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The grumpy thread


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Twat joggers who have taken to running in the road because the path is a bit slippy.

Had near misses with two or three now! :roll:


Stupid buggers are all over the place - and here there are around 50 miles of walkways and cycle paths - one even goes to Carlisle.

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Bastard back door's frozen. Can't go out for a ciggie unless it stand outside the front like a lurking burglar.


Cheapshit plastic doors the council fitted to ours, don't like the extreme cold (the old wooden ones didn't object, and you couldn't boot them in, either), and so don't like opening when shut; or shutting when open. So it's just as well there's only a handful of people live here, and they all know that the dodgy looking bloke smoking on the doorstep probly is trying to prise the door open. But in an entirely honest way. Just to get the kettle on.

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Today was a sad day in my trucking career.


My beloved Renner Premium that I've been driving regularly for the last two years is being decommissioned and doubtlessly heading for export to Nigeria. :(


It's trim level is called Privilege and it's been a privilege to of known you. After countless trips to Coatbridge together I hope you appreciate the sunshine of Africa, after all your diff-lock never did like the snow. I only hope your new owner looks after you like I did.


God speed and have a safe journey MX 55***

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+100! Cypriots love their fogs, and there hasn't been even a wisp within 20 miles of the island in a dog's age. I just drive slower, and in the middle of the road. Well I was dazzled, officer, I couldn't see where the 1500 foot sheer drop was on my side!


One thing about having the pickup, I can meet half of them on equal terms crashwise, and most of the rest are in stupid little FWD hatchbacks, so I wouldn't even notice (apart from the sudden darkness).


Cyclists: my son-in-law is one of these who spends more on a bike than I would on a car. I'm still waiting to see his Dayglo bike. :lol: And he lives in bloody Inverness! Be Seen, Be Safe.


Warren: I feel your pain, my friend. Been there.

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Today was a sad day in my trucking career.


My beloved Renner Premium that I've been driving regularly for the last two years is being decommissioned and doubtlessly heading for export to Nigeria. :(


It's trim level is called Privilege and it's been a privilege to of known you. After countless trips to Coatbridge together I hope you appreciate the sunshine of Africa, after all your diff-lock never did like the snow. I only hope your new owner looks after you like I did.


God speed and have a safe journey MX 55***


I said the same a few years back for V956GGS - an older 420dCi Privilege I christened Kermit, on account of it being a green Frog. I was the the only bugger who'd willingly drive the cantankerous old heap. I briefly thought of buying it, but head ruled heart, thankfully. Equally thankfully, we managed to avoid Coatbridge.

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I'll keep my eyes open for it Warren, I see a lot of wagons come through the port heading to warmer climate daily.


I also saw a lorry with a 40ft container on just outside the dock tonight on the duel carriageway that had it's drivers side cab ripped off by another lorries trailer that had pulled out in front of it, That didn't look nice.


There was also a tug driver at the end of shift on the dock tonight that had another tug plough into the side of it knocking the driver out of the side window into the roadway whilst his unmanned tug carried on into a stack of containers, It wasn't very nice to see but I've heard he's ok but has a few smashed ribs.


On the plus side i had Craig Charles read my text message out on Radio 2 this afternoon!

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I've stopped shopping in Boots because of all their sexist advertising.


I stopped shopping there after working at one of thier supplying warehouses. Boots themselves had decided that it was entirely possible to for a normal order-picker person to collect 100+ items with 15-digit barcodes (which after a while leads to number blindness) in less than a few minutes.


If you didnt hit your target or made too many mistakes, you'd get ordered/pushed around like some prisoner and talked down to like shit. I mentioned this some time back when I posted about walking out and nearly twatting one of the managers who was trying to bully me + other co-workers.


Today was a sad day in my trucking career.


My beloved Renner Premium that I've been driving regularly for the last two years is being decommissioned and doubtlessly heading for export to Nigeria.


I kind of know how you feel Warren. I often grow attached to my cars, which possibly explains why I still have them all despite them being in all sort of disrepair. I keep being nagged by various family/friends into selling them but I stand my ground.

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Twat joggers who have taken to running in the road because the path is a bit slippy.

Had near misses with two or three now! :roll:


Stupid buggers are all over the place - and here there are around 50 miles of walkways and cycle paths - one even goes to Carlisle.


Run a couple of the buggers over, they'll soon get the message.

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I'm grumpy. With myself!!


Fooled into thinking the snow on our track wasn't too bad, thanks to the effortless way in which the CX managed to get up and down it, I drove the BX down to the house today after a trip into town. MISTAKE! Queue hours of trying to unstick a very stuck BX. Even the Land Rover was struggling for grip (well, when it had the weight of a BX diesel attached to it!). Horrendous. How does the CX do it? Must be magic. Eventually, a combination of behind-the-wheel/spade heroics by my wife and my newly purchased Land Rover managed to get the BX back onto the main road again. CX has now sold for £565, so let's hope that doesn't turn into another grumpy eposide. I need the money so I can tax the Landy at the end of the month!

