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You know when you fork out for a new tin of an expensive product, and then a few days later whilst having a clear up you find a nearly full and still perfectly usable tin of exactly the same product?

Yeah, that.

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7 minutes ago, wuvvum said:

You know when you fork out for a new tin of an expensive product, and then a few days later whilst having a clear up you find a nearly full and still perfectly usable tin of exactly the same product?

Yeah, that.

Yep. Done that with copper grease a few times. 

Sods law says that even if you had a full scale 'rip the place apart' look for it before buying the new tin, you still wouldn't find it though. 

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9 minutes ago, C1am said:

He looks the same as he did 20 years ago. 

ah, so gettin old and fat isn't a "new" thing  then?

Glastonbury has been the shits this year. at least i've not been stupid enough to fork out friggin' hundreds of quids to watch talentless, lone deaf noise polluting crap.

nearly all turns that have been on the telly i wouldn't cross the road to see,  never mind "pay" for the privilege. and the telly does have an off button.

does this mean i am officially "old"?

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6 minutes ago, MarvinsMom said:

ah, so gettin old and fat isn't a "new" thing  then?

Glastonbury has been the shits this year. at least i've not been stupid enough to fork out friggin' hundreds of quids to watch talentless, lone deaf noise polluting crap.

nearly all turns that have been on the telly i wouldn't cross the road to see,  never mind "pay" for the privilege. and the telly does have an off button.

does this mean i am officially "old"?

No,you just have good taste in music.

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Why are they doing a highlights program for it, like it's the world fucking cup.

No one I've spoken to gives a shit about it.

Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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On 6/18/2019 at 9:00 PM, richardmorris said:

One of those days today. Riding in to work this morning, idiot woman in a Range Rover nearly takes out the cyclist in front by pulling out in front of him to turn right across us. He fell off to avoid her. He has my details and I’ll send him the camera footage. 

Fume cupboard in the lab is playing silly buggers and will run all day with no problem or turn off after five minutes. Will restart ok, and either run for the rest of the day or stop again ten minutes later. Probably a £1000 call out.

our newer icp instrument wont form a plasma. Pre checks ok,  purge ok, ignition warm up ok and no RF issue, but it won’t ignite. Probably a £3000 call out at least, maybe £15000 if it needs a new power module.

then, in the pouring rain, riding home my bloody seat fell off. Snapped the bolt holding it to the post.  Back down to work and I fixed it to get home.

today was not the day to buy a lottery ticket.

What is it you do for a living? 

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Suitably shit plate for a suitably shit driver.  

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I received a call last week from a recruitment agency who had reviewed my application for a job that I was really keen on. The lady there said that she was impressed with it and after speaking with the hiring manager they both felt that I was a good fit for the role.

Today I got a straight decline from them.

So that's 17 jobs I have applied for, spending approximately 2 hours on each to make sure I have positioned everything well and with the exception of 2 unsuccessful interviews I have been flatly declined.

Unsure where to go from here.

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12 minutes ago, Split_Pin said:

I received a call last week from a recruitment agency who had reviewed my application for a job that I was really keen on. The lady there said that she was impressed with it and after speaking with the hiring manager they both felt that I was a good fit for the role.

Today I got a straight decline from them.

So that's 17 jobs I have applied for, spending approximately 2 hours on each to make sure I have positioned everything well and with the exception of 2 unsuccessful interviews I have been flatly declined.

Unsure where to go from here.

What sort of trade / skill set are you aiming for? 

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32 minutes ago, Split_Pin said:

I received a call last week from a recruitment agency who had reviewed my application for a job that I was really keen on. The lady there said that she was impressed with it and after speaking with the hiring manager they both felt that I was a good fit for the role.

Today I got a straight decline from them.

So that's 17 jobs I have applied for, spending approximately 2 hours on each to make sure I have positioned everything well and with the exception of 2 unsuccessful interviews I have been flatly declined.

Unsure where to go from here.

Just keep trying! I am a contractor looking for short term offshore work, and trying hard this year despite kknowing the odds are against me as I have been with one company for 20 years so I am not nown in the "pool market". My tickets run out in Feb and if no work comes this year, I will not renew, hence the concerted effort. So far I have applied for 37 roles. I have not had a single reply. I will keep trying until the end of the year....

