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Today was sunny and today was a day off. Sorry, just wanted to see those words in a single sentence....


It was also the first chance I have had to get Morris out since I got it back from having the brake pipes done.


Mrs Rocker said she fancied an ice cream so we went to the seaside....







Wish I could like that twice. One for the car and one for the happy ice cream smile.

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The clocks in the Transit have now completely died - they've been temperamental since I bought it, but the fuel gauge always worked - now that's dead too, and the milometer and clock displays are blank.  So if I get time this weekend after fixing the C4 for its retest on Tuesday and all the other shite I need to get done, I'm going to have to haul the instrument cluster out and see if it's saveable.  



We've a customer brings us the clusters out of their works transits, we didn't really want to touch them but the gaffers agreed to "have a look" at them as a favour job because they do send us a lot of other work. Anyway I said I'd spend 20 minutes between jobs having a quick nosy, I never even powered them up but the customer says they, work and once we did one, they brought about another 25 over the next few months


All I do is resolder the joints on the socket, and then using an abrasive rubber block (you'd probably be able to use one of them double ended erasers or something) buff off off the weird corrosion that grows from all the PCB through-holes, then give the whole board a blast with some Iso alcohol, brake cleaner would work too. Just make sure you know where the needles go before you take them off (gently wind them down to the zero stops and take a photo before you pull them off). I've probably got a photo on my phone if you forget, though


Sad as it is, I'm seriously thinking of selling the XM. I'm just not using it and I don't have time to give it the love it deserves.


Not a clue what it's worth mind...


Sent from my F3211 using Tapatalk


^^^ You'd probably get a fair valuation from Bob Smart down Poynzpass way, if you *really* want to go down that route... take it you've encountered him previously in XM circles?

  • Like 1

Currently in Stansted airport.


Whizzed up in the Sierra- 200 miles in 3.5 hours-excellent cruiser and very good on the juice.




Sad as it is, I'm seriously thinking of selling the XM. I'm just not using it and I don't have time to give it the love it deserves.


Not a clue what it's worth mind...


Sent from my F3211 using Tapatalk

40p and a kit Kat chunky. I'll be there in the morning!


.... using an abrasive rubber block (you'd probably be able to use one of them double ended erasers or something) buff off off the weird corrosion that grows from all the PCB through-holes, ....

That sounds like what happens with copper PCB tracks as they age, plus the acid in the multicore flux during soldering. I know soldering for electrics is supposed to use resin flux, but that stuff can still be corrosive over time.


New tyres time.


Tyres on the drive .com



Tread depth mostly ok, but both were cracking. 4 and 7 years old. Most worn right side tyre on both shoulders is because of the ball joint failing. The car isn’t moving until it’s done.

The tracking was done last year.


Ps if anyone needs tyres I’d happily recommend the company.




I've been working in Accers, home of Stanley, for a couple of weeks and staying at The Moog villa.

A very pleasant and homely experience. 5 pointy things.

Will let me borrow the 406 from the collection until the screen for mine arrived ,

allowing me to continue working. Much appreciated.

Hi Bub, I was too busy studying all them posh bits in the car to say a proper hello.

Most on here, I would imagine ,know about A/c , lekky windows, pas etc but to someone who 

has a base 305 that doesn't even have carpets that's all posh stuff.

A couple of crap camera shots of it loaded up and earning its keep.





Note the Paddy Hopkirk heavy duty hoop ladder bars. Brilliant bars but don't half make a noise at more than 40.


A couple of pics of adjustments* I've done to improve* things.

First is a scrunchy, Moog parts dept, ensuring the gear linkage stays where it should.




Barely visible now with it getting dirty.

Next, a piece of plastic flooring and a bit of carpet tile making up an engine mount.




Finally a home made air intake pipe with gaffer tape. Now it has tape at the other end as well.








Vanshite time.


No sooner had I got the C15 back then me m9 JJ needed a spare vehicle because he'd broken his £200 factory LPG'd Focus.


He lent the van, with its destroyed clutch and generally smelly characteristics.

Got a phone call in the evening saying it had run out of fuel pulling into the services on the A1. Went to the unit and brought him some tools and a booster pack.




Bleeding in tweed. Once burped with the plunger and unclipping the pipe to the fuel pump, it fired straight up.




Followed him for a bit and then swung round and headed back to Peebo. He's lending the Leon for a longer trip next week and I'm having the van for a few days.



