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The grumpy thread


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12hr shifts are unremittingly grim; even with a good night's(well, day's as it was a nightshift) rest I was generally starting to nod by the end.


Just over half an hour left and I've lost count of how many cups of coffee I've had today. Just finished one and I'm still nodding.


I get lots of time off between shifts, though. Job-hunting time!

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Opie Oils, shower of bastards. They said 2 weeks ago that the oil I ordered was out of stock but would be in next (now last) week and did I want to wait or get a refund. No bother to wait said I as it only looks like a few days delay. Roll forward to yesterday when I ask for an update, to be given a vague answer of "as soon as possible". I replied saying that's a bit vague and 'Samuel' retorted that I hadn't asked for a date in my last email. When I said ok please give me a specific date since you appear to have a one in mind, he gave me the same "as soon as possible".


There's no hurry but I canny stand an obtuse bellend.

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Bastard BMW keys. Bastards!....


I mean really.


A couple of years ago I picked up a Diamond-shaped BMW key identical to mine off the bed of an old car-transporter trailer. I thought I could gut the scrap key to repair my own key. Turns out it's a bit harder than I thought.


The transponder bit is wrapped in copper wiring, easy enough to remove no worries. Unfortunately, the copper wiring in the scrap key has snapped in a tight place where it is supposed to be held in. I could try and shove a bit of wiring on there but knce the key is back together the chances of it coming loose is too high.





The reason for the failure is the battery track which conducts the leccy between battery and board has snapped.


Everywhere it's £30 to get the key sorted, £25 more than I usually have. I am getting fed up this. Plus the BMW now just opens all windows when I use the remote on the other key.

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Something fishy is going on here but I can’t work out what....

A customer has a bill from December 2017 for £600 ish that they ignore and pay at the start of May 2018.

More work received from them in May, June, and July 2018 for £500. They have not paid these bills yet.


Roll on to this month, and more work arrives for £300 ish.

We don’t do the work as the previous three months bills are not paid.

We sit on the work until he phones up asking about it.


Says, ok sorry send me the invoices again and I’ll pay.


Yesterday says he’s paid can we do the work.

Ok, no problem.


Today though, they say they paid the 2017 bill twice in May 2018 and so are in credit.


I’ve not had chance to check the bank statements yet, but our excell spreadsheet shows two payments against the same invoice. It wouldn’t have been flagged by the accountant as one was at the start of May and the other the 31st which would have gone into this year’s accounts.


But why didn’t they query it at the time, or in the last twelve months?



Sorry if the answer is obvious, but we’re naive and trusting.

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Bastard BMW keys. Bastards!....


I mean really.


A couple of years ago I picked up a Diamond-shaped BMW key identical to mine off the bed of an old car-transporter trailer. I thought I could gut the scrap key to repair my own key. Turns out it's a bit harder than I thought.


The transponder bit is wrapped in copper wiring, easy enough to remove no worries. Unfortunately, the copper wiring in the scrap key has snapped in a tight place where it is supposed to be held in. I could try and shove a bit of wiring on there but knce the key is back together the chances of it coming loose is too high.





The reason for the failure is the battery track which conducts the leccy between battery and board has snapped.


Everywhere it's £30 to get the key sorted, £25 more than I usually have. I am getting fed up this. Plus the BMW now just opens all windows when I use the remote on the other key.


Had all this a few years ago when all windows came down and the door lock barrel fell into a 100 pieces on my 330ci, had all that done then got rid.  The E46 was a slight disappointment and this was my final straw.   Stick to Rover's, better cars  8)

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12hr shifts are unremittingly grim; even with a good night's(well, day's as it was a nightshift) rest I was generally starting to nod by the end.

I worked security [aye, with the Officer Dibble cap!] with 24hr rota.

However it was 14Hnights or 10Hdays... Frankly a night is $hite anyway but we all preferred the 10hr days option as it made life 'almost normal' :/


I soon shifted to something better & the rota was being changed to straight 12/12 (no consultation.. Eh?)

