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The grumpy thread


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That Decathlon is a fun* place. Once spent three quarters of an hour in there arguing with the staff about their definitions of 'faulty' and 'fit for purpose'.


Reminds me of being in Asda Hulme and seeing a woman berate the staff because they don't put carrier bags on the self serve tills any more and you have to ask for them. She snatched a load of them and stormed out. Yay shoplifting.

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That cloning tale is a sodding nightmare! I'd have gone apoplectic with that mess...……… I've found they're no better with stolen/recovered updates either.


Old mans SRI was stolen ……. I put the word out with old friends and we got it back 3days later (guy who nicked it was later done for 4murders but that's another story) so all good. Couple of locks damaged and wiring a mess, soon sorted….. fast forward 6+mths and I decided I'd fly in - use the SRI as pops was rolling around in a new fleet car.

Early Friday morning - lit up and pulled over. thought nothing of it and talked quite happily - yes, it WAS stolen over 6mths ago, now of course not! We got it back after just 3days.

Not good enough - computer says no!

Aside* - my name is the same as that of my cousin - who is a known dealer, pimp and allround psycho! So when I gave my name I was rugby tackled and pinned down. Back-up called…

Back-up consisted of an old RAF colleague… Great thinks I, a known friend who can vouch I'm not the loony tunes cousin. He did, but arresting officer says NO!

Cuffed and read my rights (after I'd reminded arresting officer) - into back of car.

Pops was on a mobile job touring sites and didn't get reception in a lot of the buildings.... and didn't pick up the answerphone message until almost end of day. Thought it ws a wind up!

Eventually - plod friend checked on me at end of day, called my mum - who convinced dad I was actually, really, in the cells………

I got out just before I was carted off to Durham jail for the weekend for an appearance before court Monday morning for theft of a motor vehicle that wasn't stolen and belonged to my dad.

Still - it's something to tell the grandkids…..


Other life stories include dad being interviewed 3times as Yorkshire Ripper suspect - and he WAS a doppelganger for Sutcliffe I must say

plus - 24yr Gay lover of my great uncle revealing his existence at said uncles funeral! Uncles wife was a bit surprised!


I couldn't make this shit up...… I think it's the only reason I have friends - I keep them enthralled!

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But the plans were on display…”


“On display? I eventually had to go down to the cellar to find them.”


“That’s the display department.”


“With a flashlight.”


“Ah, well, the lights had probably gone.”


“So had the stairs.”


“But look, you found the notice, didn’t you?”


“Yes,” said Arthur, “yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying ‘Beware of the Leopard.

I think that the answer you are looking for is ...

















Fan. Lol

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Wow. A young couple dropped my wallet off this evening, completely intact. Seems that it was dropped outside a restaurant further down the Hertford Road. 


It wasn't the same couple that I suspect lifted it in the first instance. I suspect that the lack of actual cash and the almost immediately cancelled cards was a disappointment to the pick pockets. I was very grateful to get it back and it does show that there are some nice folk in this shit hole of a place. 

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So fluffing fed up of the impatience of drivers down here.


In the space of twenty minutes this afternoon I had the horn, flashing lights and shouted obscenities (one of whom followed me off the roundabout to deliver said shouting), all because I maybe delayed them by 0.03 seconds on their way around the roundabout.


It's a flipping two and a half tonne van with a 2.3 N/A diesel engine...it takes time to get moving from a dead stop. I'm moving as bloody fast as I can!


On the same note... wouldn't have needed to stop on any aside from one occasion if the folks in front of me were looking more than six inches in front of their bonnets and unnecessarily stopped at a completely clear roundabout.


I really bloody look forward to the time we can move back north.


Oh...and I really need to fit a better horn in the van, the standard one is pathetic. Might well buy two...the Invacar is getting about the most powerful air horn I can reasonably fit. Tiny car means I need to have the ability to warn that bus that he's about to run me over...

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Reckon it's just been a day for it.  I'm not sure why folks tailgate and drive more aggressively when the weather conditions are worse, but they do.  Magic brake lights still do the trick on the Princess, It's amazing how far people back off when I use them after trying to get in the back seat for a while.  Not in a brake-checky way either, just a normal slowing-down-for-junctions way.  Lights come on, tailgater seems to slam on the anchors to increase the distance.  They don't come back either, they stay well back.  I'll have to see if I can get Mike to drive the Princess with me following in another car so I can see what all the fuss is about, the brake lights must be seriously bright when they come on and make it look like I'm doing an emergency stop or something.

