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The grumpy thread

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am reading this and genuinely am wondering


wtf loop hole is there to let you run around with no MOT, tires balder then a pool ball and all the other illegal crap?

I've known a few people who drove around who were already banned. 


Why not? What're they going to do if they catch you? Ban you again? Weigh in the car you bought for £50? Give you a fine you can't pay? Throw you in jail for hardly any time as there isn't enough space?


In other news:



.... I've just got to accept I am not normal and get bored about a million times faster than anyone else.


Why not turn the low boredom threshold into ingenious practical jokes....?


am reading this and genuinely am wondering


wtf loop hole is there to let you run around with no MOT, tires balder then a pool ball and all the other illegal crap?


on a completely unrelated note, what was that stuff they put into the engines of cars traded in to destroy them, in the cash for clunkers thing they had in the US? :mrgreen:


(RIP all you unfairly destroyed B-bodies...)

I think the stuff used in cash for clunkers was glass powder sort of stuff.


Also, zelandeth should empty a tin of expanding foam up that focus' exhaust if he ever finds it parked somewhere

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....zelandeth should empty a tin of expanding foam up that focus' exhaust if he ever finds it parked somewhere


...or possibly divert part of the exhaust into the interior vents?

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Apart from having to spend 20 minutes in the post office (getting tutted at by the big queue behind me) obtaining not one but two International Driving Permits needed after 30th March to drive in Europe (why does Spain have to be different?),  my insurers  now tell me that I will need a Green Card too. 


It's all very 1960's. 


Not just Spain dude - ALL EU countries - if no agreement is put in place before March 29th - will need you to carry an Interntaional or local to them licence. I've had paperwork from the local commune here telling me to get in before the deadline - or face a 6week period of not being able to drive until I reapply and have it processed.

Good job Brexit doesn't affect us over here so we aren't considered as having an opinion - or I may get offended my life is being upended because of this sh*t. License is the least of my worries now - I'm probably opening up a go-fund me page and going dark….. they'll never see me coming :-D

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you could re label that vid as " why do car keys get worn "


on a less brighter note ..


the visit to the quacks today ......


Dr A     hearing is going off good style , want to consider hearing aids ?


Dr B    your balance is borderline and its getting worse with age ,,  you need to .....


dont drink tea   ( what !!  )


dont drink coffee   ( I dont anyway )


exercise with a balance pad    ( wtf )


try couch to 5k app    ( me   run ?  )


drink water .......    ( with nowt in it ?  )


avoid alcoholic drinks ...  ( now wait a minute this is getting serious )


this is a turning point in your life ( what at 57 !!  )


what about my 10,000 steps a day    ... thats a start .....


and you need hearing aids , they will liven up your ears and the balance bit nerves  ,,,,,,,, 


ok ... there has to be a plan B  ?    anyone ?


I've known a few people who drove around who were already banned. 


Why not? What're they going to do if they catch you? Ban you again? Weigh in the car you bought for £50? Give you a fine you can't pay? Throw you in jail for hardly any time as there isn't enough space?



A woman near here has just been jailed for six months for driving while disqualified. She was stopped three days after previously being stopped, so clearly didn't give a shit.


I've known a few people who drove around who were already banned. 


Why not? What're they going to do if they catch you? Ban you again? Weigh in the car you bought for £50? Give you a fine you can't pay? Throw you in jail for hardly any time as there isn't enough space?


In other news:



that would solve the issue in this case :)


(and speaking of Zel, that video reminds me of the same issue Ladas have, im guessing theres no wheel arch liner thingy?)


Nearly got taken out again this evening by a regular idiot in our area.


02 plate Focus diesel. Lowered (I honestly don't think it has springs fitted), Matt black *everything* including lights. Just before 10pm, came blasting down our road at about 50mph and totally ignored my having right of way, and had no lights on. Only reason I noticed the sod was the fact that you can hear the turbo whistling on that thing from about a quarter of a mile off.


Guy drives like an ass. Including charging through here at school kick out times.

All lights are excessively blacked - you can just about see the one working brake light in daylight.

