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The industrial deafness calls are the best. I just shout down the phone "Can you speak up I'm a bit deaf", "I can't hear you", "Hello,Hello" then shout away from phone "I think the phone's knackered again" then hang up.

You can almost hear them tearing their hair out.

Childish but cheers me up no end. 

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Having worked at the other end of the telephone, I find asking daft questions or attempting to sell them something else works quite well. They won't stop calling but you'll amuse yourself for five minutes,
"We're calling about double glazing"
"What flavour is it?"

I'm easily amused. 

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If you're bored, string them along. "Yeah, now you mention it I did take some PPI out ten years ago. On all twelve of my loans. Hang on, I'll get the paperwork".


Place receiver on table next to phone.


Continue whatever you were previously doing.


Note this doesn't stop them calling but does make you feel superior. Also works on energy firms, double glazing etc. Tell them enough to make them think they'll get an ace commission and then just wander off.



That's exactly what I do. At least the time they're on hold is time they can't be bothering others.

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In the past I found being incredibly abusive towards them helped. You could sometimes get a really good argument out of the odd one, but now as said I just don't answer.

Honestly reckon I've cut down on cold calls by about 95+%, very rarely get them at all because I assume they think the number isn't active.

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I got a landline put in a couple of years ago after moving house and got a new number, they must have only waited a few days before reassigning the number and the woman who had it before had signed up to do every survey in the world (presumably you get paid for taking them?). When I said it wasn't her number/never heard of her etc they just say "oh you'll do instead!". I say I won't... I can't be rude though, it's just not in me.


I started just ignoring the phone, only a few members of my family have it so I know when they ring. That and the TPS seemed to cull 90% of them but I still get about 4 missed calls a day from the same numbers, who ring at the same time. You'd think after about a year of trying and no-one answering they'd give up!

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Only answer calls on a mobile I recognise, or calls on land line when I'm expecting them.

I do the pick up and say nothing routine on local callers. If no-one speaks, I just hang up.

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What the fuck have they done with Flickr?Can't they leave the fucking thing alone? Jesus WEPT!!!!!

I don't get it, that is the 2nd time I've heard this. I've just been on Flickr and not seen any changes?

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I can't be rude though, it's just not in me.



Oh, I can. The way I see it is there can't be anybody who goes into telesales and doesn't expect to get a volley full of abuse at least once a day. You start calling people up at 6.00pm when they've been to work and are sitting down for a bite to eat and you're going to deserve getting shit off miserable, annoyed old wankers like me.

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Shit MOT testers getting away with being shit. 


First page: the number plates which failed on 'spacing'. 

Page three: and you have to see this, the pass worthy replacement plate compared to the one which failed. 


I don't know how he could suck up the £15 bill for new plates. 

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What the fuck have they done with Flickr?

Can't they leave the fucking thing alone? Jesus WEPT!!!!!

They don't listen to the people that use the thing.




I can't even access it! I try and sign in and it just takes me to some general Yahoo page. And Yahoo has turned to shit. YahooMail is getting increasingly impossible to use.

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^^^WHS, Direfox keeps telling me it


 has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

Cheers for that, dickheads.

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Ugh, Facebook logins. There was a lengthy period in which you couldn't sign up for Spotify if you didn't have an active Facebook account. There was some upset about this and Spotify's answer was to create a blank account and never update it. Naturally you had to go out of your way to prevent it 'sharing' everything you listened to, and if you deactivated your FB account, opening Spotify would reactivate it. 

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Yes, that's what Spotify suggested you do, at the risk of Facebook deleting your 'fake' account at some point and locking you out of your music. 


All academic now anyway, they came to their senses and allowed new members to sign up directly again.

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Having some work done today on the drains at Beard Towers. Frontage all dug up and whatnot. Insurance job due to collapsed sewer.

Vans turn up at 9.00 am.

Work commences, the guys tell us not to use the toilet or run any water until they have finished the work around 12.00 noon ish. Fair enough.

Just got home and frontage still all dug up at 4.00 pm.

'Been a problem mate, taking longer than we thought.....Don't use the toilet or run any water' etc....


Just had to have a piss into a bucket in the garage.

Just waiting for Mrs Beard to come home.

' Oh, hi love, don't use the toilet, there is a bucket in the garage......'

That will go down REALLY* well.


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Your internet connection must be slower than his workmen?

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YouTube, I'm not that bothered about the ads here and there but they've foisted some new ones on that come on between songs all the time, like after every one or two tracks.  


I have a list I use at work for testing speakers and projectors etc. it's a hard life but someone has to do it, it's up to about 72 tracks at the minute and I swear If I hear about "ball cancer" once more I'll find their address and cut theirs off...

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Firefox or Chrome + Adblock = no ads on YouTube. It's a godsend. I'm not anti-advertising - websites have to make their money somehow - but I hate adverts that actually get in the way of stuff.

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Why can't the missus park the Fxxking car? Drove round the block three times and eventually settled on a space twice the size of the car and it was either on the pavement or you needed an atlas to find the curb! I mean it's not exactly difficult. They can send texts and do the makeup whilst driving so this should be a piece of cake!

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