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Boots blades by any chance?


No - "Derby" I think. I expect it's a case of me doing it wrong rather than the blades. Not really in a hurry to give it another go though!

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In an attempt to save money on ludicrously over-priced razor blade cartridges, I decided to experiment with going OLDSKOOL and getting myself one of them double-edged safety razor things. Today was day one of the experiment.


I realise that it's all about technique and that practice is required - but I now look and feel rather like the victim of a machete attack...


Paging @Micrashed to the Grumpy Thread


(if he's got Tapatalk that should make his phone buzz, although saying that I haven't had any Tapatalk notifications for the last few days, don't know why they've stopped)

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In an attempt to save money on ludicrously over-priced razor blade cartridges, I decided to experiment with going OLDSKOOL and getting myself one of them double-edged safety razor things. Today was day one of the experiment.


I realise that it's all about technique and that practice is required - but I now look and feel rather like the victim of a machete attack...

Me also.

Recently bought a 'shavette' which is similar to the OLDSKOOL cut throat razor, but uses modern double edged razor blades (snapped in half lengthways.)

Doubtless all down to technique, as it did shave very closely on the bits of my face that still had a covering of skin afterwards. After three days not shaving to allow the lacerations to heal I am now back using the cheapy disposable jobs. Use once and throw away. Keep face skin. Job done. If it aint broke etc.....


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Moving house grump.


Due to exchange contracts on Wednesday. Buyers solicitor says "You need to confirm that you will fix the gutter at the front of the house and the broken back door".


That's it. Nothing else. But - neither the gutter nor the door are broken.   Takes another 3 hours to find out that the gutter is "out of alignment" and the back door is "difficult to lock".


Seriously? You're prepared to let the whole chain collapse at the last moment because the gutter isn't aligned and to lock the back door you have to lift it up ever so slightly.  


Makes me feel like the conveyancing solicitors are basically covering themselves for all eventualities rather than actually doing their job.  Oh and they want me to confirm that they will both be fixed by exchange. 

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"covering themselves for all eventualities" is exactly what's happening, C'est la vie in today's litigious world. My sister and her husband own their own law firm, and I've seen their malpractice insurance premiums - truly terrifying. I've also seen the caveats and exclusions on the policy.

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Moving house grump.


Due to exchange contracts on Wednesday. Buyers solicitor says "You need to confirm that you will fix the gutter at the front of the house and the broken back door".


That's it. Nothing else. But - neither the gutter nor the door are broken.   Takes another 3 hours to find out that the gutter is "out of alignment" and the back door is "difficult to lock".


Seriously? You're prepared to let the whole chain collapse at the last moment because the gutter isn't aligned and to lock the back door you have to lift it up ever so slightly.  


Makes me feel like the conveyancing solicitors are basically covering themselves for all eventualities rather than actually doing their job.  Oh and they want me to confirm that they will both be fixed by exchange.


Probably just some spurious stuff that the was picked up on the survey! This sort of nonsense happened to us on the last house sale. Am willing to bet that the buyers aren't to blame. Our buyers knew nothing about the 'issues' brought up by the solicitor. We rang them to ask!

After our call they rang the solicitor and just asked him to proceed regardless. Just arse covering on the solicitors behalf really. Fair enough, but can be overruled by the buyer.

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re: shaving.  If you use modern safety razors you tend to get into the habit of applying too much pressure, an old fashioned razor as described will do the work with almost only the weight of the razor itself, press on and you will slice your face open.  Also, don't use squirty shaving foam because it doesn't work very well, invest in some decent shaving soap and a badger brush to both get a nice close shave and look after your skin.  Finally, don't expect to remove all the whiskers on the first pass, depending on the manliness of your facial fungus, you may need to take three or four passes to get that pre-pubescent smoothness of skin so favoured by our beard-hating society.



In other news:  I'm concerned about the welding being required on the beige Princess.  Booked in again for tomorrow and they want me to leave the car with them to assess the damage and tell me what it will cost.  I daresay it's going to be very much more expensive than I want it to be and while I have some savings now I am concerned that they shall not be enough even though the area in question appears to be quite small.

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Apparently the buyer mentioned this to his solicitor 1 month ago.  It's only now that we hear about it.  It's just a bargaining tool, but I can fix both easily, but seems suspicious they didn't mention it last Friday when three more questions came up - all relating to indemnity policies.

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In other news:  I'm concerned about the welding being required on the beige Princess.  Booked in again for tomorrow and they want me to leave the car with them to assess the damage and tell me what it will cost.  I daresay it's going to be very much more expensive than I want it to be and while I have some savings now I am concerned that they shall not be enough even though the area in question appears to be quite small.


Purchase a mig welder & never look back. You've even got the luxury of a scrap car to practise on.

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Re. The gutters. Just tell sorry but you won't guarantee that. Problem solved.

Problem solved as in the gutters won't be fixed, or problem solved as in 'no sale'?

The latter not being a desired outcome probably!

Speak to the buyers first. In all probability they know nowt about it! If they do they will probably back down if you actually talk to them.

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What MrB says. It's like Ebay, house selling these days. I have heard people at work saying that they are telling the seller that they want to drop £2k off the asking price over little things like this. Twats. Just pay the fucking price you agreed you morons. Okay, if the survey said it was in need of mahoosive spending on the roof or a wall was about to fall down then you would want it sorted but they just need to jog on don't they?

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When I sold my old house it needed rewiring (it was safe but lacked sockets in some rooms) it said this in the sales particulars, unsurprisingly the survey picked this up and just before exchange I was asked by the purchasers' solicitor whether I would be getting it rewired before completion.

I said no and they then tried to negotiate money off; by then I was not bothered whether I sold or not so I counter-offered that either they exchange at the agreed price, or I would take it off the market. They exchanged and bought, still messed me around on completion day though.

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Fix the lock. Fix the gutter.

Then take all the tiles off the roof and remove all the central heating system, because not once did the solicitors ask you not guarantee they were still in place. Then dig a moat around the house.

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Thank fuck solicitors aren't involved in car sales.


"Can you confirm you will be replacing the engine in the 350,000 mile VW polo my client has arranged to buy for £195?"

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Can you change two random internal doors so that neither of them fit properly and turn the stop cock off but leave no instructions on where to find it.


and while your at it, remove the locks from any toilets and the bathroom

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Last Tuesday I was in London all day working, the alternator light came on when I was on the way back to Milton Keynes(about 50 miles) I switched everything except the sidelights off and just about got back . There's a 'secret' service menu in the trip computer which has amongst other things a voltmeter in it, anyway the battery went from 14 down to 8.5 volts but got me home.

Next day I jumped it and with a spare battery helping got it to a proper auto electricians who took it off reconditioned it a put it back together for £250. Annoying but a lot cheaper than a new one,so after fuel I worked all day Tuesday for next to nothing ,don't want to be making a habit of that.


Just got in ,to be greeted with this!post-17414-0-82724700-1396360699_thumb.jpg


Sonovabitch! I was so pleased to get it home I forgot to pay the fucking congestion charge.

Sometimes I wonder why I bother.

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Getting over 200 attempts per hour to hack our server,mainly from russia/ukrain and vietnam.

been going on for couple of days now but its really winding me up.

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Getting over 200 attempts per hour to hack our server,mainly from russia/ukrain and vietnam.

been going on for couple of days now but its really winding me up.


That is terrible! Why would anyone do that?

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