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The grumpy thread


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No, Mr (admittedly very pleasant and polite) 'Tree Surgeon'/Tat Man, the 'van' is NOT for sale...

<immediately buys cover for Blingo and moves Zanussi up to block drive>


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3 hours ago, puddlethumper said:

P.S. It's a 305 van in case anyone doesn't know.

I might have one in my stash - the trouble is, I relocated to be with family in July and my parts collection is in Peterborough. 


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Had to go to the post office today and it was queued out of the fucking door because one person was serving.

Nul points to the skanky old bastard stood there chewing snuff with an open mouth, no mask and smacking his lips repeatedly in an otherwise silent post office.

Fucking disgusting. I'd have said something but it's not worth starting a fight over.

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today i have changed the blown o/s/f bulb in the Rover.

fucking light still doesn't work however, as i have managed to drop the new bulb into the back of the headlamp.

i then threw a massive tantrum and fucked off trying to get the bulb back or even putting the car together, cos right now i FUCKING hate the very sight of it....

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11 minutes ago, alcyonecorporation said:

I might have one in my stash - the trouble is, I relocated to be with family in July and my parts collection is in Peterborough. 


No wurries mate I found one on Ebay for 35 squids. Would be interested in any other spares you might have and be willing to part with.

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4 minutes ago, puddlethumper said:

No wurries mate I found one on Ebay for 35 squids. Would be interested in any other spares you might have and be willing to part with.

You could have had it for nothing, you gave me that rear axle after all. 

The parts I have a right mixed bag of shite - stuff like a steering column and steering wheel, the odd door card, a grille with one broken tab, quite a few wheel trims and other bits that I need like a front bumper and headlights in case I stuff my estate when it's back on the road. 

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Just now, wuvvum said:

You've changed, Jon.

You have no idea how people are going to react, especially now when everyone's pent up and pissed off. 

Having recently had two screaming matches with hair trigger psychos unable to admit that they're wrong, I'm a bit sick of being offered out by brain dead morons, so I've concluded it isn't worth the effort, even if said fuck ups are visible from space. 

I'm also shit at fighting people. 

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When I ask someone to let me know the results of their Covid test, I expect them to tell me what the outcome was, not post on their social media story about it for everyone to see and on the off chance that I might look at it.

This follows up someone else I know who I've been worrying about over another medical problem, and when I contacted them and asked about it turns out they got the results over a week ago and just didn't bother to tell me.  And, last week I also only found out that my sister is selling her flat because I happened to overhear my parents talking about it.

Why doesn't everyone just fucking admit they don't want to talk to me and don't want me in their lives?  I think I'll throw all my electronic devices away, have my eardrums removed and go and live in a coal mine, because it won't make any fucking difference to my life at the moment!

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People are on the edge right now - doesn't excuse their behaviour. 

Reducing social media usage isn't a bad thing TBH, it did me a world of good last March. 

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18 minutes ago, alcyonecorporation said:

People are on the edge right now - doesn't excuse their behaviour. 

I try and care about people and look after them when they need it, the least they could do is bother to fucking talk to me once in a while in return.

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Just now, Pieman said:

I try and care about people and look after them when they need it, the least they could do is bother to fucking talk to me once in a while in return.

I suggest a new policy: 'fuck them'. 

It is simple and very effective. 

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4 hours ago, alcyonecorporation said:

Reducing social media usage isn't a bad thing TBH, it did me a world of good last March. 

I deleted my Facebook last May and don't miss it one bit.

Everyone on Facebook has brain worms anyway.

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14 minutes ago, Rovorsche said:

Today needy mechanical things made me grumpy, but not the ones I was expecting.

In a moment of exuberance I declared "Right, I'm going out to fix the Mitsubishi but first I shall offload some of this mornings coffee..."

Having completed the task at hand I opened the bathroom door, well almost.
With a barely audible *tink* sound the door handle became entirely ornamental as handle and latch had decided on a trial separation.

I am rubbish at carpentry so I decided, after a deep breath, NOT to hulk the door off its bloody hinges as I would have to fix it.
Luckily a metal coat hanger was in there and I hooked the latch enough to get the door open.

Post Mortem: Chinesium fatigue
A door latch so cheap they wouldn't even stamp anything on it because the tinfoil they made it from is thin enough to see through.





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16 hours ago, Pieman said:

When I ask someone to let me know the results of their Covid test, I expect them to tell me what the outcome was, not post on their social media story about it for everyone to see and on the off chance that I might look at it.

This follows up someone else I know who I've been worrying about over another medical problem, and when I contacted them and asked about it turns out they got the results over a week ago and just didn't bother to tell me.  And, last week I also only found out that my sister is selling her flat because I happened to overhear my parents talking about it.