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What the smeg is Craig Charles, of all people, doing with a Radio 2 show????????????


I suppose one scouser has to have a job.

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My first proper job driving class 1's included my very own Renault Premium. I loved it! Side shift box, easy to drive and very comfortable. Just like a massive Laguna! It was all sign written up with chrome side pipes the lot and looked the bizz. Had it for a few years then I moved jobs- It ended up written off on the M6 :( R23- RIP!


My grump for today is the fucking begging letter the DVLA have sent me to renew my photo licence. £20 down the pan. FUCK OFF!!!11!!!

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My first proper job driving class 1's included my very own Renault Premium. I loved it! Side shift box, easy to drive and very comfortable. Just like a massive Laguna! It was all sign written up with chrome side pipes the lot and looked the bizz. Had it for a few years then I moved jobs- It ended up written off on the M6 :( R23- RIP!


My grump for today is the fucking begging letter the DVLA have sent me to renew my photo licence. £20 down the pan. FUCK OFF!!!11!!!


Can we all agree that the Premium is proper truckshite?


I loved it's "proper" truck driving position with an almost horizontal dartboard sized wheel with a handy inbuilt table to write tachos on. Nowadays most drivers seem to prefer a car-like driving position with their seat reclined and the wheel at a 45 degree angle to match their frilly curtains in the window... :evil: Also the gearknob was exactly the same design as the one found in Renner cars until recently. Even the font on the guages would be familiar to anyone who has owned a 19/21/25 etc.


Mind you, my Volvo FL12 was very 760 like inside. Even down to the indicator stalks and steering wheel.

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There's water pissing down the kitchen wall when you let the water out of the bath. The leaky pipes are in the roof space above the kitchen, but the nob who built the extension didn't give any access to the roof.


My concience says I should: Cut a hole in the plasterboard ceiling, fuck about crawling through fibreglass insulation, fix whatever the problem with the pipes is, then board the ceiling back up, do my best to patch the plaster in, repaint the whole ceiling (10ft x25ft) and replace the piss wet plasterboard down the wall and paint all the kitchen walls.


Or do I just leave it a few days til someone will turn up, and use the property insurance we pay for?

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Customer: "Could you send me a brochure of your products?"

me: "certainly, can I take your address please?"

Customer: "What do you need that for?"




For fucks sake

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Can we all agree that the Premium is proper truckshite?


I loved it's "proper" truck driving position with an almost horizontal dartboard sized wheel with a handy inbuilt table to write tachos on. Nowadays most drivers seem to prefer a car-like driving position with their seat reclined and the wheel at a 45 degree angle to match their frilly curtains in the window... :evil: Also the gearknob was exactly the same design as the one found in Renner cars until recently. Even the font on the guages would be familiar to anyone who has owned a 19/21/25 etc.


Mind you, my Volvo FL12 was very 760 like inside. Even down to the indicator stalks and steering wheel.


Agreed. Don't forget the iffy seat damping, and the stupidly placed tacho drawer. And the cubbyhole just to the left of the wheel, which was perfectly sized for a 20 pack and a lighter. Top truckshite. I'd to explain that slap-thro' shift to a few drivers, who were all used to their Volvo FM's, and didn't like it. Kermit had the ZF 'box: some of the others had the Renner B9/18 'box, which caused even more hilarity/swearing (depending which side of the agency/regular drivers divide you were on).

Then there was the tipper version, with the massive water reservoir on the N/S mudwing, and the tyre inflation points. Very handy in the Sahara I dare say; a bit OTT on a bing in Falkirk...!

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Two weeks ago my Mother fell over and hurt her hip , had an xray but found nothing and sent home , shes been in pain since then and today feinted and fell on the same hip , now in A @E and in agony waiting for another xray and will almost certainly spend christmas day in hospital with a possible fractured hip , shes over 70 now and has high blood pressure as well

Looks like christmas day will be spent visiting her in hospital with pops doing his nut :roll:

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Two weeks ago my Mother fell over and hurt her hip , had an xray but found nothing and sent home , shes been in pain since then and today feinted and fell on the same hip , now in A @E and in agony waiting for another xray and will almost certainly spend christmas day in hospital with a possible fractured hip , shes over 70 now and has high blood pressure as well

Looks like christmas day will be spent visiting her in hospital with pops doing his nut :roll:


What a bugger! Thank goodness for the dedication of NHS staff who work the Christmas shift.

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