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The grumpy thread


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Let us discuss the issues.


1. Junction 7 of the M56 - closed*. No warnings, no signs, no announcements on the radio. Cheers lads. Massive detour needed**, which made me....


[*Incidentally, what the fuck is wrong withe the J7 bridge now? How many goes do you incompetant bastards have to have to get it right? It's been nearly two years and it's almost always closed \ down to one lane \ in pieces \ completely closed].


2. Late for work. Cue massive bollocking.


**Please, don't forget point 1a. Massive row with meathead in Scorpio on Northenden Road. I do so love being threatened and squared up to whilst work call and bollock me for being late, on the completely horseshit pretense of you using your small boy as a reason to argue the moral high ground. Said altercation makes me even later for work.


3. Work. Everyone's got a problem. Are they fucking giving it away or something? Or are all our customers wilfully stupid? The latter.


4. Unit landlord. You can fuck right off my friend. Call me to discuss it or I'm not talking to you. Treat everyone else the same or I'm not talking to you. Stop using Mark as a mouthpiece, or I'm not talking to you. Actually, I'm too busy to give a fuck. Piss off, I'll talk to you when I have the time.


5. Revision.


6. Scroats gobbing on me from a bridge on lunch. Won't come down and give me shit though, will you? It's a good job, because GMP would be scraping you up with a trowel.


I've therefore decided that the next person who wants to physically get in my way and \ or give me attitude will get a smack in the back of the head.


And I really couldn't give a stuff if they get up again or not.

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Whats revolting peasant up to , Loads of new , mostly pointless threads

Am I missing something other than Scooters leaving :roll:

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I really think this is our darkest hour. Fortunately the world is ending shortly.

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Arrgh, this fucking seriously sucks. Scooters deleting his posts - what a waste. Trouble is, I like the way the forum is pretty much unmoderated and the last thing I would want would be for this forum to turn into Retro Rides, which is miles over the top in moderation as far as I'm concerned. I just wish people could be a bit more respectful to each other.


Other grumps:


I've hurt my back lifting shit at work. Ow.


My Austin A35 won't start, I imagine more muck has come through from the tank and blocked the fuel pump again. Unfortunately I don't feel like bending down over the engine bay skinning my knuckles while spending half an hour getting the two inaccessable bolts out.


Someone down the road has a dodgy car alarm. It's one of those that's wired into the car's horn, and it goes off at 7:30 EVERY FUCKING MORNING. Twats.


Earlier today I got shouted at by some wanker. I was coming up to a side road I needed to turn down in my large van, indicating right. The road I was on was a narrow road with cars parked all the way down the left hand side, and there was a people carrier sitting at the junction of the side road. I flashed him out (assuming he was turning right) as there was no room to swing my van round with him sat there and he puts his left indicator on and pulls out, round the corner and faces me. I wait for him to back up to let me through, nothing happens. Next thing is this meathead and his fat wife are shouting at me and gesticulating out of the window. "Well I'm not backing up with my lack of visibility" I thought (it's a 3.5 ton luton), and the next thing was this idiot drives right up to my bumper and is shouting out of the window at me. I decide to reverse, luckily there was no one behind me, and as he comes alongside my open window, he yells out "Fucking learn to drive!" :roll:

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Drunk girls and Flangebook are irritating me this morning. I honestly don't know why people have to post such inane, wittering dross every 5 minutes on there.

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I don't like to complain but, revolting peasant, is it really necessary for you to 'delete' some of your posts?


I assume its not him to have deleted them? Everything of his seems to have been?

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I think this all started to happen when Pog hit 10,000 posts, he get regenerated Logans Run stylee except without Jenny Agutter in a catsuit.

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The Management seems to have deserted the site again - and it has turned a dark corner. Pu51 / mikey threads were bad enough but the last 24 hours sucks big time. Light moderation is needed daily on here before more real members leave.