Why doesn't everyone just fucking admit they don't want to talk to me and don't want me in their lives?  I think I'll throw all my electronic devices away, have my eardrums removed and go and live in a coal mine, because it won't make any fucking difference to my life at the moment!

I got rid of Facebook a decade ago because I realised it was terrible for my mental health.  I was at Uni and a lot of social events were organised there and only there.

Quickly came to the conclusion that my actual friends had my number and would call or text me.  And guess what?  They did.  Sure I'm not always the first to know their news but when they actually do call they have something to talk about...

Don't miss it one little bit.

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18 hours ago, Pieman said:

...and go and live in a coal mine...

There aren't any left round here...

But remember: I'm in the next postcode if you need a chat and a (socially-distanced) cup of tea.  Dodgy-looking two-car meet in the car park of MaccyD's or the Trucker's Rest? 😳😄

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Boris is at it again.

Image may contain: text that says "Important Update The DVSA have updated their information with regards to private practice for Learner Drivers in England. With immediate effect you are not allowed to practise, not even during an essential journey. Please also note your car insurance may also be invalid due to these New Rules. Stay Safe. i อ GOV.UK GOV.UK Driving lessons and learning to drive"

I can drive Ben's car  with Ben in the passenger seat, but he can't drive with me in the passenger seat.  This Covid is a fucking picky bugger The learner can catch it but I can't in the same car.

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The only very iffy logic I can think for that decision is that learner drivers are more likely to crash, therefore more pressure on NHS ? Very spurious, I agree.

Otherwise, as you say, it makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

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5 minutes ago, clayts450 said:

The only very iffy logic I can think for that decision is that learner drivers are more likely to crash, therefore more pressure on NHS ? Very spurious, I agree.

Otherwise, as you say, it makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

At a guess the logic is you can't lie and say it is an essential journey if you get caught having a lesson.

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17 minutes ago, Craig the Princess said:

At a guess the logic is you can't lie and say it is an essential journey if you get caught having a lesson.

It's his escape he gets out for a hour or so. It get him out of his bedroom. What about his mental health?

He can go out on his bike, same roads. I just dosn't make sense.

Will I get a refund on his road tax and insurance, kin doubt it..


Edit I'm not having a go at you CtP,  just pissed at the situation..

Edit again this is just in England, in Scotland or wales it can continue..

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46 minutes ago, DVee8 said:


Edit I'm not having a go at you CtP,  just pissed at the situation....

Totally understandable, personally I think it is a nonsense rule if the two people are in the same household or bubble.

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I've been out teaching my daughter to drive today and will continue next week, we live in the same house and don't get out of the car and don't come into contact with anyone else, I'll be fucked if I'm not doing it as I've barely left the house all year apart from going to work.

Good thing is the roads are quiet.

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5 minutes ago, Jazoli said:

I've been out teaching my daughter to drive today and will continue next week, we live in the same house and don't get out of the car and don't come into contact with anyone else, I'll be fucked if I'm not doing it as I've barely left the house all year apart from going to work.

Good thing is the roads are quiet.

Just take the L plates off and have at it; I'd do it if I had a teenager in need of driving experience. Fucking stupid, call themselves conservatives but have morphed into the meddlesome ratbag party.

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3 hours ago, clayts450 said:

The only very iffy logic I can think for that decision is that learner drivers are more likely to crash, therefore more pressure on NHS ? Very spurious, I agree.

Otherwise, as you say, it makes no fucking sense whatsoever.

Learners are less likely to crash before they pass thier test. Coz mum or dad in co pilots seat.  We had no problem insuring the Bini Cooper for 17 year olds learning but when they passed thier tests the price went through the roof. 

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3 hours ago, DVee8 said:

Boris is at it again.

Image may contain: text that says "Important Update The DVSA have updated their information with regards to private practice for Learner Drivers in England. With immediate effect you are not allowed to practise, not even during an essential journey. Please also note your car insurance may also be invalid due to these New Rules. Stay Safe. i อ GOV.UK GOV.UK Driving lessons and learning to drive"

I can drive Ben's car  with Ben in the passenger seat, but he can't drive with me in the passenger seat.  This Covid is a fucking picky bugger The learner can catch it but I can't in the same car.

The problem I have with this is that it requires you go looking on the internet for the new rules.   What happens if you don't go looking and just assume you can drive to the shops with a learner. ?  I realise ignorance of the law is not a defence, but really they should write to everyone with a provisional licence.  And does it apply to motorcycles and mopeds? If so who is delivering pizza ? 

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2 minutes ago, Alan_Green said:

Learner driver thing looks like a hoax.  Also "practise" or "practice".

Agreed.  Where did you see that and have you checked the .gov guidance?

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