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A quote from "The Hunt for the 60s' Ripper" by Robin Jarossi


"How long had she been in the car park, a chaotic jumble of Minis, Bentleys, Oxford Morrises and other top models of the fifties and sixties?"


Will it prove as popular as the Robin Reliant?

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Third year uni is just too much for me. I don't have a clue what I'm doing and it's stressing me out. Its all time I could be in work and it's impacting every part of my life. As a result I'm constantly on my own, broke as I've no time to make money and don't have enough loan, and whenever I try to work I don't know where to start.


It's made me realise I've been waiting several months for counselling on the local services now and they haven't got back to me. I've had to stop taking my meds too as when I do take them now I keep passing out every time I tried to get out of bed, and spacing out for the rest of the day.

I'd go through the university but I tried that in second year and I didn't get past an initial assessment as trying to talk to them was like trying to talk to a brick wall.


I suppose it doesn't help that I live so far from uni and need a job to keep myself going, yet between that and uni I don't have the time and financial stability to keep afloat. I can't stop working but I can't forego uni and it just leaves me confused.

I think I'd rather work, the sense of freedom is fulfilling. I'd feel bad for not graduating but I'm not sure I actually can.


I just feel I'm letting people down and I don't know what the right thing to do is. Societal norms are just brainwashing bullshit, but at the same time my mind is at odds with itself.

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Third year uni is just too much for me. I don't have a clue what I'm doing and it's stressing me out. Its all time I could be in work and it's impacting every part of my life. As a result I'm constantly on my own, broke as I've no time to make money and don't have enough loan, and whenever I try to work I don't know where to start.


It's made me realise I've been waiting several months for counselling on the local services now and they haven't got back to me. I've had to stop taking my meds too as when I do take them now I keep passing out every time I tried to get out of bed, and spacing out for the rest of the day.

I'd go through the university but I tried that in second year and I didn't get past an initial assessment as trying to talk to them was like trying to talk to a brick wall.


I suppose it doesn't help that I live so far from uni and need a job to keep myself going, yet between that and uni I don't have the time and financial stability to keep afloat. I can't stop working but I can't forego uni and it just leaves me confused.

I think I'd rather work, the sense of freedom is fulfilling. I'd feel bad for not graduating but I'm not sure I actually can.


I just feel I'm letting people down and I don't know what the right thing to do is. Societal norms are just brainwashing bullshit, but at the same time my mind is at odds with itself.

Fuck me. Go and see your tutor. Tell him the new profit of doom said that the university has a clear duty of care to look after it's students mental health, and you need some support here


Remind us what you are studying and why ?


We encouraged our kids not to work during university. In my opinion if you are doing a full time course it should be full time and if you aren't spending 40 hours a week living your subject, then it's not full time.

I might be over egging the mental health issues now I read your post again.

Sometimes you need to look at the bigger picture. Your job? That's delivering food?

Picture yourself in 10 years time? Where do you want to be? How do you get there? Is it delivering food or by having a degree and using it (some degrees still open doors - others Meh)


Maybe take a year out ??

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So fluffing fed up of the impatience of drivers down here.


In the space of twenty minutes this afternoon I had the horn, flashing lights and shouted obscenities (one of whom followed me off the roundabout to deliver said shouting), all because I maybe delayed them by 0.03 seconds on their way around the roundabout.


It's a flipping two and a half tonne van with a 2.3 N/A diesel engine...it takes time to get moving from a dead stop. I'm moving as bloody fast as I can!


On the same note... wouldn't have needed to stop on any aside from one occasion if the folks in front of me were looking more than six inches in front of their bonnets and unnecessarily stopped at a completely clear roundabout.


I really bloody look forward to the time we can move back north.


Oh...and I really need to fit a better horn in the van, the standard one is pathetic. Might well buy two...the Invacar is getting about the most powerful air horn I can reasonably fit. Tiny car means I need to have the ability to warn that bus that he's about to run me over...

Moving North ain't going to change anything.

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Third year uni is just too much for me. I don't have a clue what I'm doing and it's stressing me out. Its all time I could be in work and it's impacting every part of my life. As a result I'm constantly on my own, broke as I've no time to make money and don't have enough loan, and whenever I try to work I don't know where to start.


It's made me realise I've been waiting several months for counselling on the local services now and they haven't got back to me. I've had to stop taking my meds too as when I do take them now I keep passing out every time I tried to get out of bed, and spacing out for the rest of the day.

I'd go through the university but I tried that in second year and I didn't get past an initial assessment as trying to talk to them was like trying to talk to a brick wall.


