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The grumpy thread

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I well remember my wife giving me a call on day and saying the miniMetro we owned was making a horrible noise. She tried holding the phone near it but that didn't tell me a lot. She limped 15 miles home and it turned out it had dropped a valve! Astonishing that it kept going really. The valve had gone right through the piston by the time she got home.


Well, its raining meaning I've had to use the wipers on the KV6. The wipers are well passed it, the passenger side wiper has its rubbers peeling off so I decided to stop off on the way home to some local car spares store which I found to be closed with no opening times sign in the window. Tried the local petrol stations but they no longer stock wipers either.


I remember having some ultra cheap poundland wipers at one point but can I find them? Can I f*ck. So, up into the loft I went to find some used wipers, not sure why I've still got them. Drivers side wiper got swapped for the (a lot less) used one, which actually looks fairly new. Sadly the nowt could be done about the passenger side as its a very short.


Dentist sent me a letter, an email and a text message to let me know they had changed my appointment date. I received them all. I still went on the wrong day. I am stupid :roll:


Still it was a lovely morning so the 40 minute walk there and back wasn't so bad.

Tried the local petrol stations but they no longer stock wipers either.


This absolutely boils my piss. I picked the silver BX up on a Sunday and 70% of the way home, it starts raining. The wiper blade fitted was having all the effect of an old dish rag - just moving the water around really. Stopped at THREE petrol stations and not one sold fuggin' wiper blades. Yet all three would happily sell me Pot Noodles, biscuits and chocolate. None of which are fitted to any car I've ever encountered. Petrol stations should sell petrol! That way, you won't be left queuing while some dopey f*ck wit tries to decide whether to buy biscuits with chocolate on them or the plain kind.


Happily for me, I managed to swap the rear for the front wiper blade, which gave a mild improvement but also made me realise how much the rear spoiler on a BX gets in the way when you want to change a wiper blade. Frustrating!


I also get very, very annoyed with people who somehow seem to manage driving around with completely knackered wiper blades. I mean, it's not like rain is infrequent in this country. How on earth do people manage to drive when they can't see? That Ford Puma I went to look at a while back had wiper blades that looked like Wolverine had won an argument with them. Idiocy.


Jobcenter cockup about to cost me 2x returned DD charges with Barclays (£16) and 2x Unpaid DD charges with Premium Credit (£40). Bit fucking fuming really, to the point of wanting to cry. Hey ho. Am doley scum anyway. What the fuck do I matter etc.


Wiperblades.... TESCO F.T.W. (on mine at the moment) excellent.


Rear is a long one, cut in half, from pundies - spine/rubber slides in gr8.


Agreed.... a lot of rear wipers are bootlaces! Drivers just cannot be arrassed :-(




I bought a box of wiper refills -cos I is mean. Work out at about £2 a pair, and I just cut them down to length.


Works for me.

Jobcenter cockup about to cost me 2x returned DD charges with Barclays (£16) and 2x Unpaid DD charges with Premium Credit (£40). Bit fucking fuming really, to the point of wanting to cry. Hey ho. Am doley scum anyway. What the fuck do I matter etc.


Don't worry, I've had several employers over the years cock up wages meaning overdraft charges. Do you think they paid the charges I got because of their mistakes? Bastards.

rear spoiler on a BX gets in the way when you want to change a wiper blade. Frustrating!

Pov spec for the win!

Also, those planks are bloomin heavy. Do they serve any purpose?

Wiperblades.... TESCO F.T.W. (on mine at the moment) excellent.


Rear is a long one, cut in half, from pundies - spine/rubber slides in gr8.


Agreed.... a lot of rear wipers are bootlaces! Drivers just cannot be arrassed :-(




Luckily Google translate has come to the rescue.




rear spoiler on a BX gets in the way when you want to change a wiper blade. Frustrating!

Pov spec for the win!

Also, those planks are bloomin heavy. Do they serve any purpose?


I very much doubt it, other than downforce generated by sheer weight.


There was an 04 plate Megane ahead of me coming out of Leeds just now and he had no brake lights. Being the helpful chap that i am i got out at a junction and knocked on his window, explaining that the brakes lights were out. He just looked at me and said 'I know'.




I bet he wasn't using proper hand signals either to let other drivers know when he was slowing down... not that other drivers would know what the hand signals meant, they're not taught any more as far as I know.




I thought I'd nip in and quickly change the oil on the Astra so I could get it up for sale. I drained the oil then realised there was more than their should be on the floor only to find my trusty oil drainage container had developed a discreet hole, which the oil was now pissing out of. I got the stupid paper oil filter out to find a spring valve thing rolling around in the bottom of the filter housing. This I think is the oil pressure relief valve and should be attached to the housing and I recon I'll have to replace the whole housing (which will be a piss laugh) to fix it. Nobs.


should have just bought some fresh oil and given it to the buyer


Oil was pissing out the filter housing as someone had tried to plug it with bathroom sealant rather than putting an o-ring on it. I'm not sure if it'll explode or not without it being in there,


WHAT HAPPENED TO ME TODAY: Today I got arrested on suspicion of "theft from a motor vehicle"


17:30 Cue four Police turning up at my door, 3 undercover CID and one uniformed officer.


