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Tragic news, Richard's funeral date 1st April

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I’ve never met the guy but he sounded like he was a good bloke. Rest in Piece. 


Fuck ! What a lovely guy he was . Met him at a Shitefest in Wales and remember him fitting a tow bar to his Volvo while we all drank tea and helped / mocked . 
Sad sad news .


I'm very saddened to have heard this, he was a great guy. Kind beyond belief and always willing to help. He will be hugely missed.

My condolences to Reb and family.



I'm at a loss for what to say.

My first interaction with anybody from Autoshite was at Crail in late 2015, and I got a shot of Richard's (now Reb's, I think) Volvo round the paddock area. I remember being fascinated by just how many adjustments the factory radio in it had. I was basically a complete stranger to everybody that day but got let behind the wheel anyway! Such a friendly and welcoming guy.

My deepest condolences to Reb et al.


So sorry to hear this - condolences and best wishes to his family.


I have fond memories of him taking his shoes off to save weight whilst drag racing at Crail. All round good chap


A lovely man and an absolute gent. What a terrible, terrible bit of news. Condolences and sympathies to Reb and all his family and friends. 


I'm fairly new so don't really know everyone's relationships etc. I hope someone knows reb well enough personally to find the right balance between being there for him and the family and allowing suitable privacy.

I lost my Dad three years ago 01/04/17 so know exactly what they are going through. I dare say there are others on the forum who have experienced the same.

Sending all my love and thoughts to you and your family. 


Gutting news, I can only repeat that you couldn't have wished to meet a nicer, more mild mannered gent than Richard. 

Thoughts with Robin and the rest of the family, can only imagine what you're all going through. 


What an awful day. 

Such a loss to this community and the wider world beyond. He drove down to one of our meets and offered me a cup of tea from the (spacious) living quarters of the Volvo. 

You don't forget occurances like that. A finer fellow gone on too soon. 



1 hour ago, twosmoke300 said:

Fuck ! What a lovely guy he was . Met him at a Shitefest in Wales and remember him fitting a tow bar to his Volvo while we all drank tea and helped / mocked . 
Sad sad news .

This was the first thing that came to my mind too when I read the original post. Shitefest 2015.

Awful news, he was a lovely guy. Condolences to Reb and the wider family.


Damn. That's shook me as that. Met him a few times at shitefests and I think the fod. I remember as someone else mentioned above him fitting a towbar to the Volvo on a Welsh field hoping the jack didn't sink or move. He finally gave in and dropped the exhaust off its hangers. I think I also had a good chat with him at bubble car museum. 

Never Knew reb was his lad but thoughts are with him. If theres a fund for a floral tribute or donation from AS please let me know. 


Aw no, not Richard! That’s just too shit.

As others have said, he was an absolutely top bloke - generous, funny, knowledgeable, entertainingly grumpy about fuckwittery in all the right ways.

Deepest condolences to Reb. He will be very greatly missed on here.


Kind hearted, generous, and prone to raging against fuckwits and stupidity.  Excellent qualities in a person.  I feel empty hearing about his passing, so I can't imagine what his family are going through.



I'm not very good with words at the best of times, but my thoughts are with his family at this difficult and painful moment. I can't begin to imagine how they all are feeling. 

Tragedy can strike any of us, any time, so we should all cherish every moment with our families and friends.

Rest in peace, fellow shiter, you will be missed and remembered by both those who knew and loved you, and by those who knew of you distantly. 



Always sad news when one of 'ours' passes. Richard was always a good read on here, and looking at the posts on here from those who met him, I know he'll be sorely missed.

Thoughts going out to Reb and family at this time.


Richard was a top bloke and a fountain of Volvo knowledge, and Reb is a credit to him. Met Richard a few times over the years, and he was always fascinating and talkative, you could tell he cared about all he did.
A tragic loss indeed. 


Really sorry to hear this, my condolences to Reb and the family.

The first time I met Richard was the first time I went to Crail and the last was at Shitefest18 when Richard, Supernaught and myself went out for a thrash in Nick’s Bentley.


When I first read this yesterday I hadn’t put two and two together and realised just who we were talking about. Richard was a Chumley regular and with burgundy Swedish cars we more than once ended up parked next to one another. He was generous, kind, dry witted, knowledgeable and an all round top guy like everyone else has said.

He also features in my all time favourite AS photo... 


Condolences to the family, that truly is terrible news.... 

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