I suppose it doesn't help that I live so far from uni and need a job to keep myself going, yet between that and uni I don't have the time and financial stability to keep afloat. I can't stop working but I can't forego uni and it just leaves me confused.

I think I'd rather work, the sense of freedom is fulfilling. I'd feel bad for not graduating but I'm not sure I actually can.


I just feel I'm letting people down and I don't know what the right thing to do is. Societal norms are just brainwashing bullshit, but at the same time my mind is at odds with itself.

I dropped out of uni after the second year. If I'm honest my grades at A-level meant I shouldn't have been there. If I'm even more honest I'd have been ok if I'd put enough (read any more that the tiniest amount of) work in.


But it is a difficult transition to work unless you have something good to go to. Thinking that you are a failure while your mates are still studying while doing agency temp work if they want you, still having no money was a bit of a head fuck for me.


I think seeing your tutor is good advice, presumably you are paying £9,000 for their services so you shouldn't feel bad about using them.

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Go and speak to your tutor, Ghosty.  And if you need to rant about anything, Autoshite is always here!  PM me, if you like... even though you don't know me from Adam...!

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Difficult choices ahead but as others have said, seeing your tutor has to be the most sensible step forward.


Study is always available in one form or the other. 

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There's some fantastic advice in here, Ghosty.


Ask yourself these questions. What do you want to do when you're a so called "grown up" and is there more than one path to it? I know far too many people who go to university for the very reason that they still hadn't worked out what they wanted to 'be'. I was fortunate in that I had a very clear idea, knew I could do it without formal education, and sacked my A-levels off after 3 months and went for it.


Granted, things have changed a bit in 15 years - but not as much as academic folks will suggest. In fact, there are arguably more opportunities for 'work placements' and 'apprenticeships'now than in 2001. I had to convince two companies that I'd work for them for relatively little in order to gain experience. By 21, I was 3 years ahead of my chums who'd been to big school.


So. Work it out, if you can. Qualifications help - but so does being a decent person, being smart, being polite, being prompt, being helpful and being available.


As my old dear always says - "There's more than one way to skin a cat".

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I'll be controversial.... qualifications, whilst vital for some roles (depends what you want to do long term, obviously essential if you want to be a doctor etc!), for the most part are overrated and borderline meaningless.


Don't go into further education thinking you'll walk out with a qualification into a great paid job, it rarely works like that.


Companies tend to (over)value experience, they'd rather take on someone who'd done a similar job fairly averagely or even fairly poorly for 10 years than someone fresh out of Uni who might be brilliant...they aren't a known quantity and don't want to deal with "Upstarts".


Chances are, you'll end up with qualifications, in a job at the exact same level as someone without the qualifications and basically be proving yourself all over again alongside them. They might help you get up the ladder a bit faster once you're on it and have relevant experience, but by that point, the person without the same qualifications also has experience and if they've proven to be adaptable, good learners and generally a good person too, they're just as likely to succeed (again, depending on the profession).

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^^^ My experience of working with recent graduates is most of them can't wipe their own arse yet think they know how to run the world. Some turn out good, but as Mrcento said, most need to start at the bottom anyway.


Having said that, I'd like to do a degree, but not in what I do for work. In something I enjoy such as British history.


So yeah, uni if you want to learn the stuff you are doing but not just because of the myth it lets you start life as a higher rate tax payer.

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Our eldest had the same sort of problem in his last year;


He was in the Artic Circle as part of his course and 24 hour nights and food prices where the equivalent of a tin of beans is £4 didn't help - needless to say there were no part time jobs so he couldn't supplement his grant.


He went to his tutor and found him a great help - they're used to it as most students have doubts at some time or another.


I think part of it was being able to talk about it face to face with someone - we'd regularly Skype with him but it's not the same.


Good Luck!

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I have it on good authority it's much overrated, especially in winter and you have to climb up a telescope mast to clear the ice off it. .


You can see fuck all, it's god knows how many degrees below freezing and you have to keep an eye out for marauding Polar Bears.


I suppose if you're into winter sports its heaven but he wasn't , especially after the survival training they all had to go through which included being thrown into the sea.

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Third year uni is just too much for me. I don't have a clue what I'm doing and it's stressing me out. Its all time I could be in work and it's impacting every part of my life. As a result I'm constantly on my own, broke as I've no time to make money and don't have enough loan, and whenever I try to work I don't know where to start.


It's made me realise I've been waiting several months for counselling on the local services now and they haven't got back to me. I've had to stop taking my meds too as when I do take them now I keep passing out every time I tried to get out of bed, and spacing out for the rest of the day.