Before anyone slags me off for this I have been here for a few years as a lurker so have seen long term how great this site can be - lets get it back on track.

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I've just spent a motherfunkin 12+ hours on a stupid air conditioned coach, with only a bottle of water and a packet of 'shrimp crackers', and a mere 10 minutes interval in between to 'use my legs'. I've watched five films in a foreign language (but one was Machete) and one complete concert from artists so bland it would've put me to sleep if it weren't for the fact my arse was completely numb and I had a stabbing pain in the rest of my body. That was frigging horrific, and I've got to do the same again next week.

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Got called into the managers office at work today. Apparently someone "caught" me using the internet on one of the computers on Friday (specifically, I was on Dollywobblers thread on black mini bumpers) This particular co-worker has had an issue with me since the day I started and has always been out looking for ways to drop me in the shit. Anyway, I was on my break at the time which is perfectly allowable so there was no problem (God knows why he reported me!) except now ALL the computers have had the internet blocked. THANKS CO-WORKER.


Actually, this fella is continually slagging me off to other people, he also sets "traps" like hiding stuff so he can moan about me missing things, basically he;s a bit of a nightmare to work with. Its got to the stage where I can't take it any more- I had to leave the building for a few minutes earlier because I was so close to throttling him. I HATE PEOPLE.

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The continued incompetence of the company I work for. The main system we were supposed to use to investigate if customer's were due compensation hasn't worked for a few weeks, so their solution was to take customer's word for it. Said system is working again, yet we have been told in an email not to use it as it will fail again in the future, so if a customer write in later they may not get comp whereas we are giving it out now. I just find this attitude staggering. They are giving away thousands every day, yet no one seems worried as long as the Indian advisers hit targets.


Want some free comp? Go and find a discarded ticket, get a comp form and make up whatever delay you want.

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Want some free comp? Go and find a discarded ticket, get a comp form and make up whatever delay you want.


Will this work in Scotland?



That's the only one I know it won't work for.

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Mainly because the Scottish government refused to let said industry outsource to India..........

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That's my default setting anyway Tim! :D And it's largely due to wankers like the one you describe. They ruin things for everyone, and the only way to explain it to them is to bang their head against the nearest wall or pavement until there's nothing left but a red stain. Sadly, they don't learn from that. But as they're incapable of learning anything useful anyway, it's no loss, is it?

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Got called into the managers office at work today. Apparently someone "caught" me using the internet on one of the computers on Friday (specifically, I was on Dollywobblers thread on black mini bumpers) This particular co-worker has had an issue with me since the day I started and has always been out looking for ways to drop me in the shit. Anyway, I was on my break at the time which is perfectly allowable so there was no problem (God knows why he reported me!) except now ALL the computers have had the internet blocked. THANKS CO-WORKER.


Actually, this fella is continually slagging me off to other people, he also sets "traps" like hiding stuff so he can moan about me missing things, basically he;s a bit of a nightmare to work with. Its got to the stage where I can't take it any more- I had to leave the building for a few minutes earlier because I was so close to throttling him. I HATE PEOPLE.


Oh dear. I do love that sort of 'tar and brush' approach to management. "There I fixed it." Dot Com. Sorry my Mini porn got you in trouble!

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Carpark, 5.01 pm, anything goes.


If you're built like Dara O'Brian* with the attitude of Frankie Boyle crossed with Scrappy-Doo, then yeah, but not all of us are so blessed! So we end up just randomly hating everyone, on principle.


*I've probably spelled that wrong...

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Thought of that, but this guy is 63 so I can't really have it out with him as such, plus any confrontation would result in further "reports" being made. He's got a real reputation for being a miserable winging vile twat but you know what they say, mud sticks! I've been advised to escalate the matter and make a formal complaint. We'l see what happens! Its a great place to work at but scratch the surface and there's lots of politics flying about and I don't particularly want to rock the apple cart.


Meh, maybe 5.01 in the car park isn't such a bad idea.

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