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The grumpy thread


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I woke up at 1:30am this morning, rolled over, spat out a filling and went back to sleep.


I only had that tooth done a month ago and this is the second time a filling has made an escape for it, might just have the bugger removed entirely as there isn't much actual tooth left. I'm trying to avoid £100 worth of other dental work as I can't actually afford it so my visit to the dentist tomorrow will be fun...





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+1, I think being a cyclist makes me even more angry TBH because they're turning the general public even more against us, meaning the limited time I'm forced to spend on the road occasionally is less safe.

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The bloke I gave my Dolly 1850 to gets jacked up on vodka and pulls his own teeth. I've not got the balls for that shit!

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Recently did a course on helping people with self-harm and self-injury - we sat through all the examples without any reaction until they talked about the person whose method was to pick their filings out with a paper clip, causing the entire room to wince  :shock:

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Cyclists do often deserve running over & I say that as a cyclist.

I cycle for my job and I agree. Some of the trainers actually endorse running reds etc.

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Facebook gripe #1743:


People who are 'feeling' something, especially 'determined' or 'blessed'. 


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I ran a few red lights on a row a couple of years back on my bike, but only because some Lycra clad Hooray Henry complained.

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Off to a wedding - over the next three days I have to spend a considerable amount of time in the back of the below Fiesta. The seats are shit, there's about 6" too little headroom, the ride is crashy and harsh, there's hardly any legroom, and I'm sharing it with my mum and my aunt who are both mentals to some degree. At least I get my own room in the Devizes Travelodge.


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Right, I've had my little rant about this in the Photobucket thread on the open forums, but this has really pissed me off big time so I'm doing it here too!


Photobuckets new policy on being complete pricks means no more sharing pics. These pics are mine that I took and they are denying me the use of my own private stuff, instead trying to extort a monthly fee from me in order to carry on as before posting my pics on sites of my choice.


This pisses me off.

So mr Photobucket, I'm not going to be ripped off by you. Neither will I ever have to use your fucking shit site or be bombarded with your pissy adverts while trying to use it again.

I've re uploaded most of my pics to Flickr instead so you can just fuck right off you bunch of crooks. Eat my shit!

This has meant lots of anger and annoyance for me as I'm shit with computers and have precisely zero patience or tolerance for them, it has forced me to spend ages trying to re upload my pics to Flickr, then try to work out how to copy the pic link in order to post said pic onto a forum. And now I'm going to have to go back through my threads and edit them all to delete the old Photobucket pic links and post the new Flickr links in their place so my pics work again, which will take ages to do.


Bastards, greedy fucking bastards! I hope every single one of Photobuckets users now desert them and their shitty site and their business goes under. Up your arses shit birds.

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As a business model judging by the reception it's received on other forums I frequent I would say they will be out of business within 4 months

Good. I'm sincerely glad!


Had the heating on for the last two days. In the middle of the summer.


Global warming MY ARSE!

I'll get my yank out this weekend. That should pump out a load of nasty gasses and warm things up for you.

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Today, I visited a local Evans Halshaw used car outlet to look at a Lexus RX400h.

That's not the complete grump though.

Whilst driving into the customer car park , just as I was alongside a black Audi A6, a fuckwit salesman threw open the driver's door into my car.post-17414-0-19644100-1498842715_thumb.jpegpost-17414-0-51009900-1498842747_thumb.jpegpost-17414-0-54319200-1498842783_thumb.jpeg


Damaged bumper, bonnet, wing ,headlamp and wheel.

Audi door fucked up, pillar and wing bent.


The Audi was being evaluated as a trade in, looks like they've got to buy it now.

I'm having a load of grief from teenage salesman and sales manager, managed not to hit anyone and going back tomorrow to see Dealer Principal.

The Audi owner has given me his details and is willing to be a witness, the staff are all in full arse covering mode and won't admit anything, oh, and apparently the cctv doesn't work!

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What a shower of shit, are they main dealers or just a second hand lot?

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Secondhand , branded as Evans Halshaw Motorhouse. I've spoken to head office who have said I need to see the site boss , who's in tomorrow.


One of the things the chippy little sales manager asked, was; ' Why were you on our property?'

My response that I was there to buy a car seemed to annoy him, perhaps if I was a trespasser they thought they'd get away with it.


Not that I'd give these cunts £8000 of my money now anyway, but apparently the Lexus was condemned by the workshop so never should have been advertised!

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Just about a year ago I witnessed a minor accident where an arrogant moron on a cycle shot a red light, turned the wrong way into a one-way street and hit a van that was waiting at a red light. Despite dash cam footage, CCTV and several witnesses he told every lie under the sun to the police and insurance to try to blame the van driver.


Anyway, today at the same junction I got a sense of deja vu as a (female) cyclist pulled the same stunt and was saved from injury by the actions of an alert coach driver. Who she then abused noisily.

Earlier this week I was at the front of the queue waiting for the lights and could clearly see an ambulance and three police cars, all with flashing lights, attending to a squished cyclist - I didn't see the incident but lots run the lights on red.


When the lights changed, a van and three cars carried on through the red lights and past all the police cars.

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Secondhand , branded as Evans Halshaw Motorhouse. I've spoken to head office who have said I need to see the site boss , who's in tomorrow.


