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The grumpy thread


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To those people who think its ok to use my doors as a bashing point a big fuck you, i always park considerate with plemty of space but for the 2nd time in 2 weeks someone has bashed my fucking door, blue paint scrapes on it, im sorry but do they look and say fuck it its an old car it doesn't matter if I hit it, they obviously don't see the black paintwork so deep you could lose yourself in, im tempted to put a breaker bar in my boot and the next one that does it smash every fucking panel in on the offending retards car

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Come and live with me for a week mate, you'll soon see how stressful it is and how it takes over their life.


The missus is a teacher and there are some days I wish she'd jack it in. The money is alright and the pension is good but fuck me it's not worth the hassle.

This just about sums my experience of my other half teaching in the uk as well.

Unfortunately it also seems to be attracting those who simply don't give a shit too, why bother with marking or correcting work etc.

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Shock horror; teachers have to mark and correct work. Isn't this what teachers are expected to do? It's nothing new. What did teachers do 100 years ago?

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I'm 40 today. Old.


Happy birthday!  You are definitely not old at 40,i have just turned 72 so I am old but don't always feel it.

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Shock horror; teachers have to mark and correct work. Isn't this what teachers are expected to do? It's nothing new. What did teachers do 100 years ago?


Not sure if serious. 


Teachers 100 years ago didn't have nearly as much bureaucracy/marking/governors to please as they do now. 


Joking apart, when my other half became a teacher I was firmly in your camp. That opinion has firmly changed after 7 years in the job. Regular 60 hour weeks for not much more than a cushty senior office based job with nowhere near the pressure. I know what I'd rather do. 

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I certainly wouldn't fancy being a teacher nowadays. There are a minority of kids that are basically left to fend for themselves at home, then they come in to school and are expected to conform to a pretty regimented day. Of course they don't, kick off, get 90% of the attention diverted from the good ones and teachers can basically do nothing with them. Back in the day they'd have been given some sort of punishment like the belt, and if they went home and told their parents, probably more of the same. Now the parent would go to the school and kick off at the teacher - little Johnny would never do that, etc. Not saying they should get the belt nowadays, but a kid threw a glass bottle at me one day and I suggested they got lines at the very least - apparently that isn't a done thing any more! Not sure if that's a national policy or just what it was like at the school I worked at.


Achievement goes down and Ofsted come in and throw their weight around. Shit rolls downhill so it's all the teacher's fault, many of the targets Ofsted set are pretty much unachievable, like attendance.


I worked in a school for over ten years (as IT support staff) and it went from being a great place to work with low turnover of staff and a strong sense of community to a very uncomfortable place of constant threats of redundancy, constant restructure, long term members of staff leaving, a "them and us" with senior management, instability and people regularly coming into my office and bursting into tears (it was a good place for them to hide for a while). A few of my teaching friends moved abroad and some retrained. I still have a bit of Stockholm syndrome as I really loved working there for years, and get a bit wistful about leaving at times but I miss what it was, not what it is now. It took me three years to get over leaving but I'm pleased I did now, and I didn't even have to teach.

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I live on a small Road where parking is at a premium and now a non resident has parked there to use one of the nearby businesses which isn't normally a problem during the day. Sadly this car is apparently untaxed and now the Department of Very Lost Applications has clamped it. It's a worthless old Peugeot 206 that'll now be blocking a much needed space until it's taken away.

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To those people who think its ok to use my doors as a bashing point a big fuck you, i always park considerate with plemty of space but for the 2nd time in 2 weeks someone has bashed my fucking door, blue paint scrapes on it, im sorry but do they look and say fuck it its an old car it doesn't matter if I hit it, they obviously don't see the black paintwork so deep you could lose yourself in, im tempted to put a breaker bar in my boot and the next one that does it smash every fucking panel in on the offending retards car


Arseholes, the lot of 'em.


I've had my car hit twice when I've been sat in it. First time a bloke came over with a child's seat and smacked it off my wing, he just carried on what he was doing and totally ignored that I was sat there. I got out and checked for damage and neither him or his girlfriend said a word, pig ignorant.


Another time a woman swung the door of her Freelander open and nearly took my wing mirror off. Again, I got out and not a word was said.


Someone actually put a note on my brother's car the other day, saying "buy a new car" (it's a late 90s Civic), so I think that is our answer - unless it's brand new then it's just a piece of shit that doesn't deserve any respect.

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I volunteer three afternoons a week and I'm a school governor. It's very hard.


Tons of targets. Figures for everything and teachers have very long days with very little backup. The class I'm in is 32 (down from 34) one teacher isn't enough when so much needs doing. The clever kids aren't pushed, the ones that need extra help don't get everything they need and the middle one stay in the middle.


Things are changing but it's slow and complicated. Parents never stop moaning about everything yet don't offer help or solutions.


If we worked together our children could have everything. Instead its the same as the rest with backbiting and whinging.

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Aye, from what I've been told, teaching isn't the job it once was. Plenty suffering burn out.


It's an irredeemably terrible job. I was in FE for 9 years, and my other half is a deputy head in a secondary school full of the mistakes shot out by Facetards who go around spouting shit like "UUUR WEL THEY ALL GO HOME AT 3 INNIT AND AV 5000 WKS HOLIDY".


