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5 hours ago, Floatylight said:

Sad times with the planned transit camper conversion project.

MOT spectacularly failed on rust on inner / outer sills, steps, rear suspension mounts, bushes, bosted front spring.. how can something are in 2011 be so rusty!

Garage have quoted £800 for two days labour to patch it up + other parts so not viable, considering either moving it on or doing all the prep myself and seeing if I can get someone to weld it back together with replacement panels, any volunteers for beer tokens?? Thought not...

Other option is selling spares / repairs... shame as I've just done rear discs/pads, bought a second set of wheels /tyres amd done a few other bits & bobs, got to be worth £1k...

Decisions decisions, any wisdom appreciated, cut my losses or press on....

DU11XML for anyone bothered to have a look..


Plus plate DULL XML.... #geeksorry

If externally decent you may as well go for it..... But total cost of the conversion needs to be factored in I suppose. 

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Away for a long weekend as 6th wedding anniversary tomorrow. The Saab had been having DPF regenerating issues for a while bringing on the EML but thankfully it did regen kn the way up to glorious* Bexleyheath returning a respectable 44.1mpg inc the regen.

We went to Eltham Palace which is well worth seeing.


@Jim BellColin was also here


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On 13/09/2022 at 21:20, Justwatching said:

Took the LTD along to Mavericks car meet in North Wales this evening. 


Luckily there were a few other yank tanks for me to perv on.




I've fancied a Kia Magentis for ages. It's probably bland AF, but it looks quasi-American without having all the drawbacks (e.g. LHD, doesn't fit anywhere, bullshit handling, low MPG). 



I was there too! I’m there most weeks. Didn’t take the Pontiac this week, was in my Saab 9000.

 Didn’t get to your LTD before you left, so I hope you come again!! 

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And I'm back. 

It's a 2008 Civic Type R GT. 

GT means big spec - 19" wheels, dual zone climate, cruise, auto wipers, nav, voice activation, power fold mirrors, premium audio system, all sorts of toys - basically everything but Bluetooth. My mum would love it if it was auto.

96k, 4 previous owners, previous owner was an older gent who'd had it since 2018 and died. It's really clean and straight, the paint isn't the best but it's almost perfect mechanically - tappets need doing (tadts, still manual on these), and the front tyres are low.
Inside is really tidy, no bolster wear and the steering wheel is clean and unfucked.

It's the new daily, and my first modern petrol. 
It was about £750 too cheap to be honest!
Love love love it. 

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7 minutes ago, Ghosty said:

And I'm back. 

It's a 2008 Civic Type R GT. 

GT means big spec - 18" wheels, dual zone climate, cruise, auto wipers, nav, voice activation, power fold mirrors, all sorts of toys. My mum would love it if it was auto.

96k, 4 previous owners, previous owner was an older gent who'd had it since 2018 and died. It's really clean and straight, the paint isn't the best but it's perfect mechanically - tappets need doing (tadts, still manual on these) and really tidy inside. 

It's the new daily, and my first modern petrol. 

Love love love it. 

I really rate these. K20 is a fantastic engine and once you learn how to drive it properly it’s really nippy! 

Do you mind me asking what you paid? They seem to be really cheap at the minute. I’ve seen them for under 3 grand which seems mad. EP3’s have really started to climb in price again so I think now is the time to buy an FN2, certainly a car on my list.

Well buyed.

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5 minutes ago, JJ0063 said:


Do you mind me asking what you paid?

£3250. For that money you'd usually get one on 150k, one like this usually goes for about 4k at the moment. 

Edited by Ghosty
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14 hours ago, Ghosty said:

£3250. For that money you'd usually get one on 150k, one like this usually goes for about 4k at the moment. 

I've been looking at these too as they seem to have dropped in price recently to within affordable if not too fucked range.... Still easily enough cared for by the driveway amateur and the looks are growing on me. 

Every single one I've looked at has been fucked so far though.... 😕

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Scirocco broke down again yesterday. Accelerator cable detached itself from the pedal on a busy dual carriageway with no shoulder so even a temporary fix was out of the question. Phoned a mate who nipped out and towed me home within about twenty minutes.

I'd forgotten how much I hate being towed.

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19 minutes ago, barefoot said:


I'd forgotten how much I hate being towed.

