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Father Ted

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44 minutes ago, vulgalour said:

Got a job interview on Sunday morning, trouble is it's about twice as far away as I thought it was going to be.  I'm not sure if this is because I got my addresses muddled when applying, or because they're doing applications at one store for all other stores in the area.  Sixty mile round trip and I have to do it in the Princess and don't especially want to.  I'm pretty sure the car will be fine with it, especially since I'm avoiding the motorway route as I'd rather not push my luck at the moment, but I'm not sure it's going to do me any favours.  It's been a bit toasty here lately and I've not only got no air con, the rod that controls the fresh air flaps in the cabin has fallen off because TADTS and I have untinted glass so I may have to introduce myself as Ms Betty Swallocks when I arrive at the interview.

I'll have a furtle with my flaps tomorrow and see if I can get the hook back on so I've at least got fresh air blasting at my face on the drive.

At least while I was stuck in traffic earlier I got the reassurance that the coolant system is working well.  Temperature guage never went above 3/4 when in stop-start and once on the move it dropped to 1/2 without ever once having to turn the heater on so I'd say that's working as intended.

I'm not loving this looking for a job malarky.  Keeping my eyes on the prize, that being a more reliable income so I can get my own place.  I'm probably going to have to get a more modern car too, the Princess needs too many jobs attending to for me to really feel comfortable pressing it into commuter duty at the moment.  I'm not even sure I can get commuter cover on insurance due to the age of the Princess, I know some insurers won't offer it if your car is over 30 years old and the Princess is 44 now.  I do have a friend willing to loan me 20 year old Rover, so that should do the trick if I need it until I can get something cheap and cheerful of my own should I need it.


I'd say do the interview anyway, see what comes of it - and good experience

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33 minutes ago, Rust Collector said:

finished up my last day in my current job today. It’s been a pretty shit couple of weeks trying to wrap up the launch of a new system but hopefully I’ve left things on an even keel. I was given loads of beer, gin and cash as a leaving gift which was nice. I’m sad to leave my friends there, but I definitely needed some change so I’m fairly certain I made the right choice.

That's a wrench? Hot off the press, what's next?

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If the skies are clear whenever you are...might be worth a look up.



Aurora visible in May from as far south as Milton Keynes, that I wouldn't have ever expected!

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8 minutes ago, Zelandeth said:

If the skies are clear whenever you are...might be worth a look up.



Aurora visible in May from as far south as Milton Keynes, that I wouldn't have ever expected!

had a peep just now here in Central London, the skies seem clear to my eye, but I cant see anything sadly


looks awesome from your photos tho :) wish I could see it!

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2 hours ago, Rust Collector said:

I finished up my last day in my current job today. It’s been a pretty shit couple of weeks trying to wrap up the launch of a new system but hopefully I’ve left things on an even keel. I was given loads of beer, gin and cash as a leaving gift which was nice. I’m sad to leave my friends there, but I definitely needed some change so I’m fairly certain I made the right choice.

Tomorrow I need to go buy some shirts, ties, trousers, jacket and shoes for my one day a week in the new office. It’s like first day at big boy school again.

Today was also the birthday of my late friend, so when I when I went to get ice for the gin I took his Land Rover so that on the way back I could park up at the beach and drink a bottle of coke like we used to do together. I thought it might be cathartic to try and talk like he was there, as we’d spend hours chatting some nights and he always made me feel better about the difficulties that pop up in life, but instead I choked up and just cried in the car for a bit. It’s got to be more than two years he’s been gone now but I still really miss him.

Couldn’t have been a nicer evening for sitting in the car blubbing though.


God bless your friend, he was clearly a good one and God bless you for remembering him in this way.

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When we moved in to our house, the gate between the house and garage (gate from driveway to back garden) was a really flimsy trellis type thing that was too big for the gap. Over the past year and a bit living here it’s gradually fallen apart a bit more each time I open it so I gave in and bought a new one in Wickes yesterday. 

