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Secret Santa 20.....My work this year is done

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Ordered my item through ebay expecting something brilliant. I should really look at the description  first. Felt guilty so put something else in. Sent off yesterday first class


Postification has occurred, surprise* delight* and wonderment* will be the emotions of my victim.

On 11/12/2020 at 22:29, tul66 said:

Shite posted today. Pity the poor sod that receives it though👍

I have recently "recieved" and in a prang of guilt also "shipped".  The received is now under the tree.  The shipped is not worth posting.  Pity the poor sod that has it chucked over his back fence by the delivery person. 

Incidently I've found a parcel shipping price comparison app on the internet, as I really think the race to the bottom is the way forward. 

I also used it to send a present to a great niece for Christmas.  I don't know why I bother. Won't get a thank you.  Daft thing Is that I got that off the internet and then was forced to pay to send it.  Doh. 

Not made that mistake with my parents and sister in Wales.  Delivered in October via an online shop that is neither eBay, Amazon or etsy.  


An unexpected parcel has just arrived, addressed to "gm" so I think I can safely say that mine has arrived :) thankyou, mystery gift giver 

I’ve put it under the tree until Christmas !



Posted a little while ago but forgot to post a post that the post was in the post.

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At least, it will be when parcel-dude collects it tomorrow morning...


Posted something terrible yesterday, hopefully I got the labels the right way round so it didn't go to my dad or my son 😂


Haven't been able to send mine as yet, had to isolate and now in hospital for the day, yay(!) 

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Parcel in the postal system and allocated to the correct bin to be sent to recipient. Sorted!

5 hours ago, Mr Laurence said:

Mine has now been sent!

this also arrived today - excited to see what it is...


Put it under the tree, and leave it until you are suicidal.  It's probably a gun. 


An unexpected large letter arrived today - it's either something really important or my prezzie. So I'll worry about it all week and find out on the 25th.😀



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im working away at the moment, so not at home to receive excellent* parcels.  hopefully travelling back in a couple of hours, so will report back if anything has landed on the door mat :-)


Got back home from the garage and recieved a gurt parcel. Thinking I must have ordered something online I opened it. When I realised what it was I shut the box. Who ever sent mine out many thanks I will take a proper look christmas day but what I did see I'm pleasantly surprised with. 


My last secret santa I did on a motorbike group I got a pair of blue y fronts so I'm glad I haven't got another. Thanks again Thomas 

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I haz received an parcel! Thanks secret Santa! I won’t be opening it until Boxing Day, as mrs groovy is working Xmas day, so we’re doing it all a day late 👍


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It's arrived!


Thank you Santa, it always makes me smile when something addressed to Craig the Princess arrives 🤣


A mystery package arrived here today!  Quoth Management on seeing it was addressed to Macscrooge  “what on the earth is this?”

Looking forward to the big reveal on Friday. 


Sent mine last week and received a package for Dippy today, my dog took a lot of interest in it giving it a good smell. But hasnt tried to steal it yet as we do keep catching him grabbing presents and running off, he has even opened a couple as well.

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The bloody reindeer went on strike due to not wanting to wear masks, so had to take it to the winged messenger depot myself. Good news is Venison for tea, bad news is it will take me a while to eat 10 of the buggers!

I wont be at home for receiving tat gifts for a few weeks so apologies if anybody could be arsed sending me anything, I am not being ungrateful and will acknowledge it on my return in many weeks time.

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Received, and accidentally unwrapped, so chucked under the tree so I can be excited again in a few days time.



And also sent mine out today - hopefully the lucky* recipient will have it by chrimbo c39bffb5376c8216eaa670206efd4725.jpg

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