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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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5 hours ago, Joey spud said:


I think my neighbour's ran out of toilet roll..

Looks like yer man's also discovering the extreme pleasure of farting into the jet.....

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I have to wonder how much this would be worth, if it wasnt almost empty and eight years past its use by date .....



Discovered in a bag we used on holiday a long time ago

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10 hours ago, Rovorsche said:

I have to wonder how much this would be worth, if it wasnt almost empty and eight years past its use by date .....



Discovered in a bag we used on holiday a long time ago

£6.95 - because I bought something similar in a shop in Ealing a couple of weeks ago for that money. Bit shocked at the price but we needed some and that’s all there was. Got it home and found it was made in 2009!

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On 3/25/2020 at 9:54 AM, xtriple said:

After 4 years of arguing with the local council about my rates and the amount I pay and being given a £16000 bill last year which I obviously disagreed with( !) I received a letter this morning saying.... Yep, I am right and they are wrong!!!!! :)   :)    :)    

So I owe them £775 not £16000 a tiny bit better I feel.

GR8 news, M8, the spare £235 should easily cover your fuel home.







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28 minutes ago, Cavcraft said:

You twat Cavcraft! I am bored and suffering and already weakening in my attitude to poxy old Bentleys after that other fuckwi (joking, jus for comedic effect.... didn't work did it!) posted about wanting to buy a glorious no-hoper. I am weak, I need help.

Please help... just not too much :)  

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6 minutes ago, barefoot said:

My mother's just rung me to tell me she's found an unopened container of VIM in her kitchen cupboard!

Better than Cif-ilis ;)

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Anyone for gravy, a twin pack, bogof, with bonus free train travel on British Rail.... Unfortunately the train freebie expired over 38 and a bit years ago! 

There's no use by date so it must still be good to eat, aaaah Bisto! 158523120587256048602445913653.thumb.jpg.2c51bb34d50c69404c34a5a2ef4095ed.jpg15852317418993500066070413878343.thumb.jpg.da44494e8a28c7066dfd4d6b7d78e22b.jpg

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Washing machine leaked under the stairs where I keep some liquid refreshments, had to clear out to change the carpet.... 

46 stubby bottles of French lager, February 2015.

French sparkling stuff, 18 bottles 2011.

Thank fk the Mrs can't do anymore booze runs to France 

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1 hour ago, mitsisigma01 said:

...French sparkling stuff, 18 bottles 2011.... 

Think I can beat that.

3 bottles of Alfred Gratien 1985.

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2 hours ago, mitsisigma01 said:

Anyone for gravy, a twin pack, bogof, with bonus free train travel on British Rail.... Unfortunately the train freebie expired over 38 and a bit years ago! 

There's no use by date so it must still be good to eat, aaaah Bisto! 158523120587256048602445913653.thumb.jpg.2c51bb34d50c69404c34a5a2ef4095ed.jpg15852317418993500066070413878343.thumb.jpg.da44494e8a28c7066dfd4d6b7d78e22b.jpg

These came from my partners grandads hoard a while back, I even managed to sell one on ebay!! Not the contents, just the box.... Anyone on here ?

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Today, after asking the Mrs an innocent question I learnt : "no matter how many times you ask me, I will never have any baler twine"

I didn't bother to ask if she had any old pairs of tights to cut up.

Every day's a school day and all that.

Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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I have just seen a stupid advert for one of those credit check companies. It has a bloke looking sadly at his battered Mk2 Ford Escort, then checking his credit score, eventually ending up with an Audi. In reality he could probably sell the Escort and buy an Audi outright without borrowing.

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4 hours ago, mitsisigma01 said:

Washing machine leaked under the stairs where I keep some liquid refreshments, had to clear out to change the carpet.... 

46 stubby bottles of French lager, February 2015.

French sparkling stuff, 18 bottles 2011.

