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Father Ted

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This story certainly escalates quickly!


Man buys a numberplate for his wife and pays £15k all from inheritance that he has been told is worth £30k.

Wife dies.

Tries to sell plate and finds out it's not worth anywhere near what he thought.

He gets cancer.

Loses home with everything in storage and now on benefits. 



I mean poor guy but at the same time I'm always amazed how gullible people are. Why would someone be selling something at a massively cut price if it's "worth more"?

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23 hours ago, grogee said:

Moretonhampstead twisty route? It's a fun road. Shame about the 40 limits these days but I can't remember the last time I saw any police or cameras there. 

Yes that was it, ive only ever been here since the 40 limits were around.

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9 hours ago, SiC said:

This story certainly escalates quickly!


Man buys a numberplate for his wife and pays £15k all from inheritance that he has been told is worth £30k.

Wife dies.

Tries to sell plate and finds out it's not worth anywhere near what he thought.

He gets cancer.

Loses home with everything in storage and now on benefits. 



I mean poor guy but at the same time I'm always amazed how gullible people are. Why would someone be selling something at a massively cut price if it's "worth more"?

To be fair that's about as close to a plate actually saying something as you'll get.

Perfect 4 Edinburgh sauna owner?

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23 hours ago, grogee said:

Moretonhampstead twisty route? It's a fun road. Shame about the 40 limits these days but I can't remember the last time I saw any police or cameras there. 

Heh - we lived in the Teign Valley for about five years and that road was one of the 'fun drive to anywhere' routes. Went back last year and found that just about every road is a 40 or 50 limit now - they do feel a lot busier, especially around Moretonhampstead.
Tavistock side was always a bit busier but the road down to Plymouth now seems rammed.

9 hours ago, SiC said:

I mean poor guy but at the same time I'm always amazed how gullible people are. Why would someone be selling something at a massively cut price if it's "worth more"?

The value of anything pretty much depends on what the buyer will pay? He must have figured £15,000 was a good price at the time.
I've paid over the odds for what turns out to be tat, usually I just mark it down as another of life's lessons and vow to do better* next time. The price of an 'investment' may go up as well as down 

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9 hours ago, SiC said:

This story certainly escalates quickly!


Man buys a numberplate for his wife and pays £15k all from inheritance that he has been told is worth £30k.

Wife dies.

Tries to sell plate and finds out it's not worth anywhere near what he thought.

He gets cancer.

Loses home with everything in storage and now on benefits. 



I mean poor guy but at the same time I'm always amazed how gullible people are. Why would someone be selling something at a massively cut price if it's "worth more"?

Whilst he spaffed 15K on something worth maybe 5K, and shit happens at times.

I fail to see the connection to losing his home.

I feel he may have poorly organised other things in his life along the way.

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I'm on the second bus of the day!


No, I'm not collecting anything. Just bored.


With any luck I'll be able to get this silly gold watch adjusted so it looks less like I nicked it from a gorilla.

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4 hours ago, Mally said:

Whilst he spaffed 15K on something worth maybe 5K, and shit happens at times.

I fail to see the connection to losing his home.

I feel he may have poorly organised other things in his life along the way.

I would agree. It's a poor financial decision that he made nearly ten years ago. I don't know why he would expect Regtransfers to be responsible or return his money

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2 hours ago, egg said:

Eh this is an actual thing?


Individual panels maybe but I couldn't see myself pulling the likes of all all the suspension components apart just to dip them - why not just whack a massive sacrificial anode on there instead?

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Having some fun and games here trying to get a gas bottle delivered.  When I was in Kent I just called up Adam's Gas and they would deliver, no bother.  Up here in Scunny I've been going through the list of suppliers, getting further and further away, and nobody does delivery.  This is going to be a bit of an arse.  I've got one call back to do on Wednesday to a company in Sheffield that *might* be passing through, but that's the best lead I've managed.

Alternative suppliers in the Scunthorpe area that do delivery of Co2/Argon mig welding gas very welcome as suggestions.  The cash is waiting, I just need the gas.


EDIT: Never mind!  Mariner Gas in Scunthorpe delivering tomorrow.  Friendly, and made it very easy to do the order.

