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The grumpy thread


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use a disposable email for info that needs an email addy to register 


the 150 posts to sell i can kinda understand 


recently got a ford and one of thier forums wants paid membership to see the techie info so they can screw off 

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I am checking old databases to  see if we have ever had delete enabled but i know we havnt.


There was always a delete button, but it only worked until someone else added another post.

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There was always a delete button, but it only worked until someone else added another post.

Definitely. I've used it often having thought the better of some fiendishly clever and witty/sarcastic response.

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And closed forums can FRO. Nothing worse than finding the answer to some technical question on google and it leads to a forum...."you must be a registered member to view this blah blah blah".  I need yet another set of login details like a goldfish needs a pair of wellies.


The worst is when I have something to selI. I dont want to have to register and really, really dont want to have to chat 50 posts of shit to gain access to the for sale forum - I just want to sell my thing and the best way to do this is to advertise it to the people most likely to buy it.


Use firefox, install user agent switcher http://chrispederick.com/work/user-agent-switcher/ and make yourself appear to be the google search robot.

That opens many forums and other sites because they want their content to appear in google to lure people in...

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Starting to look for a caravan for next summer. I think that as it's the end of season they should start coming down in price. Looking on evil bay and bum tree. Someone recommended preloved. My grump is why is preloved so fxxking awkard/dificult to used. The filters that I want are not there. Is it just me or am I being stupid? Does any one have any tips on where else to look for a cheapish large caravan?


Preloved is a pain, but Gumtree have seemingly removed the ability to filter out a price range. This means endless sifting through adverts for nearly new cars to try and find the £120 Xantias and whatnot.

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This is why I said not to feed the troll - if they're reading these posts they're likely to be getting their ego boosted by thinking, "I did that", probably fueling any sociopathic tendencies further.





Much easier than individually deleting all your posts and causing headaches for daveb47.

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Wouldn't start in sainsburys car park, Paid £90 for breakdown service to start me cos within 1 mile of home and it was just a poxy fuel pump fuse!!


Sent from my HTC One mini 2 using Tapatalk

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when hirst made content it was great but a lot of the time when he posted it was to moan about the board and the content on it, which got a bit wearing tbh.

I think he would have preferred it to be a closed board .

Downward spiral.


Hirst didn't think there was much content on the main board so didn't bother posting much on it.


He left as quietly as possible and I think he succeeded- it's taken this long for people to notice.

And yeah, there was a lot more going on behind the scenes than what transpired here.

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Went to blue planet aquarium by Cheshire oaks. £44.00 for me and the two kids. Kids spent another £20.00 in the gift shop. On leaving after an hour or so I ask about the car park barrier ticket. Man tells me I have to pay £2.50 to park. But I have just spent £64.00 pounds matey boy. I am sorry sir he says but you have to pay for the car park. So I pay and the have my ticket ready to get out and the barrier is up. So I needn't have paid. Earlier in the morning I had been round Cheshire oaks outlet village with the kids to get them new coats for starting back to school when I was leaving at 11.30 am it was packed with people and the driving has people tried to get a parking space was mental. Unless you drove an Audi q7 . Which you just abandon on the yellow box cos you is loaded and rules don't apply to you.

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Just been told, at half eleven at night, that I have to go to Leeds next week. Last time I was there I got robbed, and the flu. I hate Leeds. My Mum and Dad hate Leeds. The bloke who's going with me hates Leeds, and he's Italian and likes everyone. We all fucking hate Leeds. I can't understand what people are saying, nor they me. Fair enough, I talk like Jim McDonald (so I do), but people in UAE and South America get my drift.


Oh yeah, and I thought the plane was going to crash the last time. We came in to land aboard some piston engine shitbox and the plane went sideways. Scared the crap out of me. The pilot came back around, FASTER, and got us down. Hard. One of my old schoolfriends is a British Airways pilot, and says Leeds-Bradford can be a right bastard for crosswinds, but not to worry. That's alright for you old lad, you fly a brand new Boeing.


But at least it's not Manchester. Another story.

