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The grumpy thread


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FFS I reserved an 11mm flare nut spanner at halfords to do my height corrector, reading the guide I need an 8mm... halfords only go down to 9mm, and I don't know where else I can get one from that won't be made of chocolate at this short notice bar the internet. Will try the old school DIY place in town at lunch I think, but they probably only sell chocolate ones too, and I have enough of those.


Don't really want to use mole grips on the unions...

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My wife told me a truly harrowing tale yesterday.


We're both fairly dependent on coffee, and in the brief pause between trains at Norwich Station she took a chance on a brew from the 'Pumpkin' dispensary on the platform - we'd done so before in Colchester once and found it adequate.


Taking no chances in avoiding a hopelessly weak beverage, she requested a regular Black Americano with an extra shot. The Barista took her money and made a start, set things up, put both shots in and topped it up with a nice crema appearing at the top of the brew. He then had to suddenly leave, and my wife's coffee-to-be was left sitting under the high pressure nozzle for a period of time.


Until a second, lady Barista arrived. She spotted the drink under the nozzle, looked around and saw my wife as the sole customer and deduced that the drink was hers. She then took the brim-full coffee from the machine, proceeded to tip almost an inch of it away and asked "Do you want milk?".


"Black, please."


With the cup now looking rather less than generously filled, she took it back to the machine and topped it back up with hot water, thus taking it from double-shot strength to less than even single-shot.


By now my wife's train was waiting at the platform and there was no time to protest, so she politely took her cup of pisswater away and consumed it under a dark cloud.

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Phone decided to be an arsehole. Didn't want to charge and today its formatted itself and the memory card. Lost photos and videos of my son that cannot be replaced

:-( bad news. I back my stuff like that up onto dropbox. Sometimes stuff can still be retrived from memory cards.

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Yea he has an android phone. The memory card hope will only work if you have the camera set to use external storage, I have to set mine up... although it shouldn't have formatted the memory card, mine never does when I wipe storage to install a new rom, just the phones internal storage. Could it have just wiped the cache, davlik and re-installed android? Or can you not see anything in the gallery?

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I was channel surfing a bit last night on TV and stumbled across that daft american bint with the massive arse who is married to that gobshite "musician" who thinks he is god or summat. I cant even bring myself to say their names. Anyway the only bit of dialogue I heard was. "Oh my god, I have been spending so much on shopping recently I don't think I will be able to afford to move house" Que dramatic music.


Now my grumpiness is 3 fold:

  1. How the hell are these vile human beings on TV in the first place?
  2. Why do people have an interest in watching this tedious, boring, over dramatic, pointless bollocks? (probably explains point 1.)
  3. Why was I getting wound up about it?
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I was channel surfing a bit last night on TV and stumbled across that daft american bint with the massive arse who is married to that gobshite "musician" who thinks he is god or summat. I cant even bring myself to say their names. Anyway the only bit of dialogue I heard was. "Oh my god, I have been spending so much on shopping recently I don't think I will be able to afford to move house" Que dramatic music.


Now my grumpiness is 3 fold:

  1. How the hell are these vile human beings on TV in the first place?
  2. Why do people have an interest in watching this tedious, boring, over dramatic, pointless bollocks? (probably explains point 1.)
  3. Why was I getting wound up about it?



Name the bint, please.


The programme sounds really good.

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I was channel surfing a bit last night on TV and stumbled across that daft american bint with the massive arse who is married to that gobshite "musician" who thinks he is god or summat. I cant even bring myself to say their names. Anyway the only bit of dialogue I heard was. "Oh my god, I have been spending so much on shopping recently I don't think I will be able to afford to move house" Que dramatic music.


Now my grumpiness is 3 fold:

  1. How the hell are these vile human beings on TV in the first place?
  2. Why do people have an interest in watching this tedious, boring, over dramatic, pointless bollocks? (probably explains point 1.)
  3. Why was I getting wound up about it?



Because 'we' (aka the general public) are making these oxygen thieving bastards famous. The very word 'celebrity' should be banned and all the vacuous pond life who claim the title should be permanently exiled to a far flung island with no electricity or internet.

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FFS I reserved an 11mm flare nut spanner at halfords to do my height corrector, reading the guide I need an 8mm... halfords only go down to 9mm, and I don't know where else I can get one from that won't be made of chocolate at this short notice bar the internet. Will try the old school DIY place in town at lunch I think, but they probably only sell chocolate ones too, and I have enough of those.