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DVLA have decided to review my medical condition (yet again) as I've moved house.


Followed the instructions that the bloke on the phone gave me to do, paid the £20 fee as mislaid the license.


Why do they need to review my medical condition with a house move?


I've been reapplying for my HGV since December 2017, my GP and consultant have both cleared me to drive HGV since January 2018. Why is this taking so fucking long?


Official complaints procedure is now underway

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A rather petty grump, but I have been getting oddly enraged by the self-service tills at Poundland, which are currently voiced by the world's most irritating child, making stupid unfunny easter jokes* over and over and fucking over.  It must drive the staff absolutely mental - I'm only in the shop for a few minutes at a time and even then I find myself wanting to slap the annoying little shit.  I thought they'd hit rock bottom when they had "Santa" doing the voice at Christmas, but this is whole orders of magnitude worse.

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I've stopped going to Poundland because of them.  It was quite amusing when they had the Elvis but not for long.   What gets me is that they deploy staff to "help" shoppers at the self-service - why not just man the fucking tills?   

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Bought a new laptop for my son, Hermes just delivered.

He asked me to set it up for him.

He's in bed in his own house (works nights)

Bloody Cortana wants his email address and password.

Address no problem but I don't have his password.

Can't continue without it.  What a pile of shite.

Give me Linux any day - I'd have been finished ages ago.

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Someone has the day off, so we're heading up the a180 to Scunthorpe to look at wallpaper.




Sent from my VFD 710 using Tapatalk

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The house a couple of doors down suddenly developed scaffolding, on a Saturday.

Nothing happened for a couple of days but it was "to have the guttering fixed" according to the grapevine.


Then a couple of blokes appeared with grinders and proceeded to saw a foot off his house on three sides.

Although not much of it went in the skip, the grinders seem to have reduced the concrete gutters to particulate matter, which on a windy day covered every car in the street.


One of mine being the closest bore the brunt of these grunting fuckwitts endeavours.

Rather than phone the DVLA and notify them of a change in vehicle colour I moved it to the drive and fired up the Karcher, job done beer time!

About an hour later I looked out of the window.

The car had dried but was still Grey instead of metallic black so it was time change to the Karcher jet that does not mess about, I destroyed a fence panel with this one.

This will have that shit off?


No, if fucking didnt.


An hour later it was a reluctant use of much hot soapy water on a car covered in grinding paste to finally shift the last of it.

I have no idea what magical vodoo was in this concrete that made it resist a jetwash, in hindsight I'm hoping it isnt asbestos.


After an exchange of words one of the Grinder heros offered to pay for a car wash if he could get a receipt then they buggered off in their plain white van, taking their sign on the scaffolding with them.


However Trent Valley Fascias, you are still cunts of the highest order.

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Bought a new laptop for my son, Hermes just delivered.

He asked me to set it up for him.

He's in bed in his own house (works nights)

Bloody Cortana wants his email address and password.

Address no problem but I don't have his password.

Can't continue without it.  What a pile of shite.

Give me Linux any day - I'd have been finished ages ago.


Could you set it up with your account then switch it to his later on?

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Sounds like they could be due a visit from H&S. They love a bit of dust surprsssion (or lack of) nowadays.

I wonder if they carefully wrapped and arranged separate disposal of the Asbestos down pipes ?


Or did they simply fuck those off with the grinder and bury them in the bottom of the skip......

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Could you set it up with your account then switch it to his later on?

Possibly but knowing Microsoft it could go very badly, not worth the risk.


I suppose it isn't too bad as delivery wasn't expected until next month (his birthday) so it won't kill him to wait a day.

Just damned frustrating.

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Plumb it in with a new account then switch it to a local account (presuming windows 10)

No, not going to risk that.

I have had hardly anything to do with Windows since 7 came out so I am not comfortable with it.

Despised it before 7 and anything newer is worse so to hell with it until he shows his face.

I can do it while he's at work and it will be ready for morning.

I need him to revive his Gmail account to so he can have access to Google Drive/docs.

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