One of the things the chippy little sales manager asked, was; ' Why were you on our property?'

My response that I was there to buy a car seemed to annoy him, perhaps if I was a trespasser they thought they'd get away with it.


Not that I'd give these cunts £8000 of my money now anyway, but apparently the Lexus was condemned by the workshop so never should have been advertised!

EH are, I think, one of if not the biggest motor groups in the U.K. I reckon that will (hopefully) see you right if the chiselling muthaflippas at the branch you visited try and palm you off.

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Good. I'm sincerely glad!



I'll get my yank out this weekend. That should pump out a load of nasty gasses and warm things up for you.

Me too.  Seeing my sister on Sunday so Huggy will be out to play.

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Off to a wedding - over the next three days I have to spend a considerable amount of time in the back of the below Fiesta. The seats are shit, there's about 6" too little headroom, the ride is crashy and harsh, there's hardly any legroom, and I'm sharing it with my mum and my aunt who are both mentals to some degree. At least I get my own room in the Devizes Travelodge.

Like is for description, not situation.

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My grump today is VW as it is most days.


Firstly because their cars are put together with the most brittle, cheap, nasty, crap fixings know to man, that snap if you look at them the wrong way, its like their interiors were never designed to be taken apart!!!


Secondly, for changing the design of a part for absolutely no reason, making it impossible to get a correct replacement. The design of the wiring for the rain/light sensor and auto dim interior mirror is such that the wiring feeds from the front of the headlining, down towards the windscreen where the sensor is mounted, there are 2 wiring plugs, one for the RLS, and the other plugs into the dimming mirror, what you then have is a black plastic blanking cap to cover the cut in the headlining that the wiring feeds out of, plastic trunking that covers the wiring into the mirror and sensor, then a 2 piece black plastic cover which covers the rain and light sensor and the mount for the mirror.


However the little cover that covers the hole in the headlining in my car one of the clips broke so it fell down and was just hanging there, in a breakers last week for other parts and I liberated one from a Scirocco, went to fit it to find the hole for the wires to feed through is more square than rectangle so the trunking on my car doesnt fit through the hole to clip into place, despite being the same part number, so I duly go to TPS (trade parts specialists, VW UK genuine parts supply warehouses) and order the correct one for my car along with new trunking, I get it all fitted, its the right sized hole for the wiring, the trunking clips in etc, but the plastic which covers the hole in the headlining is shallower so doesnt totally cover the hole leaving me with a gap.


I have no idea why for a part like this they needed more than 1 design, for the same car, so i now have 2 pieces different from my original (broken) which are no use, clearly going to a dealer and using a parts look up for the correct part is a waste of time because ive already tried that, so I will need to go to another breakers, pull one off another mk5 Golf/Jetta, hope it doesnt break removing it, and then hope its the same as my cars original one. Jesus all this for a bit of trim, god knows what itll be like when I need unusual non routine wear and tear mechanical bits. 

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Today, I visited a local Evans Halshaw used car outlet to look at a Lexus RX400h.

That's not the complete grump though.

Whilst driving into the customer car park , just as I was alongside a black Audi A6, a fuckwit salesman threw open the driver's door into my car.attachicon.gifimage.jpegattachicon.gifimage.jpegattachicon.gifimage.jpeg

Damaged bumper, bonnet, wing ,headlamp and wheel.

Audi door fucked up, pillar and wing bent.

The Audi was being evaluated as a trade in, looks like they've got to buy it now.

I'm having a load of grief from teenage salesman and sales manager, managed not to hit anyone and going back tomorrow to see Dealer Principal.

The Audi owner has given me his details and is willing to be a witness, the staff are all in full arse covering mode and won't admit anything, oh, and apparently the cctv doesn't work!

LOL at the bell end on the Audi wing.

Sorry. post-5532-0-68639700-1498849626_thumb.png

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I forgot to update, the person who kindly damaged the saphs door has no insurance and their car hasnt been taxed since the end of april, i just want to go and burn that crappy 206

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Evans Halshaw CCTV doesn't work?


Go tonight and draw a massive cock and balls on their forecourt in white gloss, and then look straight at the cameras. See if they mention it on your next visit.


I fail to believe a yard full of expensive cars has dummy CCTV cameras. Their insurance company will shit a brick if that's true.

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I forgot to update, the person who kindly damaged the saphs door has no insurance and their car hasnt been taxed since the end of april, i just want to go and burn that crappy 206

Call the fuzz and then you can go through the MIB to get a payout if you're out of pocket thanks to an uninsured driver.
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Our bakery does birthday cakes to order, and I've got one on tomorrow's load.  It's going to say Happy 18th Birthday Jake on the top.




Surely Jake is an 18th century pirate?  Or at best, the tubby Blues Brother?

An 18 year old in South Lakeland?  No come on, pull the other one.

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Mrs Beard was out earlier with the weed burner, errrr burning weeds. Half an hour later looking out of the kitchen window noticed a huge pall of smoke accompanied by the acrid stench of burning. Ran out panic stricken assuming the garden/shed/garage/fence was on fire!

It was only the next door neighbours lighting a barbecue.

Obviously I was relieved. But.


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Call the fuzz and then you can go through the MIB to get a payout if you're out of pocket thanks to an uninsured driver.

I reported it to the police and they seemed a little more interested that she was driving without insurance and tax

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