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The new news 24 thread

Father Ted

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I don't think it's too bad to do. I think it's just bolted on at the swing arm with 3 bolts a side. That's until you introduce the Panda factor of all the bolt heads being rounded, the captive nuts dislodging inside the body and the bolts snapping


Here's a picture from internet.



Having looked at eBay, these seem to very much be made from unobtanium. I'll keep an eye on one coming up though, have convinced her to keep it and try to fix it, and told her she can have my 100hp in the meantime. I'm a good son. Just don't crash it maw ffs

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See if you can spot the difference between insuring a car at my flat would cost as a classic vs as a normal car...



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I reckon they'll get 3/4 of the way through it before admin lock it and they have to quickly move to to the next item.




And if anyone knows someone who gets the express it was in the paper* yesterday.

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Hi, I'm a masochist.

I've seen something on eBay and have MASSIVE WANT.

I'm being stupid and I'll probably regret this, but...

Would anyone potentially want the Volvo?

"Ya hear that lads?"


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Just missed out on a car I didn't need or particularly want - but local and cheap


Sadly looks like it was bought by someone who isn't a Grade A Throbber (someone on here maybe ?) so no second chances



Car full of wi.. SNOW :/


Actually did the 'furzale' piccies in a blizzard.


I don't 'do' eBay car ads 24/7/365 BUT >> THAT is a 1st 4me :)




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My eBay watch list now contains a car of 1980s vintage... My era of Civic ownership may be coming to an end... Sort of.

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Just been updated on the status of The Volvo's US-sourced replacement instrument panel. It's currently in Basildon, so will be delivered to my workplace today. Hopefully I'll be able to collect it at the weekend (I'm away from home until Sunday) and will have it in the car at some point early next week.


I hope it's a case of plug and play, but I'm usually not that lucky...

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New Princess stuff arrived today.  I've removed the old speedo cable to compare it to the new one and I'm hoping the new one actually works.  My gut feeling is the old one is actually wrong and may even have been from a Mini since the measurements are close.  New one is longer (the old one was only just long enough), and has a square drive at the gearbox end rather than the oval of the old one.  New one also has a plastic reducer at the speedo end where the old one made do without, they are the same size and shape though.  The screw thread for the locking ring that goes to the gearbox end is the same and the clip that goes onto the back of the speedo is the same.


I hope it's going to fit okay.  I'm not so keen on the plastic reducer bit, that looks like something that's prone to failure.


EDIT:  Just did a test drive and it's FINE.  Also fixed the brake light that was out by putting the bulb back in the holder it fell out of.  Winning all day here!

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Dave. Fancy swapping any redundant French number plates you have a "double" of on your garage wall for some of the top quality Jersey examples on mine?



Sorry, I forgot all about this.

If you are still interested, take your pic. I have crossed out the only 2 I want to keep, you can have anything else.  I dont want any in return, you can have them for postage cost.



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Sorry, I forgot all about this.

If you are still interested, take your pic. I have crossed out the only 2 I want to keep, you can have anything else. I dont want any in return, you can have them for postage cost.



Would love these three. Are you sure you don't want three replacements supplied to fill the gap?



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mini news sadly without pictures....


fixed mini with petrol and matches, the fireballl was very toasty and warm


sidelights now working, still no indicators but think the rely is buggered. will try and get one in the next couple of days.


kerry took a friend over to look at the black mini, cos elastictrickery things are something that neither of us can deal with.


we don't know the correct voodoo incantations needed before looking at wiring problems, but kerry's friend does....

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Anyone hired a car in Manchester? Any companies to avoid?


Sent from my F3211 using Tapatalk



I hired a car from Enterprise in Stockport a while back - some great galumphing SUV-thing with a four pot. Black and blob-shaped it was and chosen because it was automatic and I needed a car in Stockport. They were quite good actually - I would use them again.

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I fixed* the Rover 45 last night.  The earth cable had snapped last week, and the one I've ordered hasn't turned up yet, but I had about 6' of properly thick old wire that a mate had given me, so I decided to try fitting a length of that to see if it was any good.  It just about got the engine turning over but not enough to start it.  So I fitted another length in parallel, and now it's spinning over faster than it ever has in my ownership.  I think the earth strap must have been on its way out for some time, and was probably the cause of a large chunk of the car's cold-starting issues.


It's a proper bodge job to be honest as I didn't have any ring terminals that were anything like big enough, so I just bared the ends of the lengths of wire, with one pair of ends shoved into the negative battery terminal before I tightened it up, and the other ends wrapped in opposite directions round the bolt in the gearbox housing which the original earth strap had gone to, and clamped in place with the remains of the original terminal.  Everything's secure though, and it works - although I did manage to effectively run it out of diesel, as it was so low that when I drove it up onto the ramps what little was left in the tank sloshed away from the pickup, so I had to back it off the ramps on the starter and crank it for ages to pull fuel through.  It took a bit of cranking to start this morning, but then started up fine after work (having sat for nearly 12 hours and with the temperature not that far above freezing), so I'm considering it officially fixed.

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Guest Hooli

Anyone hired a car in Manchester? Any companies to avoid?


Sent from my F3211 using Tapatalk


Get a backie off Ghosty.

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My neighbours have foolishly let me park a car on their drive, which means I can bring the Bini home this weekend - excitement.  I've owned it a month and still haven't set eyes on it, but I'm reassured by the 7-year unlimited mileage warranty I'm pretty sure JJ0063 said was included.


Sold as scene m8.


I’m looking forward to it being used again! Mrs JJ misses it.

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Thought this was interesting:



Not because of the MOT issue raised there but rather the second hand car market. That's an awful lot of 3 year old cars that will soon be on the market. Especially as a lot will be on 3 or 4 year PCP/HL deals. Newish diesels have already taken a slump too - which a lot of those vehicles will be.


Maybe it's going to be a good time to pick up a cheap newish motor in the coming months?

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That sounds like a load of horse shit to me. How did the industry cope when it was just the one year changeover in August? Incidentally, that was two decades ago, not "a few years"

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Trip to Chernobyl booked.

Ukraine do it if you really want.


I wonder if anyone's thought of running tours to the separatist areas of Eastern Ukraine....?

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