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Teachers' cars.

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Everyone remembers something about one teacher's car from their school days, for one reason or another.


One thing I've noticed is that art teachers always have proper shitters of cars - like when I was in primary school, the art teacher that came in sometimes had a sad face Fiesta(Mk3? 4? it was N reg)  that had a Ghia grille, but steel wheels, at least one of which was a Cortina dartboard! Lacquer peel everywhere, and generally knackered - and this was in about 2005/6!

A few of the high school art teachers had shitters too - one aging hippy woman (my form tutor for a year) had an L reg Volvo 440, full of flowery cushions and whatnot, but that got traded for a Peugeot 207cc eventually. Another had a 205 CJ with wheels off a late 405, flat white paint, cracked numberplates, and several gaffer tape repairs to the roof. It was also rather high off the ground...

I also remember being somewhat surprised to find that my German teacher drove a Polo - for some reason I'd always assumed he drove a D-reg Merc SL that was sitting about sometimes.


Anyone else have any school shite memories?


A Teacher called Jungle Jim at my boarding school had a princess, that lasted about 2 years, then he brought a very nice dolly sprint. It was nice until someone decided to have a dump on the windscreen, we did laugh.


One of my teachers (this was the late 90s) had a Morris Minor Traveller and a 2CV.


Another had a series of Yugos/Zastavas.


My knowledge of cars was so well-known that the head-teacher sought my advise when changing cars (I was 11 at the time and just about to go up to the big school).

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at primary school in the early 90s the only one i can remember is my form teachers car which was a red 911 turbo that has always stuck in my mind


at high school around 95-2000 my physics teacher who looked like professor weeto had a blue 3 door chevette i thought it was awesome, my maths teacher had a grey mx6 which had a full enclosure alarm, he was a flash bastard who purposefully left his sunroof and windows open walked away and pressed arm so everything would close, my favourite was the art teacher mr plant who had a very cool beat up series 2 land rover the 3 letters of the plate spelled pot so obviously being a teenager i found this amusing and called him pot plant.

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Your obviously quite young.


I remember in infant school the teacher had a white mk1 Festa with spot lights on, later in junior school another teacher had a silver MK4 Escort Ghia, E reg I think. Also another teacher in junior school had an old series 2 land rover truck in green (of course). Another junior school teacher of mine had a 1987 E reg XR3i with white trims, that was coolio. Im talking late 80s early 90s here..


We had a teacher with a Lancia Fulvia, which we thought was pretty cool at the time. Unfortunately he was an utter bellend and completely undeserving of such a lovely car. We had another teacher with a proper pov spec Cortina, which looked way past its best 25 years ago. I imagine he's still running it now


I had a teacher called Ms.Jones back in Liverpool around 2004-05 she had a grey J-reg Honda Civic that she'd had since new, absolute minter, never had any work done on it until she crashed it and needed the bumper replacing (as far as I can remember)


Where to start?  Primary school headmistress had a Rover P6.  Middle school headteacher had a couple of Renault 20s.  Notable middle school teachers' cars includes an Austin Allegro that had the door kicked in - the miscreant had been caught and was having to pay the teacher off in installments.  I also remember Mr Mansfield getting our entire class of 10 year olds out into the playground to push start his shagged old Viva estate.


Secondary school - head had a Vauxhall Senator/Royale.  One of the maths teachers had a very early B-reg 205 diesel.  The deputy head had a variety of late-model Chevettes.  Another deputy had a rather fine SD1 in the bright yellow colour.   The metalwork teacher was a car nut and had a Saab 99 turbo.  He also ran sailing club - my brother just recounted his memory of sitting in the back as he fishtailed down the gravel track to the lake.  All before elf and safety of course.


Best of all was my form tutor - she had a monstrous Datsun 280C (I think) estate - the one with two rear windscreen wipers.  The reg number was COG 1V and at the tender age of 13 I told her that she could get a few quid for that plate.  She obviously did as Cartell shows it's now stuck on a BMW 635...