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Got a poorly dog :( my boy had a hacking cough yesterday, took him to the emergency vet where they think it's a larynx infection, the medicine has lasted 12 hours precisely and I'm going to drive him straight to my vet for when they open and try and get him looked at ASAP

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Cheshire oaks.








That's all you need to put. It's just one massive hate hole and a magnet for the absolute worse drivers in the world to come and practise being stupid in. Driving past there is bad enough, cycling is nothing short of suicidal. If the coppers ever sat there for three weeks before Chrimbo they could issue enough fines to un-bankrupt debt in the whole wide world.

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Cheshire oaks.... just one massive hate hole


Yup. Anywhere describing itself as a Discount Designer Outlet acts as a massive galactic magnet for cretins.


It's hilarious how many high-ticket cars you'll find parked outside, each "owned" by people who live right on the edge of insolvency, with crippling levels of finance bubbling away in the background, but for whom an image of "success" is vitally important.


You'll notice that none of the cars will be locally registered- they'll have been sourced 'nearly new' on-line from the lowest bidder no matter how geographically remote to beat their local quote by £8 per month because Winning. And that's why these discount places are so successful, they allow the consumer to feel that they've beaten the system.


Your Q7 driver lives to beat the system. They thrive on getting one over their common man. Whether this means using their mobile while driving (despite the myriad Bluetooth connection options their cars are equipped with), overtaking immediately before their dual-carriageway exit, speeding in built-up areas (or any area for that matter), parking illegally or inconsiderately, wearing comedically-spaced numberplates for reasons of vanity, tailgating, barging to the front in traffic jams, passing on the inside, driving on the hard shoulder or many, many, more.


But we should pity them and give them a break, really, because all the above is required for their very survival, the poor mites.


Care for a cretin, today.

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If anybody wants I can let Hirst know you are all thinking of him. I'll drop him a text this afternoon.


I'm full of grumps at the moment.


1) My Grandad is in hospital with his breathing as he's unable to get enough oxygen due to silicosis. We know this and the NHS professionals know this but he's still been in since his Dr sent him to A&E on the 26th! That in itself is not the grump, dementia is what I really want to rail on as while my Grandad is in my Nana is completely lost. They have both always been fairly dependent on each other but over the last few months my Nana has been getting slowly more confused, less sure of what is going on, forgetting what we're talking about or losing track of everything entirely. Mum is staying at their house but that can only go on for so long as even when my Grandad is home I don't think they're going to be able to continue living there(tiny house, massive garden, stairs in the house at both sides so no easy access). They've been there 56 years and I'm worried what the shock of moving might cause.


Getting old is the cruelest joke of all.



2) I couldn't make Chumley yesterday, especially gutting as last year was scuppered by the Volvo shitting itself on the M62 the day before.


This year it's money (or lack thereof) that meant I couldn't come.


I hate that I never have enough at the end of the month to put towards anything meaningful, I hate that I haven't had a holiday in over 10years with no view to going on one anytime soon, I hate that money is always the defacto argument material.

I'm not sure what I can do about it really. Move jobs to something better paid, perhaps - though I have little by the way of qualifications and experiential learning only goes so far. On top of that I actually quite like what I do right now (even if it is infuriating sometimes -- a grump for another time I feel) 

I'm already in the cheapest accommodation I could find without it being a house share.

I'm driving a car that is worth less than most peoples spare TV and only just afford to put fuel in to get to work.


The one recurring thought is I should part out the escRot just to gain some capital. Maybe pay off a couple of small debts that are beginning to feel like millstones, get a passport and fuck off somewhere, maybe to teach abroad, I don't know.
But I'm not sure I can stomach breaking and selling something that means so much to me even if (and this is being very honest) it'll not see the road again this decade, if ever.


Folks have it worse I know, far worse infact, but, it doesn't lessen the fact that I feel like I've been treading water for 10+years, just making ends meet - just getting by, and it's really starting to get to me.

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I only go down Cheshire oaks to visit maccie d's.


There's a pedestrian crossing right at the entrance which people just wonder across at even when the lights are green then give you abuse when you beep at them.


Agree about the parking though, gonna get worse too as there's been planning granted for an expansion programme.

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