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The grumpy thread


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Oh FFS!  I just heard sandpapering noises so went down to investigate.  There's my beloved, starting to rub down some of the paintwork, with no preparation whatever, and her freshly-made cuppa between her and the job.


I really can't deal with that level of impatience, not after the day I've had.

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Some eejit drove the PRI-DAH all the way up to Scary's Yard from Newburn with not enough water in and melted the water pump seal.


Oh, yeah.  That was me.


Still, it'll be something to be proud soon.  Right?

I ordered a waterpump yesterday (on ebay because no hurry and half the price of a get-it-today pump) and it arrived today!




Spot the problem! Clue - the part number on the box is correct.

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yes they have. I've already received a full refund and they don't want it returned, so anyone who needs it and can identify it can have the damn thing for cost of postage.


the picture on the listing was this




which is the correct pump.

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Marvin's Mom: Totally.


Meanwhile, hay fever.  Oh yeah, that was a good idea, coming on top of asthma, wasn't it?  Just breathing at all has been a challenge for 55 years!  I really don't need seasonal poisoning.


Also, local one-man garages.  If the bloke's good, he gets lots of work.  If he's good, he gets my work.  So, by recommendation from Facebook, I found such a garage, three and a half years ago, and have been using him ever since.  But slow?  Fuck me, even I could do better with the garage he's got.  I certainly would have had my Saab sorted out by now.  I left it there on Wednesday for a couple of little jobs.  This is the umpteenth time, by the way, for the same jobs that he "hasn't had time to do" yet.  They're MoT-sensitive, and that runs out in a fortnight.  Dropped in this afternoon and it hasn't moved.  Meanwhile other cars have come and gone.  I know that because he's across the road from work, I see it happening.  FFS man, do the jobs you already have!


Oh and before the decorator comes on Monday to wallpaper the back room, MrsR has decided I need to repaint all the woodwork I painted white three years ago.  And rub it down first.  In a house where nobody smokes, so the white will take decades rather than minutes to go yellow.  I suppose I should be doing it now, but fuck it, I've had a frustrating day, I don't care.


Actually I do, that's the real trouble.


Grump grump grumpitty grump.

Modern gloss will go yelow within 5 years.

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Wasn't entirely sure at first but on closer inspection tonight it looks like someone has bumped the front of the Rover.  Headlight pushed back a smidge, indicator clip broken, grille out of alignment.  It can all be realigned and even to the trained eye (mine) it's not glaringly obvious something is amiss.  It probably happened on my last trip to the shops as it was one of the rare times I couldn't park out of the way of other shoppers.  What a nuisance.

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Oh FFS!  I just heard sandpapering noises so went down to investigate.  There's my beloved, starting to rub down some of the paintwork, with no preparation whatever, and her freshly-made cuppa between her and the job.


I really can't deal with that level of impatience, not after the day I've had.

Let her crack on with it (and don't criticise unless you want to make your own tea for a week).

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yes they have. I've already received a full refund and they don't want it returned, so anyone who needs it and can identify it can have the damn thing for cost of postage.


the picture on the listing was this




which is the correct pump.


I've had this. Ordered a BX water pump, received one for a Ford Fiesta/Escort 1.6 diesel. Funnily enough, they didn't want that one back either. I've still got it.

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Won't be going to the west coast to see Eddy today for a fun day out because this morning has been a shambles and I haven't enough time to get back after meeting up to do what I need to do here in the evening.  Was looking forward to the run out and seeing Eddy and his big brown car.  Being a grown-up sucks.

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Mobile phone shite-hawks.

Got a letter in the post this morning....Hey there! look how wonderful we are with all this new pish we are adding to our options....you can pay a subscription to be able to view sports events on your telephone and 4 other pointless bollocks you have no interest in. Oh and since we are so fantastic we are giving you one of these options for FREE, yes now you can dowload up to 5 newspapers or magasines per month from our list and read them on your telephone. For FREE. arent we generous?!


Well, none of that is of any interest to me, but whatever.


Then the last two lines at the bottom of the page... In order to continue providing such fantastic service, all tarrifs will go up by one Euro a month.


MOTHERFUCKERS. Fucking parasites. I only pay 5 euros a month, so I now have a mandatory 20% increase in my bill for something I never asked for, dont want and will never use.

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I just bought a new laptop inline from Currys. I was amazed to find I already have an account with them so carried on, paid and selected delivery for tomorrow morning. It wasn't until the confirmation e-mail came through that I realised it was going to deliver to my old address, where I haven't resided for three years!