I nearly forgot:  our chemistry teacher and 6th form tutor had a Mk 1 Fiesta.  At the end of one term we "decorated" it in the staff carpark with shaving foam and stuff.  Unfortunately for him (and us) it damaged the paintwork and he was very upset.  We were all hauled in front of the head and had to chip in for a respray.  Despite that, I was talking to a classmate recently - who said that was the highlight of his school days!

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My infant school headmistress,Miss Philps, had a red Hillman Super Minx with rostyles that I called mag wheels.



The only other teacher with a car,it was 1969, also had a Super Minx,slightly older style and no mag wheels.



My junior school headmaster had a new Lada Riva in beige. It was mid/late 80s.

The deputy head had an MGB GT, it was probably a newish car then.


High school head had a Rover Montego 2.0 diesel, a highish spec I think.

A maths teacher had a late mk1 fiesta ghia I liked in a light green colour and the stand out var was head of Sixth forms brand new Discovery- went out in it once and thought it was amazing, I think it probably cost more than my parants combined annual wage. Now it probably worth a weeks average wage!


Oh you children! :mrgreen:

I remember one of my primary-school teachers was married to the woodwork teacher at the high school I would be moving up to later on.  They shared a car: a lemon-and-white Bedford CA camper!  It was replaced in 1968 by a brand new white Sunbeam Stiletto with a black vinyl roof.  I don't remember anyone else's car from primary but when I went to "big school" in 1970, rather more cars caught my eye...

BAN 890H, headmaster's white P6

FB Victor in green

Renault 16, maroon

Mini 1000 in purple

at least two Arrow Minx/Hunters, one white and I think one grey

Arrow Rapier, white (I got to ride in this one, it was lush!)

1966 VW Beetle, beige

1966 Bedford CA Utilabrake, also beige

Mini Clubman estate (red; one of the art teachers bought this to replace the Utilabrake which he sold to another art teacher!)

Bedford CF van, grey

Cortina mk2, silver

Hillman Minx or Singer Gazelle, about 1965, blue


My answer comes from this thread originally by WarrenTClaim:


Primary School - In my first years at Primary School, our first teacher, Mrs Lakin had a Citroen 2cv, she was a sort of very laid back new-age hippy type. Another teacher of ours, a sort of Jerry Adams lookalike, Mr Lille drove an early 1987 D-plate Fiat Uno, pretty shite then. Another teacher (A tall thin thunder-faced oldish lady, don't remember the name) had a dark-Blue mk2 Audi 100 and one of the dinner ladies had an early mk1 Blue Ford Sierra.


Secondary School - Our rather big, scary, bearded Yorkshireman and dominating Deputy Head - Mr Wennington for a long time drove about in a tatty metallic Beige C-plate VW 'breadvan' Polo, though when he was given the Deputy Head post he treated himself to a then new mk2 Primera in BRG. 

Our German teacher, a sort of dowdy bloke with an equally dowdy 'tache I think also drove a VW 'breadvan' Polo, possibly in Red.


Our first English teacher, a very tall, old, 'tache wearing ex-Army major type fella drove about in a Citroen Xantia which would have probably been a year or two old. He loved that car.


Our first Music teacher, a softly spoken ginger-haired fella and Neil Kinnock lookalike drove about in early 90s Ford Sierra Estate in Red.


Our IT teacher (Then a very new subject) a sort of mid-40s hippy type with a scruffy Ginger beard, scruffy longish hair, forever laid back and very calmly spoken drove a tatty Red 4-door Mk2 Escort. His wife, also an English teacher and equally hippyish had an old Mk1 VW Camper van.


My form tutor, Mrs Metcalf first had a dark-red metallic Vauxhall Carlton (J?? OKR which I used to nickname 'joker') but then "upgraded" to a similarly coloured Frontera, her husband (Not a teacher) apparently had a Peugeot 205 - Now, I was quite perturbed by this as I grew up in an era where women drove small cars and men drove the big family saloon. But this was other way around. It's now the norm.