Not a clue what I’m doing, just followed what looked right*

Have I fucked anything up here? It seems to function fine so I’m happy enough.



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10 hours ago, High Jetter said:

That's a wrench? Hot off the press, what's next?

I’m finally off to the county council - it’s taken about 3 months to go through the DBS checks and other vetting! I’m looking forward to it. Look out for me driving into eastbourne once a week in one of my shitters 😅

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11 hours ago, High Jetter said:

I'd say do the interview anyway, see what comes of it - and good experience

I double checked, the vacancy is actually in Brigg which is about 7 miles from home, so they must just be doing the interviews all at one store, probably because not all stores have a suitable room.  Even if it wasn't I would have gone for the experience anyway, it's been a long time since I did an interview so it would be good practice.  Still not looking forward to it like, it's going to be a sweaty drive!  Did have me keeping half an eye on the beater market for something modern and spotted this interesting thing over on the blue.



Not for me at the moment, but maybe for one of you lot?  Seems a reasonable proposition and a Megane of that age with a boot has to be a bit of a rarity.

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Lovely day to get the Dyane out and the roof back I think. Destination the beach 


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13 hours ago, vulgalour said:

Got a job interview on Sunday morning, trouble is it's about twice as far away as I thought it was going to be.  I'm not sure if this is because I got my addresses muddled when applying, or because they're doing applications at one store for all other stores in the area.  Sixty mile round trip and I have to do it in the Princess and don't especially want to.  I'm pretty sure the car will be fine with it, especially since I'm avoiding the motorway route as I'd rather not push my luck at the moment, but I'm not sure it's going to do me any favours.  It's been a bit toasty here lately and I've not only got no air con, the rod that controls the fresh air flaps in the cabin has fallen off because TADTS and I have untinted glass so I may have to introduce myself as Ms Betty Swallocks when I arrive at the interview.

I'll have a furtle with my flaps tomorrow and see if I can get the hook back on so I've at least got fresh air blasting at my face on the drive.

At least while I was stuck in traffic earlier I got the reassurance that the coolant system is working well.  Temperature guage never went above 3/4 when in stop-start and once on the move it dropped to 1/2 without ever once having to turn the heater on so I'd say that's working as intended.

I'm not loving this looking for a job malarky.  Keeping my eyes on the prize, that being a more reliable income so I can get my own place.  I'm probably going to have to get a more modern car too, the Princess needs too many jobs attending to for me to really feel comfortable pressing it into commuter duty at the moment.  I'm not even sure I can get commuter cover on insurance due to the age of the Princess, I know some insurers won't offer it if your car is over 30 years old and the Princess is 44 now.  I do have a friend willing to loan me 20 year old Rover, so that should do the trick if I need it until I can get something cheap and cheerful of my own should I need it.


Drive to interview in a t-shirt and swap into your nice shirt when you get there (best not done in the carpark of prospective employer, obvs).

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17 hours ago, richardmorris said:

I have a blue main beam and green indicator lamps on mine from a GS. As you said the wiring is there and probably saved Citroen £1. 2cvgb worked hard to get the main beam telltale issue recorded on the official mot tester notes.  It is not a fail, but they may need some encouragement to read the notes. I’d still think the hazard switch is faulty.



I was *sure* the hazard switch was serviceable, taking it to bits and holding the terminals together resulted in working hazard lights. No matter how much bending and reassembly of contacts I tried it just won’t work and I think now it’s past the point of no return with multiple wonky copper bits. New switch it is! 

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Saw this on the side of the road near home. Cut out on the junction that goes onto a busy 40mph road. Exactly the same place my Spitfire did the same. 

Chap reckoned it was the fan belt that was loose and it got too hot. Tbh it was pretty floppy. 

He didn't have many tools on hand as left them in his van and forgot to take them back out. Car lives in his in-laws garage away from he lives. 

