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The grumpy thread


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who can realistically be arsed with an annual caliper stripdown though? Not me.



My friendly mechanic has done it for me in the past but on this occasion he's advised it's absolutely seized solid and the pads are on the verge of falling out, so no other choice in this instance

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Some modern rear indicators are just not visible enough.

What was wrong with orange lenses for indicators? I am sure they were easier to see in bright conditions. I find that the instant switching of LED indicators and brake lights also makes them less noticeable and when they are tiny like these VAG offerings...

Aye. I spotted a newish Polo indicating right at a junction on a bright day recently, the door mirror mounted and front indicators were near invisible. The Polo isn't exactly a Maserati Quattroporte so can't use its exquisite styling as an excuse. DANGEROUS.

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who can realistically be arsed with an annual caliper stripdown though? Not me.


Same here. Though I rarely keep a car for a year...


Dealing with a sticky caliper ASAP is the thing. The Sirion developed several minor faults that alerted me to an issue, and finding that the entire wheel was warm confirmed that something was amiss. Sliders appeared to be a red herring, but I'm glad I replaced them anyway. One piston was freed off and lubricated and an hour's work has it all fine and dandy again.


I've had cars drive past me where you can smell the stink of overheating brakes, even when pottering around town. Most folk just don't notice.

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I had the same with the frontera shortly before I sold it, it was fine after a quick strip, clean and refit... Infact the Delica had the same troubles, I stil think Japanese brakes are the worst made.



My grump for today is that my eyes are stinging so much I want to spoon them out and feed them to the nearest rodent.

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Stripped my brakes down earlier in lovely sunshine. Realised I haven't got my rewind tool here. Amy's gone to fetch it but its pissing down here now ffs. Have to carry on as its still up on stands

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Delicas do seem problematic. My mate's L400 is forever having brake binding issues. Mind you, I'm not sure he ever actually does anything about it...

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It's half past three and I cannot motivate myself to do anything at all after a seriously productive day yesterday with the old artwork.  It's also raining a lot so even bullying myself into working on the red Princess or cleaning the Xantia even more is not an option.  Stupid brain.

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Had an accident earlier this afternoon.

An old giffer ran through a give-way sign without stopping and went into me corner to corner. Both cars finished hard against each other side by side.

In theory, it should be cut n dried as far as the insurance goes - we filled out the required multi-leaf form (how very French!) at the roadside and he has signed it, agreeing with what I wrote. 

I was in my Citroen C2, he was driving an E30 beemer...quite a nice one actually, only a 316 but tidy and metallic brown. Anyway, damage to his looks limited to a few scuffs that would probably come out with half an hours elbow grease and some decent carcare products. My shitroens wing has creased up like a crisp packet around the wheelarch swage line, scuffs down the door, snapped off wing mirror, scuffed up alloy wheel and chewed up side skirt.


I was furious at the time - he just blatantly pulled out without giving a damn. When I stomped out of the car he turned out to be a tiny wee old guy. Im not tall, but he was an easy foot shorter than me! Looking back now I am at home, he was probably quite intimidated.


And the dashcam footage? yeah, it was in my other car. I fecking well KNEW that I would never be arsed to swap it from car to car each time I drove, so ordered a few more to kit out the fleet but they have not yet arrived from China. Typical.


Damage isnt that bad to mine in the grand scheme of things....I mean it could be fixed up for the price of a scrapyard wingmirror, maybe the front wing if the creases wont pop out and a little bit of paint. Hopefully the insurance will just sort it all out - Typically, they close at lunchtime on a Saturday, including the claims hotline - how very French, again. So it will have to wait till Monday.


Its a little bit perverse to say so, but I am disappointed that the damage isnt worse....I was about to sell the car and it being written off and giving me an insurance payout would have saved me a lot of arse-ache trying to flog it.

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Last week, I thought my broadband had miraculously cured itself, as it was heading for truly dizzying speeds approaching 1.5Mb. However, since next-door returned from holiday earlier today, it's once again gone into limp mode. I'm wondering how violently BT would bum-rape me if I asked for my own connection instead of sharing, or even if they'd agree to do it. Arsecakes.