Are you Mr...........?




I am arresting you on suspicion of theft from a motor vehicle. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.


Nice one. Shit pants.


So last month on a certain date (sorry I can't give specific details as the case is still ongoing) it was alleged that I broke into a white van, a popular white van, not a Ford Transit. Actually a Mercedes Benz, but not a Vito a bigger one... and stole a great deal of moneys worth of tools.


Right-fucking-o..... was not my response at all. I kind of fell apart a bit and wondered what the fuck was going on. I checked my calendar not being able to remember where I was at that particular date and time. (With Mr Cyanide I gave them Mr Cyanide's phone number (and real name)).


So I got a nice ride in the back cage of a Police van, 1 meter by 0.5 meter and taken to the Police station.


Some nice custody sergeants booked me in and I got to spend some quality time with myself in a cell, it was nice and warm, I was offered a cup of tea (that I didn't get) and I lay on the bed for a while thinking exactly what I was doing on the date in question.


Roughly half an hour later I was interviewed by 2 of the officers that were at my house.


I answered all of their questions, and mid way through the interview they produced a bag... containing my gloves... with my dna on them... found in the van.


"My gloves!" I said...



//my mates just turned up half cut. I will up load some pictures of my flat in a minute so you can imagine just how many tools are all over my flat at the minute. There's tools fucking everywhere.




Haven't moved a thing.


Kitchen side:




Kitchen floor:




Spare Room:




They also checked my outside cupboard, also full of tools and my cars and my ex garages.... the reason for all this mess.


What do you do with all these tools Mr.............


Fucking hell! Get a decent solicitor pronto!


Right where was I.. oh in an interview room that was it.


Okay the Police and I kind of got on aright, I did ask if they had spoken to Mr Cyandie they said they had.. I cant really divulge too much here except to say they may have laughed when I asked if I could blog about the whole experience and Autoshite.com got a mention whilst in interview (sorry). I said whatever I was doing I'm sure you could check my Facebook or on here. As it was Monza weldathon week.


I also couldn't help but think of Bevis and Butthead... the one where they go on a lie detector and keep going I DIDN'T DO IT.... I think I said that to anyone who would listen actually.


At the end of the interview they said they had to take my fingerprints again and I assured them that they hadn't changed since last time, and I smiled politely for my mugshot. Then went back to my cell.


(Last time I was 18 and it was a daft driving offence).


The people who interviewed me offered me a cup of tea, (which I didn't get).


Some time later a new custody sergeant started his shift and came and asked if I was alright, and offered me a cup of tea and some food. I said I was and accepted his offer. Some minutes later I got a plastic cup of tea and a lasagne which was rather nice. Oh and a safety spoon fork thing that I couldn't stab myself to death with. (They had already taken my trousers and my top and my shoes in case I decided I had had enough of life).


Luckily for me I hadn't anything else to be doing and I certainly wouldn't have been eating lasagne :D


An hour or so, and a couple of pisses later they let me out, I was free to go and I probably cant say anything more than: I DIDN'T DO IT!


I did say to the Police man who gave me a lift home that when they catch the people who did do it, and throw the book at them, I wished to be there also to throw a book at them. Apparently it's all computerised now so I would have to throw a computer at them. I suppose that will have to do.


He said I should join the Army. I may just do that.


My final word I suppose is that I was warned that "things would happen".


Please tell me you had proper legal advice?


Buggerstix, SambaS, that's some scary stuff to have happen to you. I'm going to assume you didn't do it and there's been some sort of appalling misunderstanding here. Legal Aid should be available to you if you require it, Citizen's Advice Bureau will have plenty of info on that for you. Unfortunately, the police can be a bit heavy handed but as long as you keep a level head as much as possible and help the police you should be okay. Was it you that had the crazy ex-boss?


Yea that's me and I declined a solicitor on the grounds I have nothing to hide. And wanted in and out as quickly as possible. And was brought up to believe the truth will prevail.

Yea that's me and I declined a solicitor on the grounds I have nothing to hide. And wanted in and out as quickly as possible. And was brought up to believe the truth will prevail.


There's nothing wrong with admitting that you find the whole arrest scenario confusing and would like some advice from a solicitor.

And was brought up to believe the truth will prevail.



Some things not to do in life:


Get married.


Take your car to Kwik-Fit.

Wait in for British Gas.

Book a taxi for a certain time.


Bloody hell- that seems like a ridiculous ordeal. Surely they could limit themselves to asking you a few questions as opposed to throwing you into a cell straight away?


Bloody hell SambaS that is awful. I hope you told them about the threats from your ex boss. This cant be a coincidence?


The Apprentice. A show that I previously enjoyed appears to have turned into Big Brother.

Bloody hell SambaS that is awful. I hope you told them about the threats from your ex boss. This cant be a coincidence?


My thoughts too but they said I was thinking too much into things.

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