It's his wife's late fathers car so has quite a bit of emotional attachment. She admitted that he didn't really ever do maintenance on it. Very original though.

Anyway I've been in this situation and it's shit. So I offered if they needed to borrow any tools. Obviously very grateful. 

Gave them a hand, she started right up and drove away. Hopefully they'll get there but left my number if they need any tools or a hand again to get it back.


That's enough excitement for day. Now to cut the grass and tidy the garage! Both things I've been putting off...

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2 hours ago, 320touring said:




No running, no bombing, no heavy petting?

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5 hours ago, JJ0063 said:

When we moved in to our house, the gate between the house and garage (gate from driveway to back garden) was a really flimsy trellis type thing that was too big for the gap. Over the past year and a bit living here it’s gradually fallen apart a bit more each time I open it so I gave in and bought a new one in Wickes yesterday. 

Not a clue what I’m doing, just followed what looked right*

Have I fucked anything up here? It seems to function fine so I’m happy enough.



Well if it fits and doesn’t fall off I’d call it a success.

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2 hours ago, ProgRocker said:

Today I have come here to drive a car! :)


I'll take the MK1 astra please 

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6 hours ago, JJ0063 said:

Have I fucked anything up here? It seems to function fine so I’m happy enough.

Slightly unconventional positioning of the non-hinge post, but I guess that's to accommodate a standard width gate. As said, if it works as a gate it's all good - but would point out that it possibly could be unbolted from the outside

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6 hours ago, Rust Collector said:

I’m finally off to the county council - it’s taken about 3 months to go through the DBS checks and other vetting! I’m looking forward to it. Look out for me driving into eastbourne once a week in one of my shitters 😅

I'll keep an eye out. What are you doing for ESCC?

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6 hours ago, vulgalour said:

I double checked, the vacancy is actually in Brigg which is about 7 miles from home, so they must just be doing the interviews all at one store, probably because not all stores have a suitable room.  Even if it wasn't I would have gone for the experience anyway, it's been a long time since I did an interview so it would be good practice.  Still not looking forward to it like, it's going to be a sweaty drive!  Did have me keeping half an eye on the beater market for something modern and spotted this interesting thing over on the blue.



Not for me at the moment, but maybe for one of you lot?  Seems a reasonable proposition and a Megane of that age with a boot has to be a bit of a rarity.

Congratulations on the interview, hope it goes well.  As for beater market, the Rover 75 I have assuming it gets through the test will be available shortly thereafter.  

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2 hours ago, Matts_Rusty_Bus said:

I'll take the MK1 astra please 

Nice! :) I wanted to have a go in something rear wheel drive so I had a go in the beige Morris Marina in the background. Really enjoyed driving it. However I couldn't find first gear and the brakes had very little feel. :shock: Drum brakes obviously. I'm used to disc brakes all around. 

 At the end of the drive I went to reverse park it. Found reverse a lot easily than 1st but then I stalled it. :oops:

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Put the Carina E to work today:


First job, take a load of empty bulk bags from the last gravel delivery back to the merchant's.


Drove around listening to an old cassette I recorded in the early '90s, this one a bit of a dance-ish compilation with Stakker, Depth Charge etc.  This made me laugh, I wondered what were the chances, if any, of someone driving around in an automatic Carina E listening to Acid Over by Tyree.


Saw a few old cars bimbling around and remembered that it was the monthly autojumble/show/farmers' market thing at a local village, which for some reason I'd never manaaged to get to. Had some spare time so I called in, meeting up with this chap who I know from attending shows over the last 30 years. He's owned this fantastic Celica since it was a year old.


One stall had a box full of old tax disc holders from cars that had gone through their now-closed garage business, it was good to get this selection from a few around Ipswich that I remember.


Lots of stuff to unload when I got home - bags of landscaping bark to finally finish off the garden, new mower, lengths of timber, weekly shop and the  magazines etc I bought at the autojumble.