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Had an accident earlier this afternoon.

An old giffer ran through a give-way sign without stopping and went into me corner to corner. Both cars finished hard against each other side by side.

In theory, it should be cut n dried as far as the insurance goes - we filled out the required multi-leaf form (how very French!) at the roadside and he has signed it, agreeing with what I wrote. 

I was in my Citroen C2, he was driving an E30 beemer...quite a nice one actually, only a 316 but tidy and metallic brown. Anyway, damage to his looks limited to a few scuffs that would probably come out with half an hours elbow grease and some decent carcare products. My shitroens wing has creased up like a crisp packet around the wheelarch swage line, scuffs down the door, snapped off wing mirror, scuffed up alloy wheel and chewed up side skirt.


I was furious at the time - he just blatantly pulled out without giving a damn. When I stomped out of the car he turned out to be a tiny wee old guy. Im not tall, but he was an easy foot shorter than me! Looking back now I am at home, he was probably quite intimidated.


And the dashcam footage? yeah, it was in my other car. I fecking well KNEW that I would never be arsed to swap it from car to car each time I drove, so ordered a few more to kit out the fleet but they have not yet arrived from China. Typical.


Damage isnt that bad to mine in the grand scheme of things....I mean it could be fixed up for the price of a scrapyard wingmirror, maybe the front wing if the creases wont pop out and a little bit of paint. Hopefully the insurance will just sort it all out - Typically, they close at lunchtime on a Saturday, including the claims hotline - how very French, again. So it will have to wait till Monday.


Its a little bit perverse to say so, but I am disappointed that the damage isnt worse....I was about to sell the car and it being written off and giving me an insurance payout would have saved me a lot of arse-ache trying to flog it.



Had he been drinking?


The only people who seem to drive those little lawnmower engined things seem to be old guys who've had their licence taken away after crashing their car drunk. I always try and steer clear of the "sans permis" as they never seem to indicate.

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Last week, I thought my broadband had miraculously cured itself, as it was heading for truly dizzying speeds approaching 1.5Mb. However, since next-door returned from holiday earlier today, it's once again gone into limp mode. I'm wondering how violently BT would bum-rape me if I asked for my own connection instead of sharing, or even if they'd agree to do it. Arsecakes.

Try this




Lets you scan wifi local to you and see what channel everyone is using. Find a quiet channel, set your router to that and roberts shagging your aunty.

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I recently fitted a glass secondary fuel filter to the XM but I don't think it can flow enough fuel, it now struggles to get up to 80 whereas before it did it easily (while A framing on a private test track) Worse than that I can see shit load of bubbles rushing through the filter while the engine is running. I've no idea where theyre coming from, although it could be from the filter itself.



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Someone tried to torch the Polonez. I was lucky but will probably have to drop the tank and get the G3 out. Also found out who did it so will have to pop round their house for a chat*

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Someone tried to torch the Polonez. I was lucky but will probably have to drop the tank and get the G3 out. Also found out who did it so will have to pop round their house for a chat*


Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Do you need the autoshite task force up to help?

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Fuck fuck fuck fuck! Do you need the autoshite task force up to help?







Not good Edd. Volvo on standby, dumping bodies from canal towpaths a speciality.

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Odd how they're still allowed to play Oliver's Army, which contains the double whammy of OMGNWORD and an anti-Irish slur. Maybe it's OK if the song's satirical?

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I'm not defending it but wasn't Oliver's Army a sort of protest song almost? It may also be because Elvis sung 'white n-word' rather than just the n-word of course.


Anyhow, I always think the worse thing about this 'racism' is that it isn't Asian/African/Jamaican/Indian/whatever people that complain, it's the utter 'right on' knobheads in councils, broadcasting centres and thought police stations.

What usually happens is that Birmingham council decide to ban Christmas trees on bin wagons or something, and by the time the intellectually challenged have got the story they just stupidly assume it's the ethnic people who have complained. This just feeds all the right wing wankers and people who want to blame everything on everyone else.

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Ah yes: "WINTERVAL".