Illegal and nearly unreadable plates - silver on black in wacky font.

Exhaust the size of the channel tunnel.

All windows (including windscreen) massively heavily tinted.

Front tyres have the wire showing they're so shot.

Hadn't had an MOT since 2014 when it failed spectacularly on welding needed and "unsatisfactory suspension modifications."

Not insured.

Not taxed.


We see it at least a few times a week in various locations.


Have reported it to the police and VOSA several times for antisocial behaviour (reverse donuts at 3am anyone?), and the obvious vehicle defects.


Damn thing is still here making a nuisance of itself...


Really makes me laugh is that one place I've seen it parked twice was the pay and display next to the police station...


I did actually stick my head in to reception on the last occasion in a "think you might be interested in this..." Sort of way, but was told in no uncertain terms that they were really busy and I'd need to call 111 to report it if I had a complaint to report.


The unofficial story I've heard through the grapevine is that the owner has "no fixed abode" and knows every loop hole in the system, making him near untouchable...and has had a history of making life a living hell for officers who have attempted to intervene...so they now ignore him.


Should point out, we moved in here in early 2014, and the car and owner have apparently been a blight on the area since well before we arrived.




Also, insomnia sucks.



Can't you just drop underneath and drop the oil out? Let the fugger seize it and screw him over...…… deserves it.

Personally - If it was standing on it's own out of the way of 'innocents' - I'd torch the fucker

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Not just Spain dude - ALL EU countries - if no agreement is put in place before March 29th - will need you to carry an Interntaional or local to them licence. I've had paperwork from the local commune here telling me to get in before the deadline - or face a 6week period of not being able to drive until I reapply and have it processed.

Good job Brexit doesn't affect us over here so we aren't considered as having an opinion - or I may get offended my life is being upended because of this sh*t. License is the least of my worries now - I'm probably opening up a go-fund me page and going dark….. they'll never see me coming :-D

The Spanish require an IDP under the 1949 Convention. The rest of Europe require an IDP under the 1968 Convention. Not sure what the difference is between the two, but it took the woman in the post office a fair while to write them both out, then stamp the relevant boxes (the Spanish one does not align with the group's on my licence), comparing each one to a template of each one, giving her instructions on their completion.


I do have a Spanish NIE but there is no way I am surrendering my UK licence.


Ahhh, a few days off. Couldn't wait could I? That was until I was reminded that it's flippin school half term and the kids are bored at home.

Here I sit lumbered with the kids whilst she has gone to get her hair done which takes four hours apparently. Then the kids get their mates over, then all the doors are being left open.... Oh well, it's only for today. She's off to London with them tomorrow for a few days.... YES M9! 

The angry but confused as to why he's angry 13 year old gets wind of this... " Well, I'm not going to boring London to do boring stuff and be bored an dat... I'm going to stay in my room for 3 days and sit on xbox"!


There goes my final plans. No peace, no caining the Xbox all night, watching as random food goes missing replaced by dirty cups... I WANT TO GO BACK TO WORK!!!

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^ Captain70s Doloshite.

Maybe a 'period repair' is in order before next MOT (so called sharp edges etc.).

At least it would tidy up appearance when ca£££h is tight.

Would need fibreglass mesh & resin behind it. On a dry day.

Rattle can paint and cut it back. Job done. For a while anyway.



Quote - "You can even use this wonderful metal filler for the reshaping of your car, or for adding fins to it".


Now there's a thought.


And, as if to prove it, look how he's completely reshaped that Austin A40 Farina.

Must have cost a fucking fortune at 13/6 for a big tin mind.


builders foam , reshape with sharp knife , fill and spray ...... sorted

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that would solve the issue in this case :)


(and speaking of Zel, that video reminds me of the same issue Ladas have, im guessing theres no wheel arch liner thingy?)

Sadly once they loose one £50 car they just buy another.


You are correct in assuming there is no arch liner at the front. I think there might have once been some metal twixt the wheel and the area above the headlight as part of the inner valence but on my car it has long since dissolved.



^ Captain70s Doloshite.