Our PE teacher firstly had a late E34 5-series BMW in BRG which he seemed very happy driving, I kind of admired that car back then. Later on though the 5-series was traded down to a newer early Renault Scenic which he didn't seem so happy driving. I'd imagine Mrs PE teacher probably had a say in it somehow.


A home economics teacher had a then newish P38 Range Rover HSE, before that she a top-spec C-class Mercedes in re-sale Silver, she must have either been married to a rich bloke at some point or came from a well-off family, I do remember her mentioning one time that she once worked in a biscuit factory.


A youngish Science teacher had an early 90s VW Jetta on White.


Another (possibly) English teacher (she never taught us) an small round lady drove about in a faded Purple Mk2 Orion, I think this was traded in for a slightly newer Blue Ford Escort saloon. 


The head of English, a large feary cockney woman had an early 'R8' Rover 200 which was then traded up to another later base-spec Black R8 214 with small wheel trims.


Our History teacher, another London cockney bloke had a Silver F-plate Nissan Sunny, he didn't seem that bothered about cars, apparently the Sunny was given to him by a neighbour.


Our maths teacher, a small but very go-getting afro-carribbian lady had mid-90s BRG Vauxhall Corsa, possibly a GSi as it looked pretty well-specced. She may have got a newer Polo afterwards but she swapped schools with a teacher from my old school; a curvy MILF called Mrs Ashurst with Red David-Bowie haircut. She did maths and PE for the girls.


Early on at secondary school we had a Science teacher for a small while who drove about in a then-new Black mk2 MR2. The fella himself was some sort of self-contented yuppie-type.


Another English teacher, a tall well spoken lady had a Blue mk3 Vauxhall Astra which she entrusted the keys to me to fetch a music cassette from.


Our school bus was a big White LDV 400 diesel thing that Mr Wennington once took over the school field and tried to do wheel spins in it.


Honarable mention: Mr Chetwood; he was a science teaching assistant, setting equipment, he wasn't, as far I knew, ever an actual teacher or he never took a class whilst I was there. He was a really nice, chatty, happy bloke, looked like something out of the 50s, neat Jet-Black hair, very fair skin, always appeared clean cut and well turned out. Anyhow, I never saw him arrive in a car, he often rode into school on a push-bike. When I asked if he drove, he regaled tales of tearing around Dawley town (as it was then, pre-Telford) in a Mini GT. 


I'd imagine now most of these people (if they're still alive) are probably driving about in new Euro-bland finance cars.

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I can't really remember that many.
At infant school, Mrs Tidman had a Fiat Panda.  We called it the biscuit tin.  Like this, but flat blue.
At Secondary school, Miss "Needleface" Needham (Textiles and Home Ec) had an Audi, it was either this shape or the one after and was white and very clean.
A friend of mine is a teacher, she started out with a Mk2f VW Polo until it was sandwiched on the motorway.  I think it was a green one.
She replaced that with a white Volvo 440 that just went forever and then fell apart all at once.
Now I think she has a newish Skoda version of a VW Polo but I'm not sure.


I kid you not, my primary school teacher Mick Weir owned a blue Avenger estate, a brown Fiat 126, then a burgundy Cherry Europe, as well as a silver Cherry. He was a pure autoshiter of the 1980's! Another teacher had a red austin Allegro


The only one I can remember is a mk3 Escort Ghia, my dad had one as well but my teacher's was older with the different wheel trims and the smaller door handles.


Our head of art had a Ferrari Testarossa (the flash git) which he traded in for a Citroen Berlingo after starting a family.


Vivid memories of the paint flaking off in chunks from my primary school headmaster's rover. Correct it was an early SD1. He remained loyal to the brand and it was replaced by an 800 mk1 fastback years later.


