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Just been to a funeral, with me as pallbearer and chief officiant.

Daughter's snake, now buried out in among the bushes.  It was her ninth birthday present.  She will be 39 tomorrow.

She was known as "The Snake Girl" at school.

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26 minutes ago, myglaren said:

Just been to a funeral, with me as pallbearer and chief officiant.

Daughter's snake, now buried out in among the bushes.  It was her ninth birthday present.  She will be 39 tomorrow.

She was known as "The Snake Girl" at school.

I’m imagining a coffin for a snake.

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12 hours ago, chodweaver said:

Vanishingly few. Because, as with the proper insurance for parcel delivery, it's fantastically expensive. And it doesn't come with all the marvelous advantages of ordinary Social, domestic and pleasure use policies, like 3rd party cover on any other vehicle. I'm not even sure that I'm accruing no claims discount on mine.

So you can hardly blame them for taking the cheapest they can get, assuming they bother to get any at all - UberEats' checks when enrolling drivers are laughably lax. Some unscrupulous drivers will have multiple accounts, on multiple mobiles, and use them all to increase the number of delivery orders they can pick up. Leaving their mobiles on the outside window sill of the MacDonalds they're working from is also a trick to get first pic of orders as they go on the system - because the algorithm favours the mobile closest to the UberEats laptop in the restaurant*

*Term is used loosely

Also, watch out for takeaway drivers that over a period of months and years have a string of almost identical vehicles that carry the same (not personalised) registration. I don't know what the advantage of doing this is, but I'm sure the VIN number on many no longer matches its registration.

If they can’t do the job legally then really the Traffic Police (remember those) should be pulling them in and checking for hire and reward cover on the insurance. 

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1 hour ago, myglaren said:

Just been to a funeral, with me as pallbearer and chief officiant.

Daughter's snake, now buried out in among the bushes.  It was her ninth birthday present.  She will be 39 tomorrow.

She was known as "The Snake Girl" at school.

Liked for your efforts, and the fact your girl had the same pet for nearly 30 years.

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I have noticed in the last few days how appallingly driven some buses are.

I thought I was over reacting until I had my wife as a passenger - even she commented.

It's as if their drivers have only just passed their test.

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5 minutes ago, Bren said:

I have noticed in the last few days how appallingly driven some buses are.

I thought I was over reacting until I had my wife as a passenger - even she commented.

It's as if their drivers have only just passed their test.

When Stockport had a free bus I used to use it to get around town.  One of the drivers seemed to be a frustrated racing driver, accelerating whenever it suited the roads & having to slam on the brakes a lot.

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On 7/28/2023 at 7:18 AM, paulplom said:

I had one homless bloke ask me for change last week. Sorry, I don't have any I replied. Join the club, I don't have any either I'm fucking skint he said. 

If I was carrying he would've had it.

I really don’t like this carry on, why are they making their problem your problem!

realistically we are all a few pay checks away from homeless if it all goes tits up.

one of many reasons why I don’t carry change and I’m certainly not swiping my card down their ass crack to help them out. As for the ones hanging around car park pay machines.. fuck off you are scaring the kids!   

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1 hour ago, Low ontime said:

I really don’t like this carry on, why are they making their problem your problem!

realistically we are all a few pay checks away from homeless if it all goes tits up.

one of many reasons why I don’t carry change and I’m certainly not swiping my card down their ass crack to help them out. As for the ones hanging around car park pay machines.. fuck off you are scaring the kids!   

Nowadays quite a few are doing this for a living ,a mate saw one woman swapping her outfit with another at their car.

& I've seen a guy regularly at two different supermarkets about 5 miles apart.

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2 hours ago, Bren said:

I have noticed in the last few days how appallingly driven some buses are.

I thought I was over reacting until I had my wife as a passenger - even she commented.

It's as if their drivers have only just passed their test.

They always seem to stop with a jerk. I don’t know if that’s air brakes and you can’t ease off for a smoother stop as in a car ,( someone enlighten me, never driven a vehicle with air brakes),  or whether they like seeing passengers struggling to stay in their feet.

