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The grumpy thread


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So after messing about with the sky to get fibre, but downgrade the TV so the cost doesnt change, all hell breaks loose this morning when half of the TV channels stop working. I said not to worry, we can stream from the sky kids app, but no, that stops working if you don't have the package we used to have. I could sense a big argument coming, so fuck it, online, upgrade, £7 more than we paid before, so fuck all point doing anything really.


Fuck it, I'll just pay the bills and shut up, it's easier. Thank fuck she's going out in a bit, I fancy smashing something up with a hammer


Cancel it and within a few hours you will get a 50% offer on your on-line account. Or at least you def would if you had not just upgraded. We sacked ours off 2 months ago and have a youview box and 2 Now TV boxes plus an extra £35 in the bank every month. 

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Some arsehole in a new Golf TD giving it the bigguns to me making hand jestures. What's the point lad? What is it I'd done wrong exactly? If ya gonna start playing hard man behind the wheel, don't run away because you'll only get trapped behind slow moving traffic allowing me to pull up beside you and simply ask what the problem is. Wanker.

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Went to the garage this afternoon to say 'Hello' to the dollop and see if it would start after two weeks of being idle. It started fine, but the bloody car was COVERED in snails and their delightful trails all over the flaming thing! There was something on the side of the front wing that looked... 'orrible. So, instead of letting it stay in there slumbering, she was dragged un-ceremoniously  out into the daylight and the Mazda got dumped in there. Brought it home and washed the poor old thing in a 'vigorous' manner.


She looks great now all leathered and shiny.


Oh, and some arsehole used the front of the Mazda as a parking aid AGAIN last night. Another new front number plate required and the plastic plinth behind as well for good measure. What's worse is: the alarm must have gone off (it did the multiple bleeps thing when I turned it off this morning) and I didn't sodding hear it.


Also went into an actual shop (as opposed to eBay or Amazon where I normally shop) 'cos I wanted a new kitchen knife - I only have one and I broke it last week doing something to the car. I came out £71 worse off after buying loads of stuff I didn't need (breadbin, new can opener, and....) amd a fancy block of wood with LOADS of sharp knives embedded in it - I feel like King Arthur now whenever I have to cut something!


The above reminded me why I don't go in shops: I am financially irresponsible and have no self control and I am prone to bouts of 'Magpie' shopping.

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Yep, had that at a previous job."Everyone's done the survey except Jon because he refused".Me: "Yep, well anonymous, cheers."

Stupid thing is, I'd happily fill it out with my name all over it, hell they can publish it on the intranet for all I care, just don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining with this anonymous bullshit

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Stupid thing is, I'd happily fill it out with my name all over it, hell they can publish it on the intranet for all I care, just don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining with this anonymous bullshit

It used to amuse me that our IT department had an "anonymous feedback" system; I always filled it in whether negative or positive, it made no difference the systems were still pretty poor.

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Wanted to change fuel filter on A6.


Jack car up, remove cover, surprise surprise - a fairly new looking mann filter.


Only problem is the circular clamp holding the filter has been butchered due to a broken screw - whole shebang secured with a cable tie.


Because of this, the whole moves about, preventing me releasing the connections on the filter.


Bollocks. Whole lot reassembled. I now have £23 worth of filter in the boot which is unlikely ever to be fitted.


Sometimes I do think if I bought shares in a crematorium people would stop dying.

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Golf has rewarded last week's efforts of painting it's wheels and buying it some suitably 90's rubber mats in the most predictable way...









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Dropped the Locosts cylinder head off 3 weeks ago to get the porous issue fixed. Been fobbed off every time I phone them for an update. Was promised a phone call today but got fuck all. For a supposedly well respected engineering company they're doing a good job of behaving like incompetent fuckwits who couldn't find there arse with both hands. And the weathers good so I could've been driving it :(


Annoying thing is they did a great job on the Mercs head so can be good if they want to be. 

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Xtriple:  Can you put some non-drying paint on the front of the Mazda to leave an incriminating mark on the perpetrator of the Paris parking?

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Xtriple:  Can you put some non-drying paint on the front of the Mazda to leave an incriminating mark on the perpetrator of the Paris parking?

Thats a bloody good idea. Where would one acquire said item? It should be safe for a day or two as it's locked away where only the snails can get it! On the other hand, this means that the big green bogey will be used for the same parking methods for a while.

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It doesn't have to be paint, I suspect anti-climb paint might be a bit annoying.  You could just tape a cream bun to the front of your car and it'll leave telltale cream bun on the other car.

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Couriers.  Again.  Yodel in this particular instance.


I ordered a new tyre for the Transit off eBay over a week ago.  It hadn't turned up and I was starting to get slightly miffed - was about to email the seller asking where it was when I got a knock on the door from my next door neighbour.


Yodel had obviously turned up when I was at work, so (as they often do) they went to leave the tyre with next door.  Except that they were out as well.  So Yodel man simply pushes open nehgbour's shed door and dumps the tyre in there.  No card left with either me or the neighbours.  He obviously hadn't stood the tyre very securely as it had fallen over and the neighbour now couldn't open her shed door.