This post is sponsored by Fenland hhhhhorses:








The Volvo failed to proceed this morning due to it running out of electricity, owing to the battery warning light in the dashboard becoming loose in its socket. As the bulb is an integral part of the charging circuit, the battery was of course not being charged, leading the car to stop working in a lay-by on the A13 just outside Basildon. Here it is after being dragged home:




I think it looks quite majestic from that angle ^^


After calling work and the AA, and while waiting for the recovery firm (Eastern General, the AA's nominated third party recovery company in my area), I took out the instrument panel and refitted the bulb, resulting in it working. I still had to get dragged home, as I had no means of jumping the battery, meaning I got a free day off work, but a subsequent jump start got the car running and it was clear that the alternator was charging fine.


I left it to idle for an hour with every possible electrical accessory going at full titty, and everything was fine and hopefully will be fine in the future. I have, however, ordered a jump starter pack for both The Volvo and The Aero, to guard against future shenanigans. I've also bought a couple of new alternator regulator packs (£12 each!), as my roadside investigations found the existing one's brushes to be a bit manky, although it still works.


The recovery driver was a really nice bloke, a time-served AA patrolman, an old car nut and a high-up in the Mark III Zephyr and Zodiac Owners Club, owning a Zodiac, a mark 2 Granada Ghia X saloon and a late 1980s Scorpio. He really liked The Volvo and took some photos of it to show his boss, who apparently has two of his own. I hope that our paths cross again one day :)




The recovery driver was a really nice bloke, a time-served AA patrolman, an old car nut and a high-up in the Mark III Zephyr and Zodiac Club. He owned a Zodiac, a mark 2 Granada Ghia X saloon and a late 1980s Scorpio. He really liked The Volvo and took some photos of it to show his boss, who apparently has two of his own. I hope that our paths cross again one day :)

Be careful what you wish for!  :-D


Be careful what you wish for!  :-D


Hopefully not in a breakdown situation, rather somewhere like the NEC in November  :mrgreen:

  • Like 2

Noisily trundled over to the exhaust place today in the Princess. There's one guy there who knows his old stuff and was less baffled by the Princess than the others, having dealt with the very same exhaust problem we're having.  His advice was not to spend money getting them to try and seal it since they'd only do what we've been doing and the success rate would be about the same.  It was also a joking "haha, you're on your own mate." sort of a conversation which... FAIR.  Mike and I will have another crack at it on Monday, at least we got some useful tips on why it's blowing and what to avoid when refitting now, so it certainly wasn't a wasted journey and, of course, it's money saved if I'm not actually paying someone else to do it.


Got my insurance renewal through today. £627 compared to £328 last year. WFT is that about? Five cars on a classic multicar policy, and taking the now departed Xantia off should reduce it a bit but still, that's some increase.


Maybe I've been spoilt these past few years as it's not really a huge sum to pay for several vehicles. Will tweak the policy I think as I'd rather stay with Peter James as adding a new car mid term costs peanuts (something I find useful!). Swapping one for another only cost me their £15 admin charge last time for example. Plus it comes with UK and EU breakdown cover, FJ charge extra.

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Had a fun moment with the panda today. The exhaust has been blowing for a couple of weeks since part of it became detached from the back box. As I'm a cheapskate I thought I'd do a quality* DIY repair and bought an exhaust bandage and gum from Halfrauds. Jack the car up, take the rear passenger wheel off for easy access and bodge the repair. Turn engine on, exhaust gas coming out of the tailpipe rather than underneath the car, success! Leave car running and jump upstairs to let the bandage harden. Come back down 20 minutes later and the jack has basically caved in on itself and the car is on its arse. FML. don't have another one so will need to go out shopping tomorrow, had enough for today and heading to the boozer!


Vanshite time.


No sooner had I got the C15 back then me m9 JJ needed a spare vehicle because he'd broken his £200 factory LPG'd Focus.


He lent the van, with its destroyed clutch and generally smelly characteristics.

Got a phone call in the evening saying it had run out of fuel pulling into the services on the A1. Went to the unit and brought him some tools and a booster pack.




Bleeding in tweed. Once burped with the plunger and unclipping the pipe to the fuel pump, it fired straight up.




Followed him for a bit and then swung round and headed back to Peebo. He's lending the Leon for a longer trip next week and I'm having the van for a few days.



This post is sponsored by Fenland hhhhhorses:









Does he want a cheap focus estate with a new ticket on it? /hopefull






Sorry, that's one of my pet hates.


Carry on, nothing to see here.



Oh, sorry!*


My pet hate is having to read the posts of bitter forum members who post solely to stir up shit.


Could just be a coincidence.


First name

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Well the C4 fettling didn't go quite as well as I'd hoped.  The sidelight bulbs were nice and easy, and they're definitely a bit brighter now.  The brake light wasn't actually a bulb, but a dodgy contact in the wiring to the cluster - hence why it was working when I checked it a few weeks back but not when I took it in for a test.  I've had it apart and cleaned it up a bit and it seems to be working reliably so far.


