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The grumpy thread


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I hate the council, credit ratings (why do I have to pay for it?) and parking permits.

I hope the funeral goes as 'well' (you know what I mean) as it can do for you tomorrow Trig. 

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I've just got back from the funeral, it was a wonderful turnout but god it was hard, I was holding it together until a family friend started talking about his wife and young children and how difficult it was for them, I started sobbing like a baby, man It hit me.


On the plus side the buffet was excellent as we're the cakes.

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I bought this new temp sensor for the cortina and fitted it and of course it didn't fucking work. Cue pissing around trying to figure it out with the engine red hot and getting burn't

The engine seems to be coming up to temp and when I earth it the gauge goes up but it still doesn't work.


Do you enjoy the following


getting burn't

get blinded

smelling funny

being poisoned

stabbing yourself in the hand

spending money

skinning your knuckles

spending time away from your friends and family

lieing on a concrete floor



Then knobbing around with old cars is a hobby for you.

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I've just got back from the funeral, it was a wonderful turnout but god it was hard, I was holding it together until a family friend started talking about his wife and young children and how difficult it was for them, I started sobbing like a baby, man It hit me.

On the plus side the buffet was excellent as we're the cakes.

I'm the same at funerals, god knows what state I'll be in when it's my Mum or Dad's. My Mum has survived two bouts of cancer in recent years so I'm hoping her life force will keep her going for a long while, strong person is Ma T!

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/\ This is a bit close to home at the moment, as I've recently found out my Dad has a probable cancerous lump. Biopsy next, so they know for sure.


Sorry to hear about your workmate, and hope he gets a fitting send off. I've never been in the position of loosing someone at an untimely age, but imagine it must be awful.

Cancer is just bloody awful. My brother in law died of lung cancer a couple of years ago. Great guy, never smoked in his life, led a healthy lifestyle etc.. And he went from a slight cough and visit to the docs to dead in six months.


My old man had bladder cancer around five years ago. He had to have his bladder removed and it massively aged him but he survived and is still all clear, so it can be beaten.


The sooner we get rid of this horrific illness the better.

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My wife's granddad got cancer in his (very late) eighties and survived it, so it can be done. Fingers crossed, MTC, all the best.

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Well, just when you think you have seen most of what this area has to offer, this happens. 


In Morrisons petrol station this morning, tanker just driven off and am just about to start filling up. We then hear lots of shouting, all coming from the bit where you go to pay. Mid 20's black bloke is shouting and swearing 'cos they haven't activated his pump. He goes in kicks stuff around and tells the cashier that he is going to get him when he finishes the shift. Poor girl behind the counter is terrified. This berk is running in and out shouting his mouth off. We call the plod and give his details including car reg, etc, all of which is being happily filmed on the forecourt CCTV. What a complete tosser. I really, really hate North London. Would have have happily hosed him down with U/L and then started playing with my lighter  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

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Women, and the discovery of vast amounts of rot and previous abysmal repairs to dad's Consul, which I'll be repairing as he's helped me a lot with the Somerset and Maestro. And I have a load of university work to do before I go back on the 22nd. Ugh.

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Sorry to hear about your dog  :-(


I've just dropped my sub in the garage and smashed the cone. Was going to fit it in the summer I decided too.


Hey ho, another thing for the tip.

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We don't have an angle grinder, and the most powerful cutting implement in the house is a hacksaw. 

It's for a 2 second job, that would take several years with a hacksaw.

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We don't have an angle grinder, and the most powerful cutting implement in the house is a hacksaw.

Not if you have a decent teaspoon, it ain't... ;-)

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If you buy a used car, you are buying four/five part worn tyres.


And I'm not pleased with the wife's Multipla especially today as I discovered it has snapped both front coil springs - hence the prematurely worn tyres. One of the springs was rep[aced within the last three years and I had to replace one of the springs on her previous Multi.


We do not live in area particularly riddled with speed bumps, neither of us could be described as "scene racers" and we don't bump up kerbs to park. XM suspension (and BX and CX) isn't always perfect but I've had a lot less bother with those motors than I have had with the Fiats'.

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More a sad than a grump, if it's true.

AC/DC are expected to announce their decision to call it a day tomorrow. :(



More than a month ago, founding member, rhythm guitarist, co-producer and co-songwriter Malcolm Young had a stroke, which left a blood clot on his brain.