Maybe a 'period repair' is in order before next MOT (so called sharp edges etc.).

You make it sound like the fucker isn't carved out of Isopon already. Stuff still isn't cheap though! It will be wobbed up in time, the TDC do fibreglass wings so I see no point in repairing the originals "properly" especially as it's a complex shape to replicate in metal.


Although it's MOT exempt anyway and historically I just apply gaffer tape to sharp bits. ;)


As for the car in the picture it's like some weird amalgamation of an A40 Farina, A60 Cambridge, a Standard Ensign and a Victor F...

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Fuck sake


It's ok, if it's a run flat you can get it repaired*.


Detergent oil, barring that debris which is large enough to be removed by the filter, carries the crap around with it, especially if the engine has been warmed up as is orthodox; sucking it out from the top or draining from the bottom makes 2/3rds of fuck all difference to the efficacy of the oil change. The argument for/against this is in the same category as oil/grease in landrover swivels, there are pros and cons for each but for 99% of people both will do what is necessary with no meaningful practical difference between. Those vociferously pursuing the argument are people with too much spare time.

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I wonder if I painted "Bollocks to [CENSORED]" on my 1100 it would cause the whole thread to be BANNED ??



An interesting thread on a major car brand that is all about cars. Something that this forum is all about - you know, like cars?

Of course its now naturally...


Presumably due to complaints that the mods aren't being equal when there's a faintly political aspect to a civil discussion.


Must admit, I know this is a forum about cars, and that no politics seemed like a sensible reaction to some of the arguments, but it doesn't work and is now just a tool.


I do hope that particular rule is dropped.



An interesting thread on a major car brand that is all about cars. Something that this forum is all about - you know, like cars?

Of course its now naturally...


That's fucking ridiculous, I've just about had enough of this fucking place, it seems to be run by a bunch of people on power trips who are hell bent on sucking the life out of any adult conversation, it's honestly fucking pathetic.
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It's not who it's run by, it's how they are forced to implement the rules

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Presumably due to complaints that the mods aren't being equal when there's a faintly political aspect to a civil discussion.


Must admit, I know this is a forum about cars, and that no politics seemed like a sensible reaction to some of the arguments, but it doesn't work and is now just a tool.


I do hope that particular rule is dropped.

That thread is a great exemplar of how a good mannered conversation on an important subject in a forum should be conducted.


No squabbling, no one at each others throats, no one rubbishing others thoughts, no hotheadedness. It was just a well meaning talk and debate on one of the countries major automotive employers and the effects + impacts of their decision.


Yes occasional talk about WHAT WE MUST NEVER TALK ABOUT but that is unavoidable given one of the biggest upheavals of our life time is potentially going to happen that will affect every part of our way of life.


If we can't chat about car manufacturers and their decisions on a car forum, what are we supposed to be talking about?

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Surely if there's this new magic forum, we can just sack off the Open Forum entirely? Worst thing that ever happened here frankly. 

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I may take some AutoShite time out shortly. Not because of anything going on here, but just to get some jobs done. I'm already behind with posting quality* content and in order to generate some quality* content, I've got to do some jobs. None of which are achievable sat on my arse reading AS.

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Surely if there's this new magic forum, we can just sack off the Open Forum entirely? Worst thing that ever happened here frankly.

Throwing the baby out with the bathwater that. There's some great threads in there about household DIY, vacuum cleaners, electroinics, etc.


It is a complete fucking joke right now, being linked to another forum by a mod is not really the way forwards, I think some of the people in charge really need to take a step back and see what the majority of members actually want out of this forum, because in its present state and direction its on a self destruct course, it really is going to end like the humourless pit that is retro rides.


Stifling adult discussion about something which is massively important to most of the population is really really annoying, I want to be able to discuss things with like minded folk, which we are all capable of doing on here but no, we have to be treated like fucking infants.


I like the open forum.


So that cancels that out.



Who chooses? Apparently loads of people like it and use it.


Nobody has to read it and pretty much the only time it spills over on this side is when a non car topic is locked or deleted on the *non car* forum.

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