I'd go through the university but I tried that in second year and I didn't get past an initial assessment as trying to talk to them was like trying to talk to a brick wall.


I suppose it doesn't help that I live so far from uni and need a job to keep myself going, yet between that and uni I don't have the time and financial stability to keep afloat. I can't stop working but I can't forego uni and it just leaves me confused.

I think I'd rather work, the sense of freedom is fulfilling. I'd feel bad for not graduating but I'm not sure I actually can.


I just feel I'm letting people down and I don't know what the right thing to do is. Societal norms are just brainwashing bullshit, but at the same time my mind is at odds with itself.

Iirc you're doing a Computing type degree?


The last year in my degree (Robotics if you're interested) was and is the toughest year of my life. Even after a decade later I still occasionally wake up in a cold sweat and panic that it's assignment hand in day but I've forgotten to even start something.


If you're struggling, get help. I've been on both sides of the fence, learning and then later lecturing. Most universities have a good support network. Most lectures as well are more than happy to give extra help in work that you're struggling on.


To get to the third year by passing your previous years, you must know something about what your doing though. This year may be tough, but then if it wasn't, you wouldn't be learning. You may get some bits but other bits will be a struggle to learn. Those bits you will just have to keep grinding away at until you eventually get there.


If you do want to get into anything IT based and especially software engineering, you do really need a degree in most jobs. There will always be people that don't of course, but until you get experience it will be bloody difficult. After you get a decade or more experience, a degree becomes pretty meaningless. However after speaking to others who haven't got a degree (and a fair bit older), they still find that they're looked over for positions against others with degrees.


If you enjoy the IT industry it can reward pretty well. Software in particular you can be earning 20-30k just after graduation, 30k-40k with a few years experience and once you get nearly to a decade (in a region of the country that has plentiful of software jobs) it's not unreasonable to expect 40k-60k+. Or go contracting and expect £350+ a day. Plenty enough for buying all the rusty, old British cars you can fit on your drive or oddly coloured German SUVs...


If you don't like the IT industry, still crack on with your degree. You've spent a lot getting to this stage, so you might as well grin and bare it to get that final bit of paper. A very good mate who was in the same course as me got to the end of second year and decided that he chose the wrong degree. I helped him a lot to get through his final year. After a year bumming around on crap jobs, he went off to do his masters in product design. He now earns similar to me, living in Devon and designing paddle boards for a living.

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Come on Ghosty, I've got a degree.


Don't let an old twat like me beat you!


And remember, the most interesting folk get either a first or a third.

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SiC is spot on - it is difficult (but not impossible) to get into IT without a degree. You would be starting very low down the pecking order and find it difficult to progress. My final year was stupidly difficult too.


I went into a £30k graduate job, £50k three years off program (so 5 years in) and I’m now contracting.

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I will echo above Ghosty.


I work as lecturer, one of the areas that has money pulled from it is mental health provision. Saying that if you are really struggling you will be surprised at how much can be done.


We have hardship funds, extra bursaries including covering travel costs for those students in need. These get unlocked if people come to us with issues.


Level 6 is hard and rightly so - it is a big step up from level 5 with more expectations of reading and less direction from lecturers. If you have had time out it is doubly hard as you have to get back in the groove of studying.


The first semester is the hardest - but keep going.


My advice to students in that situation :


1) go book appointment with your personal tutor and explain it all. You may need to agree a study plan to give yourself more space and time


2) go see disability service if you think you will qualify - they can unlock extra help - tell them you are on meds


3) see student services - they should have access to mental health support


4) see what the student union has to offer - these are more and more taking over some of the essential services


5) look up bursaries that are available in your local are and at the university - you will be surprised how much money can be accessed


6) don't just drop out - if it is too much - ask for suspension of study - that gives you options including moving to different university closer to you or go back to study later on in life.


As people said degrees aren't everything, but are a starting point.


What you do in your dissertation is actually more important often than your subject area.


If I can help them feel free to PM me.

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^^^ My experience of working with recent graduates is most of them can't wipe their own arse yet think they know how to run the world. Some turn out good, but as Mrcento said, most need to start at the bottom anyway.


Having said that, I'd like to do a degree, but not in what I do for work. In something I enjoy such as British history.


So yeah, uni if you want to learn the stuff you are doing but not just because of the myth it lets you start life as a higher rate tax payer.

I can't remember why I did my degeee, but after 30 years in Manufacturing Industry it's kept me solvent and frustrated at the same time.

Basically I hate work.

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