Whenever I see that sort of thing - as above - now I am reminded of that old saying which goes 'You can't educate pork". Faced with stupidity of that magnitude, there's no point in trying to engage with it.

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But mainstream school isn't there to educate kids beyond basic knowledge. Its to teach them to be manual workers. The wealthier kids get to go to a proper university but the rest just get taught to be slaves and robots.

Sorry you're wrong. A school now takes children from a very early age and from very different backgrounds and it tries very hard to not only educate them but also teach them respect, manners, mindfulness and at a basic level how to just be a good person. Doing all of this is near on impossible but it's what they're asked to do. They teach the children as well as they can and given time those that want to excel can and do but it isn't easy.


They have very little help and are punished by ofsted if things 'go wrong'. If people could only go into a school (in fact anyone can) and see how they are run you'd change your mind. They're always wanting help, if you have any free time why not see what you can do to make a difference.

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If people could only go into a school (in fact anyone can) and see how they are run you'd change your mind. They're always wanting help, if you have any free time why not see what you can do to make a difference.


Ah, but... that would involve critical thought and engaging deeply-held prejudices.

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I live on a small Road where parking is at a premium and now a non resident has parked there to use one of the nearby businesses which isn't normally a problem during the day. Sadly this car is apparently untaxed and now the Department of Very Lost Applications has clamped it. It's a worthless old Peugeot 206 that'll now be blocking a much needed space until it's taken away.

Phone a friend with a Hiab -> straight to frag may as well cut out the middleman


Actually if it was causing an obstruction the police would take it away ASAP, be a shame if it slid out into the road.

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Guest Hooli

Be a shame if the fuel cap went missing too, the council have to move it within 24hours then.

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Being a school governor for 4 years - and being part of a team that took that school from OFSTED Special Measures to Good in that time - was one of the most exhausting yet most rewarding things I have ever done.

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Come and live with me for a week mate, you'll soon see how stressful it is and how it takes over their life.


The missus is a teacher and there are some days I wish she'd jack it in. The money is alright and the pension is good but fuck me it's not worth the hassle.


My missus work at a hospital. If I never hear anything about the NHS ever again, it'll be too soon.

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Come and live with me for a week mate, you'll soon see how stressful it is and how it takes over their life.


The missus is a teacher and there are some days I wish she'd jack it in. The money is alright and the pension is good but fuck me it's not worth the hassle.

Amen brother, my wife's a teacher, I've had enough of it too. She's out of the house by 7.10 and rarely home before 8, she has had a run of ten o'clock finishes and then sat on the sofa and marked homework before bed

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Followed an E36 convertible home today, obviously it was tailgating the poor sod in front, but I was more intrigued by its illumination. The rear numberplates were illuminated by crap LEDs with a really pathetic blue-white light, and from behind I could see that it had a set of those crap eBay xenon bulbs.


Nice of folk to willingly dress their cars in a visual 'likely to be driven by a tit' uniform to give us plenty of warning.


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My lad is 25. He teaches Y4 at the moment and also head of year. He has been a teacher for 4 years and is what he wanted to do since a schoolkid himself.


He leaves home just after 7am and doesn't get home until about 6pm. Quick bit of dinner and then he is marking and prepping for the next day. He has just finished and is now getting ready to climb into his pit. It stresses him out and he comes home in a grump at times, quite a lot of times tbh.


He is a great teacher, the staff love him to bits and the kids adore him.The majority of parents think he is ace. He gets so many 'thank you for the work you have done with...... messages and cards.The staff, kids and parents made so much for his 25th birthday in June, he came home laden with bits and pieces.


Weekends are very much the same re:work. It is a bloody hard job, long hours and with pay that doesn't quite reflect the amount and quality of work that he does. Holidays are a time when he can unwind a little bit but then he has to go in to prepare the classroom for the new term. All done in his own time.


To those who genuinely say... teachers have it easy with going home early and long holidays, I say you are talking out of your arse. Do the job and see how long you last. I know I couldn't do it.

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Far from saying that teachers have it easy, but in the grand scheme of things it isn't the hardest game in the world. Plenty of other contenders for that. e.g as much as I'm not a fan of the filth, they get to see stuff which can't be unseen which I don't have to.

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Guest Hooli

My missus work at a hospital. If I never hear anything about the NHS ever again, it'll be too soon.


I work in one too. But I see loads of people who's jobs just aren't needed & achieve nothing, oddly enough none of them see patients. We have entire departments that achieve nothing of value and plenty of others that are so badly run they should cost half as much as they do.

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I accidentally wire brushed the back of my hand yesterday and now it is sore and a bit weepy.


Always wear gloves kids...

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I accidentally wire brushed the back of my hand yesterday and now it is sore and a bit weepy.


Always wear gloves kids...

that just gives you something to pick out of the wound.

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Road rash stings. Sitting in a&e because the first aider at work insisted on it.

Bit extreme just to get a long weekend.

I guess cycling is good for you but the not cycling any more but still moving along the ground less so!

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