Another case of farming out a job to the lowest bidder, rather than the most competent.  I swear, job applications are part of the ridiculous Krypton Factor of getting a job these days and I dread having to go through the whole rigmarole probably for a job I don't want.  Keeps me focused on making my own business work so I don't have to go through the application process!

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Job application forms, again. Finally managed to cobble together some sort of answer to the smeg-awful questions they ask. Then wanted to go back to the first page of the form to check one of the fields - which was fine, except it then subsequently "forgot" everything I'd filled in on the following pages. Clicked out of it then logged back in, but that didn't bring my previous answers back, so started filling everything back in again, clicking through the pages, and it turned out the application form was now completely different to when I first started filling it in. :?


Eventually got to the end, clicked "submit", and got the page I'd seen before saying "Your application has been saved, click here to return to it". So I thought "FFS, has it submitted or not?". Clicked on the "return to application" button and it took me to a blank page in the form, which the numbering informed me was page 9 of 8. Clicked "next" and landed on page 10 of 9.


Also there was a superfluous apostrophe in the job title.


It's a large, well-known and reputable company, so I'm putting the application glitches down to "Because HR". And hoping the form has submitted OK...



EDIT: FFS again - just been to my profile page on the company's website and it says I have one partially completed application, which is 160% complete. :roll:

Maybe making sense of the application form is part of the whole process?

(insert smiley faces)

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Aye, OK, I'll give you that one.  Bit of an invasion of privacy there.

My parent's rule was that for as long as I lived in their house they had the right to enter my room whenever. My Dad's favourite game was to sneak up the stairs and up to my bedroom door while on his way to the bathroom and then fling it open violently, he'd never actually come in, just liked the fact I'd start yelling bloody murder.


Having said that I used to nag him to fix the Doloshite all the time, he usually did quite a good job. Apart from the time he attached the battery terminals backwards because it's on the opposite side to the other Dolomite...

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I remember my Dad once burst in on me masturbating. I still remember it to this day. He said “Don’t do that son, it’ll send you blind”


I said “Dad, I’m over here”.

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Job application forms, again. Finally managed to cobble together some sort of answer to the smeg-awful questions they ask. Then wanted to go back to the first page of the form to check one of the fields - which was fine, except it then subsequently "forgot" everything I'd filled in on the following pages. Clicked out of it then logged back in, but that didn't bring my previous answers back, so started filling everything back in again, clicking through the pages, and it turned out the application form was now completely different to when I first started filling it in. :?


Eventually got to the end, clicked "submit", and got the page I'd seen before saying "Your application has been saved, click here to return to it". So I thought "FFS, has it submitted or not?". Clicked on the "return to application" button and it took me to a blank page in the form, which the numbering informed me was page 9 of 8. Clicked "next" and landed on page 10 of 9.


Also there was a superfluous apostrophe in the job title.


It's a large, well-known and reputable company, so I'm putting the application glitches down to "Because HR". And hoping the form has submitted OK...



EDIT: FFS again - just been to my profile page on the company's website and it says I have one partially completed application, which is 160% complete. :roll:

I hate job application forms like this. You think you've finished a section and they throw another set of questions at you.

If I can offer some advice...open a blank Word document (notepad works too), copy each question into it and your answer as you go along, if the Web page crashes and loses it it's still in your (saved) word document. It also means that the next time you have one of these to complete, you aren't starting from scratch.

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^ I did that, for the questions which required some thought / prose and weren't just ticking boxes or name & address etc.  Good job too - I'd have been right pissed off if I'd lost my painstakingly created answer to the "why should we employ you" question, I'd been agonising about that one all week (my answer was still probably shite mind).

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Job application forms, again.  Finally managed to cobble together some sort of answer to the smeg-awful questions they ask.  Then wanted to go back to the first page of the form to check one of the fields - which was fine, except it then subsequently "forgot" everything I'd filled in on the following pages.  Clicked out of it then logged back in, but that didn't bring my previous answers back, so started filling everything back in again, clicking through the pages, and it turned out the application form was now completely different to when I first started filling it in. :?


Eventually got to the end, clicked "submit", and got the page I'd seen before saying "Your application has been saved, click here to return to it".  So I thought "FFS, has it submitted or not?".  Clicked on the "return to application" button and it took me to a blank page in the form, which the numbering informed me was page 9 of 8.  Clicked "next" and landed on page 10 of 9. 


Also there was a superfluous apostrophe in the job title.


It's a large, well-known and reputable company, so I'm putting the application glitches down to "Because HR".  And hoping the form has submitted OK...



EDIT:  FFS again - just been to my profile page on the company's website and it says I have one partially completed application, which is 160% complete. :roll:


You could always screen grab the fuck ups and email them - HR or an actual bod if you can get a name - and offer to do QA on their recruitment process/doc's as they seem to use an inadequate system...... another job opportunity of your own making!!! ;-)


EDIT - FOR - Good luck with the app too of course.......

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GAH! Standing at the bus stop next to the train station in Kidderminster, what do in spot coming down the road before I could whip out my camera? An early mk2 Rover 800, couldn't even get a snap. Kidderminster is a fucking shit place for me to snap a picture of Rover 800s, they're always too far away or my camera is too slow :angry:

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Work loo's ........ OK - this may seem weird........


Why is it 'colleagues' who seem perfectly suitable and presentable excuses for human beings can leave the ablutions in the same state as if they've been transplanted directly from Aleppo' in all their war torn glory....?

I find it impossible to even contemplate that they can leave their own place in such a state - so where/what is the mental switch that exists to have your fellow workers have to deal with the disgusting crap* they leave behind?


Worse than that (for me) is the ignorant prick who decides the roll next to him is not good enough and leaves his damn nose detritus all over the back of the fucking door!!!!  Jesus wept!


I truelly feel sorry for the poor sods who have to go around cleaning up after these absolute trolls....... I do wish i could avoid using the damn loo at all here - but I've found that in every single  office place I've worked in.


Strange one I'm sure - sorry........... but the nose crap all over the back of the door really pissed me off earlier.

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Nowt wrong with a bog moan, work toilets are often grim.


Of course when you're office is a train then you can play the one upmanship game. No matter how little respect colleagues have for facilities the general public will always top it. How these people are allowed to roam free in society I'll never know.

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Of course when you're office is a train then you can play the one upmanship game. No matter how little respect colleagues have for facilities the general public will always top it. How these people are allowed to roam free in society I'll never know.

A friend of mine used to work in maintenance for one of the major rail companies - some of the stories he told (and occasionally, pictures showed) really did make me question what sort of "people" (and I use that term loosely) there are out there and what sort of upbringing they had. On numerous occasions they'd had reports and had to deal with the result of people that had just dropped their drawers and taken a s**t in the middle of the carriage, let alone the scenes of utter deprivation that had been found in the toilets...

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Work loo's ........  (etc, all totally valid)

You want to try being the go-to relief driver on a fleet of multi-drop vans and wagons.  If I was told someone hadn't turned in (which happened often, for a variety of reasons) and I would be covering his round, the first thing I did was fetch the cleaning kit from my car, because I knew beyond all doubt what the next half-hour would entail.  How these people lived in these cabs for 12 hours a day I can't even imagine, and I write fiction!

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Bloody OH has won us a parking ticket. 


He put the wrong reg letters in and upon realising, asked an attendent who said, just keep your ticket and appeal. Great stuff.


Except the appeal has failed. The company say its up to him to put the right number in and we didn't ring them for advice so get f*****.



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