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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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Big grin today.


My Mum’s old car drove past me! I haven’t seen it since 2007 when it was sold.

Mum was very pleased with the news that it was still going strong.

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Just visiting my Dad in a Wales. In hospital in Bangor.  

I think I might have to learn the language at some point. He insists on talking to the nurses in Welsh.  Luckily the Doctors I have spoken to today  both had home counties accents and were talking sense in the queens English. 



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On 10/24/2019 at 12:16 PM, BoggyMires said:

Robs post on the BBC's 'Have your say' regarding the safety of smart motorways...

''To anyone who thinks these re safe try stopping at the red X and watch your life flash before your eyes as everyone else fails to stop. Yes I have done this, you get hooted, cars and trucks swerve and you don't breathe again until there are at least 10 vehiles behind you. Smart motorways are killers; driver have to decide between looking up or ahead to check no one has stopped, its impossible...''

Good post Rob.

Yes, me too. Driving up the m25 a week or two back at night on the way back from France. M23 and m25 junction down to one lane clockwise. All others red x. Me in lane 1 queueing. Watching loads of cars - by observation bmw and audi predominantly, wizzing past the red Xs at 70ish.

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On 10/12/2019 at 4:04 PM, paulplom said:

There's a dude 4 doors up with a black 2013 corsa. Someone keyed it a while back. I've just got in from shopping and outside with halfords finest rattle canning the whole offside. What an abortion. It's completely flat and patchy although he does have a can of laquer as well. I'll take some pictures tomorrow when I get up sharp.

Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

I don't care what he's done or not done, there's no excuse to key someone's motor, I sympathise with him and think it's a real shame he ends up having to rattle can it especially if he doesn't have the skilz.

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On 10/13/2019 at 1:21 AM, andy18s said:

The episode where they set off from that there London to track down a stolen digger waaaaay up north,only to follow the transmitted  signal to a police recovery yard....

I just watched this and it's really interesting, much better than i expected!

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57 minutes ago, FakeConcern said:

I got this message today...


I grew up in Little Common, parents still live there. If you've passed a house that had either a rotting Mk2 Golf, or a lichen-covered Scimitar, in the driveway, that's them. 

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Just spent the last half hour standing outside staring into the distance not really focused on anything in particular.

Currently drizzling and blowing a gale (well not really, but it's pretty windy by the standards of the norm for here).  It actually sounds like home outside to me.

I grew up on the top of a hill in northeast Scotland with very little by way of shelter around us - so "really windy" by our standards was "if you can lean fully into it at 45 degrees without falling over, then we'll agree it's windy..." - so it was usually pretty breezy year round.

You don't realise how much you miss things sometimes.

Not sure if that's made me feel more or less homesick...but I'm going for less for now I think...

Also have tracked down where a large contributor to the water getting into the van is coming from, which should save me a lot of guesswork now I know to look there.

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19 hours ago, STUNO said:

Big day starting in about 8 hours, off to deliver the new Hubnut transport to him in Auckland. I Don't have any innerned access while not home so cannot track my travels. I have been hiding it on my driveway for a week but promised him it would not be revealed until he has the keys in his hand. Ian has his video at the ready to record it all !

Big day is complete, watch for forthcoming hubnut video, but he is very tired so may choose to sleep !

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9 hours ago, FakeConcern said:

I don't care what he's done or not done, there's no excuse to key someone's motor, I sympathise with him and think it's a real shame he ends up having to rattle can it especially if he doesn't have the skilz.

He's done the whole car now. No masking up or anything. It's a really shitty matt black now with the odd shiny bit where he's had the nozzle too close. 

I'm not condoning keying his car or what he's done to it but he is a wanker as well tbf. Proper ignorant cunt who'll look you in the eye while completely ignoring you as you say hello a few times. 

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4 hours ago, paulplom said:

He's done the whole car now. No masking up or anything. It's a really shitty matt black now with the odd shiny bit where he's had the nozzle too close. 

I'm not condoning keying his car or what he's done to it but he is a wanker as well tbf. Proper ignorant cunt who'll look you in the eye while completely ignoring you as you say hello a few times. 

Show him this - it might cheer him up a bit 

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Watched the rugby this morning, then swapped the valve on the header tank in the loft, fitted a new three way valve head and made up four jars of pickled onions and walked the dog in the rain. Not bad for a Saturday..........

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It seems I own one of 'those' cars.

I just found a note on the windscreen of the 316, asking if it was for sale, with a name and a phone number.


Do I contact them to say no, or will they just assume no contact means it's not for sale?

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8 minutes ago, Supernaut said:

It seems I own one of 'those' cars.

I just found a note on the windscreen of the 316, asking if it was for sale, with a name and a phone number.


Do I contact them to say no, or will they just assume no contact means it's not for sale?

Don't contact them.

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Partner has sent me this link. Not bothered about the house in the slightest. How much shite could I store/hoard there. It could be my dream. She has £150k equity in her house and we could rent it for £700-£800 a month. No brainer. I've told her to get on the case.


Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

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to be added to the old gits 108

inc a claim and (frustratingly) expired points

13 quid extra :D and no admin fee

go for brekky tomorrow and spank it down the motorway :D


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3 hours ago, paulplom said:

Partner has sent me this link. Not bothered about the house in the slightest. How much shite could I store/hoard there. It could be my dream. She has £150k equity in her house and we could rent it for £700-£800 a month. No brainer. I've told her to get on the case.


Sent from my SM-G975F using Tapatalk

At least the neighbours will be nice and quiet!?


Mind you, I wish you could get something like that uo here for that price!!

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Try 2

Dollywobblers introduction to NZ. we stopped for a photo and video by the river in Huntly, bonnet up for the underbonnet shots. Within a few minutes a family stopped to see if we needed any help. Lovely people !

The stop , and Ian departing this morning early for the far north.




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