Phoned up, cancelled (my only option) and then changed everything on their site and re-ordered.


I await with interest to see if they charge me twice.... bet they do!





Note: I need a new laptop as the keys are so worn you cannot see the letters anymore and three of them are missing after I hoovered it the other day! Been waiting for a cheap deal for ages.

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They will charge you twice, as you've bought it twice. One will get refunded so it's fine but the payment was likely authorised as soon as you hit the button so it's in the hands of the bank. Currys send the refund notice as soon as they cancel the order.

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I am a proper 'technophobe' it must be said. This poor old thing is now 7-8 years old and properly fooked: when Chester was a pup, he used to walk all over the keyboard (he's not good at being careful either!) and so several keys came off and have been replaced, It has been used so much (fuck off whichever ones of you that suggested 'I shouldn't post so much drivel then!'  :)  ) the letters have all worn away and it is getting slow.


But, it still works!


Mate lent me another one a while back when this was playing up and I never even turned it on as it used a different OS - this thing is still on Windows XP (home basic!). I was sure it was going to die last year so I transferred all my pictures and stuff to a memory stick, but then it bucked its ideas up again and it has been reprieved....


Terrified of having to remember passwords and stuff for all the sites I use, internet banking as well .... argh!




Anyway, I have just watched an lady (90?) in a Peugeot 206CC try to park. I waited patiently for her as she scared the shit out of me. The space she was trying to get into is the loading bay for the Co-op where they get artics in no problem and she couldn't do it! She ended up on the pavement right in the middle of the space. She got out of her car so I thought I was safe to park (easy in the portion she'd left) but then she got back in and drove off! I stayed in the car... just in case.

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Why did I say I would remove the conifer stumps myself?


One was a piece of piss, the next one has roots off roots off roots and despite the fact it's wobbling, the bastard will not come out. Anyone in Essex with a chainsaw and an interest in a few quid in their pocket is welcome to PM me


Or rent me the chainsaw for a few hours, that would be good too!

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Royal mail wankers have lost an entire bag of my post, and couldn't give a flying fuck about it. Oh, it's not been 14 working days so we're not interested. I point out it's a full sack and bitch cuts me off. Of course in 14 days when I put a claim in they will write to everyone who's stuff they've lost and get zero replies cos I've replaced it all by then. They will then not pay me out 'cos no replies = delivered in their eyes.

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Arse. Next door has started up now. What's wrong with people that they have to be braying idiots or cackling witches? hahahahahahahaha as loud as they can for hours on end. Nothing is that funny.


Had it last night in the pub too. A black woman you could hear OUTSIDE cackling away constantly with big snort sounds as well. Think Rusty Lee turned up to eleven. It should be legal to shoot such people.

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Autoshite Catering Services! Disposible bbq in the rain? No probs!

Grump is: one hand holding the rainbrella, one hand poking the meat, how the fxxk fo I hold a beer?!


Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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Arse. Next door has started up now. What's wrong with people that they have to be braying idiots or cackling witches? hahahahahahahaha as loud as they can for hours on end. Nothing is that funny.


Had it last night in the pub too. A black woman you could hear OUTSIDE cackling away constantly with big snort sounds as well. Think Rusty Lee turned up to eleven. It should be legal to shoot such people.


Yeah, heaven forbid someone might actually be having a good time *rolls eyes*

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Well worth mentioning her skin colour.

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If that's a good time you can keep it. Cackling constantly for hours on end? What happened to conversation?

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At least they are laughing.


Stupid bint next door just screeches and shouts at ubermax volume for no apparent reason. Shrill enough to shatter bloody glass too

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Oh next door does that too when they're not boozing. Also appears impossible not to slam doors, even when not swearing at each other.

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Sounds like my neighbours, who seem to spend their time having door slamming competitions or swearing at eachother. The woman is usually outside on the phone going on about how she hates everyone or how so and so said this so should get a slap. Even her voice sounds ugly - hard to describe but it's that deep Jeremy Kyle guest tone that makes anyone terminally unattractive

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Why does my flymo always decide it wants to fall apart and try and morph into a fkin transformer while i am getting the shit stung out of me by weeds GRRRR

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Arse. Next door has started up now. What's wrong with people that they have to be braying idiots or cackling witches? hahahahahahahaha as loud as they can for hours on end. Nothing is that funny.


Had it last night in the pub too. A black woman you could hear OUTSIDE cackling away constantly with big snort sounds as well. Think Rusty Lee turned up to eleven. It should be legal to shoot such people.

In what respect is the colour of her skin worth mentioning?

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