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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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The Wiggins chap fairly blitzed the event from what I saw on the news, and seems like a regular bloke. Restecp for the way he had a vodka and tonic on tv. Looks like a man on top of his game. With those sideburns, I really hope he has a beige Rover P6.

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I must concede some enjoyment of the Olympics. I've only watched a bit of diving, some swimming, some girlie gymnastics (unsexiest women ever but bloody hell the way they tumble and vault is astounding), the girls rowing and about five minutes of the cycling (Wiggo was just turning the pace on at the time) but it is nice to have genuine sporting success to cheer, especially when it's achieved by such down-to-earth types. When you ignore the over-inflated hype of the opening ceremony and the corporate shitness, it is just a lot of amazing people doing amazing things.

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With those sideburns, I really hope he has a beige Rover P6.

he's a Mod! So he's a scooter man! Respect!!!!! :-)

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I was given a whole load of free stuff for my SD1 the other night buy a friend who's having a clearout. This included a stainless rear exhaust, parcel shelf, spare wheel, two dizzy's an alternator and a starter motor.

I'm well chuffed. The car doesn't really need any of these thing just now but it's always good to have spare bits and bobs for them around,

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..it's always good to have spare bits and bobs for them around,

Anyone else find that keeping spares just about guarantees that the bits you have as spare parts never break? It's almost as good as a warranty. :lol:

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In the Events pages of Classic Cars For Sale – ‘Shitefest poo-poos the exotic’ :D A few paragraphs referring to the 'left-field web-site for lovers of the unloved'. Naturally I stood in WH Smiths and read it rather than pay for a copy.

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Just got back from the job interview in Alfreton, a pleasant enough trek out. On the way back I saw a metallic blue Austin Allegro VDP in the opposite carriageway on the A38, but that's not the best spot, that's not what got me really grinning. I mean, Allegros are practically popular now.


On the main drag from Chesterfield to Bolsover I went past a small, three-wheeled, turquoise bit of amazement. I was so excited I pipped my horn and waved frantically because I've never seen one outside of a picture, let alone pootling along the road!



Spotting a Berkely T-60 while driving an Austin Princess on the way home from a job interview for one of the smelliest jobs in the world... I believe my life is now complete.

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In the Events pages of Classic Cars For Sale – ‘Shitefest poo-poos the exotic’ :D A few paragraphs referring to the 'left-field web-site for lovers of the unloved'. Naturally I stood in WH Smiths and read it rather than pay for a copy.


Ha! Anyone got a copy they can scan? and aren't we being featured in PC too?

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My word, the interview I went for today resulted in an induction for 'curb side collection', which is basically doing wheelie bins. I might have a job after this. Checked the mileage on the Princess and I've done 189 miles on the last lot of fuel (£30) that I put in.

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Bit O/T but a WIN nonetheless.


Just fixed two unsightly coffee-cup rings that had been annoying me for ages on my nice teak desk by ironing them out!

Clean tea towel over the marks, iron on medium temp, few bursts of a couple of seconds at a time and BANG the dirt is gone! :mrgreen:

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With those sideburns, I really hope he has a beige Rover P6.

he's a Mod! So he's a scooter man! Respect!!!!! :-)


I've been in the UKSIDEBURNSCENE for a year or so now and getting "oi Bradley!" whilst I'm out cycling is getting a bit old now... might warrant a change


Also anybody with an N64 may enjoy this news piece http://kotaku.com/5930983/olympic-gymna ... erformance

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Spotting a Berkely T-60 while driving an Austin Princess on the way home from a job interview for one of the smelliest jobs in the world... I believe my life is now complete.

A Berkeley is a shit car but once driven forever smitten. One of mine was a nightmare and would run on one lot half the time. Even on one pot it was fantastic fun to drive. 60mph,60mpg and handling that lots of modern cars could not manage. Brakes were fantastic. Must buy me another and keep it with the big berk I still have.

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I've been in the UKSIDEBURNSCENE for a year or so now and getting "oi Bradley!" whilst I'm out cycling is getting a bit old now... might warrant a change


I've had sideys of varying lengths ever since I could grow respectable facial hair (actually, even before it was respectable) - I don't think there's ever been a single day since I was 15 when my ears haven't been peering around a hedge of some description.

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Poopy pic


Wasn't just me then... :lol:


Love Berkeleys - at least the looks, never driven or seen one. Still hope to be able to acquire a certain Berk one day... :wink:

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Superb Trig, proper lolage indeed!

Ring from the insurance assessor, and they valued the late Leyland Yaris at £2k, so less excess that'll be £1600 I didn't have before. Not bad considering it was insured for £1100.00...

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Finally did the maths and discovered that the last £30 I put in the Princess has returned just shy of 37mpg. Admittedly, much of that has been obtained from motorway and fast road driving with very little around town stuff which will make a difference, and my habit of sticking at around 56mph behind a lorry for periods of time will obviously help too. I doubt I'll ever reach the heady heights of 40mpg, but with the right tyres and maintenance, there's no reason I shouldn't regularly top 30mpg if I drive sensibly.

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Right, let's have some positive shit for a change.


1. Won an E Ludwig Meritar fiddy lens on eBay for £8.27 and the bloke posted it for nowt.


2. Managed to snag an Olympus FTL with a perfect f/1.4 50mm lens for not much. I shall have fun with that - I've never used a film SLR, so it's about time I got off my arse and learned. Pete-M also lent me the family Praktica EE 2 with a bumload of M42 lenses, which was nice. I shall do a comparison when I can get batteries and so on sorted out.


3. Got a new phone as a free upgrade. It's space age compared to my Sony Ericsson but I seem to have got the hang of it after piddling around for a couple of hours. I think it'll be a useful piece of kit when set up correctly. It's a Samsung Galaxy SIII. Apparently they are good. Unlike my iPhone 4S that got sold on straight away (for obvious reasons), this one will be staying when I've sorted out a case, car charger and cradle for it.


4. Might well be going to Iceland for a mate's 30th. That will be WELL GOOD.


5. Best off all.........THE BLACK RACINGS HAVE SOLD. No messing around this time. The 10th person to express interest, a bloke from Barnsley, came down in person and gave me near enough the BIN price. Thank god for that. People like him are getting rarer and rarer these days.

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I've been in the UKSIDEBURNSCENE for a year or so now and getting "oi Bradley!" whilst I'm out cycling is getting a bit old now... might warrant a change


I've had sideys of varying lengths ever since I could grow respectable facial hair (actually, even before it was respectable) - I don't think there's ever been a single day since I was 15 when my ears haven't been peering around a hedge of some description.


Same, pretty much been following the same philosophy...



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