What's always forgotten about this tedious canard is that it never happened...

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I'm not defending it but wasn't Oliver's Army a sort of protest song almost? It may also be because Elvis sung 'white n-word' rather than just the n-word of course.


Yep, it was a protest song (pretty sure "white nigger" was a derogatory term for the Irish) and a cracking good one to boot - I was just wondering how long it would be before some knee-jerking twat at the BBC decided to ban it. Frankly, however distasteful "nigger" may be, there is a huge difference between a decades-old song making a contextually-inoffensive reference, and a neo-nazi anthem. Maybe we should ban any song that refers to women in a patronising or belittling way - that'll be 90% of all love songs up to the 80s, then. Oh, and any reference to alcohol/drug dependency/gratuitous violence - there goes another few thousand tracks. I'm fully aware of the history and connotations of the word "nigger", and it's not a word I'd ever consider dropping into my conversation, in public or otherwise, but some serious perspective-readjustment wouldn't go amiss.

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"You've got to listen very carefully indeed to actually hear it. But, yes, it is there on the recording."


Haha it's clear as day! (about 1min in)



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Yep, it was a protest song (pretty sure "white nigger" was a derogatory term for the Irish) and a cracking good one to boot - I was just wondering how long it would be before some knee-jerking twat at the BBC decided to ban it. Frankly, however distasteful "nigger" may be, there is a huge difference between a decades-old song making a contextually-inoffensive reference, and a neo-nazi anthem. Maybe we should ban any song that refers to women in a patronising or belittling way - that'll be 90% of all love songs up to the 80s, then. Oh, and any reference to alcohol/drug dependency/gratuitous violence - there goes another few thousand tracks. I'm fully aware of the history and connotations of the word "nigger", and it's not a word I'd ever consider dropping into my conversation, in public or otherwise, but some serious perspective-readjustment wouldn't go amiss.



Can't argue with that. Like you say, there are plenty of other 'reasons' to ban certain songs if the thought police wankers get involved. Personally I'd like to see 1 Direction and Catatonia banned on the grounds they offend my working class white ears. FUK DA SISTEM etc. 

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Some songs like Sweet 16 and young girl get out of my mind are on very shaky ground. I don't see any rush to ban them.

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What about revising history as well? Remember the plan they had to remake the dam busters film with 'digger' the dog?

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It's not a word I ever use, because everyone knows that it causes offence, and why would anyone want to do that?


The thing that's interesting about the word is that it can be heard a lot, but 99% of the time it's a black person saying it. What's that about then?

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I was wondering about Dam Busters too.


I am also watching The Wire complete boxed set at the moment, and this word appears every few minutes.


As Terry Wogan said once on R2 - There are lots of people listening to their radio waiting to be offended. He also said he'd go out in a blaze of glory playing the non-broadcastable Beautiful South record. He lied, but at least he's not on trial at the moment.


Max "octopus " hastings held me up in Weybridge a couple of years ago while he tried to park his rolls Royce phantom in a one-way street on the pavement and double yellow lines, just so he could step out of the car and walk straight into his café. Odious little slug  - or was that one of the witness descriptions of his endowment?


In other words, oh I don't know, but there's lot more to be getting worked up about than offensive words. Actions can be a lot worse, and it seems that it's taken an awfully long time for any politician to do anything about FGM in the UK,  and schoolgirls being kidnapped for sex in Nigeria, while being quite happy to waffle on about their own little coalition squabbles.

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Isn't it bloody funny, not, we can spend Billions pursuing oil and regime changes and fuckin non existant global warming, have our good lads chasing bloody ghosts round all sorts of shit holes and getting blown to pieces for their trouble...


Yet a whole school of young girls are vanished away to God knows what fate, the situation is crying out for instant reaction from the hardest military arse kickers we have, the Yanks, the Russians, anybody tough enough to sort those fuckers out, by killing them without a second thought, yet......................................nothing.


Not enough oil in Nigeria?

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The 'N' word has been reclamed by..... so's yooz roomies can ezze out the broom, yo! you lissninn, n#####?


Not ours anymore, see - you honkey dog, you razzinn me?






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