Don't really want to use mole grips on the unions...

B&Q have some rather decent looking tools that they sell individually.

Couldn't swear that they have an 8mm though.


Yes, they do!

Edited by myglaren
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Aye. Redhill town centre seems to be 50% office workers and 50% people off with neck tattoos and alcohol problems. I imagine its 100% of the latter in the evening once the office workers have gone home.


Its odd, as all the areas i have been just outside the town centre on my walk back to the hotel are really nice so have no idea where they are all from.


The town centre itself is starting to get run down too with lots of charity shops in what should be prime locations and the 80s shopping precinct has lots of empty shops.


Probably needs a regeneration but its unlikely to happen these days. Its probably a prime example of everything that is wrong with Britain.


Its a centre of financial activity with loads of big companies based there but the town itself is in dire need of cash as all the money they earn goes to the city.


I live quite close to Redhill and it is probably one of the best places locally for buying chod. Lots of giffers living near by with povo spec Pugs and Rovers gently decaying on their drives.


If you like an ale then worth walking out of the town centre for a few minutes, south down the A23 to The Garland pub.



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Got a pollen filter from Egg today. That's not the grump it's the fact that my six year old son brought the box in said he'd found it in the front room.


We've been off for a few days so thought my mother in law must have got it from the post man, she says no. That means my son has opened the door yet again to someone without asking. Did the same two weeks ago, didn't go mad but told him what could happen.....

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Got a pollen filter from Egg today. That's not the grump it's the fact that my six year old son brought the box in said he'd found it in the front room.

We've been off for a few days so thought my mother in law must have got it from the post man, she says no. That means my son has opened the door yet again to someone without asking. Did the same two weeks ago, didn't go mad but told him what could happen.....

Just wire up the door handle to an electrical supply and your problems will be solved, but you may have to live with a kid with frizzy hair.
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If you have the same postman every day, get him to burst through the door and trash the place next time. That'll learn him.


Or more sensibly, get one of those door buzzers that shops have so it can't be opened without BLEEEP BLOOOP dead loud.

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get one of your mates to knock at the door wearing a hockey mask holding a chainsaw, scare him a little, you may have to start saving money now for his shrink if you take my advice

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Stand outside in a pair of Vauxhall overalls and ring the bell.

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I can't begin to imagine how shit it must be have a vehicle with a tracker like that. I'd have been sacked on my first day if we had them 20 odd years ago.

We've just fitted Greenroad to our fleet with tracking and telematics 'cos it dropped the insurance by something stupid like £20k per year. It's clearly a lot of shite 'cos apparantly I'm the worst driver across both fleets.


On the plus side we don't use it to spy on drivers; it's used so we know where the coaches are in relation to jobs. Also I can't pull anyone in for driving like a twat 'cos I'm the gaffer.


Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

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Work is shit. Been there for 12 years and I'm institutionalised. I need to get engage brain and come up with an idea to gtf out of their.


I feel your pain.  But this was me four years ago, so it can be done.

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If you have the same postman every day, get him to burst through the door and trash the place next time. That'll learn him.


Or more sensibly, get one of those door buzzers that shops have so it can't be opened without BLEEEP BLOOOP dead loud.

Stupid thing is its already got on of those beeper things but it isn't switched on!

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I'm almost certain that your files can be recovered from your card and reasonably confident that they can be recovered from the phone. There are plenty of free recovery programmes you can download, I'm sure a local shiter could help.

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DPD couriers are useless useless cunts. Missed a shock absorber delivery. The card said theyd left my delivery at 48. I went to 48. Nothing there. I rang them. They said sorry, when we've checked the tracker it was actually signed for by Colin at 80. So I went to number 80 (crazy Bill with altzeimers) and theres nothing there. I tried 82. Nothing there. I rang DPD back. They said Ive checked the tracker and theres a photo of the house hes left it at. It might be 52. Youd better try 52. If its not at 52 contact ebay seller.

Fucking grand. Well played. Three guesses then give up. Cant correctly record where a parcel has been delivered even with global satillite technology, photographic evidence, driver testimony and global google mapping at their disposal.


Avoid if possible.


Your precious shit may end up with Colin at an undisclosed address.

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Another gumtree moan, after having little success with the email thing I have finally got one who replied! Woo Hoo! Well not quite, despite me messaging him three times to say I will buy it and can collect today, also leaving a number AND him replying that he will contact me that evening, I still haven't heard anything.


Most annoying thing is the ad starts with NEED THIS GONE ASAP



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