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Shite in Miniature II


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Lesney and similar now:


£2 each - KW Dart Tipper, Hatra Shovel, Allis Chalmers grader.


Also £2 each - Shelvoke & Drury dustcart and Scammell tow truck



£2 on the Scammell box truck and Dodge Tipper; 50p on the DAF that's lost its transporter.



£1 each on these Superkings.

**EDIT - Ford A Series box van TAKEN!!**


50p each on Husky/Corgi Ford D-Series.


50p each on Corgi Mack tankers.


£2 on this Tonka motorised articulated truck.



£1 each on these Corgi trailers (truck trailer missing a rear door).


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Big Corgi stuff now:


£5 each on these.



£3 each on these two.


£3 each on these.



£2 each on these.


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Mini Marcos. A find example of the detail manufactures can go to. Like the seats sliding forward. But I do question why. It must have added some cost to the product yet added little to the play worthiness of the car. Opening doors, bonnet etc I can understand. The addition of jacks to this and other cars was a innovative.




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54 minutes ago, bunglebus said:

Must have been some ninja action going on to bagsie the Caprice by the time your post even appeared! 

Yeah, I got a PM asking for that one and couldn't face taking new pictures...


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1 hour ago, bunglebus said:

I'll take the Tranny please...


35 minutes ago, Shite Ron said:

Could I have the A35, Minor and Calibra please?


Just now, Tenmil Socket said:

@Datsuncog may I take the R5 please?

All set aside for you, gents - thanks!

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Some smaller stuff now...



Plastic Morris LD150 van (badged as a Sava BMC) in roughly railway scale, and a smaller plastic Lego rendering of some sort of Chevrolet?

£1 each.

Old Lesney:


Also £1 each - any interest in the Bedford milk float from @eddyramrod?


Matchbox Ford GT with the rarer red hubs:




Corgi Rockets Volvo


Some A-pillar damage and repaint.





Impy Chevrolet Corvette


Missing a wheel, annoyingly.


Also £1.

Nearly there now.

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There's also these...


Yes, it's the Corgi Model Club repro models, all ten releases to date, plus the other stuff like the badge, certificate tin, catalogue and mechanic figures.

As you'll maybe know, these retail at £24 each, new (though the first two were discounted to sucker me in). Some are already unavailable. I've spent about £200 on this little lot.

They really are very lovely.


I know I'll regret this, but, I'll be letting them go for £150 the lot, posted.

They're probably for eBay rather than here, but I thought I'd offer them out anyway, for the sake of completeness.

Also other sundries:


M.A.S.K. Camaro - £4



Siku bus - £4


£1 each, railway scale (Commer has paint damage on one side where I tried and failed to get the 'Christmas 2018' tampo print off with nail polish remover)


50p each







There are other assorted Lesneys and Corgis and modern rubbish too, but really it's nothing I haven't offered out here before with no takers, or stuff you couldn't easily find elsewhere - so I think I'll just have to roll with what I've posted so far.

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Right, so that's that, ladies and gents...

I've a list as long as my arm to get done this evening, so I'll check back in later and see what's what, and mark up the posts here and my spreadsheet.

Apologies for the bad timing/ short notice for all this, but things are somewhat sub-optimal at present.

Hopefully I'll be able to get all these packed and posted over the weekend for everyone - thanks so much!

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9 minutes ago, Datsuncog said:

Right, so that's that, ladies and gents...

I've a list as long as my arm to get done this evening, so I'll check back in later and see what's what, and mark up the posts here and my spreadsheet.

Apologies for the bad timing/ short notice for all this, but things are somewhat sub-optimal at present.

Hopefully I'll be able to get all these packed and posted over the weekend for everyone - thanks so much!

Can I also add the Marmite van and BMW please.

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3 hours ago, Datsuncog said:

Big Corgi stuff now:


£5 each on these.

Corgi chevy please!

And Vitesse 2CV Sahara if I didn't miss it being asked for, I keep missing these...

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If you’d ever wondered why Corgi went bust then take a look at their model of the Citroen SM, sliding seats, proper metal bumpers, separate glazing units for front and back, opening doors and boot separate hubs and tyres. It must have cost a bomb to make. As it stands I’m trying to make a half decent job of restoring the broken one I got in a job lot. 

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Bedford milk float>  Oh yes PLEEEZE!  I had one and thoughtlessly let it go in the early days of my thread, before remembering that I want one for the Movie Collection.  I'll have to read back now and see if I missed anything else...

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2 hours ago, Datsuncog said:

Impy Chevrolet Corvette


Missing a wheel, annoyingly.



If anyone fancies this, I have one with a full complement of wheels but terrible paint which is also available for £1 should you like to make one good one from the pair


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11 hours ago, JimH said:

Ah well. That is pretty much the conclusion I'd come to. I was hoping for something that could sit on my desk to let me ponder how to make that shape. Looking at that Corgi one the answer would seem to be, "not very well,"

You want the Merit plastic kit which was 1/24 or 1/25, if you can find one.  Quite accurate, and completed plastic models don't seem to be worth as much as the boxed kits.  But they are rare.

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And we're done.

What's left will be going to the market in the morning.

Cheers for all the diecast orders, kids - will be working my way through them all this weekend, so will drop you a line once I have everything gathered together and totted up, just to confirm.

Appreciate that late January can be the skintest time of the year for many of us, so happy to hold off on any invoicing until after payday, unless otherwise instructed!

Hopefully there'll be some decent parcels landing soon, to bring a bit of sunshine to these dark ol' days.

DC out.

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