Shed award at secondary school went not to the teachers' cars but the school minibuses, an LDV 200 and 400. They were caned mercilessly by the staff and seemed to have recieved minimal rust protection as they were both H platers and both battle scarred and bubbling up by 1995


my primary 7 teacher bought my dad's last cortina - a '79 mk4 1600 L off him for 150 quid in 1990. The git ran it a couple of months and scrapped it. Rage!


the teacher I had the year before that had a G reg '69 Morris Minor which would have been 20 years old even then - Amazingly it lived until a few years ago when I saw it beyond all redemption in a glenrothes scrapyard.


apart from that I agree teachers cars were often shitboxes - in high school early/mid 90's the librarian had a metro with lopsided suspension, my guidance teacher had a clapped out y reg Jetta, the headmaster drove a Montego and my History teacher invested in a split new Citroen XM


I think my primary school head teacher takes the biscuit.

Mr Duke. Tall bloke, grey hair, huge round glasses, bristly mustache. Brown Jumper, navy shirts, with black cord trousers and brown leather brogues.

Dark blue Volvo 240 GL, with roof bars, an absolute minter.

What a legend.

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At my first primary school, one of the teachers owned a gold Panther Kallista, which I thought was pretty cool!


At my second primary school, the head teacher drove a Citroen BX. Had a few trips in that, and once a Chevette that belonged to his daughter. I still remember him accidentally washing the windscreen when trying to sound the horn. Amateur. As a ten-year old, I had a better idea of where the controls all were.


At my secondary school, the Rural Sciences teacher drove one of those stupid red and white 2CV Dolly things. I already liked 2CVs, but decided red and white ones looked stupid. The librarian drove a gorgeous metallic green Volvo 343 and another teacher drove a miserable Nissan Sunny. She caused much consternation one day by parking it up with a bird smashed into the grille. My chemistry teacher drove a lovely povo-spec D-reg Carlton estate.


In Middle school (3 tier) I remember a Moggy on slot mags, probably wolfrace, with some souped up engine etc that was one of our 1st year teachers - it got stolen along with a load of our maths papers off th school car park. Win. replaced by a light blue spitfire. He had a rakish moustache as well...


The Home Ec etc etc teacher had a flat front metro HL about a week after they came out - from a well connected / wealthy family iirc. Metallic green with green tints ! people were actually waiting to see it drive out of the school gates....


The senior PE/geography teacher had Royales - remember at least two. Used to walk past his house in later years and saw it change to a Monza, then Senator.


High school had a few gems -


Chemistry teacher had a Alfa Gtv - what a sound..

PE teacher had a R5

Head of 6th had a red Lada as befitted his hugely communist leanings. And red socks.

Someone I can't remember had a Allegro 3 1750 with some twin weber set up - always stank of fuel as you walked past it.

One of the English teachers had a deckchair 2CV - hippy !

The old head had a P5B which was quite imposing in the car park...


Blimey..that's a long time ago..


stupid red and white 2CV Dolly things

Wow. Didn't think I would ever hear that.


Don't really know what to say...


Infants (1964/5) I can only remember 3 cars, possibly the only three.  Headmistress had a Mini which lived in its own garage adjoining her office, another teacher (actually her neighbour) had a green A35 van followed by a Minor.  Amazingly these 2 old spinsters lived next  to each other less than 400 yards from the school gate and both drove separately into school!   Another teacher - a part timer - had the winner's fleet of an NSU Quickly AND a Prinz 4.  Quality!


Juniors  (1966-70) the tool of choice was definitely an Anglia 105E - they all seem to have 'em, mainly in blue for  some reason.  There were 3 identically hued blue and white examples - all deluxe models and two other  shades of blue.  Headmaster was a Farina man - Oxford saloon followed by A60 Countryman.   The only memorable exception was the gorgeous Miss Kemp who wore mini-skirts and kinky boots and completed the sex appeal with a chartreuse coloured Simca 1500.   


Senior school 1970-75 was a Landcrab fest - at least six of them from battleship grey Austin Mk 1 up to  damask red Morris Mk 2.   Highlights were the TD teacher,  Mr Pope who  alternated between Rover 110 and Messerschmitt.    We also had a Ginetta  owner (G15), a Volvo 121, 145 Estate, Rover 2000, Mini Moke (both driven by a very inappropriately fat for the Moke needlework  teacher) as well as run of the mill Cortinas and Hunter variations.   French teacher had a Renault 10, lady French teacher had  something forgettable but husband had a Lotus Elan she occasionally borrowed.   Headmaster had Austin 1100 followed by the very first  Marina I ever saw, deputy head  was a Datsun 140J man after a run of Vivas and senior Mistress had Type A Ascona automatic - again a 400 yard drive!     