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6 minutes ago, egg said:

I learnt a thing today 'Springtime lethargy' is actually 'an thing' and the German's have a word for it (natch) = Frühjahrsmüdigkeit


The Germans do use some good long words to describe things.

I've always liked the 'Gala' setting on my Caddy vans stereo, it alters the stereo volume relative to vehicle speed, its full name is 'geschwindigkeitsabhängige lautstärkeanhebung'.

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Anyone fancy a Mondeo?


This guy gets out of this Mondeo clutching an Amazon packet and asks me where number 33 is. It's in that big block behind the car but, I tell him, you have to go back to the main road in the background and turn right to get to the entrance. So off he trots leaving the car just sat there with the engine running.

What I didn't tell him is it's on the third floor then along a corridor pretty much back to where the Mondeo is then off to the right a bit. And then back the same way.

I've seen courier drivers stop in the middle of the road before and get out with the engine running but they've normally parked outside the house they're delivering to. I've never seen one walk off for a full five minutes before.

So if you see him about you can just drive off with his car if you want. And presumably a car full of Amazon packets too.

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My prospective C6 buyer has gone quiet again, last I knew he was talking it over with his wife. Hmmmmmm.

The C6 naturally rewarded me for this yesterday with its first FTP in my ownership - dead battery. Easily enough sorted... once I remembered the battery on these is in the boot. Really awkward to get the positive lead on, because why wouldn't it be. 

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Woke up to see the  tragic news about the bridge in Baltimore.

Only last week I watched footage on tinternet from March 16th of a container ship causing $50 Million dollars worth of damage at a port in Turkey when it  took out some of the cranes. 

What has suddenly happened to seamanship?

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3 hours ago, GeordieInExile said:

talking it over with his wife

Sorry but that does my head in. These folk need to grow a set, look at their household finances, if nothing needs doing and it's their own money then make their own decision and spend it. 

Christ. Babies.


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2 hours ago, Bren said:

Woke up to see the  tragic news about the bridge in Baltimore.

Only last week I watched footage on tinternet from March 16th of a container ship causing $50 Million dollars worth of damage at a port in Turkey when it  took out some of the cranes. 

What has suddenly happened to seamanship?

As someone who works in a related industry I can assure you that it's been going on for a long time - the main change as I see it has been that ships (especially container ships) have been rapidly getting ever more massive over the last few years, so when they do hit something the damage tends to be catastrophic.

Here's a similar incident in Korea from a few years back:


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1 hour ago, Split_Pin said:

Sorry but that does my head in. These folk need to grow a set, look at their household finances, if nothing needs doing and it's their own money then make their own decision and spend it. 

Christ. Babies.


Either that, or he wants his wife to be the bad guy, the mean old lady who said no. Maybe he is having doubts himself but wants the responsibility to sit with her so he can tell himself he would have gone for it otherwise. A similar level of cowardice and abdication of personal responsibility, really. 

They are in the process of buying a small business, he says, but if that's the case, and if that's the reason you can't have the car... say that. 

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In good news my only currently fully working vehicle passed its MoT today! (Well… after a new tyre) 


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29 minutes ago, brownnova said:

Could be worse… (pictures do not do the absolute hanging nature of this justice)


That's a really early Monaco.  First one I can recall seeing with the GTX badging still on the pillars and just the Monaco badge on the bootlid.

Hanging or not, hopefully that doesn't get cubed.  Or at least if it does it's stripped of a hell of a lot of parts first, R25 bits definitely don't grow on trees these days.

Looks to have far less clear coat peel than mine!

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First wash and vacuum in my ownership. Apart from the front bumper this is my nicest condition car by a mile.




The keyless entry and start has stopped working for some reason. I wondered if it was the fob battery getting low, but not enough that it throws a message on the dash, and just enough to open the car with the button.  So I bought a new CR3032 battery. If that doesn't work well no big deal, it doesn't affect anything, I just felt aloof and cool AF getting into my car and driving away without the key!

I was worried I wouldn't enjoy the 75 any more but I drove it today and still enjoyed it just as much as I did before.

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Five years ago I engine swapped a Civic. It was a bit of a bodge job. And it was still automatic. 

Time to do it again properly, with more knowledge. 


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