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The grumpy thread

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The moderation of it is a total fucking joke.


Yeah?  Fucking deal with it...  ;)


I hope Dave Numbers comes back, he has posted some good stuff and as previously mentioned his DIY head skim with wet and dry paper and a sheet of glass was hugely inspirational.


And I didn't think the threads in question were particularly contentious. One ten minute trip with a London cab driver would have contained much more controversy on the death penalty and Politics than we had in the threads but I respect the mods decision. Maybe both had the potential to turn nasty so perhaps it was merely sensible preventative maintenance?

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They were already turning nasty and the arguments had been made (and remade).

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I don't get it. It's been said loads of times 'if you don't like it don't read it' but still people go into threads they know they're going to have an issue with, get I'm a mood, either with the content or certain posters, then they sod off.


What are we meant to do or can do to stop that other than closing/banning certain topics or closing the open section entirely.


Personally I don't think that either should happen. We're meant to be adults. We don't have to agree on anything and always felt part of the appeal of this site was that we could be open with each other, ask anything about anything and get a reasonable answer or the piss taken but there was an understanding that underneath we were all on the same side.


Lately this hasn't been happening. Why I don't know. Some people says it's the ones that don't post about our cars but what if we've nothing to post about our cars?


For example on a personal level. It's winter my 950 hasn't moved in a week and when it does it'll be a bit jumpy but then as good as always. The Frontera has shitty mpg but just keeps going with no work needed and the ST is a modern can't keep a thread going with that.


What's the answer then? I don't know, I do know though that flounceing off isn't it.

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You dish it out, be prepared to take it.

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I'm more than prepared to take it.


The point I was making - and I really didn't expect to have to explain it - is that your response simply proved my original point.


Not only that, there was no justification - not that there needs to be - for closing the threads, nor any explanation why the "Cars and girls" thread is immune.



Please don't turn this thread into a personal argument. Lol I tried that the other week when someone got on my tits and I had to apologise to everyone the next day :-)


Oh, the irony. How many times is it now that you've flounced - remind me? And yet, sadly, you're still here.

Mostly just to annoy you.


Suck me beautiful.


I never understood why more people don't just ignore threads they don't like instead of deliberately reading them & becoming angry.

Or maybe just let people be adults and if they see something that they disagree with then understand that everybody is entitled to have a different opinion?

RIP free speech.


RIP davenumbers. Another good contributor gone


A great forum; sullied by some seriously mouthy cunts


If they behave the same way in real life, those that have to deal with them must live in constant rapture*

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So I'm grumpy as fuck right now. Last week they asked us to work this coming sunday to which I said I was unavailable. Yesterday morning I get called into the office and get the boss screaming in my face and threatened with being sacked immediately. Now, I know he can't do that but 'cos I'm a fucking wimp I folded and said Id go in but right now I'm fucking furious with myself. I really need to stay in this job, if only to finish my NVQ which will open up innumerable doors and basically double my wage, but I don't think I could look myself in the eye knowing I let that old bastard bully me into doing something I had every right to decline. 


I could simply not show-up on sunday, which would feel fucking fantastic and screw the job completely as I have the keys to the site but it could jeopardise everything I've worked for these past 5 years and invested nearly £5000 in to, and cost me what is 99% of the time a very good job. But it would also mean I'm basically a fucking coward who is unable to stand-up for himself. 


I suggest you go in on Sunday, you've got bigger fish to fry. I'm happy to ring the cunt if you like and tell him his fucking fortune...

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Bosses are like that, it's normal.  It isn't even a recent thing, it's something that's always been the same and always will, simply because they know they can.  I've had a couple of chunks of it this week, including today, to balance having last weekend off (Friday, Saturday, Monday) to see my grandsons in Inverness.


Do you have an HR department or is it a small company where your Boss is the entire operations department?


Seriously Rusty, keep your eye on the main objective and the main prize. Being smart and doing the right thing sometimes may involve swallowing your pride but it doesn't change who you are.