When AC/DC reunited at the start of April to begin a month of rehearsals, in the lead-up to new album recording sessions, Malcolm discovered he couldn't play. At least, he couldn't play like he used to play.


Media in Australia have gone ballistic today on rumours of The End Of AC/DC, and it appears the news got out ahead of a planned official announcement from the band and management.

Right now, that announcement is expected Wednesday, April 16, and a press conference has been scheduled.




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I was involved in a hit and run on the way to work today.


Merrily going round a round-a-bout a Silver 52reg Corsa C (I'm looking at you BILLY) with a dent in the door pulled out right in front of me. I jammed on the anchors to a stop but he kept going and twatted into my front bumper, knocking the bumper off its mount, smashing the sidelight lens and breaking a small chunk off the nose cone. He then fled the incident at speed and I didn't manage to get his number plate.


The car is fine and I have a spare nose cone, the bumper can be pushed back up as it doesn't have any actual damage and I can order a new side light from Germany, but it is still VERY FUCKING ANNOYING.


Then to top it off the high pressure hydraulic pipe from the pump burst AGAIN on the way back from work, so now it is grounded and doesn't work. I'll be off to Pirtek to get them to fix it as it is only a month or so old.


Also work today was even shitter than normal. I hate today.



Well I suppose I better let Scooters know about these incidents, seeing as he is buying the car and has already left me a deposit.

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It wasn't me, our silver Corsa is a 'Y' reg one. Anyway the other driver was clearly in the right because of the car he drove. DEAL WIV IT M8

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Will I meet a random stranger at a railway station 20 miles away, pass them my expensive pushbike and they will ring the buyer who will Paypal me the money?


Erm, no.


Will I accept half by bank transfer now and half when the bike has reached its destination after meeting said stranger at said railway station?


No chance.




Where do these people come from, is there some weird planet that they get beamed down from?

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I nearly lost the front end of my XM this morning thanks to a Van merging into my lane whilst I was still in it. Would have let him hit me (we were only doing 25-30) if it wasnt for the fact he would have pushed me under an arctic, so I held the horn down for 3 minutes and blocked him pulling out twice. Just as he was starting to get irate at me I turned off


Fucking prick!

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I didnt do anything wrong! Was in L2 of 3 on the sliproad, with an arctic in L1. Lights went green just as I came up to them so planned to just sail through and pull infront of the arctic a little way ahead. Was level with the van in L3 when he pulled across me, luckily my wafer thin front pads work still!



I was where the astra is, van was where the jag is and the lorry was where the lorry is. All lanes continue around the roundabout and onto the A404, so no reason for him to dive into L2 whilst I was there. No 'merge in turn', nothing


He then took offence at my honking of my horn to alert him to my presence, so on the dual carriageway he speed matched me. I saw red and fucked him about as much as he had me. Speeds were a giddy 40-45mph as is often the way on the bypass at 7.15.


Fuck him, I;ve had cheesecake now, feel much better!

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I saw red on Saturday at Pride of Longbridge. Big queue to turn into the lane for the road the event was on, and some fat prick in a Vectra decided to queue jump. "I'll just dive in ahead of that stupid yellow car," he thought. "Piss off," says I, muscling in to prevent him from doing so. He winds his window down and made some odd noises like a mooing cow, which might have just been Brummie. I gloried in my 'win.'


For about two seconds, until I realised that he'd just gone for the space behind me, and our battle was therefore pretty much pointless. Why waste the energy?

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For about two seconds, until I realised that he'd just gone for the space behind me, and our battle was therefore pretty much pointless. Why waste the energy?

On reflection clashes with other road users do seem a bit pointless but in the heat of the moment it matters that you've defended your bit of road space. I think we've all seen red at some point like that, it's human nature I suppose.

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I got grief off a woman the other day who was tailgating me whilst I was going over some nasty speed bumps, I was slowing to 20 for them but trying to get as close to 30 as I could between (which still feels like it's smashing your car to bits!). I could tell my speed was irritating her so I waited until there was nothing coming the other way, boshed on the indicator and pulled up so she could drive straight round me without having to even slow down.


Only she was so close she couldn't see what was or wasn't coming so stopped behind me, then tooted and starting shouting something, she was mouthing off for a good 30 seconds (not that I could hear or understand any of it) then tore off into the distance.


I didn't even say anything back, I hope she felt like a right charlie later on.

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