Geography were autoshite winners with a Commer Cob and LHD MK1 column change Cortina but there were other  highlights - 2000E Corsair unfortunately owned  by an absolute gobshite of a dog's dick who was later  to  lose his licence - haha - and a chrome grille Renner four whose owner managed to crunch the front end which was  replaced by the plastic grille version.   Shit-loads of Minis, from van flavour to 1275S and  Elf, lots of scabby Heralds.  WINNAH in my book was the lady who looked after the science equipment (not even a teacher!) who drove a mint ermine white Zodiac Mk3 Executive.


We also had  a school lorry - Bedford JO which some clown in the metalwork department decided to denude  of  its steel cargo body and used it to teach the remedials how to  drive and they all  used to bomb it round the out of bounds bit of the field in 2nd gear.   


Oh, and the school quack  was a WINNAH too, he used to turn up  for medicals in either  a black MGA fixed head or an opalescent blue S Type Jag.  


My headmaster who was basically a real life Swiss Tony, drove one identical to this.


Appropriately his name was Mr Brown.


The head of my school had a Bini.

He lives in Abu Dhabi now.


Highlights of my school were a Mk 1 Laguna, brand new, M reg Corsa B, again brand new, a Pug 405 estate belonged to the headmaster cos he had 4 boys...


About all I can remember!


The one that sticks in my head was a primary school teacher who had one of these. Always seemed very unusual even at the time (and I suppose it was).




1994/98 junior school. Miss Richards had a fiesta Ghia on a w plate. Mr harden had a l reg niva. Secondary school 98/03. Mr Lindsay had a silver BMW 318. Always was a wannabe wide boy! Mr wright tanked around in a battered series 3 landy. Miss parry had a river 600,Mr Lowry had a n reg probe. He was 6 foot 9 so was comical watching him climb in and out. Mrs Gregory had a ssangyong musso,Mr foster had a immaculate f plate Volvo 740. Still had it two years back. Mr throne had a Volvo 240 estate. Mr healiss was a lunatic. About 6 foot 5 and 30 stone,Liverpudlian accent and drove round in a g reg corolla executive. Was cautioned by the head for doing handbrake turns and wheel spins in car park. My form tutor had a c reg box,swapped that for a w plate i think early rx7. He had that for a few month till he bought my dads pug 505 2.2 gti 7 seater


Don't remember too many, infants Mrs Connor had a mark 3 Cortina 2000GT, remember sitting in the back of that, feeling quite claustrophobic because of the high-back front seats.

Mrs Jones - headmistress, had a Renault 20, prior to her it was Mr Clay, he had an orangy/yellowy Maxi.


Secondary school, Mr Henderson had a bronze Alpine, Tech teacher Mr Ellis had a V plate orange Sunbeam, Deputy Head Mr Tooke had a silver MK1 Orion 1600i Ghia, Mr Cooper, Art, who hated me, turned up in a Marlin kit car one day. Mr Penny, German, had a MK2 Golf, burgundy. Mrs Offord, french teacher, MASSIVE tits, had a Volvo 145 in yellow. Mr Davis, head of lower school, a V plate VW Pisshat. Someone else had a blue Honda Quintet for a while, which got changed for a red Accord. Miss Denton, music (who I had a bit of a crush on, and 3 years after leaving school spent an Ecstacy fuelled weekend of debauched shagging with) had a blue VW Derby. Miss Willmot, computer studies, had a Skoda Estelle, in green, and Mrs Kerr (aka Hair and Tits) had a VW camper, which the rumour was that she used to park up at truckstops.


Sixth form college, don't remember many of them, Mrs Something, English and Communication studies had a Pogweaseled Triumph 2000, Mr Davies, technology had a bloody stoopid red and white 2cv Dolly thing.

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