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Crikey well it's not just me then.

I hope you get something sorted soon. It's hard to keep going when you feel as if nobody will give you a chance.

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Should have seen the way he was driving, if he doesn't kill himself or somebody else soon, I'll be amazed if he carries on like that.

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14 hours ago, MarvinsMom said:

Glastonbury has been the shits this year. at least i've not been stupid enough to fork out friggin' hundreds of quids to be a 5G Guinea Pig for 4 days and stay in migrant camp conditions


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What's worse than feeling like crap, aching and constantly tired and having to go for tests? 

Yeah, getting results back as 'normal'. 


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3 hours ago, Split_Pin said:

I received a call last week from a recruitment agency who had reviewed my application for a job that I was really keen on. The lady there said that she was impressed with it and after speaking with the hiring manager they both felt that I was a good fit for the role.

Today I got a straight decline from them.

So that's 17 jobs I have applied for, spending approximately 2 hours on each to make sure I have positioned everything well and with the exception of 2 unsuccessful interviews I have been flatly declined.

Unsure where to go from here.

I'm a firm believer in playing the odds.

17 applications at 2 hours a piece is a full time job, but you can now reuse those 17 applications to increase the quantity to 34 in a week. 

You can improve the 1 in 8.5 interview odds by phoning the RC and saying something like "I thought I'd better phone because I think I might look over qualified and i wanted to make sure of.....etc" 

Or "I see the role for x, in y industry. I just wanted to make sure that i didnt waste your time by applying if you wouldn't consider someone from z industry..."

Then when you email it, phone them again to say "I just wanted to check it's arrived because ive been having issues with my email recently" 

More likely to go to top of pile. 

Can't help much with the interview. Suit and folder is my usual mode. 

But if you can get from 1 in 8.5 to 1 in 4 that gets you 8 interviews per week rather than 2.  

I've been going into battle at an average of 3 people being interviewed per job, and my hit rate over 10 years of contracting is 14 interviews and 7 offers. 

Telephone interviews and second interviews I have a 80% fail rate.  

I do better if there are 3 jobs and 2 people being interviewed. Thats happened twice. 


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2 hours ago, chadders said:

As saabnut says you just have to keep going.

You'll get one eventually but how long it takes can be a matter of luck and how much effort you put in.

I'd contact the recruitment agency to see why you didn't get the job they discussed with you, there may have been a late internal candidate for example.

But don't expect the real truth.  What you want is the feedback my son got.  

When we asked who most inspires you in life, your girlfriend was not the answer even if it's true. 

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I asked the recruitment agency for feedback this morning. Considering she replied to my original e-mail straight away, which was about my disappointment of not even being considered for an interview for a job that she said she felt I was suitable for, I'll take the lack of response since then as radio silence. Less than helpful.

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1 hour ago, Split_Pin said:

I asked the recruitment agency for feedback this morning. Considering she replied to my original e-mail straight away, which was about my disappointment of not even being considered for an interview for a job that she said she felt I was suitable for, I'll take the lack of response since then as radio silence. Less than helpful.

Two points I'd like to make. 

Email. Can be ignored. Phone but be polite. If you are going to be a little assertive (rude, pushy) say " I know this is going to sound churlish...." 

And imagine you are an RC.  Targets, commission, all at the mercy of the candidate. Don't waste time on failed candidates. Find another before your competitors fill the role.  Must be soul destroying.  Worse than being a letting agent.  Be nice to them. Pretend that you like them. A smile can be heard down the phone. 

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8 hours ago, Saabnut said:

To save you a lot of effort, there are NO reasons!

Seller has gone quiet and the adverts been pulled :(

I only asked if the log book was in his name...

Bloody expats. ..

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2 hours ago, Frogchod said:


Bloody expats. ..

I know. Going over there, leaving our Jobs....

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Mother in law's funeral yesterday, I had 4 pints of cider in the evening and I am still hungover and feel sick.

I may have to give up drinking as even 2 glasses of wine with dinner, or a wee dram before bedtime and I feel lousy for days now.

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