Thank fk the Mrs can't do anymore booze runs to France 

@Frogchod cant do any of that

any alcohol purchased is gone within hours :P

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If this lurgy keeps up I'll be OK, probably got enough booze in the house to stay permanently pissed for about a year, usually I don't drink at home but put me down the pub and I can do about 10 pints and a few shorts in a few hours.... But the recovery time does appear to be taking longer ???

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Thank god for our local Asian corner shops. £53 for 48 cans. I should have enough for a canny weekend now.


Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk





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Guy over the road works for Sainsburys. I have spoken to him a few times, always about cars, or the dogs. Today, he called round to ask if I need anything and if so, give him a list and he'll  get it and bring it home with him after work. That's proper neighbourly is that :)  

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The guy over the road that works for Sainsburys has just delivered the couple of items I asked him to get. Bloody good service :)   Joking apart, jolly decent of him to help out like that, I am very grateful. I did pay him and gave him a couple of quid for doing it.

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Should be a grump, but I have a weird sense of humour. My "guy over the road" who doesn't drive, was trying to buy a loaf of bread and could not find one anywhere. next day I was in the supermarket and took him a loaf. I knocked on his door and handed him the loaf, he took it and said thanks. I went home and told myself not to bother again, it's going to get expensive.

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Been impressed with our local Waitrose, and that's not a statement I ever expected to write given previous experiences with Waitrose over the years.  They've implemented a limit on the number of people going into the store (it's a fairly small store), and a 3-like-items limit on purchases.  This meant that we could finally get some of our staples, like a box of eggs, because there was actually stock to buy.  We've not changed our shopping habits that much since this all kicked off, and we're fairly frugal anyway.  Not having an oven - something we were lined up to get just as the lockdown happened - limits what we buy somewhat but we've been doing just fine with a little hob, it's surprising just how well you can cope with that and how reasonable the meals are, it just means smaller shops for fresh ingredients rather than relying on frozen ovenables.  Probably not a bad thing, it means we're eating healthily.

What's interesting is seeing how the little bit of common sense at Waitrose has really stomped on the stockpiling and allowed everyone to get a fair share of supplies.  For us, it's invaluable, we can't stockpile even if we wanted to and are reliant on continuing as normally as possible.  I'm still working full time since I work from home and that too has been a boon since I can pick up the financial slack from my other half's hours being reduced to barely 2 days a week now (he works in isolation too, just not from home).  It's a bit strange having company through most of my working day and sometimes I do have to shut them out of my work room for the sake of focus, but mostly we're muddling through just fine.

Realistically, my routine isn't all that different to normal, the only difference is I'm not taking as many walks or short drives for work related errands because there's no reason to, and no sense in doing it if I don't have to.  Work remains much the same and, apart from it being eerily quiet outside most of the time, if it weren't for the news it doesn't feel any different to usual.

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Currently watching a very early Wheeler Dealers when the premise of the show was flip a cheap 924 after End wobbed it up. When WD was about honest* home mechanic stuffs with very little in the way of special tools. Edd refers to a ball-pein as a specialist bodyshop hammer.

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My local Indian takeaway posted this:


 Sorry lads I’d be more impressed if you rocked up to my gaff in a 1987 Metro running on three cylinders with a blowing exhaust. 

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1 hour ago, brownnova said:

My local Indian takeaway posted this:


 Sorry lads I’d be more impressed if you rocked up to my gaff in a 1987 Metro running on three cylinders with a blowing exhaust. 

That could turn out to be counterproductive, in the sense that the business is rubbing its customers' noses in it simply because they have the privilege of going about when others cannot.

Thought: if the McLaren has been hired, does the use of it for takeaway delivery not breach the terms of the hire agreement?

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4 hours ago, dozeydustman said:

@vulgalour are you taking commissions at the moment?

Not right now, I'm booked up.  Happy to discuss potential and pop you on the waiting list though, should be open again mid-April.  I'm not doing automotive art by commission at present, but most other things are fair game.

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