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Monthly Scotoshite meet at Armadale last Wednesday of the month.


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3 minutes ago, 320touring said:

Both myself and @dome are intending to be at the Rowan tree for about 6 pm.

Welcome to head along for them. Same for Jim Bell and Loserwan

From where are you setting off?

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Sadly we're not going to make it :( Al is still recovering, I have had probably 4 hours sleep if I'm lucky so not fit to drive and I can't get the evening off now anyway as boss has scheduled some training :/ I am putting a holiday request in for next month, as if all goes to plan, we will have some new chod to bring along ;)

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you need to buy more cars mate, fancy a cheap almera???? 

sorry we cannae make it, even if flat4 had the night off my paws are fooked, cant walk 6 feet without pain and now i am getting stoned on painkillers, steriod creams and my vape... could always have just flown from the car to the pub after some more drugs lol

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When people ask me if I have a hobby and I say yes I stand in car parks in the wind and rain near old (and brand new) cars having a bit daft laugh and carry on with a load of lovely funny people whom I then try and convince to drive my small drab car, they stare at me and say "that's not a hobby". 

Well it is. It's them that's wrong, not me. 


Great to see all you glorious bastard and bastardettes tonight. 

Everyone who drove, or tried to drive that Visa was a stone cold Billy big bollox. Even if they only made it 9ft. 

Thanks very much for the grand scotch hospitality. 

19/10 for bants.

20/10 for cars.

9/10 for the nosebag. 


Will Scotoshite moar Agen. 

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Standing in car parks used to be the thing back in the day, like. Spillers and Team Valley, Block Yards etc were a lot closer, too!

Any burnouts or reverse donuts on the go?

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Was good to see the North East contingent:)


Excellent turn out, good laugh and a bundle of fine steeds to try. 

Well in, chaps and chapesses:)

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The clutch died heroically in the battle for 1st gear 150m from my flat. @davehedgehog31 watched the final death throws. It then leapt back into life and got me home only 2 cycles of the traffic light later. 

RIP Visa clutch. You were never built for 4 non-French peasants going uphill at 30mph as @captain_70s said.

Some great people tonight. Really enjoyed that...and the rain.


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Good to meet you @sdkrc

Glad you made it back, I birled round in the bus stop and tried to hang about the vicinity to make sure you got going, probably the worst place along the route you could have come a cropper. You were not a popular man on that slip road! ?

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Grand night despite the weather. Nice to meet some new folks and put some names to faces!

@sdkrc's Visa is quite possibly the worst vehicle I've ever driven - In the best way possible. The gearbox felt like contained no gears and the end of the gear stick was just tangled in a fuck ton of elastic bands, reverse was somewhere inside the driver's seat. The only way I could tell the highbeam was on was because of the indicator light. Thank Christ I had @stereotype on duty to wipe the inside of the windscreen with a squeegee. On the flipside the engine sounded dead sweet and actually pulled really well despite a non-functioning clutch and it sat at a steady 60-65mph on the motorway on the way home, barreling into corners despite the comedy body roll was also much fun.

@blackboilersuit's Saab was mega. Although I could never own one, I'd lose my license within hours.

Only downside to the night was I gave Girlfriend_70s my phone to use the satnav in the car and when I got it back the screen had exploderated by reasons unknown.

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Mitsubishi made it home, continues to function as a car.

It was a great turnout indeed, and once again some very interesting cars! I'm glad I didn't drive the Visa only to ruin the clutch myself lol.

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