FFS.  :roll:

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Xtriple:  Can you put some non-drying paint on the front of the Mazda to leave an incriminating mark on the perpetrator of the Paris parking?

I know the animal lovers will be after me with pitchforks, but a hound owner kept letting their hound shit on my grass verge, then leaving it (It must have been the bloody hound of the baskervilles too, judging by what it left behind) anyway, one day I found some green spray paint at work... A quick wiz over the grass (always the same spot) one last deposit and never seen again.
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this afternoon on the M1 southbound between J33 & J31 in the 50mph roadworks with distance/speed scamera's.

dear mr 16 plt coach driver  the stopping distance at this speed is not 20ft (being a professional driver you prob know this) so FUCK OFF i'm not breaking the limit & getting a ticket for you while I pass the artic in lane one just so you can hog lane 2.

if I hadn't been alone I to would have done a colc.

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PM in shite shocker thread pisses me off, it's got fuck all to do with cars and everything to do with politics, which is fucking boring and deserves to be shifted to the open section where i can ignore it, people so inclined can whip up internetz keyboard warrior rage without knocking any number of decent threads down the list.


Anyone got a picture of an L plate Carina E in 90s turquoise to restore the shite balance

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Austria is becoming more and more uncomfortable and shitty. 


Yesterday, we had our big election for a new president, watched by more than 100 different media-houses from outside the country. 


You can read it here:




Now that our President will be the "left winger" like they say, the other half of the people that voted for the right winger are very angry. 

Many of them wont accept the poll, they talk about electoral fraud and that they wont accept the President. Many of them, mostly on

Facebook, say that "maybe the winner may die" or something like that. 


It seems like Austria is going in a completely wrong direction. People are agitating, many people are very angry because of the politics. 

I fear there may be a big bang coming in Austria. I hope I am not right, but somehow it feels like that. 


I am not feeling comfortable anymore in Austria. 


So there may be two things that can be done by me:


Quit Facebook, so that I dont have to see and read all that shit that gets posted there all day anymore.

Or quit Austria and emigrate somewhere else. But I own a house and all that and I would not want to give this up. 


I am really feeling uncomfortable because we have a 9 month old boy and I am not feeling good when I think about whats going on in this

rich and peaceful country now. How much hate and anger is in the air and in the head of many people. How will the future for our little boy

be? And will he have a good future in Austria or will we have to emigrate?  

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Quit Facebook isn't a maybe, it's a must. Sack it off. It's a load of old bollocks.

I can't. It's ideal for buying hardpoint saws from (at 3am).

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Don't know what your local feds are like but ours can't be bothered with parking restrictions and if you ask them at the station they just hand out a few cones.


Sounds like my local feds, I live on a new build estate where the residents' car park is behind the houses, i.e your front door faces the access road. A lot of the residents now rather than using their car park and having to god forbid either use their back door or even worse walk to the front door insist on just dumping their car on the relatively narrow access road. One A-hole actually parks directly on the junction, I have to drive up from the bottom of the T in the attached pic and I have no clue what is coming down the road thanks to the parking. I have twice contacted the local Police, so far they have confirmed that the person parked on the junction is indeed obstructing the junction and the pavement but they weren't in when they called(!) so they couldn't speak to them and the second time I was told that the highway code about not parking like a twat was not the law, which I know technically it is true, but you are supposed to follow it. I've given up now, I do feel sorry for the people with prams that have to push them onto the road to get passed the car parked on the junction. 


From the code:

Rule 243 
DO NOT stop or park: 
-opposite or within 10 metres (32 feet) of a junction, except in an authorised parking space 
Rule 244 
You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement in London, and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it. Parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs. 


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Does that mean the residents' car park is empty for filling with shite?


Trying to find a bright side.


I suppose it's a good thing for me as the S80s quite big and it fills up the small spaces, as I don't mind walking I normally park in the top corner and have plenty of spaces to myself.


I'm still not sure on the law on storing non taxed cars in private but public accessible car parks so I've not kept any shite there.

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Building society queues! For the love of Jesus, 30 minutes now and the same cunts are at the checkouts who were here when I came in! Should be separate queues for people who just want to draw money, and people who want to re-arrange their entire finances and impart their life story


Rage is building strongly...

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Unbelievable, now one checkout has become free but the cashier has got up to assist the one of the other ones who are now both sat looking puzzled as at the computer


I just want some fucking money!

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Only bettered when they have a member of staff milling around asking if they can help whilst you stand in the huge queue, "yes by getting behind a desk and serving people!"

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Rather similar to train ticket offices then. I always turn up 10 minutes early to find the ticket machine is broken, and the staffed office has one cashier who has a 'customer' who wants to know how much a train ticket is from Llandudno to Penzance via Edinburgh for 3 disabled pensioners on the 23rd of July 2025. And how much is it in 2029? The queue stretches round the building and the old giffer then sods off without buying anything just as the train everyone is queueing for rolls in.

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There was of course the obligatory member of staff hanging around asking if they could be of assistance - the woman 2 behind me was kicking off at him because she had to be at the childminders by 1 or she will have to pay extra...just as that conversation was reaching boiling point the 3rd window became free again, I got my money, 3 minutes if that, and hightailed it out of there, slightly placated by the girl who eventually served me being extremely pretty.

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