Carina E drove in that capable, comfortable way that seems to be particular to 1990s 1.8-2-litre midsize, non-sporty family cars, even with all the stuff on board. It has a decent turn of speed, good ride from tyres with a decent amount of sidewall and a roomy, comfortable interior. It still makes a lot of sense as a daily driver. Didn't really need it, and I still don't, but I'm glad I got it.

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Some car sellers just seem to intentionally make life fucking difficult.

See car on FB, spares or repairs but it’s a simple engined car and the fault sounds relatively simple - been parked up a while, now when started the EML is on and it’s making a noise.  For the price of the car, it’s 100% worth a punt. Can’t really lose. 

Message seller - is it still available? Yes. Ok thanks, any chance of a quick vid so I can hear the noise, just to save both our time as there was no description of said noise. 

No reply. 

Ok, can I just come and have a look? Only 30 mins from me and due to the price, it’s worth the drive. 

Someone’s viewing at 6pm, will message and let you know. 

8pm, no message, advert still live. 

I message - “Did it it sell?”

”No, they didn’t turn up”

Ok, can I have that vid of the noise? 

“It’s stopped making the noise now, starts and drives just has EML”

Ok, when can I come and view?

”im at work now, il message you later”


I hate ones like this, the actual car looks very genuine. Only got 60 odd K on the clock, it’s a 2013 1.2 pez and would be a decent earner for £500 even if it needs a bit spending. 

The seller is a lady who claims to know nothing about cars and the actual description is fine, just shite at communication it seems. 

Not holding my breath but I’ll try and buy the shitting thing if I can arrange it. I have her address now, just no time as to when I can see it. 

I’ll take my diagnostics and see what the code is, if it’s nothing drastic it’ll get bought.

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Had a few hours to myself and with the lovely weather decided to go to Wiscombe Park and watch the hillclimb.

A relaxing time just chilling and saw one of my favourite cars in the metal. The Stovebolt Special.



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Time to swap the all season tyres over to summers on the Caddy couriering van. I know this might seem daft as all season means well, all seasons, but I prefer to just use them during the winter months and a more traditional tyre during the warmer* months, with my mileage it does make a noticeable difference to fuel consumption, I also have 4 different sets of steel wheels cluttering up the garage.

During the swap over I wanted to have a trail fit of some 16" steelies I picked up cheap (£40) with bigger tyres on, 215/60/16, compared to my normal 195/65/15, this increases the circumference from 1993mm to 2087mm according to the wheel calculating sites. I won't use the tyres as although they have plenty of tread they are dated 2013, are perishing and are winter tyres.

Current all season tyres.


New 16" wheels.


They fill the wheel well a bit more, also not catching on anything, even on full lock, so happy with those, just need a sanding and a coat of satin black paint on the wheels.

The idea was to go with a taller sidewall, 215/65/16, I don't think I'm going to get away with it on the front without some wheel arch liner trimming, the 60 profile tyres are really close now.

Took it for a spin and it drives slightly better, more feeling on turning in on corners, probably due to a wider tyre. Speedo seems more accurate too, at GPS 60mph it was showing 61mph on the dash, with the old tyres it showed 64mph at GPS 60mph, it was also revving at 2.1k at 60, previously it was at 2.2k. Have I found the secret sauce for more mpgs? Or is the greater resistance of a wider tyre going to increase my fuel consumption? 🤷‍♂️

As mentioned in the grumpy thread one of the all seasons I took off had a present waiting for me. It was on the inner edge so I wouldn't have noticed it, good timing to be fair, it could have let go at an inopportune moment.


Thats fooked then, I've some Michelin Crossclimate 2's to match it with come next winter, so not the end of the world. The tyre is only 6 months/14k miles old, still with 6.5mm of tread left.


Just need to find some suitable 215/60/16 tyres now.

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28 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

You're back on the road now, or soon?

Not work wise, I'm having this year off.

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