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What makes you grin? Antidote to grumpy thread


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I got a couple of good results today.


First, was the Volvo passing its MOT for the first time in 2 years. Brilliant result and I can now use the car.

The tester was happy with it and commented how good it was and that I'd done well with all the work I'd done on it.


Second, was that I'm now on the standby rota with work. This means I'm on a 1 in 7 standby on weekday evenings/nights and all day weekends. The pay is good and though I'm still not fully sold on the fact I'll have to get up and go to work on call one day a week it does mean that I've effectively just got myself an approx £10k per year pay increase! Not to be sniffed at!

First one is Friday 7th April, on call from 16:00 through to Saturday morning at 08:00. Hopefully I'll soon get used to doing it as the money will really come in handy.

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Two amazing things happened today while Mike and I were delivering the Renault 6 doors to the new owner and collecting the fuel pump for the Princess.  The first was that I got to sit in a Rolls Royce Camargue!  Dark metallic green, tan leather interior, lovely.  The only disappointment is that I now know that I cannot drive a Camargue because of the massively offset seating position, it's as bad as a Metro but without the excuse of being a small car.  Still, a gorgeous thing that smelled fantastic, I felt very lucky.


The other amazing thing was seeing a freaking RANCHO!  Thanks to Mike's dashcam we even have proof.  I've never seen one of these in person so to see one in traffic on an average day was pretty astonishing.


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so thinking of going to new zealand for a biking holiday


deposit on something not even remotely flash was anywhere from 2000 to 5000nzd (!)


so fuck it


lets look at buying


saw this :D






wheres stuno :D


google nathan the postman :lol:


whack it in a box at the end of the holiday bring it home and itll still be cheaper than hire :D

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Cross Cub? Someone was importing those to the UK a while back, but they came out ludicrously expensive for what they are, sadly.

yeah saw the original style also which was buttons but i cant find the ad now :(

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Remember my parents bought that house that hadn't been decorated in 40 years and there was a horrible brown swivel chair that came with the place?




I salvaged it and put it in the 70s corner...


Also, I fixed the Rigonda. Some bright spark had cut the speaker wires despite the fact they unplug from the speakers! I used specialist techniques to fix it by cutting back the sheathing, twisting the wires together and covering everything up with electrical tape...



It has to be said that the turntable doesn't hold a constant speed, it wavers ever so slightly accompanied by a very faint metallic noise from the turntable. Problematic as I think its a direct drive machine, still fairly impressive it works at all after 40 years given I don't think it was a very expensive thing even when new!

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I fancied a bit of fresh air yesterday so took the mazda for a run up to glencoe and kicked the shit out of it - what a brilliant bit of road :)




very pretty



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Well done Mr x triple. Hope your back never gave out on you. That chair looks comfy captain 70 's . I saved two glass lampshades from the tip last week. They are smoked glass from the 70's and very cool. My lady friend thinks they are hideous but she likes ikea so has no taste whatsoever. On that note me and my lady freind are doing well . I am going to be meeting and introduced to her grown up children in the next couple of weeks. She is a bit nervous about this but it will be fine. I am not a racist bigot or leach so I should get the seal of approval needed.

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I've just bought a house, which is a grin if only to mask the terror I'm feeling at having spent two people's life savings in one go.


However - I'm going to need to up my shite game to compete with the neighbours:




The XM appears to have had a bite taken out of the rear wing by a particularly large dog, and the A30 is everything people were worried would happen when the MOT exemption for old cars was brought in - it looks like a light parking knock would make it fall apart, clown-car style...

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today ive realised ive warped mrs fp, i was cleaning and tidying my shed, she popped down with a brew for me and i thought id test her, there was a section of exhaust pipe with the box cut off that i pulled out and popped on the floor, i asked her go on tell me what that fits, she looked at it and pondered and told me "its off a cortina backbox its the part that goes over the axle" she was spot on i asked her how she knew, she told me "well the bend is completely the wrong shape to be off a capri" what a woman

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I'm in that there England tomorrow for a long weekend (usually a grump) But this time even more proper beer and curries will be demolished.

Might even go to Practical Classics show.

XM is doing wafting duties again. (not at same time as beer demolition)

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I'm in that there England tomorrow for a long weekend (usually a grump) But this time even more proper beer and curries will be demolished.

Might even go to Practical Classics show.

XM is doing wafting duties again. (not at same time as beer demolition)

bon vacance


je vais en irlande :P

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Got some random emails from MoneySupermarket this morning with quote prices in them for cars I'd enquired about in the past.


Seems owning and running a car for 2 months has reduced quote prices for me by about 50% - I could do a 2010 Bini for £750, or Old Man's A4 quattro for £1150.


I'd been thinking about getting something to have on a classic policy when funds permit, this seems like it's going to be all the more doable. 



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1) Picked-up a stack of 90x 1990s What Car? mag's off eBay for a mere £10 (sellers typically want anything from £2 up to £7 each for them). Bonus grin here is that a certain Southend-residing AS member is going to collect them for me and I'll get them from him in a week or two when I combine it with a birthday treat day out down that way.


2) I am now at last in a position where I can buy the parts for the Camry estate. Just placed a £320 order for a load of Blueprint/KYB stuff, now to book it in and get it fitted. With fingers crossed that they can fix everything with what I’ve bought, I’m going book it into the next RAF Marham trackday. For the sake of £70 it’s probably worth a speculative punt, and if not I’ll just go in one of the others and blag some rides out. Very pleased to be finally getting somewhere with it.

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Shamelessly stolen off Facebook but made me laugh


An engineer from Land Rover goes on an exchange visit to Toyota in Japan and watches the engineers developing the latest Land Cruiser bodyshell. He notices that on the workbench they have a cat in a small cage and he asks what it's for. The Japanese engineer tells him when they have finished a Land Cruiser they lock a cat in it and go home. If the cat has suffocated when they return in the morning they know the shutlines on the doors are up to their high standards. The LR guy likes this idea and when he gets back he takes a cat to work and locks it in a Defender and goes home for the night. When he returns in the morning the cat has gone.

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I saw an UMM 4x4 being towed by a Transit yesterday while I was driving out of the yard at work.It was heading towards the pikey site which is behind where I work,maybe the kids will be driving it round the field instead of their quad bikes  :-D

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I've just watched this after getting it for my birthday...


'The Moon and the Sledgehammer'. It's excellent...


There are some wonderful gems from old man Page - It's OK having a kangaroo cos it will stand up and be able to drink a cup of tea...A monkey on the other hand would be a disaster. When you dismantle a magneto it will just steal the bits and you don't want that...


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Tomorrow is April 1st, the Goddess is insured. Serviced, charged the battery, started today, suspension went up....


Trouble is, it will probably rain tomorrow.

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Alfa Romeos!  A call from Philibusmo and Petrolize this afternoon led them to my place to dump Phil's Alfa v6 at my house and borrow my 1994 Mazda to carry on their long journey to Auckland. Much water was consumed by the Alfa and a decision was made to swop for something reliable to save the head gaskets exploding. And goodbye to Petrolize , it has been a pleasure to know you. He will be back in Scottish land in about 2 1/2 weeks.


I have this delight to care for tonight, But they forgot to leave the keys.




And as Petrolize is leaving the country I can publish his photo without fear of retribution.

Philibusmo drives Petrolize to the Airport.



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