And I will ring the cunt if you want!

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I've said this all before but another forum I'm on has a similar section to the open forums. To prevent problems they have a set of rules. If you break those rules then you gain warning points.


When that happens you can't post on that forum for a short period (couple of days). This allows people to cool down, prevent snap replies and prevents things getting out of hand.


Too many points and you loose access to post at all. You need a minimum of 50 posts before you can post on the forum to prevent multiple accounts being made to circumvent this restriction.


Warning points can be appealed on an open forum if you feel it was not fair.


Generally seems to work well. Especially considering its a huge (millions of users) forum covering very wide type of people from around the world.


Overall rules for this forum are here:


Main content rules:


Special rules for the open style forum:



Ones that seem to have the most effect are no personal attacks, no trolling, no deliberate posting of content to intentionally annoy, no provocation and no racism.


I think if something similar was implemented, moderation would go up initially but then settle back down soon enough. It will also allow the good discussions to go ahead without the flammable threads that happen.


I often have a browse of the threads on there and occasionally post on one at the start but see it get out of hand and abort out of it. It gets very ugly and not pretty quickly at times.

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Unless the rules are not having a different opinion to the moderation team, none were broken.


If anything in those two threads were enough to warrant someone having a breakdown and flouncing off then I really fear for their ability to cope out in the real world

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I've always thought that being a football manager must be one of the most frustrating jobs in the world.  You're doing a stressful job which is very much in the public eye, and which every fat middle-aged bloke in every pub in Britain could do a whole lot better than you, and isn't afraid to let it be known.


I imagine being a moderator on this forum is quite similar, except without the money.


In the 9 years of being on this forum if there's one thing I've learnt and that's to keep well out of any political, religion or "racey" kind of threads and just stick to car ones as there's too many people on here with strong views and personalities who have always got something to say which will end up in a shitstorm.

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Regarding that... I've been saying for years that I should be England football manger.  Two years fixed term, five million flat fee, totally free hand with total authority.  There'd be some changes!

And I know zip about football.  Or management.

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Unless the rules are not having a different opinion to the moderation team, none were broken.


If anything in those two threads were enough to warrant someone having a breakdown and flouncing off then I really fear for their ability to cope out in the real world

The only so called "ad hominem" attack I saw was Sheefag's (why is it always Sheefag?) absolutely disgusting, vile, despicable and unnecessarily accurate insulting description of .......er..... Sheefag.


Piece of nonsense.


Regarding that... I've been saying for years that I should be England football manger. Two years fixed term, five million flat fee, totally free hand with total authority. There'd be some changes!

And I know zip about football. Or management.

Team coach choice will be very interesting :-)


Plus half time pies will be well catered for.


I seriously think I am suffering with some form of car key related dementia. 


The Galaxy keys were in the top drawer of my desk. They aren't there, but there are two Ford keys in the boot of the i10. I hope it's them and not the keys from my friends scrapped Mondeo.


I can't find the main key for the R75 but thankfully there was a spare. Fuck knows where that has gone.


This is getting silly now, especially after today's i10 fiasco


I've always thought that being a football manager must be one of the most frustrating jobs in the world. You're doing a stressful job which is very much in the public eye, and which every fat middle-aged bloke in every pub in Britain could do a whole lot better than you, and isn't afraid to let it be known.


I imagine being a moderator on this forum is quite similar, except without the money.

Football managers aren't hired to delete threads about selling ugg boots or viagra. Mind you moderators aren't supposed to censor according to their own political or social beliefs.
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I think you are missing a "n't" in your last sentence.


I think you are missing a "n't" in your last sentence.

Edited. I blame fat fingers.


CHECK THAT OUT !  The power of internet tips ! Rub in lots of talcum powder to oil stain ..both sides with a toothbrush ..Apparently bi carb of soda works too , I've worn them all day , I will see what they're like after another wash..hopefully not " car clothes " just yet , they're only a week old . 








Oh God what have I missed!


Glad you fixed your trousers though Christine!

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