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Tragic news, Richard's funeral date 1st April


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Having met Richard a couple of times, I can only agree with everyone who said what a top man he was.

Condolences and best wishes to Reb and the family.

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I didn’t know the guy but I’m saddened by his loss, from the posts on here it looks as though he was a great guy and he will be sadly missed.

R.I.P and condolences to his family.

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Gutting to hear this, did meet Richard once at a NP meet, he had driven down to Lancashire to go down some hole or other, slept in his Volvo then did the Mining Museum near Wakefield before coming to the meet. As you do.

Top man and will be missed.

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I am so upset by this news. Richard was very active and came to so many meets, and he was always great fun to hang out with. I just can't come to terms with the fact that we won't  be seeing him at future gatherings.   RIP, friend. 

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Deeply saddened to have heard this! Like many I’d met Richard a on a few occasions, 2 Shitefests, a few Crail meets and the most recent was ‘How Many Left’ at Alford last year. A genuinely great, friendly and knowledgeable guy and will be missed! 

My thoughts are with Robin and Family! 

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2 hours ago, 17-Coffees said:

the most recent was ‘How Many Left’ at Alford last year.

He wanted to take the C2 to HML because OMGLIMITEDEDITION but there's 11 too many. Maybe by next year a few more GTs will reach the end of the road and whoever takes it on can take it on his behalf.

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What terrible news, condolonces to Reb and the rest of Richard's family.

I first met Richard when he came down to one of the NPH gatherings in Glossop and I formed a half-arsed welcoming party at the National Coal Mining Museum, after doing the tour of the mine he proceeded to take his Volvo apart in the car park to show me various bits of work he'd done. Since then I've seen him regularly at other things where he was always knowledgable, approachable and always took time out to chat. He was a staple part of Autoshite's annual descent on Chumley and it's been strange to think he won't be there this year, in fact Autoshite in general will be a poorer place without him.

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I read the depressing news this morning, and it has really knocked me for six, I've thought of little else all day.
To echo everyone's tributes, Richard really was a champion bloke, a true gentleman and hugely interesting with it. I first met him back in 2012/13/14, I forget exactly when, but I've very much enjoyed his company at Chumley/Shitefest events over the years. His presence was always a joy, and he was rarely without a smile, even if it was one of bemusement! 

My albums are a real mess right now, but here's a snapshot of a jolly moment at a recent Chumley meet:





Good times.

Reb: It would be really nice for your wider family and your Dad's friends up there to hear how much he meant to his Autoshite friends all over Britain and beyond. The heartfelt messages in this thread are so touching (in the best possible way). 
Best wishes to you Robin, and everyone who knew him.


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I only met Richard once at South Shields  and he came across as lovely calm easy going fella. Perhaps the family can take a little comfort in that he died doing something he must have loved. 

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Having met Richard on occasion there is nothing to say that hasn't already been said.

Always had time for people and a true gent. He will be missed by all who knew and met him.

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Never met the man, however my heart felt sympathies to Reb  on the loss of his father in tragic circumstances.

I lost my old man couple of months ago...it's never easy.


Stay strong Reb!

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Sorry to hear the news.  I never had the pleasure and I've lost my chance now. Judging by the comments a true gentleman. 

Condolences to Reb and family. Having lost my mum far too young you never really come to terms with it. 

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Reb I lost my brother a few years ago when we were in our 20s. I know how overwhelming it feels to lose people when you don't expect it. Obviously I'm just a forum member but if you need to talk please PM me. Best wishes to you and yours

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I met Richard only once.  However, I am so glad that I did.  It was five or so years ago, when I was visiting Scott and Daniel in Fife when I was buying parts from a dead Volvo 440.  Richard kindly approached me with a smile and a handshake, and as I was there in a Volvo 850 as was he.  We chatted warmly and parted ways as warmly as we had met.  My only regret has been not being able to have gotten to know him better,

I'm more on forums as a lurker rather than a poster.  This time in isolation has given me time to reflect, and from sharing the same hobby, it would be good to get to share in it more in the coming years with more on the forums.

Rest in peace Richard, and I'll endeavour to be as kind and as polite to others as you were to me.

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15 hours ago, Joseph said:

I met Richard only once.  However, I am so glad that I did.  It was five or so years ago, when I was visiting Scott and Daniel in Fife when I was buying parts from a dead Volvo 440.  Richard kindly approached me with a smile and a handshake, and as I was there in a Volvo 850 as was he.  We chatted warmly and parted ways as warmly as we had met.  My only regret has been not being able to have gotten to know him better,

I'm more on forums as a lurker rather than a poster.  This time in isolation has given me time to reflect, and from sharing the same hobby, it would be good to get to share in it more in the coming years with more on the forums.

Rest in peace Richard, and I'll endeavour to be as kind and as polite to others as you were to me.

There will be a toast at shitefest (whenever that ends up being) I'm sure, and you'd be most welcome to come along! 

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Just a small update, Richards funeral is tomorrow 1st April and because of the restrictions it immediate family only. 
I'm not sure what time but I know I will have a quiet moment to remember him.

Thoughts are with Robin and the rest of the family.

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I'll be working as well I'm afraid, although there is a plan to have the next Scotoshite meet (whenever that may be) in his memory.

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