I've only been towed on a public road once, when we had to move my 850 from the public car park I'd abandoned it in to my parents house for it to get a new crank pulley. It was only a mile or two, but I really didn't like it. Obviously everything power assisted wasn't. Nearly went into the back of dad's 850 at the first junction because it was on a downward slope and the brakes were far less effective than I was expecting.

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23 minutes ago, Ghosty said:

The problem with towing is that nobody ever listens to you when you tell them to have the tow car idling so the brakes work...

That's not always possible though is it? The fact it won't start is usually why it's being towed. 

I learned how to be towed in older stuff where brake servos were optional so it didn't make so much difference. 

Last time I towed anything I still had the ZT-T 190. Towed a friends mk4 golf to a local garage, only a couple of miles away. I told him that he had to do most of the braking to keep the rope taut but he panicked and basically had the brakes on all the way. When we got there he said it was the most terrifying thing he'd ever done. I don't know why, I didn't even think I was going that fast. 

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Finally did little bit if work on the quad today replacing this bent bit. ImpJr was helping but kept disappearing to play Roblox but still did some bits and bobs. 


Still don't have an answer for the hub though.

Gonna email the company selling the parts to ensure they send the correct one I think, as the place nearby hasn't replied. 

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Decided to change the spark plugs on the mighty v6, god not done these since I did my mates before lockdown... have to be hypermobile and ambidextrous.. and ratchet with flexi head and an swivel but..



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I've finally got all my ducks in a row and the Maestro is off for its MoT next Tuesday.  It's not that the car needed that much, self-ejecting rear arches aside, it's just that I've had An Lot going on lately.  I'm convinced the tester will find something I haven't, but then that's basically their job so if it fails, it fails.  Realistically, I think it stands a good chance of a pass since it was basically a clean sheet on the last test and I've done a fair bit of work to it and not many miles since.


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14 hours ago, JJ0063 said:

This weeks parking antics in Swaffham. 

Points for it being a Tata Loadbeta though, we still have quite a few round here as there was a dealer down the road 



That's a Toyota Hilux

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1 hour ago, JJ0063 said:

Just got back from the hospital as had to have an MRI on my head. That was fucking horrible - so loud. Like having your head stuck in a washing machine drum whilst on its spin cycle.

I had one a few years ago and they put on a cd for me but it started skipping after about 15 seconds in and I had to listen to it going 'be z bu b hhhhh zz be...' for the next 20 minutes or however long it took. Not sure what the stress did to my results. 

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2 hours ago, JJ0063 said:

Like having your head stuck in a washing machine drum whilst on its spin cycle.

It basically is. They're highly impressive pieces of technology in so many ways

Just think how balanced that all has to be with all that electronics strapped to it. Incredible.

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5 minutes ago, chaseracer said:

Last time I had an MRI, I fell asleep!

How on earth 😂

I barely slept last night worrying about it, laying on that machine having your head basically ratchet strapped down then slid into the washing machine drum for 20 mins -as soon as he said make sure I don’t move at all I instantly got a really bad itch on my forehead and kept wanting to move.

Now I’ll be anxious and paranoid until I get the results, I’ve convinced myself I’m dying now 😂

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2 hours ago, JJ0063 said:

How on earth 😂

I barely slept last night worrying about it, laying on that machine having your head basically ratchet strapped down then slid into the washing machine drum for 20 mins -as soon as he said make sure I don’t move at all I instantly got a really bad itch on my forehead and kept wanting to move.

Now I’ll be anxious and paranoid until I get the results, I’ve convinced myself I’m dying now 😂

MRIs are horrible. Having claustrophobia I need sedating before I have one or a CT

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Been cleaning up the Type R today, clipping bits of trim back on, polishing etc. It's coming up really well - done a bit, but mate showed up and invited me to the pub, and it got a bit chilly, so I'll continue tomorrow. The folks love it. 


I'm already 500 miles in as I drove it to London and back yesterday and it performed flawlessly. I need to think about giving it new tyres though. 


It's not really sunk in. I saw it and I just knew it was the right car. I drive it, and it's like I'm in the right place, it feels natural. It feels absurd, seeing that outside my house and knowing it's mine. But it just feels right, logical. I don't know how I got here, how I earned it, and I'm pinching myself. But it's like I'm home. 

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