The rear shock has turned out to be a bit more of a palaver.  I got the shock off the car with no problem at all, but getting the top mount off the shock has defeated me.  It's held in by a 16mm nut which is as rusty as you would expect for something that's spent 13 years getting salt and shit chucked over it.  There is a flat machined into the end of the thread on the shock, which can be held with a 7mm spanner, but you can't do that when there's a socket on the nut.  Can't use a ring spanner on the nut either as it's recessed into the body of the mount.  So I'm not sure how one is supposed to get it undone.  I gave up in the end and rang the motor factors to order in a shock top mount - 15 quid so not the end of the world, but they won't have it in until Monday afternoon now which means I will have to refit the shock on Monday night after work (when it will doubtless be freezing cold and pissing with rain) as it's going in for the restest first thing Tuesday morning.


I haven't done the headlight aim yet as I was waiting for it to get dark.  Now it's dark but I can't be arsed.

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Had a great day all told. My lad’s team won at footie, the sun has shone (which I’m finding more and more important for my wellbeing), and I dragged the sierra out. I had to move it out of the garage so I could move things out of it. I always take it for a quick burn rather than risk flooding the carb; the autochoke has once again disappeared but who cares?


Quick mile blast and then parked up. Went to put it back in the garage later and it was running on 3. Foxsake. Went for another burn and the striking cylinder returned to work. Scab. No idea really, but a full service will happen before it’s put into regular service this year.


I think I’ll have to get a new carb which is frustrating for two reasons. 1) I’m losing originality of the VV carb. 2) A Weber is the same price that a Zetec would cost me. I’m never going to put one in, but my opinion is such: Once originality is gone, there’s little difference between a new carb and a new engine. Don’t worry - I won’t do it, but it’d certainly make it more drivable!


I have never had a car like that bloody Sierra. I’m besotted with it. Turning that key is a real event, and taking it out will always be a treat.


No car has ever been more loved.


Had a great day all told. My lad’s team won at footie, the sun has shone (which I’m finding more and more important for my wellbeing), and I dragged the sierra out. I had to move it out of the garage so I could move things out of it. I always take it for a quick burn rather than risk flooding the carb; the autochoke has once again disappeared but who cares?


Quick mile blast and then parked up. Went to put it back in the garage later and it was running on 3. Foxsake. Went for another burn and the striking cylinder returned to work. Scab. No idea really, but a full service will happen before it’s put into regular service this year.


I think I’ll have to get a new carb which is frustrating for two reasons. 1) I’m losing originality of the VV carb. 2) A Weber is the same price that a Zetec would cost me. I’m never going to put one in, but my opinion is such: Once originality is gone, there’s little difference between a new carb and a new engine. Don’t worry - I won’t do it, but it’d certainly make it more drivable!


I have never had a car like that bloody Sierra. I’m besotted with it. Turning that key is a real event, and taking it out will always be a treat.


No car has ever been more loved.

You can still get vv rebuild parts







A n.o.s choke unit




A n.o.s auto choke water housing




Just a couple of examples but there is lots out there

  • Like 2

Noisily trundled over to the exhaust place today in the Princess. There's one guy there who knows his old stuff and was less baffled by the Princess than the others, having dealt with the very same exhaust problem we're having.  His advice was not to spend money getting them to try and seal it since they'd only do what we've been doing and the success rate would be about the same.  It was also a joking "haha, you're on your own mate." sort of a conversation which... FAIR.  Mike and I will have another crack at it on Monday, at least we got some useful tips on why it's blowing and what to avoid when refitting now, so it certainly wasn't a wasted journey and, of course, it's money saved if I'm not actually paying someone else to do it.


Would the exhaust benefit from a modern flexi joint being fitted between downpipe and the rest of the system? If there is a bit of movement from the engine rocking then the exhaust rubbers might not allow enough movement of the main pipe so put strain on the manifold and downpipe joins.


You can buy brand new dgav Webbers on eBay for couple of hundred quid. Would likely make a big difference but it's be a shame loss the old carb.

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Good thing you don't write for a living.



Who says I have to try on here?


I didn't realise I was being judged on the strength of colloquialisms by a troublemaker on a car forum.


We stopping now or are you having another go? Kettle's on; borrow me your ears.


I'm sick of you taking pops at me, Ben. I've done nothing to you, so pack it in.

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You can buy brand new dgav Webbers on eBay for couple of hundred quid. Would likely make a big difference but it's be a shame loss the old carb.

And the airbox


Had a nice little day of driving about A-roads in the north/West Midlands to go and pick up 2x Volvo steels from Sloth in a bowl who was holding them for me on their way to chez Ghosty from Danthecapriman. Thanks fellas, it’s been a big help - I can get on with refurbishing the wheels now, and start to get the car looking A1. I’m aiming to have it fully sorted in time for Shitefest.

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