Also they don’t seem to even notice Mini roundabouts round my way. Now I realise it’s impossible to get a bus round one, but they just ignore the give way lines or any one else there and just drive through.

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33 minutes ago, Rustybullethole said:

Is that a fossilised dog shit on your rad there?

Possibly but I am not going to do a forensic investigation.

29 minutes ago, High Jetter said:

I'm no expert, but I think something is missing...

Fan assembly for the condenser. The circle of shit is where the dead fan has been for years. It was remove bumper, 6 x 8mm & 2 x 50 torx. Then remove 4 x 8mm. Then find another 2. Then find two more that you can't get to without removing the headlights. Remove headlights. Then remove intake for more access and shear bolt holding it. Remove 4 more bolts and then remove fan assembly. Marvel at how rusty the whole thing was and how much water it held.



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3 hours ago, Bren said:

I have noticed in the last few days how appallingly driven some buses are.

I thought I was over reacting until I had my wife as a passenger - even she commented.

It's as if their drivers have only just passed their test.

Nope that's how most bus steerers ( don't forget their professional drivers) move there vehicles like most nowadays they use the might is right principle.

There one of the simplest vehicles to drive once your used to the size.

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19 hours ago, Bren said:

I have noticed in the last few days how appallingly driven some buses are.

I thought I was over reacting until I had my wife as a passenger - even she commented.

It's as if their drivers have only just passed their test.

Oddly enough I have been traveling a bit by bus recently since I got my giffercard.  They offered me one twenty years ago (a mistake, probably) but it was no use to me then.

What has impressed me is the standard of driving in very difficult conditions.  Cars 'parked' everywhere, both sides of narrow roads, on corners and even in the bus stops.

And car drivers failing to give way or appreciate the busses need more room at junctions, and the absolute necessity to get past the bus regardless of other traffic, to then sit in front of it for ages.

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16 hours ago, High Jetter said:

What if it's curled up when it dies, would they get rigor too?

It was very loose and floppy, just went straight into a  purpose built hole in the ground, to feed next years flowers, which were rubbish this year.  A bit of unused council land that I have annexed.

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31 minutes ago, myglaren said:

Oddly enough I have been traveling a bit by bus recently since I got my giffercard.  They offered me one twenty years ago (a mistake, probably) but it was no use to me then.

What has impressed me is the standard of driving in very difficult conditions.  Cars 'parked' everywhere, both sides of narrow roads, on corners and even in the bus stops.

And car drivers failing to give way or appreciate the busses need more room at junctions, and the absolute necessity to get past the bus regardless of other traffic, to then sit in front of it for ages.

One reason I gave up coach driving on public roads. The sheer stupidity, arrogance and selfishness of most car drivers beggars belief sometimes. It definitely got worse after the lockdowns. I didn't need the stress, so now I drive around an airport all day watching the airplanes and people watching!

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Well very sadly we had to say goodbye to our beloved Hollie a few days ago,  what follows now is untangling the web of insursnce, vet, specialist and EOL fees.

I may have to drop the S40 for a quick sale price to cover off any invoices landing this way.

The admin bit is really shitty to have to deal with when all we want to do is mourn her loss.


She was fucking ace.

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On 7/29/2023 at 1:11 PM, chaseracer said:

You seem to be also running low on empathy and the milk of human kindness.

Not at all, give to charity that supports those in need is fine and a good thing to do , but for beggars to get mouthy at people who cannot give for whatever reason is  not on! 

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1 hour ago, purplebargeken said:

Sick of work stupids and excessive amounts of fucking rain.

I'm just sick of fucking rain, constant incessant fucking rain, its shit, its rained almost every day here since the end of June, fuck English weather and fuck the Lake District, forecast is rain for the next 3 fucking weeks too, wish I could move back to Spain (although it's too fucking hot there)

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Just now, Jazoli said:

I'm just sick of fucking rain, constant incessant fucking rain, its shit, its rained almost every day here since the end of June, fuck English weather and fuck the Lake District, forecast is rain for the next 3 fucking weeks too, wish I could move back to Spain (although it's too fucking hot there)

I feel cheated to be honest with the weather this year. 

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